• @arbutus

    of course you are right. After all the confusion regarding how to name each doctor now you would have thought I’d given it some thought before asking that. Seems such a silly question now.


    Thank you 🙂 did you pose something similar earlier?

  • @purofilion

    Also having him not die on Trenzalore but his tomb is moved there means he doesn’t have to worry about going to Trenzalore because he risks dying and also means we can’t know for sure that he will always survive dangerous situations provided he is not on Trenzalore AND NotD still happened this way

  • @arbutus

    Thanks for reading 🙂


    So my idea wasn’t that tM would have created Clara, but that it would have used her to help the doctor by giving her the doctors phone numbe (BoSJ). of course that alone didn’t work because she had to become the Claricles for her phone call to grab the Doctor’s attention at all, which she did long…[Read more]

  • @purofilion

    “we have the situation of The Dr reading about physics which I’m sure we sorted out but I can’t remember…”

    I was about to address this just then but i forgot. If i recall correctly The Doctor was reading a book with a title to do quantum physics that ties to something about ‘braids’ and hinted at possibilities of superposition relat…[Read more]

  • @purfilion

    Thanks for reading 🙂 granted this definitely made more sense in my head than i am able to express in words

    “so basically, Capaldi doc is slightly confused (at first) as he’s on Gallifrey too?”

    I should have explained here, this is an idea I came up with that would fit in with the ideas about him having lost his memory and regains t…[Read more]

  • WARNING this post is SERIOUSLY long

    Hi everyone. I only began watching Doctor Who a couple of months ago, and got hooked pretty quickly, watching all of AG Who in a few weeks. Needless to say, it is one of the greatest things I have done, and I couldn’t get enough. Unfortunately I haven’t means or the free time anymore to re-watch it all (al…[Read more]

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