• @severusoswald I know she got on my nerves a bit sometimes too like her sas was a little too much sometimes. I didn’t know she had a show. I probably never heard of it due to me being in the US. Was it bad?

  • @serverusowald I know she got on my nerves a bit sometimes too like her sas was a little too much sometimes. I didn’t know she had a show. I probably never heard of it due to me being in the US. Was it bad?

  • @severusoswald I used to believe she was my least favorite companion but then I went back and watched a bunch of episodes with her and it totally changed my perspective. I think it was because I missed Rose because I used to think no one could be better than her, what did you think of Donna?

  • @severusowald I used to believe she was my least favorite companion but then I went back and watched a bunch of episodes with her and it totally changed my perspective. I think it was because I missed Rose because I used to think no one could be better than her, what did you think of Donna?


  • thehumantimelord replied to the topic Dr Who News (4)

    @nerys it’s on amazon prime for the US though I would try there plus they also have Torchwood and the Sarah Jane Adventures too

  • thehumantimelord replied to the topic Dr Who News (4)

    Has there been any recent updates on “Class”?

  • thehumantimelord replied to the topic On The Sofa (8)

    @EndermanOfGallifrey Welcome! relatively new too

  • @puroandson OK thanks. I’ve been trying to cut back on the swearing though anyway, haha

  • thehumantimelord replied to the topic On The Sofa (8)

    @winston That would be so cool to see all your family history, especially since mine took place in Ireland and I think I have a bit of viking in me. haha

  • thehumantimelord replied to the topic Doctor Who memories

    @puroandson Thank you! Yeah, he was amazing. 12 is great, I wasn’t sure I was going to like him or not but he turned out fantastic.

  • thehumantimelord replied to the topic Doctor Who memories

    @winston Yeah, I’ve never seen the original series, my dad said that it was amazing. it’s a shame 9 didn’t stay for more seasons but I think the way he left was amazing. 11 was so quirky and fun but it was also cool how he did have a dark side. What did you think of 10?

  • thehumantimelord replied to the topic Doctor Who memories

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Yea he’s so fun. I like his outfit to. My favorite theme music is from 9. Haha yea it’s the best he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it.</p>

  • @missy thank you! I actually didn’t see that until a minute after I posted this haha

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  • thehumantimelord replied to the topic Doctor Who memories

    I first started watching when I was 17, I started on ep 1 s 1 of the new series, I remember I was hesitant to watch it because I wasn’t sure whether I would like it and even though some people say the first episode wasn’t the best, I really enjoyed it, 9 was an amazing era.

    11 is my favorite though I like how he’s quirky yet has a dark side to…[Read more]

  • I’m new here and I’ve never been on a forum before and was wondering if you guys could let me know on some etiquette and let me know how this works if you guys don’t mind.

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