Cold Blood

Home Forums Episodes The Eleventh Doctor Cold Blood

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Mr. Smith 5 years ago.

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  • #67553
    Craig @craig

    Part two of “The Hungry Earth” / “Cold Blood”.

    The Doctor and Nasreen have found the Silurain city where Amy and others are being held, deep underground. Meanwhile, above ground, Rory and others keep a watch on Alaya.

    Rory! Oh Rory!

    At time of writing, this is on iPlayer for the next 7 months if you’re in the UK.

    For the best viewing experience this story is also available to buy. You can get it on DVD. It’s also on Amazon Prime for £2.49 – other retailers are also available (except the BBC, which has sadly closed its online store). It may also be on your Netflix, Hulu, or whatever else you subscribe to.

    Mr. Smith @codystott

    I realize noone will see this for decades to come, but where is the Silurain resurfacing episode! It was Chibnalls idea in this episode and it would be awesome to see now that he is showrunner, in the same way Moffat set up idea’s like River Song before his run of the show.

    At the end of this episode an alarm is set for the year 3020, that will wake up all the Silurain’s from there sleep. Given that “the great catastrophe” that caused earths abandonment apparently also happens in the early 31st century, the 2 of those events together could create an incredibly interesting story.

    If Chibnall is still showrunner next season I hope we see this happen!

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