• WhoHar replied to the topic Joy to the World

    I quite enjoyed it, even if it did seem a bit like a rehash of some of Moffat’s ideas. Villengard again, Dinosaurs again, timey-wimeyness again. That’s not necessarily a bad thing though.

    I thought Gatwa was more Doctory than he’s been before.

    I confess to some confusion over how Joy survived and transformed the weapon into a star. My viewing w…[Read more]

  • WhoHar replied to the topic The Winchester

    Gallifreyan…[Read more]

  • WhoHar replied to the topic Empire of Death


    in this light of this I do have a first Pratchett recommendation: going postal. It’s very much on this theme.

    I’ve just finished reading this. Most excellent, and I’m now going to go onto Making Money and then Raising Steam. I went on t’interwebs and discovered a whole Discworld Reading Order “map”. It’s a whole new world I tells ya! A…[Read more]

  • WhoHar replied to the topic The Winchester

    20th August is Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred’s birthday (81 and 62 respectively). Also Anthony Ainley’s, who would have been 92.

    Quite the coincidence.

  • WhoHar replied to the topic Dr Who News (5)



    I was close to bailing after the first two eps, but thought I’d at least try the Moffat-penned Boom. It was only ok imo but the trend in episode quality was going up. I also heard somewhere that the finale would have a link to the 3rd Doc, (there wasn’t) which hooked me in and, from there, I decided I may as well watch the lot.…[Read more]

  • WhoHar replied to the topic Dr Who News (5)


    Maybe. I expect that – if Disney do end their involvement – then the show would revert back to the BBC. This might actually be a good thing. I don’t know what that would mean for the current creative team.

    There always seems to be a level of glee any time DW ratings drop. I don’t know what would make the BBC decide to put the show on…[Read more]

  • WhoHar replied to the topic The Winchester



    Message @craig and he’ll be able to advise.

  • WhoHar replied to the topic On the Sofa 11


    I think San Diego ComicCon is soon, so it may be that the Who-ST tie in is related to that.

    I guess you need a certain level of self-confidence to showrun a major show. I guess the trick is to make sure it doesn’t go to your head.

    As Dickie Attenborough once said: “The day you believe your own publicity, you’re dead”.


  • WhoHar replied to the topic On the Sofa 11

    @blenkinsothebrave @ps1l0v3y0u

    I honestly preferred the days when the showrunners focused on the show rather than the publicity. I know you need both, but there seems too much of the latter at the expense of the former.

    And, yes, Rule 2: the showrunner lies. But it becomes tedious if it’s all the time and, I’d argue, self-defeating.

    And the…[Read more]

  • WhoHar replied to the topic The Faces of the Doctor (2)

    Jon Pertwee aka The Third Doctor would have been 105 on July 7th.

    Link to Sean Pertwee’s recollection of his dad on the occasion of his hundredth birthday anniversary:


  • WhoHar replied to the topic The Winchester

    @dentarthurdent @ps1l0v3y0u @nerys

    Last time I was in the UK, I was there for three weeks and it only rained twice: once for 10 days and once for 11 days. 🙂

  • WhoHar replied to the topic The Winchester

    @blenkinsopthebrave @jimthefish @ps1l0v3y0u

    As my mother used to say

    Never quote your parents

    No, wait. It was

    When you’re in the pub never talk religion or politics

    But, she had Northern Irish heritage and we know how sensitive both those topics were in that region. The point being,  I think, that you are unlikely to change anyone’s mind on…[Read more]

  • WhoHar replied to the topic The Winchester

    @Craig, @ps1l0v3y0u

    I think the problem is three-fold:

    The two (three) main parties do not have sufficient differentiators in their policies, noting that some are further to the right than others. And there is a deep mistrust of the mainstream politicians in particular.

    People see a vote for a smaller party as a wasted vote.

    The Vote:Seat…[Read more]

  • @craig @juniperfish

    Interesting about the “shouty” in The Bear. I found the 2nd ep of this season a bit too much like that. There was an awful lot in Season 2 and, although a tough watch at times, was done very well.

    I’m pacing myself through the rest – I understand ep 6 was well received and directed by Ayo Edebiri.

    my Dad has dementia

    Sorry to…[Read more]

  • WhoHar replied to the topic General Films thread

    @blenkinsopthebrave @nerys @winston

    I remember watching this film many years ago on television. Always a fan of David Niven (Incidentally I’m just starting his autobiography The Moon’s a Balloon). Unfortunately, the only copy on blu-ray I can find is Region A. I do have a region free blu-ray player but it’s not great, so I may not see the full…[Read more]

  • @juniperfish

    I’ve heard it’s excellent, but just need to find out where it is being streamed down here.

    FWIW, I have just starting watching Season 3 of The Bear. The first ep was glorious.

    Also just finished season 1 of Slow Horses, also great.

    And Season 4 of The Boys. Not for the squeamish.

    I also got though the first two eps of The…[Read more]

  • WhoHar replied to the topic Pyramids of Mars


    re the set for PoM…I’m sure Mick was very grateful

    And what a good sport he must have been, to allow the BBC to burn his house down like that, and all for a TV programme.

  • WhoHar replied to the topic Empire of Death

    @juniperfish @blenkinsopthebrave

    Really good summary.

    I think the above writers’ mistake is to think it’s a game of chess played against sleuthing fans, and the writer “wins” if the speculating audience is fooled/ wrong-footed.

    I tend to agree, although I do have some sympathy with the writers. I remember submitting a script and the main comm…[Read more]

  • WhoHar replied to the topic Empire of Death

    @blenkinsopthebrave @juniperfish


    Am I being too harsh?


    I’d say not. Your assessment seems spot on to me and has been echoed in RTD’s own comments.

    I’ve deliberately avoided any pre-show pronouncements by the DW team, as RTD has a habit of saying things that don’t pan out on screen.

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