• winston replied to the topic Eve of the Daleks

    @dentarthurdent      I still want to know more about Jeff !  Why is he storing such strange things ? Why so many beefy beans? Who are you Jeff?

    I like this episode, fun fast and feisty,with fireworks at the end, who could ask for more?

    stay safe

  • Dentarthurdent replied to the topic Eve of the Daleks

    @janetteb Good luck! It will be interesting to see what you make of it.

  • janetteB replied to the topic Eve of the Daleks

    @dentarthurdent You have convinced me to watch the episode. I confused it with the previous Dalek New Year’s Special which wasn’t bad and so thought I had seen this one until I reread Craig’s intro.




  • Wendycecelia85 became a registered member

  • Dentarthurdent replied to the topic Eve of the Daleks

    Eve of the Daleks – rewatching after Revolution of the Daleks (and skipping over the Fluxes)

    Hey, this is really good. Some well-sketched characters and not too much of the emotional stuff. (I think the emotions should come from the audience and not from the actors talking at length on screen). I do like the interplay between the Doctor,…[Read more]

  • @dentarthurdent The Weeping Angels episode was the best, I agree. That’s what made me think we were headed toward something special. And then … splat.

    I liked Dan, but I also felt that he was shoehorned in. I never quite warmed up to him because he, like the other companions, felt more like caricatures than fleshed-out characters. It was…[Read more]

  • I enjoyed this episode a lot while I was watching it , the Doctor was very doctorish and there was some great banter. I am still liking Dan and his ability to cope with Sontarans , spaceships and a talking dog who hates him. The show looked good, the sets were good and the costumes were good but…..the story is confusing.

    I really did like it…[Read more]

  • Revolution of the Daleks – second impression.

    This is not a bad episode. (I skipped Ascension of the Cybermen and The Timeless Children, this time round, I seem to remember they were a bit apocalyptic. So how the Doctor comes to be in jail, and how the gang are inhabiting a Tardis disguised as a house, I can’t remember. I do recall the…[Read more]

  • [Whoosh!] That was me zipping overhead from Revolution of the Daleks to Eve of the Daleks without touching down on the way past.

    @nerys As I recall it, this season was six unrelated stories with a background apocalyptic universe-wide disaster, all highly confusing. The Weeping Angels one was far the best, I think, but it got undercut by the…[Read more]

  • mrmick7 became a registered member

  • @winston My recollection with this season is that I thought they were heading in the right direction … and then blew it with the ham-fisted finale. Maybe I’m due for a rewatch!

  • I decided to watch Flux again because I have found that the more I watch the 13th Doctor the more I like her. Flux needed a second chance from me so here I go.

    There were many good things about this episode like Dan and his feisty parents and Liverpool. Dan helps at a food bank even though his cupboards are bare which doesn’t surprise me. In my…[Read more]

  • ps1l0v3y0u replied to the topic The Giggle


    I believe, but don’t quote me, that whitdoc wouldn’t boogie for anyone but Zchib. So that scenario would seem to be a non-starter. Yes! Gatwa was a busy boy last year, and they had to get the 60th anniversary thing in the can.
    But think what you could do with 2 Doctors! Apart from bum around Seville shiving restauranteurs and per…[Read more]

  • Devilishrobby replied to the topic The Giggle

    @ps1l0v3y0u I agree bringing Tenents 10 back as 14 was I think a situation extingency Jodie had left the show and I believe Ncuti was not available for the filming of the most of the 60th specials. Given that a showrunner handover was going to occur  they could possibly have tried to persuade Jodie to have hung on for the specials and then they…[Read more]

  • Dentarthurdent replied to the topic The Winchester

    @janetteb Um driving lessons. Did the Doctor ever give driving lessons in anything but the Tardis? (And Mattdoc, I think, always left the handbrake on).
    I can probably safely tell this now – when I first worked for Ministry of Works in Rarotonga, my girlfriend (now Mrs D) and I only had bikes. There was a visiting engineer due in on the…[Read more]

  • ps1l0v3y0u replied to the topic The Giggle


    Who is to say 14 is gratuitous? Who is to say he a positive incarnation? This is the same Timelord Invictus who wasted a whole regeneration to preserve himself. His metacrisis version commits genocide and is viewed by the original as ‘born of battle full of blood and anger and revenge’ just as he was. Perhaps he contains an ‘am…[Read more]

  • janetteB replied to the topic The Winchester

    @dentarthurdent I did not think it would be but some people are very sensitive when it comes to spoilers. The question of what is or isn’t a spoiler has led to many a heated family argument in our household.

    A Christmas Special written by Moffat is really more of a present than a spoiler.

    As to meaning the opposite of what one says, we are…[Read more]

  • Robert Caligari replied to the topic The Giggle

    I wish this “Fourteenth Doctor” nonsense would just stop. Like…completely.

    This is not an entirely separate and unique incarnation unto himself. It doesn’t act any differently from Doctor 10. (At least, Tennant doesn’t perform the part like it is.) Neither John Hurt or Jo Martin have been canonized as part of the “official” line-up; why David…[Read more]

  • Dentarthurdent replied to the topic The Winchester

    @janetteb I meant, a spoiler has to undercut an element of surprise. Not literally what I said. The opposite in fact. What a surprise 🙂

  • Mlhospital became a registered member

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