• janetteB replied to the topic The Winchester

    We had some help with news avoidance this week. Someone sabotaged an optic fibre cable leaving a entire region without internet for over 24 hours.

    @nerys I have been reading a lot too, I now keep a book beside my laptop so in idle moments I read rather than scroll through the news repeatedly. Not having internet for a day didn’t really bother me…[Read more]

  • janetteB replied to the topic The Winchester

    @nerys. I hope that you don’t have to wait too long. Some cheerful viewing is much in need right now.

    Talking of which we recently watched the new Wallace and Gromit movie and that was a pure delight. It ranks with the original trilogy. When it finished everyone in the room wanted to immediately rewatch it.



  • janetteB replied to the topic The Winchester

    Happy New Year @winston and all the wonderful friends here.



  • janetteB replied to the topic Joy to the World

    Merry Christmas all. (there are still a few days to go..) I really enjoyed it and it was just we needed after a rather “intense” Christmas Day. Warm and fun. The family were all engaged. So nice to be watching all together again. the ending was a bit sickly but not sure quite what the religious connotations of that are.



  • janetteB replied to the topic Dr Who News (5)

    @blenkinsopthebrave A bit glitzy but I guess one has to expect that now. Otherwise it looks very promising. meanwhile we are still working through our seasonal re watch of the Christmas Specials. Did The Snowmen last night. One of my favourites.

    thanks for putting up the link



  • janetteB replied to the topic Empire of Death

    @dentarthurdent the Red Dwarf quotes made me laugh aloud and I have seen that episode so many times, “everybody is dead Dave”. It is the droll way he says it. We quote that often, along with, “there’s an emergency going on” in that same flat voice.

    I really need to do a re watch of the last two episodes. As usual I think my reaction to the ending…[Read more]

  • janetteB replied to the topic BBC Approved Spoilers


  • janetteB replied to the topic The Winchester

    @ps1l0v3y0u Not yet. Been busy all day recording a podcast on Dr Who, the Twin Dilemma so it can only be a vast improvement.. I am introducing one Doctor each year. We only watch one episode, (thankfully in this case)  though usually the rest of the gang watch the remaining episodes of the chosen story before recording. We did not put them…[Read more]

  • janetteB replied to the topic Boom

    @dentarthurdent. I was looking forward to reading your review on this. We had to persuade some family member to keep watching after “babies” and “chord” and this was the payoff. After this episode they were back. It has everything I want from Dr Who, good story, good acting and a dash of politics thrown in.  It is the kind of story Moffat does so…[Read more]

  • janetteB replied to the topic The Winchester

    @dentarthurdent  We did not choose to drive a Merc. I think that was the only car available that was large enough for our needs. We were a family of five and had bought up on toys in Germany so had more baggage than was sensible by then.

    I think our worst experience was getting stuck in Sunday afternoon traffic at Heathrow. It was when I…[Read more]

  • janetteB replied to the topic The Winchester

    When I was in the U.K in 2005 I had to navigate sans maps which was interesting. We were at the end of a six week touring holiday with the three boys and the S?O had to do a “return to duty” which meant flying out to Sweden for a couple of days. I had left all the driving to him and planned to spend those days at the camping ground nearest to the…[Read more]

  • janetteB replied to the topic Space Babies

    @dentarthurdent It wasn’t a good first episode and I fear it turned away viewers which is a shame.

    I agree with your comments, like the new Tardis interior. it gives lots of space for the Doctor to run about in and this Doctor is very physically expressive and that works. It is a little too minimalist though so not my favourite which will…[Read more]

  • janetteB replied to the topic The Winchester

    @blenkinsopthebrave That is truely terrifying. I can’t wait.



  • janetteB replied to the topic The Winchester

    Greetings all.

    Sorry for not posting for so long. I have been trying to keep up with all the discussions but always seem to be either too busy or too tired or I start a response but never finish it.

    @ps1l0v3y0u It would be so cool for Susan to reappear but she is a timelord and can regenerate. Maybe in fairness Carol Ann Ford should be the older…[Read more]

  • janetteB replied to the topic The Star Beast

    @dentarthurdent. Gosh how the year has flown. It seems like a couple of years since Star Beast. I barely remember it. Must be due for a re watch. Reading your review i do recall disliking the burning fissures in the street, very silly, and the pacing was hectic but otherwise this episode was fun. I always liked Donna and felt that her loosing…[Read more]

  • janetteB replied to the topic The Winchester

    @winston. I just typed out a long reply and got logged out when posting. grrr.

    You did well to rescue the Doctor from the DC merch. I have never found any Dr Who merch at charity shops, (called opp shops in oz) I did find two Terry Pratchett books yesterday amid boxes of books and dvds that were donated to the librayr/youth centre so that was a…[Read more]

  • janetteB replied to the topic The Power of the Doctor

    @dentarthurdent. Pizza with the lot is a good description, and by the lot they mean everything, pineapple, olives, capsicum, every kind of meat ever thrown at a pizza, any kind of pizza.

    I did watch it but it is just a tangled mess. Was there a story in there, I could not locate it.  I would have been nice to see some of those old faces if they…[Read more]

  • janetteB replied to the topic The Winchester

    @blenkinsopthebrave I do like Wallace and Gromit. The original three films have a lot of happy associations for me, good times at work, (few and far between) old friends and of course the boys when they were young. Our eldest was given a Wallace soft toy for his second birthday and he loved that toy so much.  Still have it of course. It was later…[Read more]

  • janetteB replied to the topic Eve of the Daleks

    @dentarthurdent You have convinced me to watch the episode. I confused it with the previous Dalek New Year’s Special which wasn’t bad and so thought I had seen this one until I reread Craig’s intro.




  • janetteB replied to the topic The Winchester

    @dentarthurdent I did not think it would be but some people are very sensitive when it comes to spoilers. The question of what is or isn’t a spoiler has led to many a heated family argument in our household.

    A Christmas Special written by Moffat is really more of a present than a spoiler.

    As to meaning the opposite of what one says, we are…[Read more]

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