• jphamlore replied to the topic Death in Heaven

    @charlottegiles:  As Danny was converted to a Cyberman, his DNA information might have been analyzed and uploaded to the Gallifreyan hard drive of Missy.

    And as the classic Arc of Infinity storyline showed, as have many storylines since, once one has that DNA information, many things are possible for creating / re-creating people.

    The thing is,…[Read more]

  • Bluesqueakpip replied to the topic Death in Heaven


    Possibility one: Orson isn’t Danny’s descendent. He’s descended from another branch of the Pink family.

    Possibility two: your theory – he’s descended from Danny, but through a previous child, and the ‘time travelling great grandparent’ is another of the Doctor’s companions.

    Possibility three: Orson has something to do with ‘I…[Read more]