• Ahhh, Colin Baker I still haven’t watched. I’ve read different things about 6. Mostly bad.

  • “I often think the best doctor is the one you happen to be watching at the moment” I want to quote you on that. I’ve never been able to capture the ambivalent feeling that you get when someone asks which doctor is your favorite. I’ve gone and watched as many doctors from the classic and the 96′ movie with the 8th doctor. The more i see of the…[Read more]

  • I see what you mean though, rose’s return overshadowed Martha and Donna for me, and it kind of put a mood of, ” I wonder when rose is coming back” to all of series 3 and 4. The surprise ending didn’t really seem worth it. As for the end of Amy and Rory, it was what it was… beautiful but full of sorrow at the same time. I think that kind of story…[Read more]

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  • Still to this day, i think about this episode. Probably because i feel like series two was my favorite out of David Tennant’s reign. It was a bittersweet, melancholic end to my first doctor/companion team. A fine ending for such a great journey. I wonder as I write this what everyone else would think in comparing Army of Ghosts/Doomsday with The…[Read more]

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