• McCottonTheDoctorFan replied to the topic On The Sofa (7)

    I was marathoning Doctor Who recently.  Given that he’s a time traveler, I like to marathon the episodes out of order (except for the ones that need to be watched chronologically, like the classic serials or Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead to name two examples), and I started thinking as I watched:

    The relationship between the 10th…[Read more]

  • McCottonTheDoctorFan replied to the topic On The Sofa (7)

    @ob-wan I can’t help you with complete collections.  But I do have a few sources you can try.

    Netflix has “Classic Doctor Who” (that’s what it’s credited as).  It has some complete serials for a few of the Doctors.  It has 1 story arc (or serials) each for the 1st and 2nd doctors.  It has 3 or 4 for the 3rd Doctor (including “The Three Doc…[Read more]

  • Or even the consciousness that is “The Moment” I would kind of (and that’s on a very loose technicality) consider that the War Doctor’s companion.

  • @ob-wan I guess than, I’m just more general than most people.  When I think of “companion,” I tend to think of anyone who’s traveled with the Doctor, in the TARDIS in any capacity.  You mentioned the Brigadier traveled with the 2nd in the Five Doctors.  He also traveled through the Black Hole in The Three Doctors.

    Well, a little more general th…[Read more]

  • @doctordani That’s how it is for me.  I’m not gonna fight anyone on their opinion.  I’m just saying I personally consider River and the Brigadier companions.  But that’s just my opinion.  If you disagree, I’m alright with that.

  • @ob-wan I don’t think it’s exactly like that.  I think, because they’re married, it’s more of a status thing.  Like, and this makes River sound kind of pompous and snobbish and I’m really not trying to do that, she considers herself above his companions because they’re married.

  • @doctordani I believe that one of the producers from the classic series called the Brigadier a companion and that was how the debate started.

  • @missy Yeah.  Out of curiosity, mostly because there seems to be ongoing debates about it, would you consider the Brigadier and River companions?

  • A thread about the companions.  Well, let me start off with my opinion:

    Favorite companion:  Actually that’s tough.  Right now, the best I can do is a five-way tie (because I can’t decide how to rank them) between Jo, Donna, Ace, Ian, and Lethbridge-Stewart (and yes, in that particular debate, I am in the group that considers the Brigadier a co…[Read more]

  • McCottonTheDoctorFan replied to the topic On The Sofa (7)

    I’ve been interested in the Eighth Doctor lately and I want to check out the Big Finish audio dramas.  I recently bought “Shada” and thoroughly enjoyed it.  I want to check out more of them.  Does anyone have a good starting point?

    P.S. In Doctor Who in general, I like Dalek stories.

  • McCottonTheDoctorFan replied to the topic On The Sofa (7)

    @sirclockface It’s hard to say.  I didn’t really time it, I just listened and experienced it.  If it helps at all, “Shada” was done in six parts on two CDs.

  • McCottonTheDoctorFan replied to the topic On The Sofa (7)

    @sirclockface I just finished “Shada.”  It’s really good.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Along with the Eighth Doctor, Shada brought back Romana (Romana II if you want to be technical) and K-9.  If this is the kind of quality continues throughout the Big Finish audio drama, then I would highly recommend them.  I can’t say for myself, because I’ve only…[Read more]

  • McCottonTheDoctorFan replied to the topic On The Sofa (7)

    <span class=”useratname”>@sirclockface</span> I actually recently just bought “Shada.” I’ll let you know what I think of it when I finish it.

    I’m looking forward to it personally.  Based on the reviews I’ve read, of the three versions of the “Shada” story (the novelization, the finally released Tom Baker serial, and the Big Finish audio drama…[Read more]

  • McCottonTheDoctorFan replied to the topic On The Sofa (7)

    Hello everyone.  I’m new to the forum.  Just real quick, I’m American.  My favorite Doctor is the Third.

    Anyway, I was wondering if I could get some opinions.  Recently, I’ve been looking into expanding my Doctor Who DVD collection.  I already have “The Doctors Revisited” specials.  I was thinking of getting a couple more serials, but I wante…[Read more]

  • @miapatrick Really?  Because I read that Cushing based his performance off William Hartnell.  So, I would have assumed he was an alternate reality version of the First

  • @winston It was actually really hard to pick a favorite.  I like different Doctors for different reasons.  But, some I like more than others.  But don’t get met wrong, I like all the Doctors (… except Peter Cushing, but to my understanding, we don’t talk about him)

  • I’m a fairly new fan to Doctor Who (by the way, I am American just so you know).  I’ve been into science fiction ever since I was very little, three or four.  In my senior year of high school (2012), a lot of my friends started recommending I watch Doctor Who.  I had heard about the show but I didn’t know that much about it…at the point.  Aft…[Read more]

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