• time-lord-alvey replied to the topic On The Sofa (8)

    Hi everyone! I’m new to this forum and just wanted to say hello and introduce myself! I only recently became a Doctor Who fan this year (since April 2016) when I decided to watch Doctor Who (the NuWho) in order to relax from my stressful  period of completing my doctoral dissertation. (I also felt the need to watch THE Doctor en route to becoming…[Read more]

  • time-lord-alvey replied to the topic Doctor Who memories

    My earliest memory of the Doctor was David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor. I started watching Doctor Who in April 2016 when I was in the midst of the stressful period of completing my doctoral dissertation. I felt like I should watch the Doctor as I did my OWN work to becoming a doctor O:).  To be honest, I decided to watch Doctor Who because of David –…[Read more]

  • Finally caught up on all of the Doctor Who episodes, and I must say that even though the Eleventh is my favorite, I absolutely loved Twelve in Heaven Sent, Hell Bent, and The Husbands of River Song. The chemistry between Twelve and River was great, and they acted so cute together. I actually saw more chemistry between the two of them than I did in…[Read more]

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