• Ozitenor replied to the topic The Rose & Crown

    My sincerest apologies. Nonetheless, there are recreations made of “lost” episodes that use the audio over on-set photography taken during production. Again, I have no idea if these efforts are some breach of copyright or not, I suspect they may be, trying to think like a lawyer, but nonetheless I don’t think they are available for purchase…[Read more]

  • In the official trailer … is that Journey Blue that we see?

    And the first bed in the morgue where the bodies sit up, it looks like a Silurian head … but I presume it is actually the species of monster we […]

  • Ozitenor replied to the topic The Rose & Crown

    I am not sure if this is a breach of the rules of the forum, so I will be deliberately vague, but if you visit a certain very famous torrent downloading website (one that’s name resembles a great Douglas Adams written Doctor Who episode with Tom Baker and Romana 1.0) , and search for “classic doctor who” – you can download the entire BG series -…[Read more]

  • Why do I get the odd feeling in my gut that Santa is going to be a Time Lord, out to correct the damage done by the Master, and now in direct conflict with the Doctor – who presumably knows what is at stake if he […]

  • Ozitenor replied to the topic On The Sofa (5)

    Hello all. Introducing myself….

    I began watching Doctor Who when I was very young … my earliest memories are watching Pertwee on the couch with my mother (who, incidentally, has no recollection of this when I asked her recently about it!). I remember being scared of the opening credits and music more than the actual show itself! … but I…[Read more]

  • Ozitenor replied to the topic Death in Heaven

    Hi all, new here. I will introduce myself fully on the sofa.

    I hope this point has not already been made, if so, apologies for the redundancy, but I thought it very clever that when Danny cries (and quite a big deal of time is spent talking about that crying) in the opening of the season, it is a fabulous portent for his later becoming a cyberman…[Read more]

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