Category: Non-Doctor Thoughts

Blogs by contributors which aren’t Doctor Who related in a specific sense, but which address issues pertinent to Doctor Who forums and afficianados.

I think you’re seeing demons where there’s just life – Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 6

Of all the Buffy blogs, this has been the hardest to write – partially because such a lot of the meat of it has been covered in the episode by episode thread and so would just be needless repetition here, but also because it’s such a tricky season to get a handle on.

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He’s a shadow. A faceless champion of the hapless human race. Season One of Angel

By the end of Season Three of BtVS, the Buffy/Angel story arc had no place left to go. And the whole show was going in a new direction as the Scoobies left high school and went to college/real life. There was no longer going to be any place for Angel. His story was done. Wasn’t it?

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I was going for ferocious-scary, but it’s coming out more dryly sardonic. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 4

Season three was the Buffy formula at its most perfect. Good blend of Scoobies. A strong arc. A cast and production crew now utterly confident in what they were trying to achieve.

But it couldn’t stay like that. They couldn’t stay in high school forever. Quite apart from anything else it would have looked ridiculous. Most Sunnydale High School students outside of the core cast seemed to look suspiciously well into their 20s as it was. And more importantly to have preserved the show in aspic would have been a betrayal of the show’s core ethos. Buffy is a show about development, about growing up. So it had to grow up already.

And college (or university to us back in the mother country) seemed the logical next step.

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Love isn’t brains, children. It’s blood. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Three

Continuing the ongoing revisitation of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, season by season.

Season Three is the seminal season of Buffy. Not necessarily the best. Not necessarily the one with the best run of episodes. Or the best lines. Or the scariest Big Bad. But I’d still maintain it best distills the essence of the show into its most satisfying form. It has the strongest set of Scoobies for a start. Not that some of the later additions to the gang aren’t great. But this is the original crew, augmented by Oz and Wesley, their characters so well established that they can be playfully commented on and subverted in episodes like The Zeppo and Dopplegangland.

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Love makes you do the wacky. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Two

Continuing the season-by-season revisit of one of the seminal and most influential TV series of the past 20 years. Turn on any drama series – from Who to Breaking Bad — chances are you’re seeing some traces, however oblique, of the Slayer right there. 

In the first part of this blog series, I argued that the first (half) season of Buffy, essentially took most of its time to find its feet. There are some weaker, less consistent, episodes as it struggled with tone and theme but bit by bit it found its strengths, began constructing its own mythology. And by the time we got to the season finale, it had founds its voice. It knew exactly who it was. And where it wanted to go.

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Loncon3 – the 72nd World Science Fiction Convention

Where to start?

It’s when that meet-up with your friends in the pub gets a bit big. So it turns into a day, with stuff organised. We can get Connie to talk about writing and Kate can lead the discussion on Marvel movies and didn’t Jody edit a fanzine?

And then it gets a bit bigger because somebody suggests a mega meet-up with all the other meet-ups across the country. It turns into a weekend.

At that point, world domination is inevitable.
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Ray Bradbury’s ‘The Halloween Tree’

by Craig

This blog was orginally posted by Shazzbot. Now that she has left the site she has asked for it to be removed.

Comments are still below.

Trolls and tribulations (reblog)

Given debate in the media, and given that this here corner of t’interweb has a pretty low tolerance of trolls and a growing taste for swift, brutal and highly public executions of ’em, some of you may find this of interest:

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