• Dentarthurdent replied to the topic The Giggle

    @ps1l0v3y0u You may well be right about Rose (2). I had assumed that the final scene with 14 and the Noble family was a farewell, effectively losing track of him, the same way 10a was ‘lost’ with Rose(1) in another universe. But of course in Dr Who this is not a foregone conclusion, as we saw in these three episodes (and the preceding one), old…[Read more]

  • Dentarthurdent replied to the topic Website comments (2)

    @craig – sorry to bother you, but a ‘drnikhilmehta’ just did an elephant-sized dump of cancer spam in ‘Companions Past and Present’.   May I suggest amputation?

  • Dentarthurdent replied to the topic The Giggle

    Just re-watched The Giggle. I notice I didn’t post anything on first watching, and this is because – as an episode – it was neither remarkably good nor awful (as far as I was concerned). The plot was well acted, with great CGI sets, but it seemed a pretty run-of-the-mill action episode otherwise – it just didn’t grab me. (Btw, I never saw the…[Read more]

  • Dentarthurdent replied to the topic The Star Beast

    @janetteb   I conceived an instant dislike of Donna when she burst in on the Doctor who was (IIRC) in shock following the loss of Rose, and instantly started addressing him in accusatory terms as if he was guilty of some crime.   It took me quite a long time (you know what they say about first impressions) to soften in my feelings towards her…[Read more]

  • Dentarthurdent replied to the topic Wild Blue Yonder

    What was the point of the Newton sketch? I thought that was the sort of thing Chibs did.

    Donna just reminded me why I disliked her for a long time. Pours coffee in the Tardis console and now she’s blaming the Doctor for it. I would not hire such a liability. But fortunately (for me), my dislike has subsided to occasional minor irritation.

    I’ll…[Read more]

  • Dentarthurdent replied to the topic The Star Beast

    Although I’d forgotten much from my first viewing a couple of months ago, it’s interesting that the comments I wrote this time were often the same, almost word for word, to what i wrote then. Similar scenes evoking identical reaction, or subconscious memory of what I wrote? Anyway, I’ve edited out most of the word-for-word repetitions.

    Okay,…[Read more]

  • Dentarthurdent replied to the topic The Winchester

    @janetteb I feel your pain 🙂 I’ve done that many times – written a screed and then clicked away for a moment and ‘lost’ the page, for example.
    What I do now (if it’s going to be a long post) is write it in a text editor, then just copy & paste it into the forum edit box.

    I just watched The Star Beast, by the way. Might post on that soon.

  • @janetteb Yes, I found I had to keep referring to Chrissie’s transcript to try and keep things straight.

    Did you watch Eve of the Daleks? It’s a lot less complicated (and it’s only got 3 Daleks in it, I think). And no Cybermen/Cyberlords/whatever. I’d rate it Chibz’s best.

  • (And a re-watch right after Eve of the Daleks and Sea Devils): Oh dear. This is another Chibz pizza-deluxe-with-everything. It ends up (or starts out) confusing, and it’s hard to really care when you don’t really know what’s going on. Oh, and the sheer amount of ‘explaining’ by the Doc (chief offender, still) and the Master and everybody…[Read more]

  • I see I was quite critical of this episode when I previously viewed it. I guess I was in the wrong frame of mind.

    This time around, expectations were lower, and I wasn’t expecting a precisely constructed plot. Just switching off my critical streak and going with the flow, I found it a passable episode. Nice mystic atmosphere, and the music…[Read more]

  • @winston I missed almost all of Blakes 7 when it first screened. Years later, in the late 80’s, there was a re-run of the entire series on TVNZ. My boss took a dim view of the way I rocketed out the door at 4-45 on Thursdays (of course he didn’t notice that I was far more relaxed about finishing every other day), if I was lucky with the…[Read more]

  • I just watched an episode of The Prisoner (the old Patrick McGoohan series) – Living in Harmony, which was a Western, and quite untypical of the rest of the series. Actually, considered purely as a Western, it’s not bad. I think they just wanted to ‘do’ a Western. Many sci-fi and fantasy series seem to do that, sooner or later. Doctor Who…[Read more]

  • Dentarthurdent replied to the topic Eve of the Daleks

    @janetteb Good luck! It will be interesting to see what you make of it.

  • Dentarthurdent replied to the topic Eve of the Daleks

    Eve of the Daleks – rewatching after Revolution of the Daleks (and skipping over the Fluxes)

    Hey, this is really good. Some well-sketched characters and not too much of the emotional stuff. (I think the emotions should come from the audience and not from the actors talking at length on screen). I do like the interplay between the Doctor,…[Read more]

  • Revolution of the Daleks – second impression.

    This is not a bad episode. (I skipped Ascension of the Cybermen and The Timeless Children, this time round, I seem to remember they were a bit apocalyptic. So how the Doctor comes to be in jail, and how the gang are inhabiting a Tardis disguised as a house, I can’t remember. I do recall the…[Read more]

  • [Whoosh!] That was me zipping overhead from Revolution of the Daleks to Eve of the Daleks without touching down on the way past.

    @nerys As I recall it, this season was six unrelated stories with a background apocalyptic universe-wide disaster, all highly confusing. The Weeping Angels one was far the best, I think, but it got undercut by the…[Read more]

  • Dentarthurdent replied to the topic The Winchester

    @janetteb Um driving lessons. Did the Doctor ever give driving lessons in anything but the Tardis? (And Mattdoc, I think, always left the handbrake on).
    I can probably safely tell this now – when I first worked for Ministry of Works in Rarotonga, my girlfriend (now Mrs D) and I only had bikes. There was a visiting engineer due in on the…[Read more]

  • Dentarthurdent replied to the topic The Winchester

    @janetteb I meant, a spoiler has to undercut an element of surprise. Not literally what I said. The opposite in fact. What a surprise 🙂

  • Dentarthurdent replied to the topic The Winchester

    @janetteb I’m fairly certain the identity of the writer can’t be a spoiler. I think a spoiler has to disclose an unexpected character or event in the plot of the episode itself, thus generating an element of surprise. Take the episode I’ve just watched, ‘Fugitive of the Judoon’ – I don’t think ‘It takes place in Gloucester’ could be a…[Read more]

  • Dentarthurdent replied to the topic The Winchester

    @janetteb The Master was definitely in the very last story of Seven and Ace, Survival.

    Do I take it from your previous post that Moff is doing the Christmas special? Or am I reading too much into it?

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