• ps1l0v3y0u replied to the topic On the Sofa 11


    William Hartnell was remarkable… and it was a tricky brief, because he obviously revelled in the curmudgeonliness of the role, but he was also disappointed by most of the scripts I think… been trying to watch ‘The Keys of Marinus’… by Terry Nation no less, and it’s tough.

    My first doctor was Patrick Troughton. I don’t remember much…[Read more]

  • ps1l0v3y0u replied to the topic On the Sofa 11


    Doctor Iou

    I like the image! Got it three times! Not complaining. Not really understanding either… Daleks doing ‘I want to break free?’

    Classic Who… what to watch? Fury from the Deep may be animated but it has the reputation of being the scariest ever. So scary that only the bits that the Australian censors excised survive…[Read more]

  • ps1l0v3y0u replied to the topic On the Sofa 11


    Doctor Iou, yes! For the first time in years, I am excited. The teasers look great.

    Celestial Toymaker… intriguing choice of antagonist. What exactly is the Toymaker supposed to be?

    If you don’t count the Keys of Marinus, ostensibly sci fi, this was the first DW venture into fantasy, also explored by Two in The Mind Robber. The…[Read more]