On the Sofa 11

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This topic contains 159 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  ps1l0v3y0u 6 months, 2 weeks ago.

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    Oochillyo @oochillyo

    hey everyone 🙂 how are you all 🙂

    I’ve been really avoiding anything Who nearly a year now haha since moving and apart from brief gifs to friends or watching a montage recently to show my friend the show the avoidance kinda shows, I took a name every episode quiz and got 29 percent 88/300 hahaha average being 66 percent,  some due to spelling of the episodes but mainly forgot a lot though interesting to see the mind’s recalling strength after close to a year of purposely forgetting the topic 🙂

    All Doctor Who Episodes Quiz – By Yoshee (sporcle.com)

    Take care everyone 🙂 stay positive hugs 🙂

    Regards  – Declan Sargent

    Oochillyo @oochillyo

    hey everyone 🙂 how are you all 🙂

    I’ve been looking at Who episodes like I was thinking of doing rankings and was just looking at all the options on Metebelis but I think in the new year I’m gonna re start watching Classic Who.

    Maybe some of you wanna join me on that idea as I realized New Who will be unavailable to me for a while but actually I could still keep up with Classic.

    Take care everyone 🙂 stay positive hugs 🙂

    Regards – Declan Sargent

    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    @oochillyo, While I cannot join join you, I would suggest (I assume you have access to BBC iPlayer) season 2 of the Hartnell stories. They are totally different to contemporary Who, but wonderful in their own right.

    ps1l0v3y0u @ps1l0v3y0u

    I didn’t realise that Season 2 is almost complete! I do need to check out the first Doctor. I don’t remember Hartnell’s ‘interpretation’, though using that term is a retcon really because as far as he was concerned he WAS the Doctor; no one had even considered regeneration. But still important in  respect to continuity.

    The production values of classic Who were very different. Ridiculous monsters, dodgy sets, scenery chewing thesps; they often had to put up with the first take to save time and film.

    Personally, I’m visiting the faves and ignoring the stiffs, though I may eventually investigate the four catastrophes of the eighties: Time Flight; Twin Dilemma; Time Lash & Time and the Rani.

    wish me luck!

    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    Currently watching “The Ambassadors of Death” with the Pertwee Doctor. Just finished episode 4 (of 7). A rollicking yarn! One of the great tropes of these early 70s shows is the idea that the British government itself is potentially corrupt. Am trying to visualize the same story today. I suppose “potentially” would not be necessary…

    Finding it all enormous fun. Will report in again (as the Brigadier would say) when it is all over.


    ps1l0v3y0u @ps1l0v3y0u

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>@blenkinsopthebrave…</p>
    corrupt British governments? Steady on! You’ve got Inferno to come. Suella with a eyepatch anyone?

    Speaking of the generally gripping and inventive Inferno, why exactly make the Primords zombie werewolves? If they’e supposed to be adapted to heat, shouldn’t they be reptilian or arthropoid? Mind you Sergeant Benton’s transformation would then be even more horrific. And, ultimately, less hilarious.

    Oochillyo @oochillyo

    Hey everyone 🙂 how are you all 🙂

    Lovely day today 🙂 Like the many lessons Doctor Who can teach enjoy the days 🙂

    I may figure out a top ten best moments of episodes 🙂

    Take care everyone stay positive hugs 🙂

    Regards – Declan Sargent

    Doctor lou @thedoctor234

    Hey, sorry if I’m bothering, does anyone wanna listen to my stories that happened to me. I just want to interact with someone, I haven’t really been on this website that much. wouldn’t say I’m new, I just say I logged in, and didn’t spend a lot of time on this website.



    Oochillyo @oochillyo

    Hey everyone 🙂 how are you all 🙂

    Traveling day nice meal 🙂

    @doctor Lou what’s your stories today 🙂

    Take care everyone stay positive hugs 🙂

    Regards – Declan Sargent

    Oochillyo @oochillyo

    Hey everyone 🙂 how are you all 🙂

    Traveling day nice meal 🙂

    @doctor Lou what’s your stories today 🙂

    Take care everyone stay positive hugs 🙂

    Regards – Declan Sargent

    Doctor lou @thedoctor234


    well I did encounter another cybermen, but it wasn’t much of a problem. I had to use my screwdriver to hotwire it. I know compilicated stuff. But besides that my TARDIS Landed into an unknown place. It was a void, full of nothing. silent. I seen a silence lodge door, scared me honestly.


    I have more if you like, I can try to provide a image of the lodge door.

    Doctor lou @thedoctor234

    The Lodge door I have found

    Doctor lou @thedoctor234


    Doctor lou @thedoctor234

    and if your wondering if it’s a 3D software platform. No, it’s a game were you can do anything. and I mean ANYTHING. So yeah ^_^

    Doctor lou @thedoctor234

    (Well not Anything, there’s some limits, but so far it’s good enough)

    Doctor lou @thedoctor234

    Photo adventure of the day :


    Doctor lou @thedoctor234

    Doctor lou @thedoctor234

    I’m going through a abandoned silo, there’s still people here, but they don’t act like themselves…

    Doctor lou @thedoctor234

    If anybody want’s to see more photo’s of this, feel free to ask me !

    Doctor lou @thedoctor234

    Guys ! 2 days before the anniversary !

    What are your guys thoughts for the 60th anniversary ?

    Let me know !



    Rule1 @rule1

    Doctor lou

    I am so happy that doctor who is finally here,

    I think everyone has (quite literally) been counting the days!

    hope everyone is well

    kind regards


    Devilishrobby @devilishrobby

    lol it not counting the days stage but counting the hours😉

    Rule1 @rule1

    Hi devilishrobby,

    or maybe counting rels?

    ps1l0v3y0u @ps1l0v3y0u


    Doctor Iou, yes! For the first time in years, I am excited. The teasers look great.

    Celestial Toymaker… intriguing choice of antagonist. What exactly is the Toymaker supposed to be?

    If you don’t count the Keys of Marinus, ostensibly sci fi, this was the first DW venture into fantasy, also explored by Two in The Mind Robber. The genre disappears for the Three. The Guardians are a bit fantastical, as was The Greatest Show On Earth. Under Moff, Amy’s Choice and even The God Complex would seem to dabble, but RTD’s go-to genre was previously straight sci fi (of various states of squidgyness) with the odd foray into history.

    Of course, The Toymaker was due to appear in the abandoned season 23 scripts scheduled for 1986, when Micky Grade discovered the power the Who.  But he would eventually scoff his undercooked revenge ready meal three years later.

    So, yes, I’m firing up my trusty meta-detector! What is the message here? Rusty’s back, no holds barred and he knows where the bodies are buried. Unleash the power of your imagin-A-shun shun shun! The board of governors can get romantic with a talking paving slab?


    Doctor lou @thedoctor234

    I’m getting ready for the 60th anniversary ! I can’t wait for it !


    I didn’t who the celestial toymaker was until I seen the teasers, he’s an interesting character for doctor who honestly. One thing I like to note about him is that he seems to be playing with the doctors mind, so maybe hallucinations to make the doctor lose his track in what lies for the 60th anniversary ?

    Doctor lou @thedoctor234

    Doctor lou @thedoctor234

    Yippe !

    Doctor lou @thedoctor234

    Anniversary !

    Doctor lou @thedoctor234

    Happy Anniversary ! Great time to be happy and celebrate doctor who !


    I discovered doctor who when I was playing a certain game, I forgot about it years ago until I seen a box that was a green house, shaped like a TARDIS ! It reminded me of the series, and I decided to research, leading me to becoming into a fan of the show !

    Doctor lou @thedoctor234

    *My bad, the duplicate glitch…*

    ps1l0v3y0u @ps1l0v3y0u


    Doctor Iou

    I like the image! Got it three times! Not complaining. Not really understanding either… Daleks doing ‘I want to break free?’

    Classic Who… what to watch? Fury from the Deep may be animated but it has the reputation of being the scariest ever. So scary that only the bits that the Australian censors excised survive!

    If you like Daleks, I always thought the Cult of Skaro, The Army of Ghosts, Daleks in Manhattan through to Journeys End, ruled.

    “We imagined your obsolescence!” “Daleks have no concept of elegance.” “You are superior in only one respect… dying!” “Exterminieren!”

    ScaryB @scaryb

    Happy Anniversary fellow Whovians.

    Have a great day… and weekend.. and many more days overindulging in tales of our favorite Timelord.

    My 7 year old self who fell in love with an eccentric, curmudgeonly, white haired old man (who wan’t quite what he seemed), his companions and a strange blue box exactly 60 years ago today would have been bowled over to think it’s still around now, and that the magic’s still there! Not to mention that it’s still bigger on the inside!

    PS I’ve been AWOL from this forum so long I’ve forgotten how to embed pics 🙁

    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    @scaryb Welcome back!

    You were 7, I was 11, but there is part of the true Whovian that alway remains 7 or 11.

    That’s what makes it all so special.

    ScaryB @scaryb


    You are so right.

    I’ve been digging into some of the old episodes (via the charming Tardis Tales series) – it’s like time travelling back to my younger self and different times (good to be able to fast forward again tho!)

    How are you my friend?

    Doctor lou @thedoctor234

    Should I make a doctor who 60th anniversary video ? I’m really good at editing !

    Mudlark @mudlark

    This may be of interest to those who are fans of the original theme, assuming they haven’t already seen it.

    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord

    I’d been meaning to pop in before tomorrows return, but it was the new blog by @jimthefish and the mention that finally woke me up.

    Happy 60th to you all.

    I’ll definitely respond to the blog in depth. To be honest I’ve struggled to organise my thoughts when approaching the Chibnall era, so maybe having your thoughts to bounce off may be helpful to me Jim.

    I just wanted to mention the last time we talked it was about Marvel starting Doctor Who Weekly and them owning ‘Beep the Meep’. I get the feeling this is the ‘shared creative vision’ the BBC and Disney are talking about. The thing that convinced me was ‘Tales from the TARDIS’.

    For those not familiar with Doctor Who Weekly it was a real attempt to create an ‘expanded Doctor Who Universe’. As it was being launched, to provide cheap material while original stories were being written and drawn, the Editor Dez Skinn got Marvel to approve reprints of some old adaptations of ‘classic’ sci-fi tales. He bookended the stories with new panels of the Fourth Doctor introducing and summing up these tales like ‘War of the Worlds’ and ‘The Invisible Man’.

    War of the Worlds

    So you can see the inspiration here for what Bad Wolf are doing with the TV version. Forty odd years later, early Doctor Who is ‘classic sci-fi’ and with the benefit of new intro and outro scenes you have a relatively cheap way of breathing life into old material and hopefully introducing it to a new audience.

    I do hope someone has bought Dez a few pints for his inspiration. 😀

    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    @jimthefish Well, I see that t’other place does still have a Who forum. I am wrong again! (I would not want to spoil my track record for inaccuracies…)

    Reet Glass @thereet

    Hello! I am signed in because I have a crazy question. I am 70 so i hope i am not crazy (well, i kinda am!).

    I just got into HBO MAX to find out they have all the Dr. Who’s from Eccleston on. I am one of them geeks who has seen every episode as they were aired. However, before that, by hook or by crook…I saw every episode available from Hartnell on.

    So…i decided to start randomly and landed on Midnight (season 4 Tennant). During it there is a son on the bustrain and I swear it is Benedict Cumberbatch!!! So i started googling and yet i find no mention of him in that role? Anyone out there have a definitive answer? If it isn’t BC than the kid is areal close resemblance to him in his youth!!  I will click ‘Notify me of follow-up replies via emai’l and hope for the best. Thank u for bearing the patience of an old Whovian! This new Dr Who Tennant mini series is already kicking brass!!! I am so happy i still have ANY DOCTOR!!!!


    ps1l0v3y0u @ps1l0v3y0u


    you’re thinking of Colin Morgan. He was also Merlin… in Merlin!

    Dark with cheekbones like Lee van Cleef… so not dissimilar to Benedict

    Dentarthurdent @dentarthurdent

    @thereet    Much as I’d love it to be, it doesn’t seem to be.    I see  @<span class=”useratname”>ps1l0v3y0u   has already answered.</span>

    If you’re searching for similar information in future, I can recommend tardis.fandom.com  which has a full synopsis and cast list for every episode.   And chakoteya.net   has a full episode transcript (which helps a lot in identifying characters’ names).

    (I have no connection with those sites other than using them all the time)

    But people here will be happy to talk about episodes.    Your random choice was fortunate,   Midnight was (IMO)  Russell T Davies best episode.

    Devilishrobby @devilishrobby

    @dentarthurdent  I would agree it certainly was one of the most frightening episodes. Especially as it is entirely a psychological terror episode with no visible antagonist and relied entirely on the interactions of the actors to up the tension. Ironically I would suppose it was possibly one of the cheapest episodes to achieve.

    Dentarthurdent @dentarthurdent

    @devilishrobby   Often ‘bottle shows’ are among the best, if the writer and cast are good.  I guess Moffat’s equivalent would be ‘Listen’, though it used several locations (so maybe it wasn’t quite a ‘bottle’ show) but the cast was only four people.   Again, it had two truly hair-raising scenes, one with the silent bedspread monster and the other with the noises in the empty base at the end of time – and again, we never saw the monster.

    winston @winston

    @dentarthurdent  @devilishrobby  I am hiding over here because I have not watched the new Who so I can’t comment. I do peek now and then but I am not too bothered by spoilers.

    Midnight was an excellent episode that caused me great anxiety when I watched it. A small ship filled with random people on a sight seeing excursion, what could go wrong? Everything! This is  Who.

    The lady that repeats everything until she overlaps him. I found that whole thing very creepy and frustrating. Than the people have to behave like people and they irritate me and make me angry. How dare they lay hands on my Doctor! Then the brave women sacrifices herself to save the Doctor (and the rest I suppose) and I am sad and disgusted. Then the frustration returns when I realize we have no idea of what the f#*k just happened and what caused it. A lot of emotions for one hour.

    I will watch it again someday when I feel “up to it”. For me it’s that kind of episode.

    stay safe

    Dentarthurdent @dentarthurdent

    @winston   Yes, I found the bit where they all turned against the Doctor hard to watch.   The stewardess – who was initially suspicious of the Doctor – redeemed herself at the cost of her own life and – icing on the cake – nobody even knew her name.   And, IIRC, most of the passengers didn’t seem to have learned anything from the experience.

    The fact that we never find what ‘it’ was doesn’t bother me.  I’m intrigued but the information isn’t essential to the plot.

    Doctor lou @thedoctor234

    Guys, What is your favorite doctor ?


    Mine is the first doctor, William played such a good role.

    He was wise with his decisions, made some mistakes but we all make mistakes sometimes ! Even though he had arteriosclerosis, he still played his role good. Shows he always is and will be my doctor !

    ps1l0v3y0u @ps1l0v3y0u


    William Hartnell was remarkable… and it was a tricky brief, because he obviously revelled in the curmudgeonliness of the role, but he was also disappointed by most of the scripts I think… been trying to watch ‘The Keys of Marinus’… by Terry Nation no less, and it’s tough.

    My first doctor was Patrick Troughton. I don’t remember much… just to be very very scared. Fury from the Deep was the stuff of nightmares, apparently. Ask the Australian censor. Loved it tho!

    John Pertwee was too gimmicky. Good actor, some good scripts but it didn’t always come together. Tom Baker is The Doctor… but his interpretation changed: the witty playful Doctor of the wonderful Leela run is I think what people remember. He was bitter and bored by the end.

    Davison was a great actor saddled with insipid scripts, whereas the other Baker is unfairly mocked; his scripts were outrageous and sometimes downright terrible and he hammed it all up wonderfully: more than a bit of Tennant there. Lots of people like McCoy. There were some good stories there… people here have been talking about Curse of Fenric, and it was good.

    Nu Who…? It’s a shame they couldn’t keep Ecclestone on board. His doctor was better than his MacBeth anyway. I thought Peter Capaldi had the most convincing journey.

    Classic Who… I haven’t seen anything yet to make me doubt Troughton.


    WhoHar @whohar

    Hello everyone. Apologies for the long gap between postings. I’ve been cleaning the bath.

    Dentarthurdent @dentarthurdent

    @ps1l0v3y0u      I think you’ve summed up the Doctors pretty well.    My favourite of NuWho would be Capaldi.   But the others were good – Tennant maybe a bit too emotional.    Smith started out too young but he aged into it (a bit like Roger Moore as James Bond).

    Old Who, I only ever saw glimpses of Hartnell, Patrick Troughton who I liked very much, and Jon Pertwee who had style.    I’ve recently gone back to Sylvester McCoy’s last few stories and I like him, and he had a definite chemistry with Ace.   If only oldWho had had special effects even up to the level of Series 1 of NuWho…   (and that goes for Blakes 7 too, though they didn’t have quite so many painfully naff aliens as Who)

    Dentarthurdent @dentarthurdent

    <span class=”useratname”>@ps1l0v3y0u</span>    Oh, and I forgot to mention Paul McGann.   Excellent in The Night of the Doctor short.   I’ve seen the movie and it didn’t feel like Doctor Who, it was an American cop show disguised as Who.   He would have made a great Doctor, in proper episodes.

    And of course the War Doctor,  John Hurt.   He too would have made a perfect Doctor – of course.

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