Eighth Doctor audio series 4
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2 January 2013 at 19:43 #231
The journey home for Christmas leads to major revelations for the Time Lord’s companion. Stars Paul McGann and Sheridan Smith.
First broadcast on Radio 4 Extra on 7 January 2013. You can listen to it here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01pqhkk
7 January 2013 at 16:18 #605Just a note on the schedule for these audio adventures which start today.
They are on Radio 4 Extra and broadcast at 6pm-7pm with a repeat at 12pm.
Monday 7th – Death in Blackpool
Tuesday 8th – Situation Vacant
Wednesday 9th – Nevermore
Thursday 10th – The Book of Kells
Friday 11th – Deimos
7 January 2013 at 16:45 #613Topic updated to the actual title. I’m looking forward to it, although will miss the start so will have to listen once it’s on iPlayer.
7 January 2013 at 17:34 #619Hmmm – not sure if this will work – but Moff – for the love of god I will erect some sort of shrine if you can make this version of 8 appear in the celebrations. A publicity shot for the last Big Finish audio adventures shows McGann as how he would have preferred to appear (he really hated his wig).
Edit – Alas the IMG function doesn’t translate. I tried to link to a publicity shot for Big Finish that shows McGann as the Doctor.
To avoid spoilers – I’ll post a direct link to the picture only.
7 January 2013 at 19:16 #633I’m going to admit I got properly emotional at the end. It was probably a poor choice to introduce new people to these audio adventures, because they would have been as confused as hell if they hadn’t heard any of the others.
Sheridan Smith has been glorious in this run as Lucie. I’d love to see her and McGann do some televised work because the chemistry has been great. I understand that they have become firm friends (she put him up for a part in her second appearance in Jonathan Creek “The Judas Tree”).
In tomorrows episode “Situation Vacant” the role of companion is up for grabs. But who has organised the shortlist?
7 January 2013 at 22:47 #679I just listened to it and, although I’ve never listened to any Eighth Doctor Big Finish stories I still thought it was good. Had no idea about any of the back story, but picked it all up as it went along. That’s the sign of a good script I guess. And it had real heart without being maudlin or schmaltzy.
It was interesting because it very much focused on Lucie, the companion, and the Doctor was a secondary character. They only get away with that one episode a year on TV, and for budgetary reasons only. But this really felt like an episode written for Lucie, out of a fondness for her, which I quickly developed (despite my never having met her before). And Aunt Pat was great too.
Shame there were a few references to the Eighth’s style of clothing, him looking “like a ponce”. Guess he’s still not got that short haircut and the leather jacket. Maybe he only dons that when he goes to war!
P.S. @phaseshift, have searched for a hack I’m happy with that will allow the posting of pictures. Think I may have it but will attempt it when the site is less busy.
7 January 2013 at 23:16 #685This is a bit like doing homework, with all the Dr Who stuff coming thick and fast… Lucky we have a lovely site like this to keep up with it all.
Anyway just finished listening to ‘Death in Blackpool’ and have to agree with @phaseshift, an odd one to start the series with. I think you’re right that it was the end of the last series, especially as it references the Zygon episode (as well as ‘Horror of Glam Rock’ from the previous series).
It did take a while for me to understand what was going on, all the regional accents floating about I couldn’t remember who was who for a while. I’ll need to give it another listen, but I enjoyed it all the same.
@craig, the reference to his dress sense is covered in the first series with Sheridan Smith. Comments about his floppy hair and flouncy dress were running jokes as McGann really didn’t like the wig he had to wear for the film. Additionally, just as Nine hanging around with Rose meant that Ten’s accent was a London one, so Sheridan Smith’s Northern vowels were supposed to have influenced Nine’s accent (well that was my understanding of it).
The last three series of the 8th incarnation are indeed more like Nu Who, but I really liked the audio version of ‘Shada’ which they did a few years back.
8 January 2013 at 20:58 #837I don’t think these threads are going to be amazingly active, so I won’t set up a separate thread for each.
Situation Vacant
Not too sure about that. I think on paper this would have looked like a “zany” way to introduce a new comapanion, and zaniness has to be treated carefully. Here I think the tone lurched a bit.
As it unfolded and it turned out that the competition had been arranged by another time traveller I became more intrigued. There are many worse ways to spend an hour of your time though. The new girl seems a little subdued after Lucie, but I’ll still be tuning in for the rest of these.
8 January 2013 at 21:01 #841but I really liked the audio version of ‘Shada’ which they did a few years back.
I’m ashamed to say I missed that when it was broadcast, but have heard it was particularly well done.
8 January 2013 at 21:39 #879On ‘Death in Blackpool’ – Thought it was suitably funny that Lucie was more shocked by Pat’s love of James Blunt than by the revelation of her true identity!
I think there’s a 10th Dr novel where he (or a companion) likes Mika (because RTD did?!?)
For me Blunt & Mika are scarier than any Dr Who monster…
Link to Shada webcast included on the new ‘Legacy’ box set (which I heartily recommend).
8 January 2013 at 22:09 #8878 January 2013 at 23:30 #937@stevethewhistle
Many thanks for that. It’ll give me something to have a look at the weekend.
9 January 2013 at 22:03 #1067Nevermore
I enjoyed that much more than yesterday. Loved all the Edgar Allan Poe references. I recognised Fenella Woolgar from her turn as Agatha Christie in The Unicorn and the Wasp, but had to look up Eric Loren when his name sounded curiously familiar – Daleks in Manhatten it was.
Couldn’t believe that Nick Briggs, in his continuity link for tomorrow, seemed to “spoil” the identity of the other Time Lord referenced over the last two days. If he did that for TV, he would be nailed up by his thumbs!
9 January 2013 at 22:08 #1069I’m in remedial class already! I’ve not had time to listen to the last two audio adventures, but I’ve recorded them and will listen to them at the weekend, honest….
9 January 2013 at 22:20 #1071Make sure your dog eats the continuity announcement after Nevermore! 🙂
10 January 2013 at 21:10 #1177The Book of Kells
I can’t really write much about this without spoiling it for others. I just thought it was great. The identity of the Timelord was spoiled, but the context of where and when would allow many to make an educated guess at the outset.
The real fun in it was trying to work out who in the cast he was. The reveal was fun, but hats off to the production team for keeping the identity of the comapanion he recruited in “Situation Vacant” to the end. Never saw that coming.
10 January 2013 at 21:13 #1179Just a note. This series spills into next week as well. Tomorrow’s Deimos is the first of a two-parter to be resolved on Monday. I’ll post a list of episodes at the weekend.
11 January 2013 at 21:48 #1253Deimos
As a follow up to Phobos (the twin moons of Mars phobos “fear” and Deimos “hate”), yes, this featured the return of the Ice Warriors.
It just made me want to see them in the new televised series more. As the Silurians have become in the new series, the Ice Warriors could be to the old. I think they were the only repeating monster that could vary between adversary (most of their appearances) to being on the Doctors side “Curse of Peladon”. A more mature species, with their own code. Love to see them again.
This is well worth a listen.
11 January 2013 at 22:15 #1255Radio4Extra are currently broadcasting series 4, which was released from Dec 2009 to Mar 2011.
BTW, On the Wiki article, there are some MINOR SPOILERS regarding featured characters.
11 January 2013 at 23:01 #1257POSSIBLE MINOR SPOILERS
Here is the current list of the programmes that BBC Radio4Extra are broadcasting.
Series 4
Death in Blackpool
MON 07/01
Situation VacantTUES 08/01
WED 09/01
THUR 10/01
Deimos Part 1FRI 11/01
The Resurrection of Mars Part 2MON 14/01
TUES 15/01
WED 18/01
Lucie Miller Part 1THUR 17/01
To the Death Part 2FRI 18/01
20 January 2013 at 16:35 #1783Well, I’ve caught up with the final five episodes of this series. While wanting to write about them, I really can’t without a lot of spoilers, so if you intend to listen to these and want to remain in blissful ignorance, do not read below the Spoiler heading!
As we begin the 50th anniversary year, these 10 audios have seen particularly well timed as some of the themes have really had echoes of the First Doctor.
Having the running strand of the Meddling Monk was interesting. With Peter Butterworth no longer with us, an interesting guessing game ensued in “The Book of Kells” as to who would be playing a regenerated Monk. Former “Goodie” Graeme Garden threw me, but on reflection he turned in a nice playful turn, with his Monk so immersed in his lies and half-truths he appeared to be deluding himself that he was acting in the best interest of anyone other than himself.
I never warmed to Tamsin, but on reflection, I guess I wasn’t supposed to. Anyone following Sheridan Smith would have a job, and her change to travelling with the Monk made for an interesting end with her death at the hands of the Daleks. The Monk finally confessing his sins to someone he really seemed to have become attached to.
Sheridan Smith as Lucie. I was surpised by her abrupt departure, but the reveal that she had initially been recruited as the Monks assistant made for a good reunion, with Lucie being a bit more acute in her assessment of the Monks methods and goals. All too brief however. I thought her narration of the attack by the Daleks on Earth in “Lucie Miller” was haunting. If you’re going to die in Who mythology – flying a Dalek ship a detonating a massive bomb to save the Universe is as good as any. I’ll still miss her though.
It was lovely to hear Carol Ann Ford as Susan. I wasn’t prepared for how weird it would be to hear her address McGann as “Grandfather”, and I suddenly thought how it would look on screen if she ever addressed Matt Smith in the same way. Madness! Alas poor Alex – the Doctors great Grandson goes out to protect his mum and Lucie.
As for McGann – another good series. I loved the echoes in “To the Death”. It’s long being speculated that the Time War was caused by the Daleks discovering the events of “Genesis”. Was McGann’s threat to go back a make sure this time to the Dalek Time Controller the source of that information? His conversation with Susan about the caveman he thought, briefly, of killing. “Chesterton stopped me – but maybe I’ve grown too soft”. Susan’s horror at his speculation that he should ignore the Laws of Time and go back for Lucie.
Above all – The Doctor in the Tardis at the end, endlessly playing back her last message to him. “One Day I will go back”. Had a bit of a shiver at that.
Really well done to Big Finish and everyone involved in this run. I can’t say the ending cheered me, but I don’t think I have anything to complain about.
22 January 2013 at 21:42 #1825Ahem *shuffles feet guiltily*, still not had time to listen to the episodes. To be fair my laptop died on me and wiped out my recordings. I managed to salvage 7 of them but I’ve spent my time backing everything up just in case.
I’ll try and give them a go at the weekend…
3 May 2013 at 04:56 #7650Is this audio available on t’internet?
3 May 2013 at 10:56 #7658Not legitimitely for free I’m afraid. They are produced by Big Finish under licence . The usual form is that a series is released one year, and then a one off broadcast is done on Radio 4xtra just after Christmas (as these were). They are available to Dowload at a slightly reduced cost though.
After broadcast they go onto i-player for a month, so if you could sort yourself with one of those “ahem” proxy things ex-pats go on about (or if the vaunted overseas subscription to i-player goes online this year) you may be able to enjoy the “Dark Eyes” run next year. This apparently features a damaged “Eight starting to look a bit more like “Nine”.
3 May 2013 at 11:50 #7660Thanks.for the info. I keep meaning to look into a VPN but will wait and see how international iplayer pans out.
23 May 2013 at 17:41 #10569yea just a quick question, where could i find the audio adventures at ive been looking for them for a little bit but no can do
7 September 2014 at 14:01 #31253Love the audios & all the stuff from Big Finish
10 June 2015 at 08:40 #40584Hello. My name is Anthony Kiely. I am 20 years old. I am from Ireland. I love Doctor Who.
I am doing a Doctor Who Audio Series and I need voices and writers. The series will begin with the Christmas episode this year and series 1 will air next year on YouTube. If you are interested in writing for it or voicing in it or will edited the episodes for me, please contact me at anthonykiely@ymail.com. (Yes it is Ymail not Gmail).
I’d appreciated if I got a respond from anyone. All help will do.
Thank you.
24 June 2015 at 22:16 #40808I would like to start the audio series. Any suggestions on where to start? The 8th Doctor was very good in what little I have seen him in, and I would to hear more about his travels.
6 July 2015 at 08:50 #40987Any ideas?
5 September 2015 at 17:36 #42387If you got into DW via the renewed series, New Eighth Doctor Adventures are a good place to start. They resemble the nuWho format (60 min. episodes telling more or less standalone stories, with loose season story arcs) and they provide the context and background for Dark Eyes.
Dark Eyes series itself might be a good starting point but I guess that listening to NEDA with 8th and Lucie Miller first would be better.
Or – especially if you are a classic Who fan – you could just take it from the very beginning and start with Storm Warning. The format is more like the Classic Who TV series.
Those main range stories are pretty awesome (and a lot of them have pretty strong steampunk vibes to them I feel) and Charley Pollard is an absolutely adorable companion.Those are the three starting points I’d consider.
(I myself started with NEDA and then came back to the older stories. Worked for me.)But I guess you might have started already, anyway. 🙂
25 June 2016 at 08:09 #52902‘Diary of River Song’ was very good. The first CD was by far the weakest of the set, but the pace really picked up. Alex Kingston is amazing in it, and surprise, surprise, she has great chemistry with yet another Doctor.
25 June 2016 at 08:13 #52903@meisiluosi Thank you for the great suggestions. The audios have been further proof that the 8th Doctor needs a lot more screen time, and not just in that ridiculous movie. Love his voice and humor, can’t believe he didn’t have a few years of episodes dedicated to him on the tele.
17 February 2018 at 00:23 #631688th Doctor is quickly becoming my favorite. McGann’s voice is just so….perfect for the doctor. Can’t afford all the audios, but I listened to The Chimes of Midnight, and the first few Dark Eyes. Absolutely amazing. I doubt they would make money, but I’d pay to see McGann get a 4 episode or so series nearing that end of 8ths time. Him slowly losing his ability to keep doing his thing is amazing to listen to.
5 February 2019 at 09:18 #6732919 May 2020 at 23:30 #70694What a great idea for a place to talk about Paul McGann’s audio outings. Can we have a thread like this where we can discuss the Tenth Doctor Adventures please?
20 July 2023 at 05:37 #74313Where can i get a subscription to Big Finish ausio books?? I can purchase thr individually i havent the $. Ive tried spotify and found nothing…
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