• IAmNotAFishIAmAFreeMan replied to the topic Hell Bent


    No. He wanted the truth, without the filter of politics, without the spin-doctoring.

  • IAmNotAFishIAmAFreeMan replied to the topic Hell Bent


    During the episode the Doctor kept correcting people when they said it was a myth plus he corrected them when they got information wrong so I think the hybrid is real.

    I think you have misread that a little. He was correcting them when they were being vague, when they were prevaricating. He was making them be concrete, making…[Read more]

  • Mudlark replied to the topic Hell Bent

    @DoctorDalek17   Interesting point.  Even if the Time Lords had been in stasis, it is clear that they no longer were so by the time of the events in Time of the Doctor, since they were communicating through the crack in the universe. That doesn’t mean that either of my suggested scenarios is necessarily wrong – they could have been trying to get…[Read more]

  • IAmNotAFishIAmAFreeMan replied to the topic Hell Bent

    @doctordalek17 @blenkinsopthebrave

    In DotD 11 declared that he was still running, but now running home (having improvised a way to make Gallifrey safe – I suspect it went awry and they ended up hidden at the end of time).

    In TotD 11 found that bringing the Time Lords back would restart the Time War. But he also discovered where they were (b…[Read more]

  • blenkinsopthebrave replied to the topic Hell Bent


    I think since the sisterhood of Khan knows a lot about timelords and even can force regeneration on one I personally believe they just know where timelords are when they are in the universe… if that makes any sense

    Yes, it does make sense. But it also raises the question of why, if the Doctor wanted to find Gallifrey, he didn’t j…[Read more]

  • nerys replied to the topic Hell Bent


    What is the wiggle room? I just never understood what this is.

    If I understand correctly (and I might not, having watched it only once), Clara is stuck between heartbeats … presumably between her next-to-last and last heartbeat. So my interpretation of this is that as long as she stays within that between-heartbeat space, she and…[Read more]