Companions past and present

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    OB-Wan @ob-wan


    That’s kind of what I meant when I said…

    “Perhaps it’s like people who have a Doctorate who get insulted if you call them “Mr.”  Maybe she was saying that she was much more than JUST a companion.”

    But my point was that I don’t think that eliminates her from ALSO being a companion.

    Missy @missy


    Hello there, to your question?

    No, I wouldn’t rate either as a companion.

    The Brigadier had UNIT to run and River spent most of her days in prison.

    My understanding of a companion, is one who travels with the Doctor all the time, every episode,

    until they leave him.



    Missy @missy


    Hello there and welcome.

    Re: “I usually go with the credits. When a person is listed in the opening credits, to me, that makes them a companion, even if it’s just for one episode, like Wilfred Mott in “The End of Time” or Craig Owens in “Closing Time”.

    Adam, played by Bruno Langley, was the boy genius In DALEK and THE LONG GAME, therefore appeared in the credits

    twice. The TARDIS, was his only way out of Van Statten’s underground complex, but he wasn’t a companion.

    Captain Jack, wanted to travel with the Doctor, but also had his own agenda.

    Sarah Jane, also appeared in about four episodes (I believe) but again, she wasn’t a companion.

    Kate Lethbridge Stewart/Stuart, also appeared in the credits, but I don’t think she even entered the Tardis.

    ME, definitely wasn’t a companion.

    Rose, Martha, Donna and Clara, who were in every episode and adventure are- to my mind – the true companions,

    they had the Tardis key.

    Anyway, that’s how I see it, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t see what you are getting at.



    DoctorDani @doctordani

    @ob-wan @mccottonthedoctorfan For me, I don’t think it’s about the status they have, it’s the function they have in the narrative. Generally, the companion(s) are the ones who learn from The Doctor, but who also act as a means of us finding out more about him. In effect he/she are a proxy for the audience. I’m not sure River, specifically, has ever been that because she’s always come from a place of knowing more than anyone else. Perhaps there’s an argument to be made that she truly became a companion during THORS as Twelve finally jumped ahead of her in their timelines?

    It doesn’t really bother me too much either way though. I’d not fight anyone to the death if they were adamant she was just a companion.

    McCotton @mccottonthedoctorfan

    @doctordani That’s how it is for me.  I’m not gonna fight anyone on their opinion.  I’m just saying I personally consider River and the Brigadier companions.  But that’s just my opinion.  If you disagree, I’m alright with that.

    OB-Wan @ob-wan


    Adam, played by Bruno Langley, was the boy genius In DALEK and THE LONG GAME, therefore appeared in the credits

    I guess I didn’t really say that very well.  I meant in the opening credits BEFORE the “Doctor Who” title card.  I wasn’t trying to include guest stars per se unless they got billing in big letters “above the title”, so to speak.

    I understand that other people may have other criteria, but those are subjective (How many episodes, how big a part, etc.).  I go with people that the producers feature as prominent during the opening theme song.  It’s not perfect but it is an objective criteria.

    No, I wouldn’t rate either as a companion.  The Brigadier had UNIT to run and River spent most of her days in prison.

    But what about her nights?  We don’t have to agree, but I just can’t go with a wife NOT also being a companion, even if they don’t spend the majority of time together.  Maybe I’m just an old romantic.

    As for the Brigidier, I mentioned that he was listed as a companion for “The Five Doctors” which was AFTER his time at UNIT and in that story he actually played the role of companion for Patrick Troughton.

    That’s my humble opinion for what it’s worth.

    McCotton @mccottonthedoctorfan

    @ob-wan I guess than, I’m just more general than most people.  When I think of “companion,” I tend to think of anyone who’s traveled with the Doctor, in the TARDIS in any capacity.  You mentioned the Brigadier traveled with the 2nd in the Five Doctors.  He also traveled through the Black Hole in The Three Doctors.

    Well, a little more general than that actually.  Like I consider all the one-off “partners” (I don’t think there was much TARDIS travel) that the 10th cooperated with after Donna left (in Tennant’s final series) as companions.

    McCotton @mccottonthedoctorfan

    Or even the consciousness that is “The Moment” I would kind of (and that’s on a very loose technicality) consider that the War Doctor’s companion.

    Missy @missy


    Good point.


    zepyr101 @zepyr101

    i just wanted to chime in and say Rose is the shittest character ever…  all she does is fuck shit up..  everytime..  cries about her family..  blah blah blah   what a pussy…  shes dumb.  she only got on the show because shes pretty.   im sure shes probably cool in real life but BBC made her into a retard…  she cant do anything right and damn near ruins the mission everytime, if it was real and i was the doctor i would have killed her many times for nearly endangering space time and everything..  that most likely is what BBC’s plan was,  the more you have an opinion, bad or good, about a character the more you watch.

    Missy @missy

    Well, you’re entitled to your opinion zepyr. I would ask one thing, could you find different adjectives please.



    Kharis @kharis

    I should have wrote my Romana and Adric comments here.  They went unnoticed on the Sofa.

    Rose was a wonderful companion.  Everyone has opinions just like everyone has an……

    Anonymous @

    @kharis you are right Rose was wonderful. They are probably here because of the news about Who and therefore hate the show.

    @zepyr101 is a troll. I wouldn’t take any notice. Of course my tagging the dood I already ‘did.’

    PLease god we can all write a bit better than that now, eh? 🙂

    He speaks about ‘the mission’. I don’t actually think that’s a term in Who. I know it’s a term in Play Station though which I think he might play too much @missy . I will tell mum about the book  you said on the other thread. I am sure she will catch up with all the posts when home.

    From Son

    zepyr101 @zepyr101

    No…  No trolling.  She was just awful.  All she could do was fuck shit up and cry about her family every time she got a chance damn near destroying multiple timelines in her wake.  Getting rid of her was the best thing they’ve done yet

    zepyr101 @zepyr101

    Bbc that is.  If this was an American show it would be a bit more than a B list sci-fi.  Good thing I love me a B list sci fi but the bbc just doesn’t fit the bill.  Doesn’t anyome think it’s weird no matter where they go they ALL SPEAK ENGLAND ENGLISH?????  Maybe people in England’s thoughts don’t go that far…  The story writing is great.  It’s the execution that’s lacking.  Too bad

    ichabod @ichabod

    @zepyr101  Just registering annoyance with needlessly crude and provocative language and unspecific mud-slinging, in case you choose to think that relative quiet on that score = assent, in any particular.

    Anonymous @


    and the endless capitals which two troubled people are using now.

    This isn’t good. Sometimes this is a difficult place -mostly it’s terrific but still you are all really patient. I would tend to just vanish! So well done for sticking with it. I’d promise mum I’d look at the Forum and check it out but it can be well a cricket Test.

    Son of Puro

    Allonsy @allonsy

    @zepyr101 the TARDIS translates other languages to proper English. As well as. translating English to whatever language is used at their present location.

    Also calling it England English is like saying Italy Italian. That just sounds ridiculous. Do you call what you speak American English? I hope you aren’t from America by the way. We have enough people giving us a bad name already.

    As far as my opinion on the content of this thread. I am still fairly new to DW, with zero experience with BG companions. In my opinion though Rose was a fantastic companion. She is the stick by which I measure other companions. I did enjoy Martha’s short run as companion, and have not been thrilled by but still enjoy Donna.

    By far my favorite companions so far would be between Rose and Captain Jack (if we are considering him a companion).

    Arbutus @arbutus

    @zepyr101         Given that Doctor Who is a British program, made in the UK by the taxpayer-supported BBC using British actors, I have to say that no, it comes as no surprise that the English heard on the show is the British version. Is this meant to be a serious complaint? Because I don’t recall any complaints about the fact that in the Star Trek universe, most of the aliens spoke with American accents. Or about all the Australian accents in Farscape.

    And frankly, the British character of the show is part of what even most American fans actually like about it. Calling it B-grade and claiming that if it were an American show it would be better, is standing on pretty shaky ground considering what many fans (again, including Americans here) thought of the TV movie.

    Craig @craig

    @puroandson @ichabod @allonsy @arbutus

    Please don’t bother with our new ‘friend’. It’s always best to ignore. Am tempted to delete the posts but if we can show that we can take it, ignore, and move on I think that’s probably better.

    Don’t waste your precious time – if you do they win.

    Arbutus @arbutus

    @craig     Well, you’re right of course, and I didn’t bother with the original post for exactly that reason. I couldn’t resist with the next bit simply because it was so ridiculous. But, as you say, probably best not to feed.

    @allonsy    Rose has never been my favourite, although there were things about her that I liked. I didn’t always love how her character was handled in the storyline. And as I wrote earlier in another post, I liked her much better with Nine than with Ten. Captain Jack I enjoyed very much in his first appearance, and thought he was okay throughout the first series. When he was brought back later on I liked him less, but I think by that time, the character had become more informed by Torchwood. It occurred to me recently (and I found this interesting) that his first appearance was in a story penned by Stephen Moffat, as opposed to all the others which were Russell T. Davies episodes. It may be that I just preferred the way Moffat handled the character.

    I think my favourite AG character would still be Donna. I loved her sauce, and the give and take of her relationship with the Doctor.I don’t suppose she would have worked as well with either Eleven or Twelve, but with Ten I thought she was fabulous. I liked that, unlike most other companions, her boisterous attitude came from a lack of confidence rather than the opposite. I thought it was very sad that the ending of her story removed all the wonderful character development that she had been through, I found that pretty tragic.

    All that being said, I don’t think I have ever really disliked a Companion!

    Allonsy @allonsy

    @arbutus I suspect that my lack of interest in Donna so far is just from lack of experience with the character. As I said before being fairly new to the series Donna’s run as companion has just started for me. I don’t dislike her and hopefully she will grow on me as Martha did.

    I, too, thought that SM handled the Captain Jack character a little better than RTD. Although, my love for the character may be based more on the fact that I love John Barrowman in just about everything he does.

    @craig You are correct, sir. Obvious troll is obvious. As @arbutus said the second comment got to me more than the first. Next time deep breath and keep scrolling.

    ichabod @ichabod

    @craig  Yep; done and dusted, as requested.

    Anonymous @


    thankfully you can blame Son for this -he normally is very good with trollers. He passes on by. See, this is what happens with hybrids: we become like the other 🙂

    By now, at school, he’s forgotten about Who, trollers, food, pretty much anything except school 🙂

    @allonsy. I had issues with Donna too. But then on re-watches loved her. Like @arbutus I have the same feelings for Barrowman/Jack. In the first two eps -astonishing – but for me and Son, after that, much less so.  But then I disliked Torchwood with a passion. Maybe that wasn’t fair but I wasn’t on board with it (apart from the actress who played Gwen). Again, that could change 🙂

    That’s why this little home away from home is excellent: perspectives change with excellent debates. Or they should do I think. I see it as evolution. My Son is far better than I ever was -at anything except music (he really is tone deaf). My brother far better than our Dad. Nothing wrong with Dad but my brother, who managed to ‘harvest’ that DNA, evolved ‘upwards’. 🙂

    Yes, I liked Rose but never adored her. Not until two seasons later with her reappearance: battle hardened, weary, saddened. I saw more depth but then she was only 19 after all (to sort of quote an Aussie band there) in ‘Rose.’

    Thinking about television @allonsy yes, I know, people say “oh Yankers, or  you ‘Mericans” -awful. They ignore the wonders emerging every day from the States – from early history and democracy, to habeas corpus, to various authors and musicians, comedians and truly excellent television. I was listening to Edgar Myer and the chameleon-esque Bela Fleck on banjo playing Bach’s preludes (@Mersey you might enjoy that) very recently. There’s no better banjo performer to my mind.

    Back to thread….

    @mccottonthedoctorfan @doctordani (Hallo to you!)

    I’m with you there, McCotton: River is a companion to my mind as important as Amy or Rose. Same with Jack -in his own way and even the Brigadier. They probably won’t do a doco on it: they’ll save that for RaMDAC ( Rose and Martha; Donna; Amy; Clara ) which I understand and the others they’ll list as ‘important influences, friends and wives.’ I guess there’s a line in the sand somewhere. Hmm, now where was that line in the sand from?  🙂

    Kindest, PuroSolo

    Missy @missy


    Thumbs up Son of Puro. I think that you mum will find the book very entertaining. It’s got quite a twist.



    Missy @missy


    A gold star for you.



    Missy @missy


    Spotonski and well said.



    Missy @missy


    “I guess there’s a line in the sand somewhere. Hmm, now where was that line in the sand from? :)”

    Very droll. *big grin*



    Arbutus @arbutus

    @missy   Thanks! I need all the gold stars I can get!  🙂

    ichabod @ichabod

    @puroandson  @missy  I guess there’s a line in the sand somewhere. Hmm, now where was that line in the sand from? 🙂

    I’ve always felt the “line in the sand” metaphor is basically a poignant and rather wistful one: one swipe of a strong breeze, and where is it then?

    Missy @missy


    A very good point ichabod. Especially if the breeze comes from the East?



    Missy @missy


    Don’t we all?



    Mersey @mersey

    Poor Adric, you were worth hundred of Clara Oswald. My last five episodes: Hell bent, The Husbands of River Song, The Power of Three, The Angels take Manhattan and The Earthshock, in other words the last Clara’s appearance, the last River’s appearance (presumable), the number of companions which Doctor should travel with in the next series, the death of Amy and Rory and death of Adric. What a run.

    Missy @missy


    I cannot remember Adric, so I can’t comment. However, in my opinion Claar was damned good, as were Rose and Donna.

    Martha, Rory and Amy were all right – Amy better than Martha at least.

    River Song wins the gold though, even though she wasn’t strictly speaking, a companion.



    Missy @missy

    Hello everyone, it’s been a while. I couldn’t answer a couple of posts “on the Sofa”

    so sorry ichabod and winston.

    If no one has brought this up, I read that one fan would love Missy and River to be in an episode, and have a slanging match.

    Can you imagine? I’d pay good money to see that.



    winston @winston

    @missy              I would love to see Missy v River!   What a great idea that would be. The verbal sparring that took place boggles my imagination.

    janetteB @janetteb

    @missy and @winston Count me in. That is one for our Moffat wishlist before he departs.



    Missy @missy


    It would be the episode of the year methinks.



    Missy @missy


    Actually, I’m surprised that SM hasn’t thought of it.



    janetteB @janetteb

    @missy. Fingers crossed he has..would make for a memorable Christmas episode or series finale/Moffat farewell.



    Missy @missy


    Wouldn’t it though.

    Everyone, fingers crossed please.

    I was surprised that SM didn’t think of The Tardis coming to life, as in The Doctor’s Wife.

    Still, he can’t think of everything, can he.



    winston @winston

    @missy   and @janetteb        I would dress up (or get dressed ) and make popcorn for that episode. My fingers are crossed although I am not sure I can keep them that way for a whole year!

    Missy @missy


    That’s the trouble isn’t it, one can’t eat properly with ones’ fingers crossed – still I’ll make the effort.


    Wouldn’t it make a wonderful Christmas special? Like Winston, I’d get dressed up and pay good money to see that.

    It would/could, be the episode of the year.

    In hopeful anticipation,


    DoctorDani @doctordani

    @missy @winston @janetteb You can count me in on a River vs Missy ep too. How epic could you get?! It’s something I’d love to see at the end of Moffat’s tenure actually, and why I’m not averse to a secret Time Child dragging River out of the Library. I mean, come on, if Rassilon can escape the Matrix…

    Alternatively, I’d be quite happy with Twelve being uploaded to the Library when he does go. I LOVE that Moffat made Capaldi River’s Doctor. Their chemistry was pretty much instantaneous.

    winston @winston

    I wonder what it would be like to have Donna as a companion for CapDoc. He would try to be all brooding and mysterious and she would just say “knock it off spaceman!” Just try and protect Donna and see where it gets you. Fail to protect her and it will be even worse. Duty of care…….OY!

    Definately a whole different series.

    Missy @missy


    As you say, the chemistry was instant. It was a risk, as no one can act ‘good chemistry.’ It’s either there or it

    Also, if Rassilon escaped………..?



    Missy @missy


    Actually, it’s a shame, because Donna and the CapDoc would hsve been very interesting, and I think, very funny.

    Unfortunately, she’d burn up if she remembered the Doctor.

    Damn and blast!



    DoctorDani @doctordani

    @missy I just meant that if they ever want to get River out of the Library there’s a precedent for it with Rassilon escaping the Matrix. If she ever does, I hope she manages to do it by herself. She wouldn’t be River if she wasn’t escaping something.

    TheDentistOfDavros @thedentistofdavros

    Hello everyone I was just think what Doctor-Companion pairing/group do you think had the best chemistry and which had the worst?

    For me I think the second doctor and Jamie had the best chemistry and if you added Zoe into that then it just got better, I also liked the fourth doctor and both the Romanas especially when they were given great scripts to work off. The tenth doctor and Donna was also very amusing to watch as was the fourth with Leela.

    As for the worst I would have to say the fifth doctor with Nyssa and Adric as I wasn’t keen on either of those companions and I always felt that they didn’t get on with each other (on screen) I also didn’t like Rose with the tenth doctor and I feel that she worked much better with Chris’s doctor, I wasn’t a fan of their romantic storyline either

    What do you guys think?

    winston @winston

    @thedentistofdavros      I am a romantic at heart so I was ok with Rose and ten. My Fave so far is ten and Donna as I thought they had great chemistry as mates. I don’t know the BG Doctors well but I do love Sarah Jane with any Doctor and that goes for River as well. I am such a fan of the show that I love them all!

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