• Missy replied to the topic The Star Beast

    Enjoyable posts, but some of you do analyse too much, just sit back and enjoy!

    What a daft word “woke” is, I had to look it up. Whatever happened to the ENGLISH language?

    Sorry, the above just made me cross.

    Roll on next week.


  • Anyone seen Shadow and Bone on Netflix?


  • Missy replied to the topic The Star Beast

    Delighted to be back now that the Doctor is back and a male.

    I thoroughly enjoyed this episode, except for two things. The music, although superb, was/is much too loud and at times drowned out the dialogue. Secondly, not keen on the new Tardis interior, much too clinical and hospital like for me. I much preferred the Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi…[Read more]

  • Missy replied to the topic Neverwhere


    I haven’t seen the series of Neverwhere, but, as I said, the CD is wonderful. Good Omens?  I have the DVD and the book.

    Both enjoyable.



  • @oochillyo

    Hello yourself. I don’t know which show you mean? If you haven’t got Netflix, then you wouldn’t have seen Lucifer.


  • @oochillyo

    Hello there, yes I have watched Sweet Tooth, not bad. Other police series is of course Line of Duty. Happy Valley I couldn’t get into, unusual for me. The Good Doctor is very clever, especially Freddie Highmore. I  remember him in Finding never Land, which was wonderful Johnny Depp at his best.

    However, my favourite TV series (apart…[Read more]

  • Speaking of Evil and Devil, has anyone watched LUCIFER?

    If so, what do you think of it?



  • @oochillyo

    Have seen MAYFLIES. Very sad.  Tony Curran actually looks like Van Gogh, have you seen some of his self portraits?


    I have heard of Evil’s Hour, but no sign of it as yet. Anyone watched Stranger things on Netflix? Very well done and funny, especially Dunstan and Hopper.  The Never Ending story  theme sung by Dunstan (D…[Read more]

  • Missy replied to the topic General Books thread

    You should try him.

    He writes for adults – the Disc World series – and is very, very funny, as well as brilliant.

    Ever watched MERLIN?

  • Missy replied to the topic General Books thread


    I hadn’t heard of Rick Riordan, but I have all the HP books and all the films 🙂
    >Have you heard of Terry Pratchett?


  • Missy replied to the topic The Winchester

    I could not resist this! Bound to offend someone 🙂

    I used to think I was pretty much just a regular person, but I was born white, into a two-parent household which now, whether I like it or not, makes me privileged, a racist, responsible for slavery and genocide of Aboriginals, etc.

    I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today’s…[Read more]

  • Missy replied to the topic Doctor Who memories

    How could  have forgotten Donna Noble? I preferred her to Clara.


  • Missy replied to the topic Doctor Who memories

    @auntie8nay6. Welcome. I am not on very often, but I read all the posts.

    Unlike @dentarthurdent, I saw the very first episode of Doctor Who. Unfortunately it went to air the same day that JFK was assassinated, however they showed it again on the Saturday and I watched that too! 🙂 Love at first sight.

    I liked all the Doctors except for the last…[Read more]

  • Missy replied to the topic 42


    They released the fuel, back to the sun because they had stolen it. Only then would the sun release them from its grip.

    The fuel was cargo, they had their own fuel. Think that’s correct? 🙂



  • Missy replied to the topic On The Sofa (10)


    Loved Merlin. I have the box set.




  • Missy replied to the topic On The Sofa (10)

    The above post reminded me of a card I once bought for a friend. It ran thus:

    what can you give someone who has everything?”



  • Missy replied to the topic Dr Who News (4)


    A male Doctor! Now I can begin watching Doctor who again after it’s long absence.

    It will be interesting to see how this new actor turns out.  Time will tell…no pun intended.

    For the moment, I’m content. *grins*


  • Missy replied to the topic Website comments (2)

    Yes there is a bathroom.

    If you watch The Pilot, Bill needs the toilet and Nadole suggests that she  waits a bit.


  • Missy replied to the topic On The Sofa (10)


    You see, that’s the trouble with analysis, it tends to spoil the fun of a story.

    Don’t dwell on the logic of the thing, simply enjoy it.

    As son as we met Bill, preferred her to Clara. She had become much too cocky and was beginning to annoy me.

    As for the next series, when oh when will we be rid of JW, she seems to be dragging…[Read more]

  • Missy replied to the topic Dr Who News (4)


    It would be too much to hope for – for me at least – for Kris to get the role. I remember DT’s Doctor wishing he’d been ‘ginger.’


    His absent mindedness would also be perfect for the role. However, that’s just my opinion.

    Michael Sheen would be pretty good choice too.


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