General Music thread 2

Home Forums Non-Doctor Music General Music thread 2

This topic contains 1,008 replies, has 44 voices, and was last updated by  Craig 9 years, 5 months ago.

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    Anonymous @

    @arbutus  I was talking to Mr Ilion regarding your ‘misguided spirit of volunteerism” and his tip was to :”get out in front & stay out in front. You’ll win every game.” It took me a while to realise that this was his reminder of British humour. He always maintained (having done the managing of the cricket teams as well) that the children are never the problem, the adult children, on the other hand, are!

    It’s always: “My boy, Sonny, is so good, why is he not playing left-mid or batting high up in the order, why are the drinks  only water and not Gatorade, why are the jerseys not properly washed, why do I have to score when I did it last week and Mr ____hasn’t done the scoring all season, why and why and why….”

    Enjoy! I must find a song which ‘celebrates’ this totally thankless job. Kindest, puro.

    Arbutus @arbutus

    @purofilion    Thanks to you and Mr. Ilion for the words of wisdom. I’m sure he’s right. And having done this job once before with a team that was completely dysfunctional and barely made it through the season before it imploded, I can only go up from there! And I did a season of baseball once, which like cricket from the sound of it, requires you to get parents to help. This as you say is far harder than just getting the kids to lay off what one of my son’s coaches called the “bonehead plays”.      🙂

    wolfweed @wolfweed

    Timeloop @timeloop

    @whisht ” if I say that I see now say (how/) I see why” that was confusing.

    “The Hoff” Is no big thing in Germany to anyone I know. I didn’t know about that thing till I was 16 or so. One song, big deal. But some Germans might think differently- I do not speek for all- maybe older/elderly people.


    wolfweed @wolfweed

    The Krynoid Man @thekrynoidman

    I watched the film The Boat that Rocked (or Pirate Radio as it’s known in the US) today, and there was a pretty memorable scene that featured this classic track from The Rolling Stones.

    Anonymous @

    It’s official! I’ve passed my Horticulture course 😀

    There’s no sign of  job on the horizon but I’ll be studying for Level 2 from 18th Sept.

    Here’s a little ditty from Suzi & The Banshees.

    wolfweed @wolfweed

    Congrats @fatmaninabox for the official pass. You are a Gent, Skol-ler and quite possibly an Acrobat…

    The Krynoid Man @thekrynoidman

    @wolfweed I used to love the Pink Panther cartoon when I was a boy. I remember watching one of the films for the first time and being disappointed that it was about Inspector Clouseau not the cartoon cat, although once I got over that, I loved them too. Still do.

    Anonymous @

    @craig, @pedant, @pufferfish I have new additions to my favorite songs list now.  Slightly concerned, possibly liking one a little too much  😳

    Anonymous @

    @fatmaninabox congrats to you on your horticulture course. As we’d say in Oz ‘Kerry orn’. Kindest, purofilion

    Arbutus @arbutus

    Here’s a not-quite-contemporaneous “Robin and Marian” song (probably about a century after the RoS setting).

    Arbutus @arbutus

    @fatmaninabox   Congratulations on level 1!  And this, because it makes me laugh:

    Whisht @whisht

    Hey @fatmaninabox – well done!

    Excellent news!

    Now, I’ve been looking through my music using ‘green’ ‘mud’ ‘gardens’ etc but everything I find isn’t really right for one reason or another.

    So I’ve plumped for this – not the best evah by them, but imagine the initial drum roll is a fanfare of success. the rest just… builds. kinda nice and actually restrained after such an opening.

    Bluesqueakpip @bluesqueakpip

    @fatmaninabox – congratulations on passing your Horticulture course.

    Anonymous @

    @bluesqueakpip – Thanks, always loved that song 🙂

    No, it’s certainly not easy being green (fingered). I’m having to contend with blisters, scratches from Rose thorns / Hawthorn bushes, nettle stings, wasps and horse flies.

    As Bilbo Baggins said “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door…”

    Whisht @whisht

    Hi @timeloop – I can only imagine that I’ve said something that was either too dumb to be funny or too dumb to be understood – both highly likely knowing me!
    Not sure what I said re The Hoff but all I can imagine is that I was trying to be ‘funny’ about the interviews he gave around the 80’s/90’s on TV in Britain saying how bemused he was that he was more famous in Germany for his singing than for acting (or at least that’s how I remembered it!).
    Its only now typing this I realise it was either him being amusing about his careering career or a theme interviewers and he played with just to have something to say!
    Sorry if I said something confusing or god forbid something that could’ve been vaguely insulting!

    anyway – back to your latst theory…!


    Anonymous @

    Whisht the ‘can’t let it go’ song, just for you:  🙂  sorry but your gonna hate it!

    Whisht @whisht

    ha ha ha! @Purofilion – now just why would you imagine that I’d hate that song?

    I do happen to hate it but…. actually she seems to be embracing whatever the something that’s troubling her is, so….
    Thanks! You’ve given me the confidence in my bonkers theories to embrace the Papal Mainframe after I’ve tied her and Marie Antoinette together!

    Hm, maybe there’s an appropriate song from Tangled for that?


    Anonymous @

    Hi @whisht now I hope I didn’t offend you and your theory. I just saw your other post, and it seemed so lyrical with verses ‘n all, that I simply had to find a song that had let it go in the lyrics somewhere -the other option was something from Andrew L. W. which, considering his output could have been worse -:) A South American female corrupt leader -ring any bells?- or maybe a certain cat, wearing spats? I happen to like your theory.

    When you think about it (as you have) the Papal Mainframe- being something introduced in the last ep of Dr Smith – could easily be a carry over into this new series. The fact we have various droids using body parts and other hints of previous incarnations -Venusian Akido (I’m sure I spelled that totally, like, um, wrong?) included as well as this phantom/incorporeal Missy (Jury still out on whether she’s corporeal or not) links the whole thing back to a CAL -like ‘complex’ or ‘planet’. Perhaps another Planet of the Dead -perhaps some other evil being like the wonderful and hellish Devil -but, seeing Missy, she doesn’t seem entirely evil??  Knowing how the Dr interacts with her will be the real unpredictable plot point at this stage

    Kindest, purodidlion

    Whisht @whisht

    @purofilion – you never offend (and I simply enjoy silly jokes, like tying up characters!).

    I’ve garbled something over on the RoS thread but its all over the place – its like grasping smoke!

    However, its 11.20pm here, time for bed, yet workmen outside have decided its a GREAT time to DIGUPTHEEFFINGROAD! I kid you not. he’s got an angle grinder and is cutting up the road outside my flat. Its screeching as it cuts up the tarmac.

    He’s lucky the road he’s cutting is mainly lived in by hipsters – a couple of streets away and he’d be shot!


    time for bed!

    Anonymous @

    @whisht by the time you wake up it will be too late but you can buy these amazing ear plugs that are not meant for swimmers but are purely for shutting out noise. They aren’t that soft so that when you ‘meld’ them about in your fingers (God, this is sounding like porn now) they can go in your ears and literally by squashing them in, all sound -including some vibration -is shut out! Amazing. All the others I used to have were no better than cotton wool. The very brightly coloured ones are too soft and can actually degrade the ear drum. So, take a trip to Boots (is it?) -for next time! P’Didlion

    wolfweed @wolfweed

    Rupert… ‘s’ not good…

    Whisht @whisht

    So, as far as songs-for-episodes go, I actually can’t better @danmartinuk ‘s choice in the Guardian!

    feel free to post any others Dan!

    [and that’s possibly the only time I’ll link to a Beyonce, but that simply show’s the poverty of my musical taste! 😉 ]

    wolfweed @wolfweed

    I don’t do air guitar but I do do air harp…

    FredVelvet @fredvelvet

    This video by Kpop idol IU has some Doctor Who overtones in it. By that I mean she time travels in a blue box that has windows. The design of the time machine is particularly noticeable at around 3:54.

    It also has lots of clockwork stuff going on throughout, much like the new titles sequence.

    Anonymous @

    @wolfweed – Interesting version but sadly I got a bit bored with it about half way through – it lacks Nico McBrain’s mad drumming and Steve Harris’ thundering bassline.

    Here’s the original. 😈

    Anonymous @


    I’ve amended your post for you.

    If you want to embed video, copy the URL then click on the Text tab and paste the URL onto a line of it’s own ie, there should be no other text on the same line.

    FredVelvet @fredvelvet

    @fatmaninabox Thanks for your assistance and advice on that

    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord


    So, as far as songs-for-episodes go, I actually can’t better @danmartinuk ‘s choice in the Guardian!

    I think, like @fatmaninabox, I was drawn to the FEAR aspect of the production. Fear of the Dark I really enjoy, and this live version makes it sound like a celebration of the phenomenon.

    On the FEAR theme I present F.E.A.R. by all round monkey-boy Ian Brown, which is clever if nothing else:

    But perhaps if my theory of the Doctor grappling with his fear of the afterlife (and the opportunity to explore it) is correct, then perhaps we should have Don’t fear Missy The Reaper? 🙂

    Anyone else got some banging fear related tracks?

    DanMartinUK @danmartinuk

    Ooh, is song-of-the-episode a game that actually happens? Am well behind this! Maybe I should suggest one each week from now on. Well, I stand by Beyonce (I will always stand by Beyonce), but for fear-related songs, you can’t go too far wrong with this from Pulp…


    Anonymous @

    @phaseshift – I can’t top Don’t Fear the Reaper, Brilliant  🙂 

    But this song is pretty good for Missy I think.  It has a nightmare feel and gives me creepy vibes.

    Anonymous @

    @danmartinuk I woke up and saw Pulp and thought ‘whay hey haaay  what’s this?” Boy, it’s showing my age when I remember Pulp’s antics discussed on ZZZ, a small alternative rock station in Oz back in the 90s.

    Cocker, in an attempt to be Batman or Spiderman, ended up in a wheelchair after chucking himself out of window (attempting to impress a groupie?). I recall ZZZ mentioned a riot at Brunel which received national coverage (@JanetteB do you remember any of this? ).

    Was it Cocker or Webber who bum wiggled (?) and swore in technicolour then were dragged off stage at a Michael Jackson music award leading to an arrest for ABH and banged up in local nick!!

    Great times. Kindest, purofilion

    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord


    Oh – we can make a game of anything! Thank our resident musical host @whisht. 🙂

    But surely you can’t beat the Iron Maiden track for relevance?

    “Fear of the Dark..Fear of the Dark!
    I have the constant fear that something’s always near!”

    Fear related, Neil Gaiman related, and possibly a comfort to the little ones who were terrified like Rupert.

    Hope you do include a musical track in future blogs. It’s always interesting to hear.

    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord


    I’ll take a very modest bow for Don’t Fear the Reaper. It was ingrained into me after seeing the start of a production of Stephen King’s “The Stand” as it was playing in the background as a soldier tries to escape with his family (and spreads the plague). A haunting start to a lacklustre production.

    Thanks for the track – never heard that before.


    Cocker, in an attempt to be Batman or Spiderman, ended up in a wheelchair after chucking himself out of window (attempting to impress a groupie?).

    That sounds like the Jarvis we know and love. He’s weird enough to be the Doctor himself. Yes – it was Jarvis who waggled his arse at Jackson at a Brit Awards. Hilarious fact, I don’t know if you’ve come accross comedian Bob Mortimer (of Vic’n’Bob fame -google him!) but he was there at the awards, very drunk and demanded to represent Jarvis. He walked into the Police Station to see his arrested client as a comedian and failed solicitor and was confronted by thirteen US corporate lawyers representing Jackson, that he just happened to have on hand.

    Bob, quite wisely, bottled it and left it to the professionals.

    Arbutus @arbutus

    Some great soundtrack suggestions here. I get to call once again on one of my favourite bands, the awesome Cat Empire.

    Whisht @whisht


    @danmartinuk – is a choon a ‘thing’ – no its a plan!

    well, actually I have no idea what themes are currently on the Music thread but definitely:
    – songs-that-sum-up-the-episode (not just the name but theme of it as well);
    – songs for characters (ditto);
    – songs for the helluvit (hmm seem to be quite a few of these! 🙂 )

    I almost went for that Pulp track (as it was the first to feature in my iTunes when I searched for “fear”!). Still think your Listen was good though!

    I haven’t found anything better or particularly interesting from my stuff for ‘fear’, ‘afraid’, ‘sleep’ etc so I’ll go with this. Not his best song and quite possibly better suited to another episode (either before or one to come!)but… some of the lyrics suit and… fuckit!


    (hopefully that gives you a sense of how fast and loose this game is played! looking forward to your choon for the next episode!)

    Whisht @whisht

    he he @phaseshift – seems my lack of metal (mettle?) may account for my lack of songs with ‘fear’ in the title! (though hardly as if I don’t like heavy guitars! where’s that Slint when I need them?? wherever it is it needs to be <<loud>>).

    However the Mettalica does give me the excuse to link to a great animation that ( @wolfweed ?) was mentioning a while back (apologies if I’m not remembering correctly!).

    Don’t show that to the kiddies before bedtime!


    Anonymous @

    @whisht I had to come to the Music Thread as the Listen one is pumping out posts till my head is bursting. Too hard! Johnny Cash -perfect. Must find something….must look. …must listen…

    Apparently there are 2 chairs now. WTF?

    Metallica. I was never allowed to listen to them in my ‘youth’ -Czech parents. Now, all z’way! Kindest, puro (done in. Sort of)

    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord


    Ah- not a fan of the metal stylee, are you? One more I thought of, which might be more up your street, is this surprisingly dance orientated track from Siouxsie and her Banshees.

    “I get the feeling, that I’m not alone..”
    “I get the feeling, it’s someone I don’t know.”

    Anonymous @

    This is for the monsters at the end of the universe. 😛

    Who Can It Be?

    Anonymous @

    @handles something’s happening with your embedding. Just click on cut and then go back to the Music Thread and right click on paste and the song will appear. This will give you the actual song not an embedded text leading to the song -if you know what I mean!

    Kindest, puro

    Anonymous @

    monsters in the dark -for a friend of mine in England who particularly likes Minecraft

    Anonymous @

    @Purofilion – Nice video I liked like that.  I will get this embed to work with more practice.  I make a few attempts and then switch to the way I know works before time runs out.  😀

    Anonymous @

    Favorite Band, Fits the theme, almost.

    <iframe width=”640″ height=”390″ src=”//” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Pufferfish @pufferfish

    Another maddening earworm:

    Arbutus @arbutus

    Great stuff here, from the head-bangy ones to the pop, punk, and electronica. And Johnny Cash!  🙂  @handles, I thought of Aliens Exist too, but I was going more with general fear theme than the more specific monster one. @purofilion, I’m sending the Minecraft one on to my son, it’s quite nicely done, isn’t it? (And you know, if you google Minecraft Doctor Who, there is some rather hilarious stuff out there.)

    ScaryB @scaryb

    In response to @whisht‘s post re Scottish indyref in the Rose and Crown thread – how about this as an alternative?

    (And yes you’re right, it’s gonna be a whopper! I’ve never had to queue to vote before. Ever)

    Whisht @whisht

    ah @scaryb – my god that takes me back!!

    I love the Stones!

    [ahem] But honestly, I was in Leeds Poly when this was big and played at every student night etc etc.

    So, mainly a song that brings back people that are (and sadly were) ace! and sweaty at the time but still, brilliant people.


    As for the vote – it truly is a historic event and one that will be referenced for years (decades?) to come, especially for other places (Basque/ Falklands/ Northern Ireland/ northern England(!) etc) where politicians will now be made to think hard about what’s happening and what’s best for people. I think usually they do, but…. sometimes “policy” gets in the way and this will be good in giving a bit of a jolt – useful now and then.

    But that stuff is best chatted about on the Rose & Crown, where I can buy you a drink and if it gets too heated I can break the conversation and say “just popping to the bar – anyone want anything?”


    still, surprised I didn’t post this before (I meant to) but perhaps its just as appropriate now.

    Obviously I could link to the original that probably most people know, but I actually first heard it as a cover from a band and had no idea it was a cover (until a friend quizzically smiled when I said what I was listening to!)

    Anonymous @

    @whisht – I don’t have anything in my repertoire that comes close to that level of coool.  A lofty title should be bestowed apon you sir.  I still have to go with Sly’s version but it was not an easy decision.  Mercury Rev’s grunge? guitars that seem to come out of nowhere, catapult the song into an undiscovered demension of interestingness!  But from start to finish the funky smooth stylings of Sly are just unsurpassable.  

    “Farting with words” might be the funniest thing I have ever heard. ROTFLMFAO 😆
    I hope you don’t mind if I borrow it sometime. My track record would suggest that I will definitely be needing it.

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