General Music thread 2

Home Forums Non-Doctor Music General Music thread 2

This topic contains 1,008 replies, has 44 voices, and was last updated by  Craig 9 years, 5 months ago.

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    Anonymous @

    @thekrynoidman  aah ha. Thank you for a bit of ELO. Wow. Great stuff. Kindest, puro.

    ScaryB @scaryb

    This is especially for @phaseshift

    Hope the small furry animals don’t drive you completely bonkers! Pink Floyd would probably sympathise 🙂


    wolfweed @wolfweed

    Tilting train music (xylophone karaoke)…

    Whisht @whisht

    @wolfweed – loved that Everything Everywhere! Vaguely heard the name of the band but not heard their stuff – brilliant!

    Ok, here’s a theme for the 12th Doctor.

    Well… at least in terms of Deep Breath.


    Anonymous @

    @whisht phew, just got onto the music thread!  Always spent so much time here and now…there’s DB, as for Billy it’s PERFECT. Every word and verse fits the position the characters are in. Although not wanting ‘clever conversation’ was typical Joel -in real life too. In interviews he ranted against the ‘intectualls’. But the overall idea, is bang-on!

    Now, we mustn’t let this thread go dormant! I shall have to find a similar number – ‘I [may] never want to work that hard’. I love the change up to the dominant in the coda and the sax at the end. Niiiice

    Kindest, puro

    Arbutus @arbutus

    @whisht     Nice pick! My Twelfth Doctor Track (of the moment, at least) emerges from my expectation of a bit more of a tough line from this new Doctor. And of course, because he’s now Scottish.  🙂

    Don’t worry, @purofilion, this thread will never die! Here’s a song about music.

    Anonymous @

    @arbutus yeaaah!  Holey dooley. Loved that. Boy, I needed both, thank you.

    Now, on the DB thread I counted 1300 emails since Monday! I need a breather, seriously. I’m gonna lurk, mind you I say that & then I jump up and say my bit.

    Arbutus @arbutus

    Just came across this tonight and had to share. I’m not sure it’s quite a Twelfth Doctor theme, even though bagpipes are involved… perhaps more Ten. But Ten isn’t Scottish, although Tennant is. Don’t know, but it’s cool.

    The Krynoid Man @thekrynoidman

    And now a classic track from the 80’s

    Whisht @whisht

    @arbutus – y’know, as @purofilion said, there’s been an efffing 1300 posts on DB and though I tried to find something appropriate you found a fucking amazing excerpt of A Love Supreme on bagpipes!!

    I … I… fuckit if it doesn’t link seamlessly to the Doctor – that was incredible!!!!! I know of (and have stuff by) Sun Ra [insert whatever they called themselves that week] but don’t know the musicians at all.
    Now I have to hunt down who this guy was!

    all I can say is…. thank you!

    @thekrynoidman – I can still hear that earworm without hitting play. I’m not sure, but that might mean that actually its a great song!
    But… my ear hurts even though I never hit ‘play’


    wolfweed @wolfweed

    wolfweed @wolfweed

    Yes, it sounds like ‘Get Up, Stand up’ by The Wailers, but that came out 2 years later…

    Arbutus @arbutus


    Oh, you’re good. (Tips imaginary hat.) Great tracks, too!

    Anonymous @

    When watching the latest episode of Who, I went a little nuts: overexcited and overjoyed. So, loving air piano and the real thing AND the loving this song by The Who  (and liking House), I ended up doing some of this and then the real thing on the new keyboard: Whoo -hoo

    Anonymous @

    I like the concert version too (it’s just that everyone can play a little ‘air’):

    The Krynoid Man @thekrynoidman

    @purofilion I love The Who.

    Anonymous @

    @thekrynoidman me too. When my boy turned one I bought him his 2nd CD (the first was Revolver): the 2nd was My Generation. Great stuff.

    also good episode reviews btw -off the top off your head!

    The Krynoid Man @thekrynoidman

    @purofilion Revolver is the best album ever.

    Anonymous @

    @thekrynoidman you know I would not want to say because others might start arguing with me, saying “No, it’s Pepper’s not Revolver you lump”, but then what did I give to boyIlion?

    Big clue as to real opinion!

    ScaryB @scaryb

    I’m awestruck at the posts on this thread, you’re all amazing!

    I humbly submit this for Into the Dalek – Buffy Saint Marie’s Soldier Blue (which has been running through my head since last night)

    (this is a more elegaic video than the ones featuring frankly gruesome, but powerful, images from the film. Gentle for a Sunday morning)

    Arbutus @arbutus

    Oh, @scaryb, very nice indeed. My choice is less deep! Because of the title, I’ve had this one in my head this weekend. @purofilion, maybe this will “chill you out” a little!

    Anonymous @

    Here is my 12th Doctor Track

    Fits his new return to BA Time Lordiness and lyrics like ‘Cut loose from the noose’, ‘Got nine lives’ (could be true?), ‘Don’t need no hearse cuz I’m never gonna die’.

    Anonymous @

    Above link was suppose to be

    Anonymous @

    I give up, if you still want to see it…go to youtube Back in Black

    Anonymous @


    I think this Back In Black?  How we doin’ tonight. Rock on



    The Krynoid Man @thekrynoidman

    Some of you may remember the feature length Nintendo advert The Wizard. Well the girl from that film (Jenny Lewis) is now a singer/songwriter (and a very attractive one at that)

    Anonymous @

    ‘Slapgate’ rumbles on so I thought this would be an appropriate song…

    Anonymous @

    I saw you had cover songs for a while. I think this is my favorite cover.  Adelle live cover of Sam Cooke

    This is a song I heard a bit of during the American Version of Being Human TVshow.  It’s the only time I HAD to find a song I heard in a show.  It’s by a Canadian band named Wake Owl.

    @fatmaninabox – Slapgate will never go away now, you gave it a theme song now. 😆  I thank Shrek too.

    @Purofilion – Thank you for adding my AC/DC.  Eve of Destruction has to be one of the best songs of all time.  I think it was writen by a 12 year old boy too? (I learned that on a PBS special about the sixties 🙂 )

    Anonymous @

    Missy theme song

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  Craig. Reason: Fixed link
    Craig @craig

    @thekrynoidman I love Jenny Lewis. She is responsible for my favourite pop tune – a very sexy pop tune – of the last 10 or so years.

    Anonymous @

    @barnable good to see that you didn’t need that tutorial in how to put up songs. I like Eve of Destruction a lot. I met the man, actually. Now, there’s another song, called hmmm, what is it? ‘Dawn of something’, written as a response, a lot of people like that one too. More people like that one than the other, I believe.



    Anonymous @

    ‘Being Human’ was a good show. The English version, of course. Usually a remake can be poor. Kindest, purofilion

    Anonymous @

    I agree @Purofilion, Being Human was a terrible remake compared to the British version, I just like the one song.

    We always agree on almost everything.  We are identical in our political philosophies.   I always wished I lived during the 1960’s so I could be a part of the peace marches that happened at that time.  So much great music from that decade.   I didn’t know you actually know Barry (that’s really amazing to me).  That kind of thing never happens to people I know (except now 🙂 ).  I think there are just some cultural (?) misunderstandings going on.  As you probably know, America has a divide between rich and poor at the moment.  But I think things will gradually improve over time, just like they always have.  Peaceful change brought on by demonstrations.  The two sides might never fall in love each other, but they can still talk to one another with respect and learn to understand the other sides position a little better.  The most frustrating thing about it is, that neither side are bad people, so I can never understand why change always takes so long before they come to an agreement.  I think it might just be history’s baggage getting in the way.

    Sorry for rambling.

    ScaryB @scaryb

    Love the music thread – hard to keep up though.

    @arbutus – thanks for posting Into the Mystic – any Van the Man is always welcome in my book! (Lovely version, and I particularly liked that the notes on youtube which said it’s apparently the preferred song for surgeons when they’re prepping – didn’t know that).

    @purofilion @barnable

    Eve of Destruction – great song. Written by PF Sloan when he was about 20 (so not as young as 12, but still pretty young). Dawn of something isn’t ringing any bells – which means I’ll probably kick myself when someone else mentions it 😉

    Sadly most places have a rich/poor divide which drives a lot of conflict*.  The 60s had some great music right enough (some abysmal stuff as well tho… and no internet forums 😉 ).  Some good stuff bubbled up in its wake – love this:

    G’night all!


    *Don’t get me started!!

    Arbutus @arbutus

    @purofilion  @scaryb

    Anonymous @

    @arbutus oh absolutely that was the song I was thinking of!! 🙂

    In History, I once wrote a large unit which the students and the teachers who loved both History and Music thought was pretty fun. I was trying to show how music acts as history -that the lyrics are primary evidence of an important time. I used to put both Dawn and Eve (of Destruction) back to back or side by side. Then there was this too (I shouldn’t laugh at this fella but I’m afraid I used to):

    The Krynoid Man @thekrynoidman

    Here’s Blue Swede’s cover of Hooked on a feeling

    Which I recently discovered blatantly stole the arrangement from Jonathan King’s version, right down to the ooga chaka chants at the beginning

    Just to show you how similar they are here the original by B.J. Thomas

    And, just for a laugh, here’s the Hoff’s version, which again copies King’s version.

    Arbutus @arbutus

    @scaryb    I hadn’t heard that before, but it sounds just like my childhood (musically speaking!). Lovely. @purofilion, I think there were conflicting stories as to how seriously Merle Haggard intended that song, a bit of a satire according to some. Referencing Eve of Destruction, I remember loving that song as a teenager listening to oldies radio, I found it quite haunting and not a little disturbing. Here is another one that I found very disturbing, because I didn’t entirely understand it, and it seemed to hide something terrifying that I wasn’t quite grasping. Whenever I hear this, I can picture myself as I was at about fourteen, listening to a transistor radio through an earbud when I was supposed to be asleep, radio hidden in the bed. (And I have the nerve to berate Arbutus Jr. about his iPhone after lights out! Actually, I’ve stopped doing that, not much point, really.  🙂  )

    Arbutus @arbutus

    @thekrynoidman, you’re killing me. Seriously. I can’t believe that Hasselhoff version, we actually used to take him semi-seriously once. I think. That video is purely weird!

    But I have a fondness for that song, it was huge when I was young, and it’s the Blue Suede version that I remember the best, although I heard the original later on and liked it (as I always liked BJ Thomas). I hadn’t realized the Blue Suede arrangement was such a blatant knock off, I hadn’t heard the Jonathan King version. Thanks for sharing.


    Pufferfish @pufferfish

    I *could not* get this (very Scottish) single out of my head on Saturday:

    Whisht @whisht

    wow – so much good stuff here recently!!

    @arbutus – ah, James ‘Sit Down’.
    Brings to mind a story I can’t tell in detail, but which leaves a rueful grin!
    The Hacienda club in Manchester 1990(?). Me and a girl on the dancefloor. Everyone hearing this song and doing the dance which involved sitting down.

    except me and said girl.



    I also remember them at Glastonbury and their sound was incredible – not ‘muddy’ at all, even though it was during the day and outside.
    Never seen the video before!

    @Purofilion – I thought the Devil had the best choons?? Okie?
    [ahem] (though actually I do like it!)

    @thekrynoidman – brilliant linked list of Hooked on a Feeling.
    Didn’t realise that the King version did the chooga’s originally (though the disco version tightened it all up).
    hm…. if I say that I see now say how I see why the Hoff is so big in Germany is that a huge slight on Germany! @timeloop – help me or forgive me??

    @pufferfish – ah I remember that one well!
    Wish I’d waited till Friday night to play that!
    now I’m weirdly awake and falling asleep!
    and if you don’t have a lyric – la la la la-la-la la!

    My song for Missy is a bit obvious.
    …. tomorrow night methinks in case something else springs to mind but this one’s been in my head since last weekend!

    Whisht @whisht

    oh and @wolfweed – Them Too is awesome and completely new to me! cheers (so much to find out about from this thread!)

    ScaryB @scaryb

    @arbutus thanks for posting Dawn of Correction – I definitely hadn’t come across that before. Ah, the era of answer records! (And I LOVE After the Goldrush).  And yes earbuds under the covers – many’s the time I woke up half strangled 🙂 Well, we seem to have survived it so I think you’re right about cutting your kids some slack about the modern equivalent.

    @thekrynoidman (like the new avatar btw) You have a great way of digging up obscurities. Tho to include both the Hoff and Jonathan King in 1 post is an evil scheme worthy of the (Anthony Ainley) Master 😈

    The Krynoid Man @thekrynoidman

    Just a nonsense song from the pre-fab four

    Anonymous @

    @thekrynoidman – there’s a typo in your last post. Surely you meant the Fab Four 😉 I know I’m in for an ear-bashing but I’ve always thought The Beatles were over-rated.

    The Krynoid Man @thekrynoidman
    Arbutus @arbutus

    @thekrynoidman    @fatmaninabox      😆

    Weren’t those boys just adorable? Great songs, both, and a nice bouncy morning soundtrack as I drag and drop info onto various forms, having agreed in a possibly misguided spirit of volunteerism to manage my son’s soccer team this season! In which situation the title “No Time” takes on a whole new meaning. And in that connection, here is another “No Time”, this one by the Guess Who. The secondary connection being that when this iconic Canadian band first made their appearance in the mid sixties, their label released their first single under the mystery name in order to start rumours that they were really the Beatles!

    Anonymous @


    Excellent 😆 😆 😆

    Whisht @whisht

    brilliant stuff from you guys above!

    No time by Monkees is classic rocknroll (that I’ve never heard before – well, except by different musicians and different lyrics!).

    Though I’ve always liked Last Train…

    And Krynoidman said all that needed to be said to you fatmaninabox – 🙂

    Whisht @whisht

    Ok – My tune for Missy.

    Basically if I ended up in front of her (‘god’ forbid) I don’t think it would be a garden or a tea room.

    Probably here.

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