General Music thread 3
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This topic contains 1,016 replies, has 45 voices, and was last updated by Craig 5 years, 10 months ago.
3 December 2018 at 22:19 #66140
@pedant – Mirror in the Bathroom – fairy nuff ! Tight as a gnat’s …. hm maybe I shouldn’t do rhyming.
The other ‘mirror’ songs in my collection are all unsuitable and so I’ll link to something by Arctic Monkeys (from the album referenced by the t-shirt).
Snap out of it – perhaps quite appropriate.But I’ll also link a song which is me trying to follow your direction of being a bit more oblique, but also prompted to think a bit about themes etc.
I think I’ve linked to this album before but if I haven’t then all I can say is is one of the most beautiful albums I have ever heard.
Its called Longing and is perhaps only a theme of this story but still.
Its maybe not the most instantly accessible pieces on the album (it builds up – I suspect like ragas do but I know nothing about them apart from hearing a few, so I’d love someone with knowledge of Indian music to enlighten me on that) but… longing for completion/ longing for resolution, longing…Longing – by Ry Cooder and V.M. Bhatt
4 December 2018 at 16:27 #66170My remark on the other thread, about the refusal to let the dead rest, immediately brought to mind the very old song The Unquiet Grave. This is my favourite version, for its haunted feel.
4 December 2018 at 16:59 #66172@thane16 Not sure why I’m feeling Herbie Hancock for your belated birthday experience. But why not? Here are two classics, each in the original and then reimagined.
4 December 2018 at 23:19 #66180aww @arbutus – I’m gonna listen to the Herbie Hancock in my morning (they’re great great tunes and I’ve not heard the live versions).
But they’ll make me want to get up and for me as I type its nighttime.
So – here is a(nother) song for It Takes You Away.
@bluesqueakpip has explained better than I how much of a fairytale this episode is (and for another TV example of fairies taking people away and making them lose their minds, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell is a good example – different to the book but good in its own way).Anyway – I have two songs in mind but I’ll do one tonight and the other tomorrow.
The linkages to the episode are I guess that its by a band called Mum (they’re Icelandic which is kinda Scandiwegian I guess) and the track title.
For me its one of best songs on their album Now We Are No OneIts called the Land Between Solar Systems
This is music to go to wake up to. Or maybe go to bed to.
Nothing much happens. Although the sound has incredible details, the tune itself doesn’t – it just shuffles along.
Like waking up.
Or going to sleep.
Or getting lost in a fairytale perhaps…btw this is definitely headphone music
5 December 2018 at 00:04 #66184Thank you v3ry much! I liked the 2nd one the best. You can see them all having fun. I have no clue to understanding this music as I mainly like punk, rock 80s rock and then the people from the 50s but this is very interesting music. My head is nodding 🙂 Yeah, it’s nodding! And my foot too!
Happy dreams dude.
5 December 2018 at 10:43 #66202@thane16 – you mentioned you’d not heard A Man of Constant Sorrows – I mainly know the Dylan version (though I’ll admit I don’t really listen to his early stuff much)
Anyway, here’s another song for It Takes You Away.
Actually I have two.One is Orpheus by David Sylvian. I think versions of that myth are similar in some ways to the other fairytales where you can’t ‘cheat’ Time or Death or Love.
The other song is one that I think probably suits if thought from the father’s perspective.
I know I don’t usually hear the lyrics(!) but in this one, it did seem to chime with how I could imagine the father in his grief being enticed by the Solitract through the mirror.
He gets so lonely and just gets tempted back again and again, leaving Hanne for longer and longer…Peter Gabriel – In Your Eyes
6 December 2018 at 08:27 #66225I was going to post ‘Mirror Man’ by (The) Human League but it seems @pedant beat me to it so here’s a frog related song instead.
6 December 2018 at 22:18 #66244Bugger. Pete Shelley? Is nobody safe?
7 December 2018 at 13:16 #66255Rather excellent article about the wrote of Ever Fallen in Love
One of the truly great pop choons. Any excuse:
7 December 2018 at 13:30 #66257@pedant – we were gutted to hear of Pete Shelley’s death. Only 63 – we expect to be losing some of the old guard (as sad as we have been to see some of them go) but that’s far, far too young. When punk arrived, I was initially utterly loyal to prog. I couldn’t see why people should want to embrace what seemed to me so often to be ugliness, in terms of image at least – all that sneering, let alone the gobbing. The Buzzcocks were what persuaded me, because they were clearly punk in ethos and style but they took on board the best bits of early-mid 60s pop – the Kinks for example – and did something new and exciting with them, and their songs had real heart. I haven’t followed what Shelley et al have done since the Buzzcocks’ heyday, but that body of work stands and will stand, with some of the finest 3 minute pop songs ever crafted. And some of the most memorable lyrics. Pete Shelley, RIP.
7 December 2018 at 18:43 #66277@pedant and @cathannabel (and @ everyone else),
that body of work stands and will stand, with some of the finest 3 minute pop songs ever crafted. And some of the most memorable lyrics. Pete Shelley, RIP.
Cath you’ve said better than I why the Buzzcocks were so good and the sadness of hearing about Pete Shelley.
As a kid at the time I’d have caught them on Top Of The Pops, but it was years before I got a ‘Best of’ when I actually listened to them. I always thought their songs were so spare/ pared back but on re-listening now, I realise that actually there’s a lot going on.
The best of their’s are so brilliantly crafted and played.Here’s one that doesn’t even try to be 3mins because it doesn’t need to be.
12 December 2018 at 21:21 #66568Haven’t been on the forum for a few days (or have I????*)
I’m travelling over the next few days (visiting a friend which is nice).
So a quick post of the most obvious song I could think of!I could’ve sworn I’d posted this clip before and if so sorry – its just the way I usually check suggests I didn’t (maybe I meant to…).
Tracy Macleod (the presenter) mentions his father’s singing which obviously happened every time for him judging by his reaction at the beginning – probably like any actor of the Doctor! Also how she’s so… unaffected afterwards always made me laugh (I know it would be hours later but still).Amazing that his voice can do this live
* erm no. I haven’t. I’m not Cumquat** and you can’t claim your £5.
** but then again, whoever it is would say that anyway, so…. ah well.
13 December 2018 at 00:12 #66573Nice. There’s one more though:
13 December 2018 at 00:26 #66574And also:
19 December 2018 at 17:22 #66825A Christmas present:
22 December 2018 at 11:53 #6688225 December 2018 at 12:21 #66919Merry Christmas everyone!
25 December 2018 at 13:57 #66920Ditto what @whisht says.
31 December 2018 at 20:16 #66993Hey all – Happy New Year’s Eve to everyone!
I’ve been trying to get into the christmassy vibe and now the New Year’s vibe but… just a weird one this year.
Nothing major, I’m perfectly fine as thankfully are my loved ones, just not in an especially ‘festive’ spirit though I am perfectly content.So, I’ve spent too long trying to find a tune and have ended up with these (too long to choose these if I’m honest!!)
If you’l indulge me [ie you can skip this and listen to the choon] over the last few years there seems to have been an increasing groundswell of ‘liberal’ opinion in terms of “hold on, yes people have the right to hold opinions but we really can’t keep letting people say stuff without directly questioning why they feel the way they hold that opinion” [as opposed to saying ‘here are the facts’ – we’re dealing with emotionally held opinions, not rationally held ones that seems to have dawned on some people].
hm, tonight’s not the night for all that, but here’s something thinking about the year ahead.
By the writer of the song himself:
and by the singer who (slightly more angrily and perhaps with an energy that might effect more change) who many might know the song better by.
oh – and here’s something fun about ‘how can I feel the happiest?’ sung as a corollary at a time of deprivation so everything’s about stuff (and young women – hm).
Happy New Year !
31 December 2018 at 21:04 #66994ah well – that last one didn’t link as I expected.
I was after the Live at Newport version, but that wasn’t it.
soooo…. here’s the single (I’ll admit I prefer the live version):31 December 2018 at 23:06 #66995And 2018 makes one last spiteful swipe. Bless yer eye patch Ray Sawyer.
1 January 2019 at 03:16 #66999@pedant Dr Hook was part of the soundtrack of my youth and I have never listened to Sylvias Mother without tearing up. Ray Sawyer thanks for the music.
5 January 2019 at 13:45 #67080well, well, well.
I was listening to some choons over the new year and I found a great one for the Doctor -the one who has danced, who always dances. But then I also found this courtesy of the ABC. Which for different reasons is also good for the Doctor.
5 January 2019 at 14:02 #67081Of course I aint sayin’ they’re both good at all 🙂
Andy Mackay has some ‘nice’ comments about Godley and Crème.
It reminded me of the Doctor, in one way, because: “it was a minor skirmish by the Doctor’s blood soaked standards.” The song is minor in skirmish, with little drama.
And to Ray Sawyer’s passing. A man who was both good and wore an eyepatch: why he never found The Silence.
8 January 2019 at 20:11 #67151Love both of those @thane16 (Puro)!
That Baccarat song was recently used in a Cadbury’s chocolate ad that I thought worked well (the campaign seems a rather simplistic ‘bit of fun’ following on from the Phil Collins one, but probably works in terms of what its aiming for).
I like it anyway!I don’t really have a ‘song’ for Resolution.
John Coltrane doesn’t really seem appropriate (but enjoy it anyway!)Obviously Sheffield stalwarts The Human League did this, but its for the wrong Doctor (lets look forward and all that!)
Trying-too-hard with matching lyrics and title for Resolution I got the tortuous connection of “Re-Make / Re-Model” though I’m stretching the sonic-spoon/ carpart Dalek methinks.
Good choon though.
I’ve done ‘grace’ for the series as a whole, so maybe simply a hymn to everyone who doesn’t feel empowered for whatever reason:
Was that a theme?
Well, they are from Sheffield.
hey ho.19 January 2019 at 16:34 #67238Sadly need to post this tune from my childhood (we may even have got the single when it came out).
Apparently a ‘lovely boy’ by all accounts from everyone that knew him.
RIP Windsor Davies19 January 2019 at 16:54 #67239So, I was actually going to pop in to say “Hi” to post this ridiculous tune.
When I was younger I never really got into the heavy Rock geetar bands, but when I was last in Oxfam on my semi-regular rifle through their CDs I got one of those ’30 greatest guitar songs EVER‘ albums.Full of much that I smirkingly remembered and some I gladly didn’t, this popped up.
Its ridiculous.
The muddy mixing or production sounds like they threw everything at it to make it moremoremore!
And while shaking my head in a ‘no no no’ I realise I love it!;¬)
19 January 2019 at 22:39 #67240Heh. People forget just how experimental that period from about 1968 to about 1973 was (although I think part of the issue here is that it is a TV mix, which was notoriously difficult in those days).
Any excuse:
20 January 2019 at 05:32 #67241The Music Man is Back! it is thane speaking. Mum is excited to see this thread hopping!!
She was telling in @pedant in Email Bursts (that is what we call them) about how at grocery shops she heard a song from the 1980S which had the words “forever” in it. 24 hours later she thinks it is Kiss song ‘Forever’ which is hilarious because they sound either really tired stoned maybe and out of tune the whole time. Mum was saying they’re sharp not flat which is why she thinks it’s not that song! Also, she’s established that it’s not Alphaville. Shame because it’s a good song and it’s better than Richard Marx! (I hope I haven’t offended any Marx lovers?)
I think she’s going demented with all of it. It’s been lots of eyeliner and massive perms and rollers with high cut denim. She’s been listening to every significant band and not since 1979 until 1989 including: The Cars, REO SpeedWagon, Van Halen, Savage Garden (she taught one of those guys & not from the 80s obviously), Europe, Chicago, Motley Crue, Cheap Trick, REM, Ann Wilson (??) -don’t know that one unless it’s Wilson Phillips but that’s not in the 1980s , Belinda Carlisle (LOVE her!), Roxette, Def Leppard, Bon Jovi and MY personal favourite Black Sabbath’s ‘After Forever.’ Then there’s some dude called Peter Cetera? He sounds like a front man for another band, but I don’t know. I can’t risk going into the music room -she’s doing what she calls a palette cleanser for music and listening to Tom Lehrer -all that Bostonian accent. It’s too much! We are going to have to do an “intervention” if she’s not solved the problem by tomorrow. Also, if it’s The Spice Girls then we’re all going to regret this whole thing!
How are you doing @whisht?
I am glad you liked those songs. I think there are SO many great songs. particularly in the 1980s, but I also think the same of the 1970s and ’90s. A lot of people think “this generation has terrible music” but in 2022 people will pull out songs from 2012 or 2019 and say, “these were great days.” Maybe that’s why the new Doctor Who was SO different: it alienated (LOL) some older watchers because a lot was very new and very different. And we all know how ‘different’ things can frighten people. If they’re frightened they can become angry to hide that fear. Seems normal in a way. Maybe we were always like this?
But it takes incessant technology where you respond before you think to have that fright and anger come out? I like The Moody Blues too. So does Mum. That was obviously on the list regardless of the decade which in updates is: “Could well be the wrong decade.”
In which case we’re up sh*t creek with no paddle surrounded by alligators wearing rollers!
Bit heavy for this thread, hey? 😉
20 January 2019 at 08:44 #67242Hi @thane16 – great to hear from you!
Thanks so much for the update – I’m still giggling from picturing what your house is like at the moment!So – the challenge is:
– its a song with “forever” in the lyrics
– it may (or may not) be from the 80’s
– it may be a ‘hair band’ (though not necessarily)
– it sounds ‘flat’ or ‘sharp’.Well – that’ll be easy to identify!
Obviously, coming hot on the heels of two Moody Blues posts, I think we can discount Forever Autumn, sung by Justin Hayward (lead singer of said band).
Also I think we can discount Who Wants to Live Forever by Queen as its unlikely anyone would forget who is singing that one!Now, in my latest foray into the CD racks at Oxfam, I picked up a ‘Best of..’ of a band I know a couple of hits of, but I know little else they did.
And on it is this track – bit of a long shot, but could it be…?Let us know how the intervention goes!
20 January 2019 at 10:49 #67243i really, really, really hope it’s not this song that’s driving puro mad?! (one of my favs of all time!) 😀
[edit: not being able to identify a song/song fragment drives me insane, too! and who doesn’t love a great mystery?]
20 January 2019 at 11:23 #67244ah, @geoffers – interesting song, I’ve not heard it before (which is one of the many things I love about this thread)!
Actually, I think this search for a song that we never heard, will probably keep us all busy through 2019.
20 January 2019 at 13:08 #67246With a lot of grog on hand (she’s allowed now on account of her teeth…long story).
We have crossed Tom and Mr Parson’s off the list (but it looks like there’s no apostrophe). Unfortunately. They were awesome songs and I personally haven’t heard them before. Through the door I gave her a bar piece (a sentence of music) and she shouted “NO!!”
However, we’re closer. She’s pretty certain it was relatively high in pitch implying women’s voices but not really, as I’ve said many many times now to her! Also it had a “poppy feel”. I think this means “pop.” The tempo was ‘up’ or quick.
Thing is, there are many songs with forever in it. She has tapes of songs. Stacks of them. But. They’re in battery operated tape decks? So when the battery runs out…..well, hopefully we’ll know by then.
I also think she was singing in the night -she said . So it had to be a band she knew enough of. Therefore she has it in her bag of tapes. Or CDS. And when she heard it (I asked these questions): she said it wasn’t a huge surprise, it was like “oh that ol’ choon. Like that. Where’s the icecream?” Also she heard a kind of “for-ev-a.”
So, I am trying to think of something that sounds like “for-ev-a da daaah. Which is, I dunno, she’s thinking it has an ’80s feel. Which could mean it’s 1978 or 1990. Which isn’t all bad. Uh, also the actual song had SOME grunt which is why she thought it could be Laura Brannigann or another singer (female) called Belinda Carlisle. But they are solo, no?
So, I think by the next series of Who we’ll figure it all out. Or, and I think this is quicker: the Coles radio station (supermarket) plays the same sort of songs to people ….well, Mum’s age: therefore 80s music AND so ….why not stay there a WHOLE day because 20 to 1 and pick ’em you’ll hear it again 😀
T16. I will inform Mother of the Activity. She will be very thankful.
20 January 2019 at 13:51 #67247Ok. I have clues.
she was watching tennis & dad said “I could murder a cold one.”
No-one said anything. He never says “murder” this … She says, “say it again. SLOWLY.”
So he says: “I could murder a cold one.”
“something about THAT mixed with “for-ev-a being pretty high up so maybe women but the grunt, there’s too much grunt. But it’s a high grunt.” She wanders off.
Dad has his ginger beer. And Mum is back staring at the beer. There’s water dribbling down -condensation?
Then, at the table she starts drumming a beat. And stops….
And says, “there’s drumming and there’s a drink. It’s cold. It’s got grunt. Serious grunt. There’s only one country that has serious grunt in music. With a drink. And if it’s this particular country. It’s a bar. And if it’s the ’80s it aint chicks.”
And she went to bed. But she believes she’s very close to cracking the case.
I have no idea. My plan is to nick her laptop. It has 1106 songs on it from her old ipod. I think it’s on there? Depends how they are organised. Also she’ll know if it’s gone thru the night and there’ll be gnashing of …something. Best pause. Or delete my browser thingy (because the Doctor says this).
She kept tapping on the wall, on the stairs, trying to get the rhythm and saying “for-ev-ah.”
20 January 2019 at 15:56 #67248@thane16 – please know that I’m am doubled up in tears!
I haven’t laughed this hard in ages!!Please – a small favour.
When Puro does wake up screaming “Its [artists name]” please don’t tell us who it is.Not yet.
Lets try and guess from the meagre clues we have!
20 January 2019 at 23:35 #67249@whisht – the alan parsons project has been my fav band since i heard that song on the radio, as a kid, which is unusual, because they used multiple lead singers throughout their career. so it was difficult to identify new songs of theirs when they were released! their catalog is worth digging into, they’re a bit pink floyd “lite.” but the mid 80’s brought a poppier sound, that kinda signaled the end, so best to check out the ’76 to ’82 stuff, if interested…
it is a unique situation, trying to remove an earworm from one’s mind. having a memory on the edge of recall is bad enough, but a musical memory floating around like a ghost in your brain is truly maddening. i feel puro’s anguish so badly, but it’s a difficult task to identify someone else’s tormentor, lol….
here’s one from ’96 that sounds (to me) like it could have been late ’80s? no grunting, or beer, or condensation! but typical percussive drumming for about a decade, thereabouts… [edit: it becomes up tempo after a minute or so.]
21 January 2019 at 00:19 #6725021 January 2019 at 03:45 #67251@geoffers That’s terrific! I haven’t experienced much ’90s music? But I will now look at much more. Actually Mum would reckon that she’s heard a lot of music from the 90s which she also likes a lot: I didn’t know that! The APP sounds like a terrific band and in listening to some last night (during the tennis) I think it’s like Pink Floyd but not ‘lite’ -I think they’re as good? I know about 8 songs of Pink F. Such an awesome band. So good that it’s like heavy clever rock music that’s hard to understand.
Thank you to both @whisht and to @geoffers for your assistance! @whisht I’m glad that I am able to provide you with a good laugh! Sometimes, dunno about you, but every new year there’s resolutions and excitement and then there’s an anticlimactic period just before school/work ? So this is keeping me occupied!
I think, I can’t be sure -and I just woke up – but I heard a happy shriek and mum laughing happily with lots of w00s and wows I got it -sort of thing?
So, just now when I came up she looked like a cat with cream! So, she also said she wasn’t going to tell me. I have to work it out 🙁 But if you’re also happy to keep figuring it out, then brilliant! We’re in it together. I’ll summarise what I know (or think I know because if Mum said the above things they may not be true -they may be what she thought was right at or in that moment!)
– high pitch (maybe women maybe high-pitch fellas##)
-fast or quick in tempo which means pace
– for-ev-ah (could mean NOT American sounding)
-something to do with drinking beer probably in a pub or set in a pub or feels like it
-possibly Australian (where she said “in this particular country therefore bars & if 80s therefore NOT women/chicks”##)
-in & around the 1980s
-features some drumming.
But, here’s something else. She said to Dad “say it again”. Dad never says (former DS in the Essex area a long, long time ago) “murder a cold one.” So, he KNEW it (maybe: can’t check, he’s sleeping) or maybe said that because it’s been very hot and steamy so maybe mum reacted to a DIFFERENT word, not “a cold one” but “murder” or another word in that phrase such as “cold” -but not a drink that’s cold? Maybe a person or a …..thing…. She says it is right there in front of us so I think if I did get her laptop it could be right there. But she’s listening to a guy I really like, Tim Minchin on the laptop and humming away, no more worries about ‘which song’ anymore. Lucky her!
21 January 2019 at 04:40 #67252also, its not Alphaville’s Forever Young. I thought of this originally thinking I had nailed it. I think a few years ago the New Zealand and Australian travel organisations or even the NZ government used that song to advertise the country as a tourist destination.
21 January 2019 at 11:20 #67253the 90’s weren’t the best decade for music, but i do have some favourites from then (sarah mclachlan, smashing pumpkins, tool, tori amos) worth checking out. your mileage may vary. but i think it was the decade that led to the “death of radio.” at least for me. i really abandoned finding new music on the radio (or via music videos) once the ’00s ushered in the age of internet dependence (and file streaming). you probably are unaware of the dark times before there was instant access to all information at your fingertips? well, i can’t imagine going back to that kind of information wasteland. i often find new (or old!) music via youtube these days, or by just searching a band that someone else mentions in a comment section somewhere (possibly here). and it’s much easier to follow the bands i like, when i can just visit their webpage (or facebook, or whatever) to keep up with what they’re doing. [alan parsons released three fine “solo” albums in the 90’s, after the APP disintegrated, that are well worth checking out. a return to form, sort of, from the slick production, pop-oriented sound of the late 80’s. ‘on air’ is an excellent album, front to back, and is often overlooked by the many casual APP fans.]
i’m glad that she has found it out! i was beginning to worry that she might seclude herself and forget about eating or sleeping, lol. i very well may have done so, in the same situation. as such, i’m dying for a resolution to the mystery, so when you figure it out (or have to be told), please don’t forget to update us here! 🙂
here’s my latest guess, which meets most of the criteria set forth, especially considering the video! although “for-ev-ah” only appears once in the song (but sometimes an earworm is one word, or line, or even a musical phrase). and british is close to australian, innit? 😀
21 January 2019 at 11:40 #67254and speaking of discovering new things via youtube, this electro swing band is what i’ve been obsessing over for a couple of days, now. the video conjures up memories of that time a giant cyberman menaced london! (but sorta in reverse!) 😀
21 January 2019 at 11:53 #6725521 January 2019 at 12:43 #67256i’ve heard many strange tunes at my grocery store, but i shop there mostly after midnight, so maybe the store radio is controlled more by the employees then? lol
even this!
21 January 2019 at 13:15 #67258Ri3hT! It is a question I didn’t consider. A grocery store has an actual channel. And it’s an AUs store. So….they would consider their market, how many songs they re-play & why & which is more likely to be played in the first place?
21 January 2019 at 13:22 #6725921 January 2019 at 13:30 #67260I have heard this too! But it wasn’t a grocery store -or any ‘real’ store but a chiropractor and physio’s HQ. The music they played was that 20th century stuff mum loves. Not nice listening & a lot of screechy violins. Maybe they think if the patients can deal with the music they can handle the pain of a ‘cracked back.’ I always seem to have my back cracked, or my pelvis and my ankles and finger joints are always cracking; I used to crack them (stupid) when I was 6 or 7 & kept being told it could be bad if I didn’t stop.
Not sure I listened the first or the third time but I do now 🙂
I have a feeling I’m also close to cracking this case…..
21 January 2019 at 15:09 #6726221 January 2019 at 18:57 #67263Yeah, that’s not too far off what they use!
22 January 2019 at 19:56 #67264ah @pedant – I’m shocked that you thought I wouldn’t have thought “what would be a track that a Brisbane shopping centre might play?”
Though true, I then didn’t apply that logic to what I posted!;¬)
However, I really did think about music piped over a shop, as its a story I have of my own stupidity.
Forgive me if I’ve already bored everyone with this before but… a long time ago…{begin vertical wavy wibbly happened-a-long-time-ago effect}
It was mid 80’s and I was working my ‘Saturday job’ at WH Smiths (a large newsagent chain in the UK that sold newspapers, magazines, books, sweets/candy and cassette tapes and CDs).
I started at Christmas on the front-tills but I was quickly moved after my first shift.
It seems my mental meltdown on the till had resulted in it being short a few pounds.
They were very good about it and instead of accusing me of pocketing money, the manager pulled me to one side when I went to go in for my second weekend:
“erm, would you prefer to work on the music department?”Jackpot!
So I got to talk to people, put the cases and sleeves back on the shelves and used the till only when necessary (without the mind-numbing incessant repetition on the main tills that had led to my mental blancmanging).
Anyway, so I’m probably 15 or 16, and having a good time with the other 3 people on the music desk.
It was at the end of the day and one of them (probably a year or two older than me) said “[whisht] do you wanna put something on?”
We basically played “Now That’s What I Call Music 9” or Whitney Houston or whatever was Top Ten.
Maybe it was deliberate on his part (it was around 5pm) but I was “yeah! I’ve got one!”So I scurried into the CDs, pulled one out, stuck it into the CD player and hit Play.
Duhh duh duh.
Duhh duh duh.
[Great bassline – I love that bass]So I head out to put some cassette cases back on the shelves and as you will with a song you know, begin to mumble/sing the lyrics about a line ahead of what’s sung.
So, imagine a sixteen year old in horrible nylon/polyester grey, mumbling/singing under his breath a song that hadn’t been a ‘hit’ for ten years or so.
And then realising what the next line was and
{in slow motion – internal dialogue “Noooooooooooooooooo!”}I raced to the desk and behind it the ‘off button’ for the music that is playing in Smith’s that the hundred or so Saturday shoppers and pensioners ‘just popping in’ can hear-but-not-hear.
“Oh shit!
There goes the charabang
Looks like I’m gonna be stuck here the whole summer
Well, what a bummer”I was still on the wrong side of the desk, and weirdly all sound just before this was sung stopped; all conversations, tills, clacking and shuffling of people on cheap carpet stopped so that the “shit” was heard very very clearly across the whole store.
The manager was at my elbow in milliseconds and quietly said to the people behind the desk “I think we can turn it off now”.
Mortified I weakly mumbled and went back to behind the desk and finished up the day expecting to be my last.However, I managed to hold that job down for another few months until O (or was it A?) levels really needed more of my weekend time.
However I was always asked for tunes around 5pm for some reason.
(I so wish the song that I’d liked was less…. misogynist/ laddish but…. that bass and swagger…)
Yep, this was that song
22 January 2019 at 20:58 #67265@geoffers – a bi late from me but great shout on Lloyd Cole!
Not that it was likely(!) but what a great call back!However – I must take umbrage with “the 90’s weren’t the best decade for music”
and declare that the 90’s were…. OK and stuff.Now, if this became a serve/ return of your 80’s classics to my 90’s then I’m sure you’d win but… hold on I can hear muttering from the back…
Of course its opinion! But that doesn’t mean its notrightfun!BUT, Caravan Palace – what a song and video!!! I loved it! Honestly its brilliant. And the animation is really good.
And Zappa – bloomin’ heck.
That’s where Jazz and I part as acquaintances and I look forward to their less-free cousin to return.
Its a weird and wavy line, but though I could do some Art Ensemble of Chicago, I just got lost in the noodles of jazz especially if it was quite electric.
But also the stuff @thane16 says Puro likes about the screechy 20th century classical stuff.I just can’t find a way in.
or out.
Anyway, back to the matter in hand – a wild goose chase where we can (thankfully) smell the goose being cooked and know its only a matter of time until we get some lovely… erm… goose.
So – what might be played in a Brisbane shopping centre?
Maybe a Brisbane band (I won’t be cruel, but is this basically the only Brisbane band?)(with looking-away-from-camera that only happened in the 80’s)
@pedant mentioned TV mixes which were muddy and maybe that’s what this is, so here’s what purports to be a high quality version (however it might actually be a completely different mix to the original).
Sadly I only know this song from a rather faithful cover by The Wedding Present (that I really like).
Now that’s probably a whole thread on its own – songs I heard that I loved but didn’t know were covers.
Anyway, I reckon what we need are some mad detective skillz to uncover the source of all this, but not sure where to get them….
{ahem} -
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