This topic contains 932 replies, has 79 voices, and was last updated by Anonymous 10 years, 10 months ago.
8 January 2013 at 19:52 #789
I’m introducing this as a topic but will probably never visit it again. This is an experiment that most of you will probably want to avoid. If you post here, make sure you write a few sentences before you reveal the spoiler so that it is cut off in the Activity feed before the spoiler shows up, e.g. “I was searching the internet and went to such and such a site and blah blah blah etc…”
Also, please don’t @ mention anyone who isn’t interested in spoilers. I’d hate someone to get an email that said “You’ve been mentioned in an update – Tom Baker is confirmed as The Master in the 50th Anniversary Special”.
If there are complaints I may have to remove this topic, but I really would hate to act like a proper moderator. It’s really not in my nature.
9 January 2013 at 01:10 #987Tom Baker is confirmed as The Master in the 50th Anniversary Special”.
Awesome! 😀
9 January 2013 at 01:18 #989That’s gonna be all over the interwebs tomorrow!
9 January 2013 at 01:35 #997The new assistant is actually a talking cabbage.
Sorry. This is a test.
9 January 2013 at 01:46 #1003Dammit! I told you – it’s the big red do-not-touch button problem. Couldn’t resist a peek 😀
Love it!
9 January 2013 at 01:53 #1007Urgh – me too – I took the red pill!
Is this for realz or a feint?
Wow I hope it’s for real – he’ll be menacing in so delightfully fruity and melancholic and fanatical a fashion.
9 January 2013 at 02:09 #1011Warning: This is an actual spoiler of sorts although it doesn’t reveal TOO much………………..
The mother of 10-year-old Samuel Irvine says her son was cast in the (7B finale) episode, and that the show was looking for a young Scottish boy for the role.
Here’s a link:
9 January 2013 at 06:59 #1013The recent hot weather here has been a rel spoiler. My butter is rank, and my milk has chunks in it.
9 January 2013 at 09:26 #1017Could not agree more. The one drawback to life in the colonies.
So hot that the iced tea evaporates between the glass and my mouth,
Having a bad effect on Whovian concentration.
10 January 2013 at 20:29 #1175No sooner do I mention Steed and Mrs. Peel over on the Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/tv-and-radio/tvandradioblog/2013/jan/10/too-much-romance-on-tv than, by the laws of synchronicity, I discover that Dame Diana Rigg is to star in Dr. Who this year!
This news is on the BBC website so it’s hardly a “secret spoiler” (or a particularly new one) but still…
Oh, and @IAmNotAFishIAmAFreeMan I now demand that Baker play the Master!
11 February 2013 at 21:47 #2601So I came across this today and couldn’t help reading. Contains spoilers (which have already been rumoured).
So now I have to do a bit of blah so it doesn’t show up in the Activity stream. I really hope that this is enough.
Only click if you want spoilers.
7 March 2013 at 15:23 #3071Anonymous @I was going to put this in the Who news page but considering its content I thought here might be better…
This from the Daily Mail (I know, I know, I feel kinda dirty all over for even clicking on it….)
Well known chat about the Ice Warriors and so on but they also seem to think that the Mummies as seen in the Pyramids of Mars are returning also. (Mind you, they seem to think that the alien in the glass box is one, so maybe take this with a pinch of salt. It looks more like a Draconian to me, but could, I guess, be an Osirian.)
And, of course, it could just be Moffatt messing with the Mail. And who could blame him?
21 March 2013 at 06:22 #3337Probably not a spoiler, but the Russian word in the poster for Cold War is “radiation”.
But I don’t know the Ice Warriors well enough so this might be something obvious.
Yes, I’m hyper sensitive to spoilers!
6 April 2013 at 14:07 #4249http://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoFilming
The Silver Cloak strike again!
9 April 2013 at 01:51 #4729Mild spoiler, but obligatory warning, just in case.
Just came across a promotional picture from “The Cold War,” and a red setting can be clearly seen on the Doctor’s sonic screwdriver. Pardon me while I cry into my Library feelings.
Link to said picture, for anyone interested: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8392/8632415344_ec4548a1b6_o.jpg
9 April 2013 at 13:06 #4811http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6IbgOJd-VGw
Official location report.
9 April 2013 at 13:11 #4815http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p017gl8h
Official report from Strax
9 April 2013 at 13:12 #4817thank’s for the link @wolfweed. The Tower of London scenes brought back a few memories. Good to see that Kate is returning. Was hoping she would be a recurring character. Also very excited to see THE SCARF, though it is probably just a teaser and may well “signify nothing”.
9 April 2013 at 13:34 #4821Rumoured title for 7B finale is ‘The Doctor’s Name’ but I’ve also heard ‘The Grave of River Song’ (or was it Funeral of?)
9 April 2013 at 13:54 #4825Anonymous @9 April 2013 at 14:07 #4829I’ve read (on Tumblr, Twitter, you name it) it’s “The Funeral of River Song*,” but Moffat is the biggest troll of them all, and frankly, that’s part of the reason I love him. (And hate him.)
Per the spoiler I posted last night–the red setting is on the sonic. Which means the sonic is Library-ready. Which furthers the question–when did the Tardis make a new sonic?
*Since we’ve seen River’s “death,” I wouldn’t put it past Moffat to make her “funeral” a simple tombstone with the words Hello, Sweetie! and Tardis coordinates engraved upon it in old high Gallifreyan. River’s varied manners of calling for the Doctor are well documented.
9 April 2013 at 14:19 #4833@lula <sobs with you about the red settings> but I’m actually delighted that we’ll get more River angst or indeed just more River on-screen.
For all kinds of reasons I adore Kingston and I think a River/ Rose meeting has lots of potential. Rose was such a b**ch to Sarah Jane and I loved the way the actresses worked that and worked it out. Rose might be initially wary but you know River would just win her round and they’d have a hoot.
Yes – please let there be a “Library fix-it” in there somewhere too, so River gets a new set of regenerations and can go gallivanting off into the universe again…
9 April 2013 at 14:35 #4835I see…
Well, everything, for some time now, has been about the Doctor’s name, so that would not be so out of place, especially given all the Doctor WHO? statements…
The Funeral of River Song would not worry me greatly – because The Wedding of River Song did not turn out to turn in any critical way on a wedding.
The Grave of River Song…well, that makes it seem like River Song might be Clara’s mother as we have already seen her grave…
I was rather hoping the episode was titled Revenge of the Great Intelligence….
9 April 2013 at 15:01 #4839@juniperfish Please be my across the pond best friend, because I truly adore River Song. She’s a BAMF and the Doctor is 64% more interesting whenever she’s around. Do I ship them? No. One can’t ship something that’s already sailed. Which is to say, I am fully on board with their story, because it has been made cannon by Moffat, as wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey as it may be. I am not ready for her tenure on Who to come to an end any time soon. Clearly, I love her, apologetically.
@htpbdet I think the speculation about the finale’s title stems mostly from Kingston’s appearance in it, as well as a set photo that surfaced a couple of months ago. The photo shows The Whispermen (apparently the Big Bad of the finale) in front of a tombstone, the letters “ONG” being the writing visible. “The Grave of River Song” would be a much better title. As would “The Doctor’s Name,” which @jimthefish mentioned. That’s also a title I’ve seen mentioned on Twitter in the last several days.
9 April 2013 at 15:03 #4841@juniperfish Of course that’s UNAPOLOGETICALLY. Sorry!
9 April 2013 at 15:20 #4843Thanks. The Whispermen do look to me like some bad side of Smith’s Dr – they bear an uncanny similarity to his face behind their latex coverings.
Graves are everywhere this season – Amy’s, the graveyard at the end of Snowmen and then Clara’s mother’s grave in Rings. Graves everywhere…
9 April 2013 at 21:15 #4867@lula @juniperfish – given your Osiris penis/screwdriver theory, there are much worse colours the sonic could be…
If it had a purple setting, I’d be seriously worried… :-O
10 April 2013 at 11:33 #4899@lula – so the red on the sonic….that’s the upgraded version that River ends up with? (I’m still new to Who)
Also, I think I posted a spoiler on the 50th thread by mistake!! A pic from the filming yesterday morning showed the Doctor hanging from under the TARDIS, with Clara inside. It appears Sexy is taking off without him. Has this happened before? Is there a precedence for the TARDIS leaving him behind intentionally?
10 April 2013 at 12:16 #4901@ardaraith Yes, the red settings belong to the version of the sonic the Doctor eventually gives to River in order to “save” her.
Has the TARDIS ever run away from the Doctor? Only when under the control of the Time Lords to my knowledge… (someone with encyclopedic lnowledge of Who – looking at you @htpbdet ) can correct me if I’m wrong!
Maybe the TARDIS would run away from dark doppleganger Doctor, however <polishes pet theory> 🙂
10 April 2013 at 12:47 #4905@ardaraith Yes, the sonic he gives her in the Library has a red setting. (And dampers!)
Again I ask–why the new sonic? When the new sonic? Pretty sure that will be answered on Saturday.
10 April 2013 at 13:20 #4913Anyway, spoiler space for the feed, blah, blah, even more blah.
The Trafalgar Square pictures also show Clara standing in an open door. I’d point out that, yes, we have had the Eleventh Doctor hanging out of the TARDIS before, namely when it was crashing in The Eleventh Hour. So is the TARDIS taking off? Or crashing?
Given that they probably didn’t want to accidentally squash their actors, even if the crane was taking the TARDIS up they could be crashing – just reverse the recording.
But yeah – if the TARDIS is taking off, it’s running like hell from someone who appears to be the Eleventh Doctor. Either it’s under somebody else’s control (not Clara’s, she’s at the door) or all our theories about Matt Smith playing the villain for the 50th are right. He’s the dark doppleganger, or Omega in the shape of the Eleventh, or the GI embodied. 🙂
Whatever this is – they filmed it in Trafalgar Square in the middle of a working day. They’re not exactly trying to keep it secret. This is a teaser scene – and quite possibly isn’t what it looks like.
10 April 2013 at 13:27 #4915Isn’t at least one of the villans in the 50th capable of shape-changing?
10 April 2013 at 13:37 #4917Yes, indeedy. At least one of them is.
The eleven Doctors?
10 April 2013 at 14:08 #492110 April 2013 at 14:09 #4923So – we won’t really know til Nov 23…
10 April 2013 at 14:10 #4925Anonymous @The eleven Doctors?
Genius. I bet that’s what it will be called. Could we be looking at a scenario where Doc 10 is called upon to save the universe from his future self?
10 April 2013 at 14:11 #4927Hmmm…..
This link was sent to me from inside the BBC, so I thought it was genuine….but it’s not on the BBC site so I guess it is not….
10 April 2013 at 14:13 #4931Ooh, that’s a wee bit of genius yourself.
Because if he is, that would retrospectively explain why the Tenth Doctor was so terrified of his coming regeneration.
10 April 2013 at 14:22 #4935Anonymous @@htpbdet — yes, it does have the look of a fan mock-up. Quite a nice one though, mind you. Still, you never know.
I reckon we won’t get an official anniversary trailer until 7.2 is done. I don’t think they would want to distract from the current run of episodes.
10 April 2013 at 14:48 #4937@ JimTheFish
Yes, I think that’s right.
Still, I fully expect the final ep of 7.2 to end on a cliff-hanger which will lead directly to the Anniversary Special.
Currently, my favourite thoughts are:
(A). River: Doctor! Look…
Dr: (Astonished) …Susan?
Clara/Clara’s mother smiles at the Dr.
(B). River: Doctor! Look…
Doctor looks up. John Hurt ( as Hartnell’s Dr ) : Now then. What’s all this?
(C). River: You have to answer
Doctor: No….
Clara: You have no choice.
Daleks: Doctor Who? Who? Who?
Doctor: No… You don’t understand…
John Hurt as First Dr: but I do. Shall I tell them?
Yes…..okay, I have had too much cool aid today….
Mind you, I am still plumping for The Twelfth Doctor as the Anniversary title…
10 April 2013 at 14:59 #4939Anonymous @@HTPBDET – “Mind you, I am still plumping for The Twelfth Doctor as the Anniversary title…”
My initial gut reaction was to say, ‘no, the 50th is all about the celebration of everything that has happened up to now.’ On reflection, though … timey-wimey and all that; lurching toward the future whilst at the same time celebrating the past is very Doctor Who (and very Stephen Moffat), so I’m still chewing on that one.
10 April 2013 at 16:31 #4949@lula – BBC mentioned the new sonic in its spoilers for the upcoming ep:
10 Spoilers for Cold War – Doctor Who – BBC One
(Do not read if you don’t want to hear any spoilers)
» The Doctor has a new toy.
» Was that a Little Britain reference?
» Clara does something the Doctor did in ‘The Rings of Akhaten’.
» The Doctor has been making some modifications to the TARDIS.
» David Warner’s character is quite different to those he shares a submarine with.
» The Ice Warrior has a bit of an R2D2 moment, and a Han Solo one too.
» The Doctor is trying to something he tried to do in a previous Mark Gatiss story.
» Clara discovers something new about the TARDIS.
» The Doctor is aware of someone and their work.
» Someone loves Ultravox.
10 April 2013 at 16:33 #4951Holy Moly – could it be that something DID change places with him during the sun / planet / parasite thing and that’s why he suddenly gets a new sonic AND makes changes (that I hear are sort of battle changes) to the TARDIS??
10 April 2013 at 17:58 #4973@ardaraith That is all very interesting information. I’m now racking my head to remember Gatiss’ previous episodes, and wondering who’s going to be the fan of Ultravox?
Poor David Warner…trapped again on another sinking ship.
Someone will likely have to point out the Little Britain reference to me after Cold War has aired, because while being a fan of both Lucas and Walliams, I’ve never seen an episode of that particular program.
Along that same vein, there’s a reference in nearly each episode that flies straight over my head. In the instance of TRoA–The Beano. I’d never heard of The Beano until last Saturday–Google is my friend!
13 April 2013 at 23:02 #5429Cult Box has this spoiler up, along with 9 others, about next week’s ep: Hide.
“Something we see in ‘The Five Doctors’ is seen here.”
15 April 2013 at 13:02 #5651@bluesqueakpip Your remark re’ the visibility of the Trafalgar Square filming made me wonder if the entire thing was bit of a set up to attract attention. I suspect it was either a marketing gimmick, a red herring or a distraction from events elsewhere or perhaps a bit of all three. After all what is going to be more noticable than a big crane over Trafalgar Square on a weekday.
15 April 2013 at 21:22 #5701@theatreguy (from the Cold War thread) – yes the word on the interwebs (from the Moff) is that River is coming back this series – we just don’t know when. Can’t wait!
Also apparently an episode will be told from the POV of Vastra, Jenny and Strax – looking forward to that one.
15 April 2013 at 21:51 #5705Thanks @juniperfish I’d heard River was back for the last episode of this series. just wondered if she was in the 50th special.
Maybe this may lead to the not fully deactivated theory @thommck
Raised in the Cold War thread
15 April 2013 at 22:02 #5709@theatreguy Ah – no idea if she’s in the 50th. I hope so.
Yes that’s a good, if upsetting thought by @thommck
16 April 2013 at 04:16 #5723Not exactly a spoiler and I don’t know if it has already been mentioned but I only just realised that Carol Ann Ford is in the “Adventures in Time and Space” special. She plays a random character, presumably an audience member. I am still hoping that we will see both her and William Russell turn up in the 50th.
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