• DickieGarvey replied to the topic Spoilers


  • I think that the crib will have some significance in the xmas special, and i belive that there will be another river plot opened up too, there is so much more that we can see as nothing is in sequence.

    Claras’ vortex manipulator is Captian Jacks correct will she still have it in the time of the doctor or did she give it Back ????????


  • Thank you @bluesqueakpip that is amazing.

    As many have mentioned before (i think) we are watching evets as they unfold, the only way the moment could enact any real change was allowing it to happen the first […]

  • DickieGarvey commented on the post, Crazy Captions 45

    Come here my Precioussssssssses

  • DickieGarvey replied to the topic On The Sofa (3)

    Does anyone else think that Tom Hiddleston would make an amazing master even if only for a one of him and cap also bouncing off each other could be amazing 🙂

  • DickieGarvey replied to the topic General Books thread

    I unfortunatly started reading them to see what all the fuss was about and am now caught in the waiting for the next book issue, I’m gonna have to read the lot again before venturing on to the next one.

    The rivers of london sewries is very good by Ben Arronarovitch althouth still in progress


  • So it appears that we will finally get to see what the silence have been on about for all this time sould be interesting

    i looked for capalids face for ages and didnt spot it oh well well found @wolfweed

    Tennant seemed to have some level of control over when he regenerated wonder if that will be expanded to allow for capaldis face or weather it…[Read more]

  • DickieGarvey replied to the topic The Day of the Doctor

    Just came across this little nugget and i seems to fit alot of bills and this seemd the sensible place to put it

    “Doctor regeneration X has the face of 4, which yes we know can happen, because that’s how they explain Romana II having the face of a previous character (same actress; Romana said she liked the appearance of the other character and…[Read more]

  • DickieGarvey replied to the topic The Day of the Doctor

    I will admit that there did appear to be something more between Kate and Osgood but as to what I have o idea, although i do feel that it is one of those things that is dropped into an episode so that it can be reused in further plot linees but if it isnt “oh well”.

    With Matt telling Tennant about Trenzalor i feel that he has “solved it and we…[Read more]

  • DickieGarvey replied to the topic Doctor Who News (2)

    The Legacy game looks like it cold be fun will have to look into that


    those posters look as dark as i was expecting @Shazzbot do you think that his face couyl dbe on the saint christopher on the waistcoat chains ??

  • DickieGarvey replied to the topic The Day of the Doctor

    well i have been sutiable impressed with all the goings on, have only managed 1 watch through so far but am going for anothertonight.

    The TARDIS does seem very friendly with Clara considering previous annimosity so i have to assume that this is post time stream jumpage and means that they got “out” ok.

    John Hurt was a marvelous foil to Simth and…[Read more]

  • DickieGarvey replied to the topic Spoilers


  • Hello everyone

    I have an awfull feeling we arnt going to see how they get out of the doctors timestream

    anyone else


  • DickieGarvey replied to the topic Spoilers


  • thank you for linking it just wouldnt work at all for me

    I guess  most of u had seen that interview

    the save the day bit is confusing me i guess all will become clear with the minisodes at CiN ans stuff, i feel its more linked to that than to the 50th directly

  • moffat quote was from an interview with nerd cubed on youtube

    have tried linking but no posts 🙁


  • DickieGarvey replied to the topic The Next Doctor (2)

    A combination of both Capaldis personality combined with the change from AG doctors costumes.

    A sonic cane well that would be a turn up, how about a slot for the screwdriver,

    I imagine a more dignified but excitable doctor

    really looking forward to finding out how they get the idea of a reused face into it all, my current opinion is he has…[Read more]

  • I have seen an interview with moffet where he has stated that he is done with the weeping angles so would be very surprised if they showed up in the 50th or the christmas special

    Zygons will apper to have a minor part then it will be expanded near the end IMO


  • DickieGarvey replied to the topic The Next Doctor (2)

    Hi everyone what are your thorts on the next doctors costume

    I had a mental idea of a red velvet suit with a cravat and a trilby dont ask me where that came form but hey.

    oh and a cane in certain episodes for whatever purpose he may require it

  • DickieGarvey changed their profile picture

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