The Next Doctor (2)

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This topic contains 376 replies, has 74 voices, and was last updated by  denissenco 9 years, 8 months ago.

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    Craig @craig

    This is just a continuation of The Next Doctor thread as it had almost reached the 1000 posts limit. You can view the previous version of this thread here:

    wolfweed @wolfweed

    When Peter Capaldi Met John Byrne


    Peter Capaldi – Michelob Advert

    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    Have just been thinking about Clara (as one does) over a cup of coffee. With PC on board next year, I wonder what they will do with Clara? As has been noted above (somewhere, sorry–forgot who) she has really played out her role as the Girl Who Was Born To Save The Doctor–although, arguably, there might be more  to that in the 50th.

    But who is the “real” Clara? I admit to remaining somewhat confused on this. Is she simply the woman who looks after the two children in contemporary London? Are we going to see more of those children (shudder!)? Or was she quite literally born to save the Doctor? In other words, what narrative logic will she serve for the 12th Doctor now that she has successfully saved the Doctor? Am I making this all too complicated? Probably.

    Time for another cup of coffee.

    Whisht @whisht

    hi @blenkinsopthebrave – I think I agree. I actually think that JLC is a good actress who could ping off quite a few actors (she seems smart as a person as well as a character) but think that the Clara thing is knotty.

    It’d be great to see her bounce off the Tucktor verbally – at least for a bit.

    Whisht @whisht

    btw I am in no way condemning Capaldi to forever be Tucker (he’s already been more than that and he’ll be Richelieu next year anyway), but “Tucktor” sprang to mind and seemed too good to pass up.

    I admit – I’m cheap. But both are verbally very good (lets hope they get the scripts they deserve).

    Bluesqueakpip @bluesqueakpip


    what narrative logic will she serve for the 12th Doctor now that she has successfully saved the Doctor?

    Currently no idea, though I’m sure I’ll come up with another bonkers theory for Clara quite soon – now that my previous one has been destroyed by Mr Capaldi. 🙂

    But I will say that in the Geek panel,when asked what she was doing after Who (a question she clearly didn’t expect) she was so surprised she let slip that her arc hadn’t finished. Fortunately she wasn’t shocked enough to explain what it was (except that she’s still The Impossible Girl).

    Bluesqueakpip @bluesqueakpip


    “Tucktor” sprang to mind and seemed too good to pass up.

    No. Just, no. It sounds like Matt Smith is about to regenerate into a duck or something. Probably a Ruddy Duck.


    Anonymous @

    Can you guys help me out with my problem over on The Sofa

    ScoobaSteve @scoobasteve

    So has anyone seen the spin off of Dr Who called Tourchwood? Main character is Jack Harkness. Peter Capaidi is in season 3 as a government agent and is in most of the season. I’m was really shocked that he got the part because he is so involved in the franchise anyway. Thoughts???


    janetteB @janetteb

    I liked your theory re time lords being evolved humans @MadScientist72. Oh and thanks for yet another great pic @wolfweed.  Interesting that JLC implied her arc is not yet over @blenkinsopthebrave. Time to start brewing up more bonkers theories?? I had assumed when she entered the time line that all has been revealed and that she had been just an ordinary girl afterall. I thought the governess thing was because she becomes in effect the Doctor’s governness when she enters his time line, watching over him and protecting him through all his past regenerations. I wonder if we will see P.C. in the time stream in the 50th assuming that at least some of that action takes place within it.




    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave


    I wouldn’t expect PC to be in the 50th, but rather waiting in the wings for for the Christmas special–but then none of us expected to see JC in “Asylum of the Daleks”, so who knows?

    I can’t help thinking of an old “Next Generation” episode where a Romulan was kept in the shadows, but when you heard the voice you thought: “Hold on, isn’t that…?” And then, lo and behold, 2 episodes later there was a jaw-dropping reveal of…but no, that is definitely a Spoiler!

    Anonymous @

    JanetteB and blenkinsopthebrave, as you both seem to be the only members available can you help me?

     I’m having trouble @’ing a member. I had this problem a few times over the weekend but it seemed to resolve itself by logging out and logging on again. I’ve tried that this time but it hasn’t made a difference.

    That said, I’m not entirely sure I should reply to the person I had in mind. You may have an idea of who I mean 😉


    janetteB @janetteb

    I am sorry that I can’t help you @fatmaninabox You might have to wait until the “day shift” are back on duty. (I’m having the same thoughts as you but reserving judgement for the time being.)

    @blenkinsopthebrave  I like the idea of just hearing P.C. voice rather than seeing his face, especially as his voice would be recognisable to most views, especially if he uses his Glaswegian accent. We now know something the Doctor doesn’t and that is always fun to play with. Showing one future regen” in the Time stream raises the question of “what about the others”. As Moffat does seem to be really emphasising that the doctor is nearing his final regeneration I suspect this is going to be dealt with.



    Craig @craig

    @fatmaninabox I’m just test the @ mentions. If this works then I’ll have trouble helping you as I can’t replicate it. How are you doing it? Are you copying and pasting or are you typing it out.

    If you copy and paste (in visual mode) from under someone’s avatar you don’t actually need to put the @ in front, but if you copy and paste in text mode you do need the @.

    Hope that helps.

    Anonymous @


    previously I’d been typing it out and it worked ok. I first had this problem either Saturday or early Sunday morning. It seemed to be OK when I was posting during ‘that program’ on Sunday evening. I’ve had to copy/paste for this to work.

    Craig @craig

    @fatmaninabox Thanks. Unfortunately all I can do is keep an eye on it for now. If it starts happening more frequently to others then I’ll see if I can find a reason, but if it’s just you then I’m not sure what to do about it at the mo. If you do continue to have problems you can always send me screenshots of the steps you take when posting e.g. your post before you hit submit, and what happens after etc. via my email address on the Home page, and also let me know what device you are using etc. That may help me find a solution.

    Anonymous @

    @craig  okey doke. I’ll have to do that later though. I’ve been awake over 24 hrs now and desperately need a few hours kip as I have to go out at 1pm.

    Erm, g’night all.

    starseed @starseed
    starseed @starseed

    a great bit of video editing

    thommck @thommck

    I may be thinking ahead of myself but here are a few things I would like to see from the new Doctor/Series8

    • The Doctor using his mind more. More than his sonic screwdriver anyway. I don’t mean in a techno-babble way but rather more of a Sherlock Holmes way. Perhaps he should give a sonic to Clara so they can still have the toys

    • A new companion. I really like Clara and I think she has a lot more to do but I’m struggling to think of a good (i.e. bonkers) enough theory for how she could survive the anniversary without needing a Donna style mind-wipe. Either way, an extra companion would be great. It’s always nice to see the Doctor’s friends gang up on him 🙂

    • Another regular room in the TARDIS. It would be great to see a “den” in the Tardis where the Doctor comes to see his companion for a comfy chat on the sofa, rather than always standing up in the console room.

    • A Time Lady. It’s probably the most logical answer to why the 12th Doctor wasn’t a woman and that’s because Moff wanted to feature a Time Lady as a major part of series 8. I’m not sure if I’d prefer the return of a classic character or someone new. I suppose it depends if some event in the 50th points to the Timelords escaping the void. @juniperfish I don’t like your idea of The Master coming back, not as a woman anyway, I’d prefer a fresh character with a different backstory

    • A subtle arc/”Big Bad”. I love standalone episodes rather than two-parters (although I don’t mind the odd one) but I was disappointed how the story of the Impossible Girl lost momentum and seemed to drag on too long. Bad Wolf and Vote Saxon were both great subtle arcs that didn’t intefere with the weekly episodes but when they reached a climax it was a great pay-off and wanted to make you watch all the episodes again!

    • River Song. I’m sad to think that her time may have come to a close in The Name of the Doctor. We’ve seen her birth/death and a lot of inbetween. However, I’d want to see one last appearance of her, just to see what her relationship with 12 would be like


    This is what you call a calm and reasoned response:


    LindaLee has spoken. I know what to think now:

    Charlie Cook @charlie-cook

    As someone knocking on the door of my pension, I am looking forward to a return to an older doctor. Just thought I would say that!

    ScaryB @scaryb


    thanks for the vid clips. Absolute corroboration that 5 yo are much more sussed than 12/13yo, haha

    Love Linda Lee. She did mention something that made me wonder. Will PC’s sonic have a red setting? (Or was it established that Matt’s had one in Cold War?)

    Charlie Cook Love your avatar; As has been said elsewhere (and illustrated by the first video) an older Dr also suggests a big change of direction/pace and as such is a radical step, when the expectation esp of some new fans not familiar with the history of the show is for a floppy haired “pretty boy”. This will be good for the ones who keep watching, LOL

    Bluesqueakpip @bluesqueakpip

    @pedant and @scaryb – thanks for the video. I agree: to the shorter members of the audience, the difference between ‘late twenties’ and ‘early fifties’ isn’t that great. They’re all, equally in the category of ‘grown-ups’.

    Anonymous @

    @thommck I thought the same about The Doctor not use the sonic every episode like 4 or 5 times, but 10 would only pop it out once or twice an episode. I also agree with The Master regenerating as a female wouldn’t make sense because with K-9 logic we’d have to call him mistress.

    wolfweed @wolfweed


    wolfweed @wolfweed

    Interview with Caroline Torrance (Director of Drama, BBC Worldwide) and Cameron K McEwan (Blogtor Who) discussing Doctor Who and Peter Capaldi on BBC World News.
    The new Dr Who as you may never have seen him before…


    @pedant – I really loved your videos – the 1st one is hilarious – ‘He’s ugly!’

    Brynwe @brynwe

    IAmNotAFishIAmAFreeMan  Ugh that video…of the teenage(?) (I know I’m getting “older” because I can no longer judge the ages of those younger than me)  girl flipping out and calling him ugly?  I so pray that these girls learn what the cost of their shallowness is before they’re too old to appreciate their looks.

    But Lindalee’s response was so cute.  And her questions were just fun.


    I turned 30 this year, so I’m still “young” enough.  I think.  (People thought Matt was young and he turned thirty this year as well.)  My first impression of Capaldi is that I could definitely see him as The Doctor.  I had to look at more pictures because I had never seen him in anything and I wanted to know what he actually looked like, but yeah I think I could stare at that handsome mug for hours of entertaining television.  I don’t think he’s ugly at all.   Of course I’m going to miss Matt’s insanity.  But I’m looking forward to what Calpaldi is going to bring to the table now, when it’s over, it’s over, no use looking back, just move forward.


    wolfweed @wolfweed
    wolfweed @wolfweed
    wolfweed @wolfweed

    Steven Moffat talks about choosing Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor

    Whisht @whisht

    surprised I’m the first to mention it but….

    is there any chance Armando Iannucci will write for Doctor Who??


    pretty please?

    Ubik @ubik
    janetteB @janetteb

    @wolfweed, another thank-you for providing great links. I loved Karen Gillan’s tweet, “CAPALDI! Superb choice. Swear I’ve seen him in Pompeii…”

    @pedant, I think that teenager is far scarier than P.C. could ever be.

    @whisht seconded.

    I am currently doing some P.C. research. Having just finished watching the final episodes of series 2 of The Hour I am now catching up on Local Hero. Next week will start watching “The Thick of it.”  I can see potential Doctorish elements in his Local Hero performance.



    Bluesqueakpip @bluesqueakpip

    Regarding the Capaldi Doctor and Clara:

    She could be his daughter (by River). She could also be his great-granddaughter, by Susan. Either choice would take us ‘back to the beginning’ – the Capaldi Doctor travelling with a member of his family.

    As @scaryb says, I linked up several of Clara’s dates to important dates in the history of the show. That might just be a little ‘nod’ by the production team; in the same way, John Smith in Family of Blood remembered his ‘parents’ as ‘Sydney and Verity’. Clara’s actions in The Name of The Doctor effectively make her the production team; she rewrote the show.

    Clara’s mother also has ‘show dates’ – both her date of birth and her date of death. Her date of birth goes back to the pre-BBC origins of the show, with an ATV SF series produced by Sydney Newman. Her date of death is either the date Rose investigates the Doctor, or the date the episode ‘Rose’ was leaked online.

    In the ‘Impossible Girl’ sequences, it appears that – unless the Victorian Mother and the Modern Mother are played by very similar actresses -Clara’s mother is somehow mother to every single ‘Claricle’. Which raises the question ‘how the bloody hell did she do that?’

    Blood calls to blood, the Doctor says. Clara can always find the Doctor; okay, she’s in his time-line. Her mother can always find her – in the Doctor’s time-line. The implication is that all three of them are connected by blood; Clara, her mother and the Doctor.

    Whisht @whisht

    @bluesqueakpip – ooh excellent (as ever)! Am loving fatmaninabox and everyone else’s riff on this.

    but mainly loving how we’re thinking this through far harder than the writers!


    and I’m not being snarky – the creative process is about choices – writers take choices in the same way that the universe (one could say) follows possibilities. Its just that we have the ability to imagine other choices which are just as good (and maybe sometimes even better).

    its why i love it here!!

    janetteB @janetteb

    @bluesqueakpip. Some excellent points there. You picked up on the “Blood calls to blood” line from Hide which is funny because I was thinking about that this morning but didn’t see the significance. It is one of those lines which could easily have been edited in. The family connection element wasn’t essential to the story. In fact it slightly confused the issue. Was she simply able to hear the spacewoman because she was her ancestor or was it because she was an empath.

    This theory links with the theory running in the “Companions” thread. Maybe Clara is the Doctor’s grandaughter. her mother being River’s daughter. (It could be the father but there appears to be something rather Timey/wimey about the mother.) Clara therefore might have predominently human DNA. This would mean the Doctor was once again travelling with a granddaughter, but one acquired through his AG family.



    Bluesqueakpip @bluesqueakpip


    there appears to be something rather Timey/wimey about the mother

    Definitely the mother; there’s that ‘Oh, my stars’ exclamation – which is a genuine exclamation, just rather more common in the 16th Century than it is now. She also stops dead for a second when she first sees the Smith Doctor. And finally, the Victorian version seems to be played by the same actress (somebody else spotted that one).

    And, of course, there’s the ‘don’t talk to strange men’ injunction. Which is both entirely sensible, and something which might apply particularly to the Doctor. He’s a very strange man indeed. 😀

    All this could be a red herring, of course. Who carries enough red herrings to open a smoked fish stall on the market. 😉

    Anonymous @

    @thommck – re your points –

    • The Doctor using his mind more. More than his sonic screwdriver anyway. I don’t mean in a techno-babble way but rather more of a Sherlock Holmes way. Perhaps he should give a sonic to Clara so they can still have the toys

    @curvedspace has provided links in the Fan Creativity thread to someone who has exhaustively charted the usage of the sonic by Doctor, Companion, & ancillary characters, and by episode.  I agree, let’s see some more mental screwdriving (eeuuw, not a phrase I’ll use again!) but I worry about making PC’s Doctor too Holmes-ish.  He’d have to do it in his own, Doctory way.

    • A new companion. I really like Clara and I think she has a lot more to do but I’m struggling to think of a good (i.e. bonkers) enough theory for how she could survive the anniversary without needing a Donna style mind-wipe. Either way, an extra companion would be great. It’s always nice to see the Doctor’s friends gang up on him :)

    There’s some conversation over in the Companions thread about where Clara can go after being The Impossible Girl (i.e. Claricles).  Too much to summarise here; but I’ll agree that I’ve always advocated that multiple [regular] companions would be a nice return to BG Who.

     • Another regular room in the TARDIS. It would be great to see a “den” in the Tardis where the Doctor comes to see his companion for a comfy chat on the sofa, rather than always standing up in the console room.

    Great idea!  Personally, I’d like to see the swimming pool.  🙂  But we did have a nosey around the place in JttCotT; we saw the library, for exxample, and hopefully we’ll get a better look at what’s contained therein (including ‘that book’).

    • A Time Lady. It’s probably the most logical answer to why the 12th Doctor wasn’t a woman and that’s because Moff wanted to feature a Time Lady as a major part of series 8. I’m not sure if I’d prefer the return of a classic character or someone new. I suppose it depends if some event in the 50th points to the Timelords escaping the void. @juniperfish I don’t like your idea of The Master coming back, not as a woman anyway, I’d prefer a fresh character with a different backstory

    Actually, I do like the idea of the Master as a woman, or else Eddie Izzard (not in drag, though).  A new Time Lord would be good, too, to get a fresh perspective on TLs in general.  Surely there are more character types than just those we have seen already?

    • A subtle arc/”Big Bad”. I love standalone episodes rather than two-parters (although I don’t mind the odd one) but I was disappointed how the story of the Impossible Girl lost momentum and seemed to drag on too long. Bad Wolf and Vote Saxon were both great subtle arcs that didn’t intefere with the weekly episodes but when they reached a climax it was a great pay-off and wanted to make you watch all the episodes again!

    But was Clara’s half-series really standalone episodes (if I’m understanding your argument properly)?

    • River Song. I’m sad to think that her time may have come to a close in The Name of the Doctor. We’ve seen her birth/death and a lot of inbetween. However, I’d want to see one last appearance of her, just to see what her relationship with 12 would be like

    I agree.  After TNofD, I was pretty sure I didn’t want to see River again, as she’d had such a lovely good-bye moment and at the time I thought that dragging her back would only dilute that.  However, what with the new Doctor, and the theories abounding on this site about River possibly being Clara’s mother, well … if they bring her back, though, they darn well better do it properly!  Some ‘fans’ will probably resign their fandom in disgust if they have to see her again which will be amusing to see in comments on other sites.  (Never here, though, never here.  We’ve got the good fans.  🙂  )

    thommck @thommck

    Welcome back @shazzbot!
    I suppose I didn’t mean Sherlock Holmes as he can be to Mr Clever for his own good. I think I meant more in the writing, a puzzle that can be solved with an idea rather than a magic (sonic) button.

    The TARDIS tour in JttCotT was certainly a good appetiser but was a bit of a cop-out to what most fans were expecting. Thanks for reminding me about the Time War book, I forgot all about that.

    In regards to the “standalone” comment, yes I think the whole of Series 7 was billed as standalone episodes with it’s movie style posters. It’s probably just my own over-analysing of each episode but it made me feel like they were taking something away from Clara by giving her the Impossible Girl label immediately.

    wolfweed @wolfweed
    Anonymous @

    Thanks, @thommck.

    Now I see where you’re going with the Holmes wish.  Yes please, more mental puzzles.  But still plenty of running.  🙂

    Have you seen the conversations about Clara in the Companions thread?  I’m going to go all semantic on you (dear god, I’m about to get lumbered with the Semantic Nazi label, too 🙁  ) and say I don’t think they took something away from Clara by establishing her immediately as The Impossible Girl – I think they lumbered her with something.  But people have the ususal interesting and sometimes bonkers theories about what to do with her character in series 8 over there.

    wolfweed @wolfweed
    Bluesqueakpip @bluesqueakpip

    @wolfweed – and it showed.

    But – three weeks from concept to half-hour live show? It’s amazing that they managed to get anything remotely coherent in place.

    wolfweed @wolfweed

    Looks like Peter C would make a good Weeping Angel should he try his hand at it…

    ironside @ironside

    He looks more like the master.

    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord


    You have to love Lindalee. She expressed a wish in her “who should be the next doctor” film for Tom Baker to come out of retirement to do the role.

    She probably took one look at Peter and thought – “he’s OK, but just seems a little young for the Doctor”. 😉

    On the other link you posted though, can I just express a wish (and this is a general one to everybody)?

    I can laugh at the idiocy of teenagers, because I was one myself in the dim and distant past, and I recognise the form. I am also aware that there is an unfortunate tendency these days to post lampoons of teenage tantrums on the internet to deride and make the life of the unfortunate individual a living hell. To make them the joke, with malicious intent. I would ask anyone to consider carefully before they spread this stuff around. Persecution via the internet is a topic often ignored, and I don’t think we should encourage it. The comments BTL on that video are particularly hateful (even for YouTube).

    Anonymous @

    Well, this isn’t strictly about Peter Capaldi, but it does start off with a name-check on him being the next Doctor, and it’s AL Kennedy so worth a read anyway.

    She of course hits the nail on the head with respect to this forum topic straight away:

    I have, for example, wondered why Mr Capaldi’s middle name has suddenly become Foulmouthedmalcolmtucker and can only assume this is because, like moppets and toddlers everywhere, many journalists have trouble telling the difference between actors and the parts they play.

    PS:  read the article, not the comments.  There are several commenters who could equally be awarded First Prize For Spectacularly And Most Likely Deliberately Missing The Point.

    janetteB @janetteb

    I was just reading that article @Shazzbot. It is well worth reading and not simply because it is Who related. But like AL Kennedy I am getting so tired of those whose knowledge of Capaldi’s acting career seems limited to The Thick of it.



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