• Robert Caligari replied to the topic The Giggle

    I wish this “Fourteenth Doctor” nonsense would just stop. Like…completely.

    This is not an entirely separate and unique incarnation unto himself. It doesn’t act any differently from Doctor 10. (At least, Tennant doesn’t perform the part like it is.) Neither John Hurt or Jo Martin have been canonized as part of the “official” line-up; why David…[Read more]

  • Robert Caligari replied to the topic Dr Who News (5)

    @dentarthurdent But I have this theory that a successful production requires a certain basic level of adequacy in each aspect e.g. script, acting, sets, sound, special effects etc. And any one of those that falls too far below the basic level risks distracting the viewer.

    If that were true, movies like Night of the Living Dead and The Texas…[Read more]

  • Robert Caligari replied to the topic Dr Who News (5)

    @dentarthurdent Sarcastic but a fairly valid generalisation, I fear.

    Silly me. I thought sarcasm was par for the course for the internet.

    Anyway: “Pathetic special effects and rubber monsters” could be applied to most of classic Who’s run, for sure, but that’s doing bit of a disservice to the ingenious craftsmen who were able to cook up all…[Read more]

  • Robert Caligari replied to the topic Dr Who News (5)

    You want to appeal to American audiences? Just blow more stuff up. Idiocracy and the Transformers movies proved that entertaining Americans really isn’t so hard. Just insert more gross-out gags and give the TARDIS its own Matrix-style minigun that the Doctor can use to decimate Dalek hordes. (Also make sure there’s an explosion every five mi…[Read more]

  • Robert Caligari replied to the topic Dr Who News (5)

    Here’s what I think the problem is: Managing DW has become too much of a “closed-off” business, with the job only available to a very small elite of men and women. Everybody just <i>knows</i> everyone too much. If not BFFs, Davies, Moffat, and Chibnall are clearly good chums with each other, and while they elbow themselves in the ribs and giggle a…[Read more]

  • As a Catholic, I’ve harbored a private, admittedly irrational fear that 21st century WHO might have it in for my type. (I know RTD is homosexual, in addition to a Richard Dawkins fanboy, and…well, I would understand why he’d have an axe to grind.)

    Imagine my delight upon seeing that wasn’t the case at all. Hell, the Doctor LITERALLY used the…[Read more]

  • @ps1l0v3y0u I’m more than aware of the kind of B.S. a showrunner has to endure, but that still doesn’t excuse some of the downright mind-boggling creative decisions by Chibnall. Not once did I ever get a vibe of authentic depth or darkness from Jodie’s Doctor; she never stopped being the irritating klutzy bubblehead vs. the brooding, stygian…[Read more]

  • It was absolutely imperative for the first female Doctor to sell like gangbusters, and Chibnall blew it. Spectacularly.

    That alone has earned him a hard, unapologetic slap to the face.

  • Robert Caligari replied to the topic The Giggle

    @whohar Correct, AoD is indeed the third movie in the Evil Dead series. Evil Dead II probably didn’t leave as much of an impact on you because it was meant to be horror/comedy rather than straight-up horror like the first one.

    Speaking of which:

    Doctor Who vs. The Evil Dead

  • Robert Caligari replied to the topic The Giggle

    @whohar Army of Darkness. Give it a watch, and you’ll see what I mean. What you saw in The Giggle was basically the kid-friendly version with less body horror.

    Fun Fact: The scene from Army of Darkness was inspired in turn by a 1959 b-movie called The Manster, where the protagonist also undergoes a radical “split.”

  • Robert Caligari replied to the topic The Giggle

    @whohar I’d have less of a problem with the “bi-generation” concept if it wasn’t so creepy. And gross. (Not just because it strongly reminded me of a similar moment from my favorite Sam Raimi movie, either.) Ash bi-generatesI mean, what’s stopping RTD from revisiting this idea over and over again? Is this going to be a recurring thing now, with the Doctor…[Read more]

  • Robert Caligari replied to the topic The Giggle

    Can we all agree that RTD’s “just let it go” message from STAR BEAST looks a little bit hypocritical in light of this episode? I mean, Good Lord…his flat-out refusal to EVER let go of David Tennant has become downright comical. The next time someone chides me for never being able to get over the Tom Baker years, I’ll fling this story right b…[Read more]

  • Robert Caligari replied to the topic The Giggle

    @unitpicker Given how RTD has flat-out stated that he’s going out of his way to rile up the fans this time, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were one and the same. Perhaps he’s going to have Susan regenerate into a Lovecraftian cthulhoid horror?

  • Robert Caligari replied to the topic The Giggle

    For those of us who AREN’T fawning Tenheads, can we please be allowed to refer to Tennant as “the Doctor who will never f*** off and die?” Seriously, I hope Sutekh comes along and nukes “BiGen” Doctor  alongside his family of happy, daffy glass-klinking gits.

    …okay, that was mean. I’m sorry.

  • Robert Caligari replied to the topic The Giggle

    For those of us who AREN’T  fawning Tenheads, can we please be allowed to refer to Tennant as “the Doctor who will never f*** off and die?” Seriously, I hope Sutekh comes along and nukes “BiGen” Doctor  alongside his family of happy, daffy glass-klinking gits.

    …okay, that was mean. I’m sorry.

  • Robert Caligari replied to the topic Wild Blue Yonder

    It’s kind of a shame Michael Gough wasn’t around to reprise the Toymaker, although by now he would’ve been…what, 105 years old? Phew.

  • Robert Caligari replied to the topic Wild Blue Yonder

    @juniperfish See, my concern with a show like Bridgerton is the fact that it basically exists in a utopian alternate history where racism was never a problem. I would give almost anything to live in such a world, but sadly, we don’t. On the other hand, what exactly is preventing our children and our children’s children from getting the idea in…[Read more]

  • Robert Caligari replied to the topic Wild Blue Yonder

    At the risk of sounding like yet another hyper-conservative creep…I’ll admit to feeling a tad uneasy about Nathaniel Curtis’s casting as Isaac Newton. (He’s Indian on his father’s side.) Fictional characters in historical stories are one thing, but when you screw around with a real-life figure in history who was…well…an actual white guy,…[Read more]

  • Robert Caligari replied to the topic Wild Blue Yonder

    I almost feel like falling down to my knees in the front of all the Tenheads among the viewing audience, clawing at their feet and sobbing like a pathetic wretch:

    “There! You’ve been given THREE WHOLE EPISODES of Tennant! One of them was LITERALLY just Tennant and Tate! Tom Baker was NEVER that lucky! Will you PLEASE move on now?! Will you PLEASE…[Read more]

  • Forget “Archie Meets The Punisher.” THIS is the crossover to die for. (Art by Paul Hanley)

    Doctor Who and The Evil Dead

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