General thread – fan creativity (2)
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This topic contains 237 replies, has 125 voices, and was last updated by BadKitty 6 3 weeks ago.
2 April 2023 at 16:35 #74069
I wrote two stories. Please drop a review on FFN.
Paying the Fiddler Chapter 1, a doctor who fanfic | FanFiction
20 June 2023 at 17:06 #74194Hey guys just wanted to show you my fan art!
(I really like drawing it in cartoon!)
let me know what you think 😉
20 June 2023 at 17:38 #74195I started this a while ago but I think it’s done now
PS love all the other art
11 July 2023 at 02:29 #74267Life Size Remote Controlled Dalek Available (with space for kegerator inside)
Welp, i posted my post. it showed up almost good, the link was broken and needed a heading
I edited it once, it seemed to save ok.
Needed another edit, saved it, post is missing.
Tried to start a new post. Summited it. Post is missing.
Im trying to see if someone wants to buy my dalek robot:
11 July 2023 at 02:33 #74270Here is the original post, if it posts this time:
Life Size Remote Controlled Dalek Available (with space for kegerator inside)
Hi Folks – Story Time
First let me start by saying that i am not a Doctor Who fan at all. I watched it a bit as a kid growing up in Australia, so that’s how i became aware of the Daleks.
Back in 2014 i was working for a software developer (in their IT dept) and on the side was (am) an avid maker of anything, wood, metal, welded, CNC’d, 3d printed and used microcontrollers (Arduino/Raspbery Pi).
At this company, we had a once-a-month event called “Firsty Thirsty Thursdays”. What this entailed was the facility manager manually pushing 2 kegs of beer + snacks around on 2 carts to each persons desk (a 400 person company) on the first Thursday of each month. After watching him do this a bunch of times, I and some other folks who worked there tossed the idea around of building a robot that could be remote controlled to do that job for the facilities manager.
After a lot of back and forth, we convinced the company to actually sponsored the idea and they provided a very small budget to get the job done. With this, i recruited several other like minded folks within the company, and together we got to work on designing and building that robot.
We new we needed something to fit a kegerator (which held 3x 6th barrel kegs) and it had to fit through standard width doorways. We also wanted something that was recognizable. After a lot of research and drawing inspiration from another keg robot someone else made at a different company (in the shape of R2D2) we landed on building a Remote controlled Dalek looking robot around a kegerator.
Many months passed and our team actually got the design and most of the build done. Unfortunately we did not finish the project – folks who were on the team left the company for career advancement, and i struggled to recruit other like minded makers/builders who were willing to give up their time for the project. With that, the project was abandoned, and i ended up with the Robot. It has been sitting idle since 2017 in my finished basement.
I live in Portland Oregon, and am about to move so now need to see if anyone is interested in buying what we made.
If you have the interest, ability and means to pick it up in Portland OR i would part with it for $500 obo. (there is a lot of custom welding in this, which would cost $1000’s to get redone + there is lots of work in the design/build of the brain + the motors amp and speakers are worth a little bit)
Height: ~76″
Width: ~27″
Length: ~42″Disclaimers:
1. Most of the photos and videos attached are when it was working. Since then, the kegerator has been removed, and the remote control and motor driver facility (Arduino mini controlled) haven’t been turned for a long time (the brain is included). I don’t know where the latest Arduino sketch is, but i can probably provide some old drafts to allow you to pickup where i left off.2. The Raspberry PI that we used to display the beers (it ran a website which we accessed via a tablet (not included) which was on the robot) + play the sounds “EXTERMINATE” + sense fluid flow (so we could pull analytics data on all the beer we consumed) has been removed. There is a car stereo and speakers still in it. The brain and remote control are included.
3. There is no battery included (It ran off a 12 small car battery).
4. What is left is the physical structure + the motors (there are 2, it is a chain driven skid/steer control type) which came out of the type of motorized carts some grocery stores provide for folks less able + the brain + a key/kill button
5. The dimensions of this robot compared to any series of Dalek as way off. This was necessitated by the requirements to house a kegerator as well as fit the Dalek through regular width doorways. At its height, the robot we built would actually need to be a good bit wider and a little longer for the dimensions to be closer. Nonetheless, what we ended up with resembles a Dalek!
6. Any sale is “As Is” i don’t profess that it runs or works in any way, but the motors should likely be fine as they worked fine when i last used it.
Happy to answer more questions if you have any.
If you want to see photos, see the above post
28 July 2023 at 22:41 #74330hey everyone 🙂 how are you all 🙂
Somewhere over the rainbow haha I think I’ve mentioned working on this and wanted to show on the 15th but I must have messaged something else anyway why not cause pretty happy 🙂
I’ve got lots of projects for own ideas ect always having ideas
My own Book/story (4) in mind , my own Pokedex really love this one drawing them and writing the entries, sometimes Doctor Who things ect but often now making my own X Men team and powers 🙂 for maybe a story sometime 🙂
So I was gonna do first 15 but haven’t quite worked out how to explain some of it like with the Pokedex entries I find like it has to be perfect you know and I tend to write a lot really describing the Pokemon and its nature or the powers in this case so not in order but ones I love or one’s I am happy with ect 🙂
Enjoy and yeah these are mine , like powers can be common like flight but wanted to work out my own style and inspirations but this could be cool to share your own 🙂
Regards – Declan Sargent
28 July 2023 at 23:10 #74331hey everyone 🙂 how are you all 🙂
The number’s are the orders I have them in but gonna share 15 even if the numbers don’t go 1 to the next ect and some don’t have numbers cause working out placements so that may be little confusing but hope all will be good 🙂
1 Cardiac – Shoots tiny ….. stars from the eye, when they hit the target the stop their heart or cause heart failure in some way…… nearly instantaneously, when powers are boosted Cardiac can shoot thousands of stars from his chest which can cover fast distances around the globe like a sandstorm targeting thousands of people though specific targeting is extremely difficult if this occurs
May become an Omega level mutant when better control over mass star effect occurs.PS Haven’t quite worked out what the missing parts are called but this one is like personal to me and was the first so gonna include 🙂 also Omega Level in X Men Universe is like super powerful like the best of their power so I have a lot of possible Omega’s for like future training and cool powers in mind , I guess I started with the focus of a team of 15 and making them like the best but now I have tons of ideas ha so a wide range of strengths but I still enjoy the powers that are awesome or strong like in terms of their effect 🙂
2 Dusk Fang – High intelligent snake that can stretch and grow its body and has matter powers and physic fangs, can communicate with humans.
(He is a snake but like really smart and strong powers , friend to the team 🙂
3 Scrapige ‘’scrape-peege’’ – High intelligence , can make anything out of pieces of scrap and metal ect , can create things rapidly even at large scales, can bring these pieces to life for instance creating living giant scrape robots or living spaceships who he can control or even become friends with , can communicate with these pieces of living scrape, craft any weapon or tool needed out of scrape even highly complex items with vast cybernetic and engineering skills required, can programme A.I. systems, understand any engineering or cybernetic blue prints or pieces of equipment in any language, highly capable with all weapons and pieces of equipment whether self-created or not
Possibly an Omega Level Mutant4 Orgamic – Master of origami , uses Origami as weapons if needed , even though it may appear to be paper Origami uses matter properties to make his origami extremely powerful and sharp able to pierce through extremely durable surfaces even physic projections.. , can turn the origami into a physical representation of its shape like a boat or dragon whilst having various powers such as fire breathing, psychic powers and high durability even to fire due to psychic protection and matter properties
5 Carman Clovers – can grow any type of flower in any climate , can control flowers, talk to them, make them grow far beyond their natural capabilities, pollinate rapidly, use them in various ways such as using poisonous and spiky flowers and plants for offensive purposes, reaching/climbing areas and use in natural medicine
6 Glabella (Gabby Bella for short) Able to break bones from a distance without physical contact or through inflicting external damage to target.
PS love this one soo much might include her name in my book but the power I really like , the name is the actual name of the bone between the eyebrows and above the nose , really like learning about the bones and their name meanings ect used to be scared and still skulls freak me out a little but is really interesting and Gabby Bella nickname into the super hero name is soo funny but I like it just fun being creative 🙂
8. Balance – Unable to lose balance, slip or fall off things no matter the speed of which balance is moving or the perils of what he is on , always landing on his feet, later being able to walk vertically and not fall even when walking upside down such as on ceilings, does not experience vertigo, get dizzy or is affected by rotating forces enabling walking freely on rotating surfaces
Optrice – long/far sight , slowed time , possible future sight
PS like Optical eyes ect 🙂
Scartcha – Can scratch targets from a distance, successful scratches leading to cuts , , can physical scratch through walls, scratch’s with physical claws cause gradually increasing ill health and feeling of weakness to the receiver and any cut caused by physical claws lead to instant obliteration of the target even to none organic life forms including Sentinels and a permeant increase in sharpness of physical claws
PS Love this one kinda like Wolverine 🙂 who is my fav 🙂 but for this person they have to sort of work up to the same damage equivalent like more sharp the claws get the more close to being deadly up to well getting through Sentinels haha 🙂 like I said I wrote a lot of very strong powers really like doing that but ofcourse some have to work for it or they have limits even if its fiction hope like Stan Lee would imply like inspire the reader 🙂 can grow as a person 🙂
Power Writer – Able to make powers and give others powers
Love Addict – Can make anyone love her instantly , often in situation where she is laughed at or under attack can easily turn everyone to love her , her true love is immune to this affect but notices the power use, and strong physics can see whats true and even reverse the affect on others until love addict boosts her powers resulting in a tug of war for love and truth
Tape Master – Can slow, re wind or speed up himself and others
Star Fall – Can activate other mutants potential powers , later able to randomise powers of mutants as often as she likes even on a large scale
Omega Level MutantNetwork – Can share thoughts with others and hack their spinal cords
Spiral – Everyone views spiral as spinning , fast moving and unstable though in her eyes she’s calm, can cause confusion and disorientation in others
Disc – Throw perfect , such as frisbees and other objects thrown will always reach their intended target or land in there intended location no matter how far or the conditions of the environment
so I guess 16 whoops but yeah small view into one of my fav projects 🙂 like when we go out like in the car to beach or somewhere I take my note book cause I often have like inspiration so writing powers or Pokemon names a lot but yeah this is really fun and one of my fav projects and maybe I write like my own little comic pages in the future with teams ect 🙂
Doing puzzles is good for the brain I wonder if this kind of creativity is too 🙂 either way its fun and I enjoy it so that’s good 🙂
Take care everyone stay positive hugs 🙂
Regards – Declan Sargent
2 August 2023 at 22:03 #74345hey everyone 🙂 how are you all 🙂
Just had a lovely few matches of Draughts with my Dad love 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Today I drew and wrote all the Pokemon type combinations that took like 2 hours but very fun and creative 🙂 then another 2 hours of writing 1-324 of all the possible type combinations 🙂 for my own Pokemon project I’m happy with that 🙂
Take care everyone smiles stay positive hugs 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Regards – Declan Sargent
13 November 2023 at 19:52 #74530Well, it’s been a while since I posted anything here but here’s a quick, if rather sketchy, take on 15.
13 November 2023 at 20:00 #74531@jimthefish. that is really neat. Are we to assume it is your quick sketch? If so, bravo!
14 November 2023 at 03:08 #74532@jimthefish That is an excellent drawing! It makes for a nice new profile picture just in time for the new Doctor. I like the suit.
stay safe
14 November 2023 at 22:44 #74536@blenkinsopthebrave and @winston
Greetings, fellow bonkerisers, and thanks for the kind words. And yes, it was just a quick sketch this time. Hopefully will have time for something else later. Hope you’re both as psyched for the specials as I am. (Tho must admit I’m also quite looking forward to the colourised Daleks….)
18 November 2023 at 06:08 #74560@jimthefish. I just noticed this post. Great little sketch and as @winston says, just in time for a new profile pic.
I like the costume too, simply but stylish, with a definite, Doctorish feel to it.
17 December 2023 at 17:27 #75053Posted on behalf of @theunknowndoctor —
FAN COMIC: The Unknown Doctor Issue No 1
Hi I’m honored to be the creator and writer for The Unknown Doctor. A 100% unofficial series. Along with the brilliant artists at D9 Comics.
I hope you enjoy it.
Please feel free to reply
18 December 2023 at 02:29 #75054@jimthefish Wow! That is really excellent from the story to the art work. I am blown away. I love the Doctors screwdriver, the costumes and the Tardis. It is very good and I want to congratulate you. Can’t wait to read the next one.
stay safe
18 December 2023 at 02:32 #75055@theunknowndoctor I guess the above is for you.Oops.
18 December 2023 at 02:36 #75056@winston you are most welcome I really am glad you enjoyed it. If you have any questions regarding concept , story, characters settings etc please let me know I am happy to answer anything 😊
16 January 2024 at 17:06 #75314Hi everyone!
Just wanted to let you know about a special 60th anniversary event happening in Ealing, London next month!
The Questors theatre is hosting two days of events on 9th and 10th February. On Day 1, there will be a range of new short plays about the Who-niverse. Then, on day 2, some extra special guests from behind and in front of the camera will take to the stage for an evening of Q&As Guests confirmed so far include:
Dan Starkey- 2008- (portrayed several Sontaran characters, most notably Strax).
Nicola Bryant – 1984-86 (Peri Brown)With many more to be announced soon
Tickets prices and links are below but let me know if you have any questions!
Day 1: £10
Day 2: £25
Multibuy offer: Buy tickets to both shows for just £30
21 July 2024 at 19:46 #76781Hypothetical answer to the Dalek problem.
Any species that considers itself superior to another has one (to some blatantly obvious) fatal dependency.
To most humans, we consider ourselves superior to animals because of our intelligence, but I have noticed, as of late, that this is primarily due to our dependency upon technology.
I’m going to stop channeling my inner-Dalek here for a second and say…
I don’t mean to seem asenine in saying this, but humans *do* consider themselves superior to other creatures. Yet, the food we eat, the creatures we kill for our food (those “lesser” creatures, animals, that is.), we would die without. We are dependent on the nature and, in essence, the planet we live on.
So, with the Daleks, I’d say “Take away the shell and whattya got? A squid in a bottle!”
it’s the truth, though.
The cybermen are just *asking* for a stone-solid thumping.
I’m a lifelong Whovian and if Gold is their weakness…
(I think I saw an episode where they found a way around that and I was actually somewhat relieved, lol)
Adaptability is the sign of a true warrior, which neither the Cybermen nor the Daleks has shown (or even believe3 in), that’s why Humanity has always defeated them.
I really RELLY enjoyed the episodes where Daleks (finally) adapted a way to survive outside of their automated shell(s) and take mental control of a human.It REALLY stuck with me when that one paired with the Doctor’s Companion. (I forget if it was Rose or the next Lady) The mental convergence gave him a glimpse at human emotion and he died for it.
Later, My memory is a little spotty on it, but once they experienced the perspective of their “enemy” their entire perspective changed.
And while the rest of the Dalek army executed that “Traitor” for taking up the the ways of his Human, the Daleks committed strategic suicide, because to know one’s enemy so intimately is to ensure absolute victory and
(Neener Neener Neener Neener! ROTFL!)
21 July 2024 at 19:54 #76782sorry, meant to include this: Any species that is dependent upon it’s “superiority” via technology, if you remove the technology, see how powerful they are then. ey, what?
21 July 2024 at 19:55 #76783Even a Squid ‘n a Jar. HAH!
22 July 2024 at 00:30 #76784Dalek Sec? That story could have been interesting. The daleks are a parody of racial supremacist ideology and mechanised warfare. But they’re as rubbish as Cybermen unless they interact with humans. So Evil of the Daleks, Resurrection and Revelation (to an extent). Dalek and Parting of the Ways. Asylum and Into the Dalek. These all ask ‘are we a bit dalek?’
Why do The Cult go to 1930’s Manhattan? You see if they didn’t all die Hamlet stylee, we might end up with Man in the High Castle.
So, lots of potential, not really thought through. Sec’s conversion to humanity was visually brilliant and thoroughly unconvincing. And/or the Doctor too easily fooled.
Also it has Sec intentionally jump in front of a bullet. Energy ray. Never mind would he do it? I can’t stand that. People can put themselves in the line fire. Slowly, compared to the bullet. Or ray, if you must. Or the wrong person can get hit. No one ever jumped into a bullet. Or ray.
25 September 2024 at 13:10 #76922Could someone out there PLEASE tell Paul Hanley to stop hating me? It’s making me feel like a piece of dirt, and quite frankly, I don’t know what other options I have aside from taking our conflict public. I swear to God I’ve exhausted every possible means of communication with this man, to no avail.
He wants me to respect his decision, but I cannot and will not abide by a decision that is both ignorant and unfair.
10 January 2025 at 21:36 #77102Been working on some ideas for a Gargoyles/Doctor Who crossover. Dunno if I should just pick one Doctor or have multiple visits, confusing the hell out of the Manhattan Clan.
The Second Doctor is rather underused and underrated, would have loved to be a companion of someone like him – just wandering around the galaxy and seeing the sights and having some fun.
Three would be fun too, but would his Venusian Karate have any effect on Demona, or on Owen. Four is cool too, but he’s used a lot. Of course it would be funny to see how Bronx reacts to K-9, and maybe some scenes with Leela trying to figure out earth tech.
Five would be probably cute but kinda bland in some ways, though there’s potential for some cute scenes between him and Lexington.
Sixie would be very likely to run his mouth – even at Xanatos and Demona. It would be funny to see the way the characters react to his clothes, and I wonder if he could out-Xanatos the Xanatos.
I’m sure all the Doctors would compare Demona to the Daleks, and Xanatos to the Master or the other Time Lords.
Which one should I use though?
11 January 2025 at 00:18 #77103Gargoyles… 1990’s tv series getting Disney+ reboot?? Sorry, not really familiar with the franchise but assume you’re equating the goyley ones with The Weeping Angels? They are cool monsters!
If that is case your wish list should include Sally Sparrow, a bunch of militant vicars and maybe Sam Spade.
K-9?? “Shooting stone angels ineffective master. Powering down.” Venusian Akido wouldn’t really do the trick either. The second doctor was brilliant but you need to get the dialogue right. Leela would be wasted because, as 10 said, you can’t kill a stone.
Personally, I think Doctor 6 was hilarious, but most people just found him ridiculous and/or offensive. Wouldn’t mind reading about a bunch of New Yorkers mocking Peri’s accent though.
11 January 2025 at 03:02 #77104The very same. I imagined this scenario where the Gargoyles wake up to the Second Doctor jumping back, catching a fright, and muttering “Oh my… Giddy AUNT! I thought you were weeping angels!” Then he leans on the rail and lets out a big exhale of relief. Jamie asks what the weeping angels are, and The Doctor gives him a short answer like, they’re terrible beasts that eat people’s time.
Also… Akido? Was watching Inferno and could have sworn it was karate, but you could be right.
11 January 2025 at 18:32 #77105it is def Aikido… the venusian kind. 3 was kind odd a nod to Bond and Mission I no possible. Glad you like Inferno!
‘Oh my giddy aunt’ and ‘oh deary me’ are 2’s calling cards. He is also a wonderful liar, blusterer and all round slippery customer. Never trust a hippy.
The audience loved Jamie but the girls kinda stood well back… I assume he had C18th hygiene. Perhaps he could develop a fascination for a Weeping Angel? ie it literally can’t run away.
11 January 2025 at 23:57 #77106@ps1l0v3y0u I wonder if Xanatos would recognize Two’s deviousness, and if Demona would stand a chance against him.
Also, would Two have marooned Adam, or would he have been nicer?
12 January 2025 at 09:01 #77107sorry about that last post… I hope you the gist of it.
Really don’t know about Gargoyles, just keep it in character. Angel Bob in Time of Angels was quite devious as was the Time energy factory of early C20th Manhattan.Doctor 2 reserved his mendacity for villains but the straight talking Jamie often didn’t like it much. 10 obviously knew something about The Angels… so it might be 2. Might he have run into The Monk, who had originally been sent to earth to combat its Angel infestation?
What would 2 have done with Adam? He was a bit more forgiving than 9, who was still working through his PTSD. I think 2 would have expanded Adams consciousness so he didn’t misuse his ill gotten knowledge, given him a head band, and advised him to avoid West Side Story… at least ‘When you’re a Jet…’ and Motown vocal ensembles.
12 January 2025 at 11:04 #77108A pity… You should check it out on the Archive. Even has AI upscaled episodes. Very good series, especially if you like urban fantasy.
I also wonder what the other classic Doctors would have done to Adam. Like, would One have imprisoned him in the TARDIS or marooned him like the Monk? Which Classic Doctor would be the most lenient, and which one the most brutal? And would Peri convince Sixie to allow Adam to continue traveling with them? I imagine Sixie would give him quite the earful though. Been rather fascinated by the thought for years now.
And Demona is a gargoyles who turns into a human during the day and has a hatred for humans that would make her almost Dalek-like. I wonder if Three’s Venusian Akido would subdue her. I imagine he would be quite disturbed.
And I wonder if Sixie is patient with people who have phobias. Mine are balloons (unless they are foil or filled with water) and getting too near a car battery that’s being charged or jumped. Has to do with a warning my dad gave me when I was very young, stating that if it exploded, my face would be ruined forever, or something in that vein. Some other phobias perhaps, like a bat getting into my room at night. Though the TARDIS would be safe since it doesn’t have bats. Except for maybe Cricket bats.
13 January 2025 at 13:33 #77109Bats… The Caves of Androzani of course has giant bats which, unfortunately, Doctor 5 has to milk…
Adam… 6 would started out as generally quite unsympathetic and then mellowed. 7 and 10 would probably seem as harsh as 9. I think most of the others would have tried to have Adam’s surgery reversed, though 12 would probably give him an entire new head and 11, hide the port holographically.
Actually, for all this ‘one chance’ business, I’m sure 9 intended to go back and help Adam. Then he ran into Jack.
13 January 2025 at 17:26 #77110I’m fine with bats as long as they’re not in the house, and I imagine Androzani is rabies-free. I wonder if Sixie would be understanding about my balloon phobia though, since I am quite open about it. He’d probably find my views rather repulsive though since they’re rather American. I’m rather centrist. I’d accept his views and would be happy if he simply accepted mine and realized that we probably both want what’s best for everyone even if we have different ways of going about it.
I like Sixie’s wacky clothes – the epitome of tacky – and his voice makes me think of Granny Smith apples, or maybe some gravy. Weird, I know.
I also have this idea where he somehow picks up an Androgum child who would be, personality wise, a lot like Nana from Elfinlied. This twelve-something Androgum girl would have no fear, be a constant danger to herself, and she would think Daleks might be tasty, even thwacking an overturned unlucky Dalek with a metal pipe or a stick and yelling “CREAM-FILLING! CREAM FILLING! COME OUT! I WANNA EAT YOU!” She’d also be obsessed with her desire to taste ‘spork’ though she would also like ice cream and pickles. Sixie would have to tell her “No! You do NOT eat that!” when she does things like reaching into a parrot’s nesting box for eggs, and almost getting bitten by the mother. She would be nice enough, but a real handful. She’d rather not return to her home since it doesn’t have good foods like spaghetti or pizza.
16 January 2025 at 21:54 #77112you’re Androzanian child is more reminiscent of Ace I think.
Perhaps there was a revolution on Androzani (Major)… the elite were incapacitated by Spectrox addiction and everything collapsed. In which case the next generation might well be quite crazy.
Best steer clear of Daleks tho.
I’d love some Androzani prequel fics. How did the Sharaz Jek/Morgus back story play out? Did Jek ever meet Taren Capel? Or Morgus get investigated by Poule?
16 January 2025 at 22:13 #77113No. Androgum. Like the people from “The Two Doctors”.
17 January 2025 at 12:18 #77114Of course. Androgums. Don’t think they ever made a return funny enough. I dread to think what the diet of juvenile Androgums is like. ‘We all know how bad that tastes DON’T we children…?’
Interestingly, even Shokeye drew the line at eating rats and Sontarans, though he was seen holding Commander Stike’s dismembered leg at one point. At a loss with what to do with it perhaps.
Dalek’s… do Androgums, with their nose to tail peasant cuisine, go for canned calamari? Also as we know from Revelation, Parting of The Ways, and Journey’s End, Daleks do go for dubious additives.
17 January 2025 at 20:10 #77115Well, if Androgums aren’t total gluttons, I imagine this child, maybe aged 8-12, is just kinda stupid or would at least come off that way. Like, I imagine she’d hear someone mentioning the ‘cream filling’ in a Dalek, and that would pique her interest – especially after she’s snarfed down some Hostess cupcakes or something similar. And I imagine she’d also be caught reaching into a cockatiel’s cage and Sixie would initially mistake her for trying to eat the birb. Turns out that the cockatiel, which everyone thinks is male, has laid an egg, and she wants to scramble and eat it, or at least boil it for a sandwich.I think she’d also make weird food combos, like if visiting Japan, she’d try – and like – strawberry-dipped crepe filled with mustard and pickles or spaghetti. She’s also dying to try what she keeps calling ‘spork’ due to a language barrier or just mishearing things. I imagine she’d also try attracting some ants (preferably red ants) to custard for some extra zip.
18 January 2025 at 15:03 #77116I found this in the back of a drawer…
Androgum UnSociety For Galactic Domination, Annual Dinner, Ceti Alpha Hilton
Hors d’oeuvres
Salad of smoked Rat with marinated Vervoid and ‘Captain Cheesy’ parmesan
Risotto of detoxified Usurian eyebrows
L’escargot ‘Mestor’
Karabraxan Brain Soup
Whole Thorosian Mentor stuffed with Towering Cliff Ham and non Kosher Ocean Sauce
Fritto Misto (Whole Gumblejack, Heth Fin, Jimfish fry, and sliced Kroll tentacle)
MeatThal Thigh Thermidor ‘alla Tritev’
Aged Highland Jack skirt with bashed knees
Manhattan Barbecued Pork Slave
Steamed Sevateem Tongue
Coronically Escovitched Leg of Sontaran
‘Chavvy Rose’ Chips
Roast Krynoid
Two Dimensional Boneless Salad
Purple Celery
Imperial Dalek Walnut Whip
Fish Fingers and Custard
Jelly Babies
Your Androgum child must NOT be allowed to consume a whole Imperial walnut whip or it will be VERY ill
The barbecued Pork slave could be the origin of ‘spork’
18 January 2025 at 18:46 #77117Cool menu. I love walnuts and pecans, and barbecued pork sounds yum! As for the ‘spork’, it was just a cute malaprop idea.
I also have an idea for a Doctor Who/Hellgirl crossover. Sixie is investigating some disappearances in Japan and rumors about a mysterious website that you can access only at the stroke of midnight to seek your revenge.
I think someone would send Sixie to hell. Perhaps someone close to him.
The hell-vision would start in the TARDIS with Nyssa and Tegan sobbing, and Sixie gets a sudden flood of old grief, letting out an anguished “ADRIC!”
Nyssa and Tegan’s sobbing suddenly changes to giggling. Then they start comforting Sixie, with Tegan saying “That’s alright, Doctor, you can’t always win” and Nessa saying “Now how about a cup of cocoa…” Then morphing first into Honne Onna’s civilian form Sonne Anna and continuing “…or a slice of chocolate cake?” While about a third her face morphs into bone, along with one arm and hand.
Sixie reacts with “Sonne Anna… No… BONE WOMAN!”
Then Ren is wearing Five’s cricket uniform and hugging Peri, who says “Why can’t you be him? Why did he have to die?” And Ren says “I think the ladies prefer me!” Then Wannudo dresses up like Four – complete with scarf and says “I’m also quite popular! Have a jelly baby!” He hands Sixie one, and it gets a scary face and snaps at him.
Then maybe Sixie tries to run away, but Mel straps him to the exercise bike and then starts growing to giant size and stuffing Sixie into a blender with loads of carrots and he tries to pedal away from the whirling blade. As he’s pulled closer and closer to the vortex, he sees a vervoid, which suddenly grows new heads and starts singing “Mean Green Mother From Outer Space” and then yelling “I. AM. BAAAAAD!” Before swallowing Sixie.
As he’s falling into the vervoid abyss, he sees Enma Ai, aka Hellgirl, in her beautiful, creepy moving pattern kimono. She says “Oh pitiful shadow, who wanders through darkness, looking down on others and causing them pain. Oh damned soul, drowning in sin… Care to give death a try?”
With that, Sixie stands up and shouts “In fact… I have died MANY TIMES! So WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?”
Then when he wakes up in the boat, he gets up and says”Ah. How appropriate. Punting down the River Styx. So, what, pray tell, will my fate be? Poked by pitchforks? Laying down in mire? Being cast into the lake of fire? A toothache all over my body? I’ll bet you’ve never had a toothache like that before. Oh, that reminds me. Will I have my teeth forcefully extracted for LYING?”
Ai simply tells him that”This is revenge. I shall ferry you to hell.”
He starts demanding to see her boss because he doubts that she’s the mastermind. Soon, he is taken to the Hell Spider, and shouts”I should have KNOWN! I thought I’d ridden the galaxy of the spider scourge long ago. Apparently I was mistaken. Well, this isn’t the first time I went through hell to get rid of your kind, and THIS TIME, I will MAKE SURE YOU ARE WIPED OUT FOR! GOOD!”
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