Trailers: Doctor Who series 8
So the first proper trailer has just been released during half-time of the World Cup Final. It’s a corker and is below.
All future trailers will also be posted here. Please keep all discussion of the trailers in this thread – some people don’t like to know what’s in them and we should respect that.
Update 11 August. Trailer for Deep Breath!
Update 26 August. Trailer for Into the Dalek.
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@Bluesqueakpip @geoffers – As a non-Christian American, I can confirm that St. Paul’s is indeed a beautiful building and well worth visiting if you get to London. In 2007, I had the great privilege to be sent to work in London for two weeks, staying in an apartment just north of Southwark Bridge and working on Noble Street near the Barbican. I got to pass by St. Paul’s each day on the way to and from work, and it’s magnificent.
In addition, if you are a WW2 buff at all, there are wonderful stories surrounding the protection of St. Paul’s during the Blitz. (Some of which are fictionalized in Connie Willis’ remarkably amazing time travel novel(s) Blackout / All Clear.)
I have often stayed in the Youth Hostel in a back lane just behind St Paul’s. The building used to house the choir boys. St Paul’s is a magnificent building. It towers over the surrounding area magestic and imposing. I once climbed the dome and it was well worth the aching knees, (even for a non-believer). I love the old photos of the dome rising above the smoke during the London Blitz. Maybe the pilots of those German planes were looking down and thinking, that is too beautiful to destroy.
And now I am struggling to think of anything to say that is on topic only to add that the scene of cybermen marching down the steps of St Paul’s is such a classic Who image that I can well understand Moffat wanting to re use it. So when will we next see Daleks crossing Westminster Bridge?
@janetteB Sorry, still off topic but I just want to excitedly exclaim “I’ve stayed there too!”,many many years ago when I was a student.
We could drag it back into the realms of Dr Who by reflecting that the Paternoster Gang might not recognise Paternoster Square any more, post Blitz, but they would recognise the old Choir School.
In fact wasn’t it on Paternoster Lane? Not sure now – will have to look it up.
@Margaret-Blaine the YHA is on Carter Lane but it is on the corner and I am not sure what the other lane is. I stayed there back in the early 80s when I was backpacking then again with the family on several occasions between 05 and 07 when we were travelling about.
Would be cool if it was visible in the episode and yes it would certainly fit into a Victorian story. I doubt the exterior has changed though there is a rather ugly modern building opposite now.
Carter Lane is really wee and twisty, a pre-1666 relic. I had no idea the choristers used to be in the hostel building, which is gorgeous:
As to the matter at hand, I’m thinking Missy = Matrix and Seb is the Master.
Excellent thoughts on St. Paul’s, and I agree it is a stunning building.
The bottom part of my post was cut off (after the picture). I wanted to say:
“Coincidently The Invasion saw the first deployment of UNIT, led by the newly promoted Lethbridge-Stewart after the Doctor had met him during the Web of Fear (hello – Great Intelligence) where he was a Colonel in the regular army. I think the Doctor possibly gets ahead (a head) from his new friends in the new UNIT.
It’s particularly nice – the first Episode of The Invasion was launched on 2nd November 1968. Forty-Six years ago tomorrow.”.
@bluesqueakpip – they nicked it, no question – probably paying the Brits back for burning part of Washington. 😉
more seriously, St. Paul’s is absolutely amazing. I’ve only been in London once, had limited time, and chose to visit there rather than Westminster Abbey, partly because I’d studied some of Wren’s buildings in an architectural history course and couldn’t pass up the chance of actually being inside one. I’d make the same choice again in a heartbeat, believe me!
The trailer for “Death in Heaven” has just gone up on the BBC
My favorite part, FYI, is that Osgood appears to be wearing a bow tie. Genius!
And here is the trailer on youtube
In the trailer, at 0:12, you get a quick shot of an older male actor with close-cropped white hair. Does anyone recognise him?
I was hoping against hope that it might be William Russell, but I don’t think it is.
Definitely too young to be Russell, who is now 89.
“there’s a cyberman out there, on the fuselage…” if only he’d said it like shatner!! 🙂
@blenkinsopthebrave – i wonder if that’s a flashback to doctor skarosa? if so, wikipedia might have the cast listing?
William Russell turns 90 on the 19th of this month. As he has never reprised his role on TV I think it is more than time. He certainly did not appear to be in the trailer but I still have fingers and toes crossed that we will met up with him again, either this Saturday/Sunday or at Christmas. (He looked sprightly enough in An Adventure in Space and Time last year.)
Heard this trailer on Radio 4 of all places last night – there’s a few extras in it.
They aired it right after the 6 o’clock news so had to announce before it started that you shouldn’t be alarmed by what you hear next. I love Radio 4!