50th Anniversary Special

Home Forums Episodes The Eleventh Doctor 50th Anniversary Special

This topic contains 219 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by  Craig 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    Anonymous @

    @whohar – “It was suggested that the two children are a young Rose and Mickey and the other woman is Jackie Tyler.”

    @janetteb – “maybe the two young children are supposed to be the children she was taking care of in tBoSJ.  I don’t know however if the age gap is even vaguely close.”

    I just re-watched that prequel, too, and Clara needs to be at least 10 years older than the Maitland children.  She doesn’t appear to be that much older than the 2 children here.

    Also, the 2 children run across screen so quickly at the beginning it’s hard to tell, but whilst the boy is definitely black, the girl appears blonde … and they’re about 5 years younger than Clara, which fits with Rose and Mickey’s ages when they started travelling with Ecclestone’s Doctor …

    But what’s bothering me now about that clip is the list of things Clara says she’s lost:

    “My best pencil, my schoolbag, my gran, … and my mojo!”

    Did she really say that?!  I watched it 3 times and it really sounds like she said ‘my gran’.  So … who’s her granny?

    WhoHar @whohar


    Her Gran? She might never have met her, I suppose and ‘lost’ is a euphemism for ‘died’. If so though, what about Granddad? No mention of losing him I guess. Hmmm.

    HTPBDET @htpbdet



    As I said on the other page, you can read this as her Mojo being “the Doctor”/her grandfather.


    WhoHar @whohar

    @Shazzbot  @htpbdet

    She says she lost her mojo, but then found it again. Does little Clara actually know who she’s talking to then? I don’t think it’s anything more than an in-joke for the prequel. Or it means the Doc isn’t her grandfather.

    HTPBDET @htpbdet

    @whohar         Well, I suppose it certainly means the Doctor is not her grand-mother…oh, wait…

    Bluesqueakpip @bluesqueakpip

    I certainly wouldn’t read ‘mojo’ as being a person. Given that Clara’s eight at that point, I’d read ‘Mojo’ as the creative spark, finding the magic meaning. If you’ve ‘lost your mojo’, you lost the magic out of life.

    Possibly another hint that Clara is Eleven or the Doctor in some rebooted form? The Doctor’s certainly lost his mojo and needs his Companions to get it back – he gave Amy a big speech about it in somewhere.

    overunder @jamesunderscore

    I don’t know if anyone else has talked about this, but I think I may be forming a theory at last!

    I’ve just watched Girl in the Fireplace as part of my New-Series re-watch I’m doing with my son (he’s one – doesn’t have a clue what’s going on, but it gives me something to do while he eats his banana!) and was struck by the following exchange (ganked from IMDB, so apologies for any errors):

    Reinette Poisson: Oh, Doctor, so lonely, so very very alone!
    The Doctor: What do mean, lonely? You’ve never been alone in your whole life- wait a minute, when did you start calling me Doctor?
    Reinette Poisson: Such a lonely little boy. Lonely then and lonelier now! How can you bear it?
    The Doctor: [breaking the mental connection] How did you do that?
    Reinette Poisson: A door, once opened, may be stepped through in either direction. Oh, Doctor, my lonely Doctor… dance with me.
    The Doctor: I can’t.
    Reinette Poisson: Dance with me.
    The Doctor: This is the night you dance with the king.
    Reinette Poisson: Then first I shall make him jealous.
    The Doctor: I can’t.
    Reinette Poisson: Doctor. Doctor who? It’s more than just a secret, isn’t it.

    The Doctor who? question is one that’s cropped up a lot under Moffat’s tenure. I’m wondering now, maybe it’s a sort of sign post – is this pointing us to what the big secret is going to be about – the Doctor’s childhood?

    There’s talk of the Doctor’s name, well, people have two names – maybe it’s not his personal name that’s significant here, but his family name?

    FiveFaces @fivefaces

    @jamesunderscore I think that’s brilliant. Is there a connection between Clara and Reinette?

    overunder @jamesunderscore

    @fivefaces I don’t think there’s a direct link with Clara, although there’s definitely the seeds of the Doctor’s relationship with Amy in his interactions with Reinette – she even calls him her imaginary friend at one point.

    The more I think about it, though, the more certain I am that the question “Doctor who?” is a bit of a cheeky one – it sounds like the answer would be the Doctor’s name, but in actuality, the answer will be his surname – i.e. Doctor Watson, Doctor Legg, Doctor Crippen etc. The only exception to the rule I can think of is Doctor John, and he’s from New Orleans, not Gallifrey!

    I will be delighted if SM has been playing the serious long game that it looks like he has.

    HTPBDET @htpbdet

    @jamesunderscore   I think there is no doubt that Moffat has a view about why the Doctor is called the Doctor and I think we are about to find out what that is. As you say, Girl in the Fireplace shows his interest in the topic.

    But I am confident we will not get a name.

    Rather, as many others have agreed or suggested here, we will find out why he is known as the Doctor – and I am not expecting it to be a good reason.

    overunder @jamesunderscore

    @htpbdet I agree that it’s highly unlikely that we will get a name – it’s inevitable that any name would be an anticlimax, and indeed I would be disappointed if we ever do get one.

    Years of fan speculation, all building up to:

    “For behold, here on the fields of Trenzalor, my name is….. Graham!”

    *millions of fans go: “oh. that’s actually a bit rubbish”*

    Re. why he is called the Doctor: it’s interesting, I think, that “to doctor” is a verb meaning “To alter or make obscure, as with the intention to deceive”

    Anonymous @

    @jamesunderscore – Well done you!  That’s lateral thinking.

    “to doctor” is a verb meaning “To alter or make obscure, as with the intention to deceive”

    Bobbyfat @bobbyfat

    “physician heal thyself” springs to mind

    ScaryB @scaryb

    thanks to whoever posted that link to the Asylum prequel – sorry, can’t find it or the thread now, but seemed appropriate to comment on here. It’s a fascinating link, and like many others I hadn’t seen it before. OOOOH, multiple realities/dream manipulations, a monk-ish wraith, children’s voices… very dark in tone.  Blue bow tie 😉

    wolfweed @wolfweed


    Look Who’s back!

    ardaraith @ardaraith

    @wolfweed  LOL !!

    wolfweed @wolfweed

    @ardaraith – I wish I could claim the credit for having Photoshopped this. I did hoot when I 1st found it!

    Anonymous @

    Non-Spoiler request, non spoiler-ville, spoiler-and-dandruff-free question:

    I’ve always suspected that this series will cliff-hang into the 50th anniversary special.  Is this what anyone else suspects?  What non-spoilery news do we have of the 50th – is it trumpeted to be a stand-alone feature-length in-cinema movie?  Is it supposed to drive the next full TV series?  Is the end of this series supposed to fall over into the next series, with the 50th completely stand-alone?

    Or, are these questions begging spoilers by nature, because S Moffat cannot be trusted to tell the PR truth; or, it’s already out there that s7.b –> 50th –> s8?

    ardaraith @ardaraith

    I don’t know whether interview responses are considered spoilers by some, or whether anything Moffat says can be trusted, but I heard these in various interviews:

    ****if interviews are troublesome, please don’t read below ********


     “Don’t believe the nonsense about one 60-minute film, that is complete nonsense.”  Moffat at a LA convention

    “Yes, it’s a huge episode in its own right, but as well as that, it leads nicely into the amazing 50th anniversary episode next November, which guides us nicely into that story.” JLC today What’s on TV 

    Craig @craig

    I am closing this topic so conversation can focus on the final episode of Series 33 (or 7). It may be re-opened or may be replaced by a new thread.

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