Dr Who News (4)

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This topic contains 1,043 replies, has 80 voices, and was last updated by  JimTheFish 2 years, 8 months ago.

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    Missy @missy


    It would be too much to hope for – for me at least – for Kris to get the role. I remember DT’s Doctor wishing he’d been ‘ginger.’


    His absent mindedness would also be perfect for the role. However, that’s just my opinion.

    Michael Sheen would be pretty good choice too.


    janetteB @janetteb

    @dentarturdent Agreed re’ Joanna Lumley. I am not sure she has the depth and she feels a bit too upper class, to me anyway. I would prefer an actor who feels more “grounded”. Micheal Sheen would be brilliant. He can do comedy and drama and eccentricity. He is on my “dream Doctor” list. Other actors I think might be good are Rachael Stirling and Dev Patel. Ben Whishaw but I think he is probably too busy these days.



    Devilishrobby @devilishrobby

    @missy Although I think Chris would have made a good choice as the Doctor I agree I don’t think he will be the prime choice as I think his time has possibly passed. Personally I think it will probably be an actor or actress who will be more of a left-field  choice as was Jodie. I suspect it may be a slightly older choice than the fan favourites are currently being suggested, someone between the ages of say Matt and Peter Capaldi. Of course they might go for an older female Doctor though I’m not sure who they would pick, to give us a female equivalent say a Hartnelesque Doctor. If the companions are to stay it would be interesting to see what that would do with Jaz’s current relationship with the Doctor. Right time to stop the early morning pre coffee rambling.

    Json @json

    What do people think of Hugh Grant as the next doctor?



    nerys @nerys

    I would love to see Michael Sheen or Ben Whishaw as the Doctor. Sheen would be a fun wink, since he has partnered up with David Tennant in Good Omens and Staged (and also that voiced role in “The Doctor’s Wife”). But I agree with @devilishrobby that they may go for a younger and/or lesser-known actor to take on the role, someone who does not bring a recognizable screen persona with them.

    @janetteb Thank you for sharing that lovely interview with Jodie Whittaker. I appreciate the pressure she must have been under to “take one for the team” … as it were. We’ll never know what that really felt like, for Jodie, in addition to all the usual pressures of playing the Doctor. As an aside, I love the blouse she was photographed in. Looks like it has lobsters in the print?

    Devilishrobby @devilishrobby

    I’ve been trying  work out when the next series will actually be aired. Now we know we have 2 more specials by Jodie with the last/regeneration episode I think to be aired as part of the 100th BBC celebrations in October. That unfortunately looks like there will be no Christmas or New Year Special as the only Special we have have news of is the Doctor Who 60th special. Now at the moment we we do know that special is going to be a Multi-Doctor story but I got to wondering does that definitely mean we are going have to wait till after that for the series to start or are we going to get the series first. Yes we do appear to know that Tennant and I think Smith are going to be in the Special but just because they haven’t announced the new Doc will be in it doesn’t mean he/she won’t. I had the thought that RTD may opt to have the next series start  Easter 2023 as that would be the anniversary of the launch of post-gap Who plus would give us a season with the new Doctor before the Aniversary special. If the new season is to start after the special it gives us a few  issues 1. How do they give the new Doctor  a decent introduction and 2. Does this mean we have to wait till 2024 for the new season. Personally I would prefer a pre special season as the only way a post Special season would work for me would be for the Special to somehow to be outside of the main Who timeline and being a forgotten adventure with the past Doctors and their memories being wiped in a timey wimey fashion.


    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    The Legend of the Sea Devils screens April 17. Time to stock up on the jammy dodgers, or jelly beans.

    winston @winston

    @blenkinsopthebrave        Yay!  Time to dust off the Tardis mug for a giant cuppa. I can’t wait.

    stay safe


    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    Trailer for “The Legend of the Sea Devils”


    janetteB @janetteb

    Oooh. @blenkinsopthebrave That looks like fun and nice to see the Sea Devils make a long overdue return. Lots of fancy CGI for a Dr Who episode too. Maybe a bit overdone? I will watch and see.



    Devilishrobby @devilishrobby

    @janetteb CGI  seems to have become  Chibbers trait de jour especially in the last few years. It’s almost  like he’s a chef discovering a new ingredient and uses it in everything.

    winston @winston

    @blenkinsopthebrave    That looks like an exciting episode! I like Dan’s pirate clothes and this will be the first time I will see the Sea Devils. Thanks for the trailer.

    Anonymous @

    Doctor who has announced a new doctor who spin-off called Doctor Who Redacted.

    It’s a podcast and it will air on Easter Sunday just after Legend of the Sea Devils.

    It’s a podcast because Jodie is pregnant.

    We are having old friends vome back just like Madame Vastra, Osgood and Kate Stewart.

    You will be able to hear it on BBC SOUNDS.

    Here is the link:


    And please check out Doctor Who Wendover on You Tube.

    Here are some videos:

    Here is a link to the channel:


    Anonymous @

    Doctor who has announced a new doctor who spin-off called Doctor Who Redacted.

    It’s a podcast and it will air on Easter Sunday just after Legend of the Sea Devils.

    It’s a podcast because Jodie is pregnant.

    We are having old friends vome back just like Madame Vastra, Osgood and Kate Stewart.

    You will be able to hear it on BBC SOUNDS.

    Here is the link:


    And please check out Doctor Who Wendover on You Tube.

    Here are some videos:

    Here is a link to the channel:


    Anonymous @

    Doctor who has announced a new doctor who spin-off called Doctor Who Redacted.

    It’s a podcast and it will air on Easter Sunday just after Legend of the Sea Devils.

    It’s a podcast because Jodie is pregnant.

    We are having old friends vome back just like Madame Vastra, Osgood and Kate Stewart.

    You will be able to hear it on BBC SOUNDS.

    And please check out Doctor Who Wendover on You Tube.

    Here are some videos:

    Here is a link to the channel:


    janetteB @janetteb

    It is announced!!!

    Another Scottish Doctor and I like the smile. A bit Tom Bakerish… (now off to have a look at Sex Education.)



    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave


    Crikey! It looks like I will need to watch Sex Education as well!


    Dentarthurdent @dentarthurdent

    Ooookay.   That’s new.   Just hope he gets better writing than Whittaker did.    RTD is showrunner, he did it before so hopefully he can do it again.

    It also depends very strongly on the companions, of course.   They have always been just as important as the Doctor in determining the success of the show.   (My subversive streak wonders if the new Doctor will have a white girlfriend.   Now that would really put the cat among the pigeons   🙂

    Devilishrobby @devilishrobby

    @dentarthurdent I think this will probably mean another hard reset companion wise much like Jodie’s run I might be wrong but I just can’t see the chemistry working for  Yaz and see her staying when she loses Jodiedoc though I suppose Dan might just stay but we will see. As for this being the first Doctor of colour I’ve seen in some articles   which is actually incorrect as in reality Jo Martin actually holds that distinction (which I’ll get back to in a moment ) does not hold any issues as it had already been established that timelords can become any race/colour. Going back to Jo Martin as I was reading the article in The Sun there was a comment about Jo being and Alternate Doctor and I wondered do they know something and have let it slip.

    janetteB @janetteb

    @devilishrobby I believe that both Yaz and Dan are leaving with Jodie. There was an article about Mandip Gill in the Guardian the other day which I was going to post up but got distracted, but from memory it touches on them both leaving.



    Dentarthurdent @dentarthurdent

    @devilishrobby    Yes but Jo Martin (and I must admit I haven’t got as far as watching that ep yet) was, I think, only an alternate Doctor in one episode?    Not the main Doctor for a whole series?

    I agree that Timelords can be any colour** or gender, however it’s one thing to state it and another thing to actually do it.   I’m completely neutral on this, so long as the Doctor has sufficient gravitas to play it successfully.

    (OTOH, I firmly believe that James Bond is a white guy. Because he just is, and James Bond can’t regenerate.    I love female superheroes, black or white, but make yer own!)

    (** Interesting point, I originally said ‘any race or gender’, until I realised that Timelords are all one race – Gallifreyan – aren’t they?   Presumably the Gallifreyan race is genetically highly variable.    Or have I got my Timelord/Gallifreyan ethnography all screwed up?)

    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    Have now watched a couple of things with Ncuti Gatwa and he certainly projects charm and charisma, but have not seen a sense of authority yet. Does the Doctor require authority? To someone of my age, who remembers watching Hartnell as a child, probably. That was also part of the reason I responded to Matt Smith. Did Tennant convey authority? Less sure about that. And Tennant was RTD’s Doctor, as Ncuti Gatwa will be. Time will tell.

    Cath Annabel @cathannabel

    I haven’t seen Gatwa in anything and will enjoy encountering him as The Doctor without any preconceptions I think – I have high hopes given the return of RTD. Relieved that it’s not an (over) familiar face, that we haven’t reset to straight white male. Looking forward to Whitaker’s finale, and then, yes, allons-y to 14(ish)!

    Missy @missy


    A male Doctor! Now I can begin watching Doctor who again after it’s long absence.

    It will be interesting to see how this new actor turns out.  Time will tell…no pun intended.

    For the moment, I’m content. *grins*


    JimTheFish @jimthefish
    Time Lord

    Rather late to this party but Ncuti looks like a great choice. I seem to be envisaging a more playful Doc from him — maybe in the vein of Matt Smith or Tom Baker. @blenkinsopthebrave — I’ve only seen clips of Ncuti and a few interviews but I think he’s definitely got a lovely sense irrepressibility and I think I can see him having the gravitas too. It’s an aspect of the Doc that RTD is very aware of so I’ve no doubt it’s been taken into account in the casting. I feel the design will be a big element. Jodie was hampered with a terrible costume and console room. If they get those things right this time then that’s half the battle to getting the Doctorly vibe going.

    Dentarthurdent @dentarthurdent

    @jimthefish    I’ve just rewatched Woman Who Fell to Earth and Ghost Monument  and I emphatically agree about Jodie’s costume and the Tardis.   Now I’d be the first to admit that my fashion knowledge is zero, but when the Doctor triumphantly appeared in her ‘new’ duds I thought she looked like something out of a pantomime.   The current equivalent of Seven’s hated cardigan.

    And the Crystal Cave Tardis of course, coming right after Twelve’s magnificent spacious and elegant control room – ouch.

    New showrunner please note  (I’m sure he already has)

    janetteB @janetteb

    Another article about Ncuti Gatwa in the Guardian.

    @jimthefish Never late for the party, it goes on all night, and as it is always night somewhere in the world,, Agree re’ the Tardis design. I did not like the recent design at all but then neither did I particularly like the Tennant grunge look. Hopefully RTD will go for something a bit ore subdued but I am not sure that is his style. I rather liked J.W.s costume. It was suitable eccentric and “unfashionable”.  It was something I could imagine the Doctor choosing.




    Dentarthurdent @dentarthurdent

    @janetteb    I wasn’t particularly taken by the Tennant Tardis’s ‘coral’ look.    Or in fact by the early Smith (Season 5) interior.    Series 7 and Series 8 (Capaldi’s) were, I think, the best – elegant, spacious and clean (oh I said that before didn’t I?)

    All the Tardis interiors are here: https://thedoctorwhosite.co.uk/tardis/interior/

    janetteB @janetteb

    @dentarthurdent Capaldi definitely had the best Tardis interior, the one with the bookcases. The early Smith felt too minimalist and clinical but I prefeerred it to the Tennant grunge Tardis. It is a spaceship after all.



    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    @dentarthurdent Thanks for the link to the different Tardis consoles. I had completely forgotten about Season 14, even though I would have watched it at the time. Come to think of it, I have a feeling the opposite sex was occupying more of my attention than the Doctor around then…

    winston @winston

    Wow! I look the other way for a minute and what happens? A new Doctor. I have no idea who the actor is but that’s OK I look forward to meeting him. I am one of the few I guess who likes J.W. in the role, but I do. I feel she was let down by the writing and directing sometimes but she was the Doctor and for many she will be their Doctor. My hope is that in the future there will be another female Doctor and that she will be treated better.

    I also liked 10s grunge style  Tardis. Somehow it reminded me of  old Who. The foam rubber, the car seats and the hammer hanging on a string to bash the console when needed reminded  me how old the Tardis was and how it had picked up and used things it had found on its travels. It is my favourite Tardis but CapDocs bookshelves were more my style and how I imagine my Tardis would look like.

    Now I must go and check out this new Doctor even though we have to wait so very long to see him.

    stay safe.

    JimTheFish @jimthefish
    Time Lord

    I really liked Smith’s first one. For me, it had just the right level of quirk and space. Never really liked Tennant’s one. Capaldi’s really grew on me though and I think it is definitely the best one of the new iteration. Though if TUAT\FotJ showed anything, it was that the classic Brahacki still stands up today if done properly…

    As to costume, I could never get on board with JW’s. It looked too much like it was designed rather than found. Tho it did strike me that it was going to be interesting to see how a new Doc would carry it post-regen and I think Ncuti would be able to with great aplomb.

    janetteB @janetteb

    @jimthefish. I suspect Ncuti will opt for something a lot my stylish. We could be about to get the first fashion forward Doctor. (I am hoping for a really interesting, iconic costume)




    Whisht @whisht

    I’ve not seen Ncuti in anything, but 3 BAFTA nominations and positive reviews everywhere seems good, so I’m looking forward to him starting.

    Hope he dyes his hair ginger


    But another Scot!!???!!!???
    Where’s the diversity BBC????


    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave


    But another Scot!!???!!!???
    Where’s the diversity BBC????

    Ha!! Brilliant!

    You have been gone too long, my friend.


    janetteB @janetteb

    @whisht what he (@blenkinsopthebrave) said.. 🙂

    Hope he can keep the accent.




    winston @winston

    @janetteb  Very punny!

    toinfinityandbepond @toinfinityandbepond
    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    The Tennant Doctor and Donna Noble??!! Well, I suppose they were both RTD’s creations. I cannot imagine how he will use them. But then again, I am also finding it hard to believe that we have to wait 18 months before we see the first RTD show.

    Dentarthurdent @dentarthurdent

    Ten *really* didn’t want to go,did he?   🙂

    JimTheFish @jimthefish
    Time Lord
    janetteB @janetteb

    And it seems that Wilf will also return. Mentioned about half way down but not sure how credible this info is. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2022/may/17/yasmin-finney-rose-tyler-trans-doctor-who-russell-t-davies-david-tennant-pass-notes

    Argh. Over a year to wait…



    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    I feel a bit like Data when he is trying to access the Borg mainframe…”Processing, processing…”

    It is starting to feel like RTD is going to plunge the new Doctor into the alphabet soup of Doctor Who, but with the proviso that it is the RTD Who universe he is plunged into.


    JimTheFish @jimthefish
    Time Lord

    As it looks as if now that RTD is back in the pilot’s seat that news, hints and teases will probably the order of the day, I’ve started a new news page (since this one has creaked its way well past the 1000-post mark).

    You can find it here!

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