• Devilishrobby replied to the topic Joy to the World

    Well enjoyed the episode but wonder where it’s ultimately going to lead us the arms company seems to be rearing its head and makes me wonder if they are going to be the big bad of the next series. And I’m assuming the case code was a time paradox that may have its resolution in the future

  • Devilishrobby replied to the topic The Winchester

    Hmm not sure this is the right place for this but here goes. I was re watching some of my favourite who episodes and was rewatching  DOTD special  and it got to the part with what I have generally called the CuratorDoc and realised it could have been a foretelling of Bigeneration could CuratorDoc have been a post TBaker/DavidsonDoc Bigeneration, h…[Read more]

  • Devilishrobby replied to the topic The Giggle

    @ps1l0v3y0u I agree bringing Tenents 10 back as 14 was I think a situation extingency Jodie had left the show and I believe Ncuti was not available for the filming of the most of the 60th specials. Given that a showrunner handover was going to occur  they could possibly have tried to persuade Jodie to have hung on for the specials and then they…[Read more]

  • Devilishrobby replied to the topic Dr Who News (5)

    @dentarthurdent IMO Paul McGanns acting abilities were woefully underused in Doctor Who the movie as you say he made a much better Doctor in the Night of the Doctor minisode. He actually looked much better in his semi-steampunk outfit instead of the part Pertwee part TomBaker outfit they had him in. Also your probably right having the right…[Read more]

  • Devilishrobby replied to the topic Dr Who News (5)

    @blenkinsopthebrave just reread your previous post about selling it to the yanks your probably right unless Who was totally changed to being totally Americanised  with a big American stars and becomes something akin to say Babylon 5 ( which I was a massive  fan of btw) but it wouldn’t be Who. Who has always had a quintessential British feel and…[Read more]

  • Devilishrobby replied to the topic Website comments (2)

    @anonymous I think it’s you who have missed the point it’s because @craig has kept topic  creation under his control it has in the main kept trolling by unsavory persons under control. He’s created topic threads  that cover most areas of conversation. He’s even created areas where non Who topics can be discussed. If we had a free for all for threa…[Read more]

  • Devilishrobby replied to the topic The Winchester


    TBH I’ve never had a major problem with the Timeless Child element of ZChib’s tenure as showrunner ,as I am a tv watching of child of the mid 70s,I just felt his treatment and use of JodieW as the Doctor was very poor. I always felt he turned her tenure into a bit of the soap of the week and the Flux season well that was as con…[Read more]

  • Devilishrobby replied to the topic The Winchester


    Oh I likely likely your Tecteun/Ranni theory they both have that total scientific ethical/amoral disregard to life. As to my own bonkerising it is only my trying to get my head around who Mrs Flood may be if she’s a previous character of course she may be a totally new character but another comes to mind…. A chameleon Arc’d Rassi…[Read more]

  • Devilishrobby replied to the topic The Winchester

    Now don’t go shouting me down but I’m suddenly getting the bizarre  crazy bonkerising thought that Mrs flood is not a character we’ve met in the NuWho era but definitely Pre Gap  and no I’m not going to bang on for the old standard.  ‘ it’s the Rani’ but there is another pre gap “female” timelord we haven’t considered and in the televised form we…[Read more]

  • Devilishrobby replied to the topic Empire of Death

    Oh my what an influx of posts o/n @juniperfish I too wondered what this means for Gallifrey though so far the only ones we know were resurrected we the ones dusted by Sutekh’s dust so presumably those that were dead prior stay dead. Right now to look back at the posts I missed


  • Devilishrobby replied to the topic Empire of Death

    @cathannabell oh please please don’t let Disney have had a hand in that though now you have pointed  it out the suspicion does come to mind I mean even the Cornel  was returned to life though as Sutekhs “first” victim it did make sense

  • Devilishrobby replied to the topic Empire of Death

    @thane16 indeed her comment’s appear contradictory at times on one hand there’s menacing intent then on the other hand she’ll appear pleased with the doctors actions or success. It was this behavior that that made me wonder earlier if she was a female incarnation of the master/Missy could it be that the female versions of the master are predi…[Read more]

  • Devilishrobby replied to the topic Empire of Death

    Well just rewatched the official BBC showing  of the episode and a couple of things I either missed or they just passed me by. Mrs Flood as well as definitely indicating she is definitely something big to come. I now have a sneaking suspicion that she may not be such a big bad because as well as she said “she had such plans ” when she started to…[Read more]

  • Devilishrobby replied to the topic Empire of Death


    Mrs Flood said just before she and gran were turned to dust that she had so many plans this to me seems to indicate she will be a big bad at some point and her behavior is making me think she may be a new Master in the vien of Missy so more of a frenemy again than an outright enemy. Harriet got forcibly ejected from the Tardis by the…[Read more]

  • Devilishrobby replied to the topic Empire of Death

    So it appears the rumour’s were true or were they and we have unfinished threads to be revealed and that’s all I’ll say for now cause I couldn’t wait and watched it on iPlayer like our fantastic leader😉

  • @juniperfish  was a blank post intentional

  • Sorry this is a bit delayed thought I has sent this yesterday but @dr-pepper-bean how do you construe the Doctor to be weak and feckless and as to be responsible for negligent homicide how, it was the  Coronels decision to investigate as member of UNIT . Okay  I thought Kate had given the Doctor a bit of an accusatory  glare when they di…[Read more]

  • @ps1l0v3y0u apparently it came from a RTD interview in a Radio Times interview quoted in Screen Rant article about morris only being a temporary replacement. It may have been because the actress was filming a part in Renegade Nel though I can’t see any confirmation of the last bit.


  • @ps1l0v3y0u Shirley anne is supposedly on detachment to UNITS Geneva branch and Morris is a stand-in. Presumably the actress was temporarily unavailable for the finale episodes, but it has been reported that she will be back for season 2.

    However on another note I’m still a bit confused about Mrs Flood is she evil ie an agent of Sutek or a…[Read more]

  • Right omg how right some of us were in our theorising…… do I dare spoilerise or do I leave revealing who the big bad is before anyone  who hasn’t watched the episode yet but some of my fellow forum got it bang on though the writing was all there.

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