• Cool menu. I love walnuts and pecans, and barbecued pork sounds yum! As for the ‘spork’, it was just a cute malaprop idea.

    I also have an idea for a Doctor Who/Hellgirl crossover. Sixie is investigating some disappearances in Japan and rumors about a mysterious website that you can access only at the stroke of midnight to seek your revenge.

    I…[Read more]

  • Well, if Androgums aren’t total gluttons, I imagine this child, maybe aged 8-12, is just kinda stupid or would at least come off that way. Like, I imagine she’d hear someone mentioning the ‘cream filling’ in a Dalek, and that would pique her interest – especially after she’s snarfed down some Hostess cupcakes or something similar. And I imagine…[Read more]

  • @ps1l0v3y0u

    No. Androgum. Like the people from “The Two Doctors”.

  • I really like Sixie because he’s so honest and can be quite the pushover – especially if you can make the best chocolate cake in the universe. He’s not going to spare a companion’s feelings near as much as Fiver did, I think.

  • @ps1l0v3y0u

    I’m fine with bats as long as they’re not in the house, and I imagine Androzani is rabies-free.  I wonder if Sixie would be understanding about my balloon phobia though, since I am quite open about it. He’d probably find my views rather repulsive though since they’re rather American. I’m rather centrist. I’d accept his views and…[Read more]

  • @ps1l0v3y0u

    A pity… You should check it out on the Archive. Even has AI upscaled episodes. Very good series, especially if you like urban fantasy.

    I also wonder what the other classic Doctors would have done to Adam. Like, would One have imprisoned him in the TARDIS or marooned him like the Monk? Which Classic Doctor would be the most lenient,…

    [Read more]

  • @ps1l0v3y0u I wonder if Xanatos would recognize Two’s deviousness, and if Demona would stand a chance against him.

    Also, would Two have marooned Adam, or would he have been nicer?

  • @ps1l0v3y0u

    The very same. I imagined this scenario where the Gargoyles wake up to the Second Doctor jumping back, catching a fright, and muttering “Oh my… Giddy AUNT! I thought you were weeping angels!” Then he leans on the rail and lets out a big exhale of relief. Jamie asks what the weeping angels are, and The Doctor gives him a short answer…[Read more]

  • Been working on some ideas for a Gargoyles/Doctor Who crossover. Dunno if I should just pick one Doctor or have multiple visits, confusing the hell out of the Manhattan Clan.


    The Second Doctor is rather underused and underrated, would have loved to be a companion of someone like him – just wandering around the galaxy and seeing the sights and…[Read more]

  • I wonder how the previous and subsequent Doctors would have handled Adam Mitchell if they had encountered him instead of the Ninth Doctor.

    I imagine the First incarnation would drop him off to live in medieval times and possibly come back when he ‘learnt his lesson.’ Would the Second Doctor give Adam a choice, and tell him that he would likely…[Read more]

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