BBC Approved Spoilers

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    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    @ps1l0v3y0u, @jimthefish

    Nah, it is an evil TARDIS, designed with evil intent by an evil deity, who turns out to be the progenitor of Maga…

    Not only do the recruitment  practises of UNIT leave something to be desired, but when the Doctor arrives and asks them to find S. Triad because her name is an anagram of TARDIS, they all roll their eyes: “Well, we knew that” is the collective response. Well, if they knew that a new technology company was arising led by someone whose name was an anagram of TARDIS, why didn’t they get in touch with the Doctor ASAP?

    Mudlark @mudlark


    The figure in the orange cloak: forget the colour and just look at the outline. Isn’t it the woman who deposited Ruby at the church? Or am I deluded?  I fear that we may be in for a more than usually complicated timey-wimey tangle here.

    Incidentally, since I compiled the not-to-scale sketch map of the church and surroundings I’ve found an aerial view of the scene as they were preparing for filming, and I’m pleased to report that my effort was accurate in essentials and has been quite helpful.

    ps1l0v3y0u @ps1l0v3y0u

    @blenkinsopthebrave @jimthefish

    Maybe UNIT got hold of the other doctor. They know him. He also has a Tardis. That’s handy. Two Tardises!

    I imagine a MAGA Tardis may well be Republican Red. And it would undoubtedly be significantly less good than the one inhabited by Sexyidris. I do fear the outcome of November, but while an ‘evil’ Tardis could be perverted from its original function, it can’t be coeval with the Universe.


    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave


    Your sketch map and aerial view: that’s awesome!

    And the cloak. Yes, you may indeed be right.



    syzygy @thane16

    @mudlark @blenkinsopthebrave

    Yes, it looks like the figure in the cloak is the same woman.

    syzygy @thane16


    you mentioned the Vlinx….? Interesting. Yes, you’re right it looks a little …Osirian!


    WhoHar @whohar

    Saw an RTD post where he stated that there were 5 eps you should watch prior to the finale part deux.

    They are:

    “Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways” and “The Bells of Saint John” to showcase finale stories and the adventure’s modern London setting.

    Jon Pertwee’s Third Doctor debut “Spearhead From Space” as an introduction to UNIT stories.

    “A Good Man Goes To War” for its familial reveal twist, and “The Church on Ruby Road”

    Seems an odd list, and I’m not sold on RTDs reasons, particularly remembering back to the other rumour about a 3rd Doc tie-in in the finale.

    SfS was an Auton adventure…so make of that what you will.

    WhoHar @whohar

    Ah. Just noticed  @mudlark has beaten me to this by a few days, and all while undertaking detailed cartography.

    I need to up my Forum game.

    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    Was just reading that Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson have filmed book-end scenes for a new Tales of the Tardis episode that revisits Pyramids of Mars, to be screened tomorrow on BBC iplayer

    Here is the link.

    For those with BBC iplayer only, it seems, not for those of us residing in the far flung outposts of empire.

    Mudlark @mudlark


    Thanks for the tip. It’s available from tomorrow, so I think I know what I’ll be doing tomorrow evening 🙂

    syzygy @thane16

    @whohar Spearhead from Space? Does this mean Ruby’s an auton? With musical powers?

    A good auton who doesn’t know she’s one? Like the flesh in Matt smith’s Doctor???

    I do notice Ruby almost never gets mad. She’s always relatively ….calm  when facing hissing goblins, snot monsters and Alien Bird monsters. 😳😳

    WhoHar @whohar


    Well that’s an interesting idea. A bit too Rory for RtD to use it again I’d say. But you never know.

    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    An update from RTD2 about the Christmas Special.

    p.s. he seems to have a very loose understanding of what a spoiler is.

    ps1l0v3y0u @ps1l0v3y0u


    Millie and the story of her family is not over? I can only hope Mr Garnett didn’t have a granddad called Alf.

    I suspect, of course, that it’s not over in a larger sense.

    Juniperfish @juniperfish
    nerys @nerys

    I’ve been waiting for the 14th Doctor specials DVDs/Blu-rays to come to my library, but I guess I’m in for a very long wait, since those media have been released only in Region 2, and I don’t see a release date for Region 1. Not only that, but there are no Region 1 release dates for the 15th Doctor specials and episodes. Just Region 1. Makes me wonder how long this is going to take. *sigh*

    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    @nerys Sorry to hear that. Is there any chance you can convince the library to subscribe to Disney+?

    WhoHar @whohar


    You could buy a region free blu ray or 4k player.


    nerys @nerys

    @blenkinsopthebrave Given their limited budget, I doubt it. It’s just sad to me that in an era of supposedly unlimited choices, we are limited in this way. Yes, I could subscribe to Disney+. But for one show? I don’t think so. Our monthly cable budget is bloated enough.

    @whohar We just moved. Always great fun. We’ve had limited space for the last dozen years, and so I really don’t want more stuff.

    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    @nerys No one should be denied the opportunity to enjoy Doctor Who. To add to the suggestion by @whohar I just checked and you can get a region free DVD player for only $49.95.

    Before we moved to Canada Mrs Blenkinsop and I had just such a thing and yes, we had to wait for the DVD to be released before we could see it, but we got to see them, and we loved it!

    And…a little region free DVD player is the size of a dinner plate.



    winston @winston

    @nerys  I am in  the same sorry state here waiting to see the 15th Doctors series and deciding not to pay Disney to watch it.  Other than the 1st series on CBC I have always waited for my kids to order me the dvds when they come out or they never know what to get me for Xmas etc. I am a very patient person who has no problem with spoilers which is lucky cause look where I am.

    I hope the heat isn’t too bad down your way, it was pretty hot here for a few days.I thought I was going to melt. Moving sucks! Hope yours was not too awful.

    stay safe

    ps1l0v3y0u @ps1l0v3y0u

    Oooh ooooh! Could be significant! I was researching Rassilon and Omega, and their various chattels and toys… and the working title of Silver Nemesis (1988)…


    The Harbinger!!

    Sorry someone else has probably spotted this…

    If not… yes! Glad to elucidate.

    nerys @nerys

    @blenkinsopthebrave It’s less about the cost of the player and more about having more stuff. And not just the player, but I’d have to buy the DVDs, too. I wouldn’t mind renting them, but after having to move again (and in a situation that wasn’t our idea), I’m trying to minimize our accumulation of stuff as much as possible. The only way I buy books these days is if they’re digital. If I buy a hard copy, an old copy has to go. If we don’t do that, our limited living space starts to overflow.

    If there was a way to rent Doctor Who on its own, without having to subscribe to Disney+, I’d do it. And yes, I tried VPN, but BBC iPlayer seems to have wised up to that and won’t allow me to watch if VPN is turned on. Of course, if VPN is off, I’m in the wrong region and can’t watch anyway. So I’m stuck.

    @winston (see The Winchester for my reply)

    syzygy @thane16


    Silver Nemesis?! = Harbinger…. Noice. That’s a great sp0t.
    @nerys I get where you’re coming from & yes, keeping life free of added-on bits & pieces is less stressful. Our boy has remade his room & study into a monastic copy- bed, shelf, chair, Desk (there’s a 4m by 2.5m world map too). clothes fit in the shelf & the shelf’s study books. He seems to have hammered hooks into the wall for various sporting clothes. 😮

    @winston DVDs are always a great buy. I bought a yearly Disney sub but I forgot that Who was only 8 episodes, not 13. It’s a big difference leading Rus to get to the point super-quick which shows, at times!

    nerys @nerys

    @thane16 Yeah, I’m just at that point in my life when I’m tired of acquiring more stuff, especially something that for me is only for temporary use, and then having to figure out what to do with it all when we move yet again. It really makes me want to just not get more stuff.

    (See the rest of my reply in The Winchester, so as to try to keep from going too far off-topic here.)

    has.ayres @t2662

    Hi guys i have the torchwood books series for sale 🙂 Just copy the link to take you to my vinted





    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    Christmas Special – Clip



    janetteB @janetteb

    Well that left a smile on my face. Looking forward to it.

    thank you @blenkinsopthebrave for sharing the link.



    ps1l0v3y0u @ps1l0v3y0u

    @blenkinsopthebrave @janetteb

    Reminded of Deep Breath, not least because the Tyrannosaur seemed oversized… though perhaps less so than the one in The Thames.

    any idea who the actor playing the hologram Silurian was?

    nerys @nerys

    Well, that was fun!

    winston @winston

    @blenkinsopthebrave     Thank you for that! It looks like it is going to be a blast. Great to see a Silurian again and of course a T-Rex. Wait, was it a T-Rex?

    stay safe

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