Companions past and present

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    Bluesqueakpip @bluesqueakpip

    Food – the Smith Doctor cooks (for Craig). He also does take-aways (he suggests fish and chips to Amy and Rory) and we see him drinking mugs of tea while in the TARDIS. So far, I think we’ve only seen the Capaldi Doctor with a take-away (Time Heist) plus the take-away coffee that lasted over two episodes.

    In all those cases, it’s food as a social activity or food as entertainment. Makes sense; we know the TARDIS can produce the equivalent of a sandwich on demand. 😉

    Moffat’s also slipped in another Scottish stereotype – the Capaldi Doctor has become distinctly aware that ‘work’ is something you get paid for. He asks Clara if he pays her and asks how much he’s paid when Kate says he works for her. He also ‘pays’ Psi and Saibra. The Smith Doctor, on the other hand, regarded money with the blithe attitude of a (very rich) aristocrat – and while he does give Amy and Rory a massively expensive house and car, it’s very clear that it’s a ‘present’, not ‘pay’.

    Barbara Lefty @barbaralefty

    Food (and hello all) – I thought the reaction to the turkey leg in Last Christmas indicated an aversion to at least some forms of consumption, but perhaps he was just feeling a little queasy at the time.

    Metabolism. Mr Lefty insists I mention people have different responses to satiety hormones which can lead to them feeling fuller sooner, but which doesn’t address the “dustbin” type of individual, and that we are finding all sorts of weird stuff about intestinal floral which is going to take a while to figure out completely given its complexity and leads to interesting potential directions for treatment which are probably not for discussion before breakfast/the current meal in your timezone. Which forum am I on again here?!

    Travel – Cucuteni-Trypillian culture for me, to see if they really didn’t fight, and if/why they burnt their houses every … however often it was, generation, perhaps? And how you get a town of 15000 ( could be over by an order of magnitude there but if I check wiki I’ll lose my comment) without specialising functions. I mean, did they have drainage works?

    And just to get back on topic. Donna! Donna, Donna, Donna. I even find (since for some reason we watched Donna prior to Rose) I like Tennant less without Donna.

    janetteB @janetteb

    I have noticed that there has been almost no mention of food since Capaldi took the reigns of the Tardis. We have seen him with a spoon but don’t know what was on it. I have not been able to add anything to my Dr Who Party menu. (Somehow liver, spleen and eyes just don’t have the same appeal as souffle or fish-fingers in custard.) Back in BG who the daily needs of humans were occasionally addressed. In the first series they have the classic 60s Sci fi, food dispenser and there are beds, of a kind. I think Rory refers to there being bunk beds on board and in Tennant days they ate a lot of chips. According to Rose there were two options, travel with the Doctor or eat chips though at time travel with the Doctor involved eating chips.

    Re metabolism. My inexpert understanding is that it is not the metabolism that varies but the Thyroid which controls it which is the culprit. I have thyroid issues which had benefits and disadvantages. Throughout my life I have saved a lot of money but not needing food, but it does get awkward when eating out. People expect one to actually eat. Hard to explain a diet of air.

    And going way back to last night’s conversation, @ichabod I wasn’t suggesting that I would either want to live in the early middle ages period. (apologies @mudlark I was being both lazy and hypocritical when using the term “dark ages” as I usually argue against it.) or that I would want to “visit” because I can’t be bothered researching into it. I have spent the past ten years researching into that period, and as a history major I do know a thing or two about historical research. It is simply, as Mudlark points out, that is a period of history about which very little is known, there being very few primary resources. Given that so much is known about the time before and after that time I find to be particularly intriguing. I would love to take a short peek from the comforts of the Tardis. (and for me the lack of a kitchen would not be an issue. Provided there is a library I am happy.)

    As for what the vikings did with their gold, I am not sure but I suspect a lot of melted down and converted into “bling” of which there is a goodly display in several of Stockholm’s museums.



    Mudlark @mudlark

    @ichabod   Now you have lured me into discussion of the Vikings, which is another subject I find hard to resist, even though it has little relevance to the topic of companions.  Come to think of it, the Doctor has had at least one tangential encounter with them, in The Meddling Monk, though the Vikings in question were scarcely companion material, being, as I remember it, somewhat gormless as well as violent and uncouth, with the inevitable, but inauthentic horned helmets (very impractical for sword fighting).

     those northern nations had very rough economies, particularly crap soils to farm, and not much (that I know of) in the way of manufacture that wasn’t weapons and jewelry for the upper class.

    What gave you this impression?  The lands from which the Vikings came (Jutland, Norway, Sweden and part of Finland) did not lack land with fertile soils suitable for arable farming as well as stock rearing – an economy supplemented by hunting and fishing. The problem was that, as population increased, there wasn’t enough land to support everyone, so young men who lacked land had an incentive to go adventuring, not just in piratical raids, but to find land of their own to settle and also to trade.  And the Vikings were great traders, ranging as far as the Mediterranean, Constantinople and beyond, and establishing regular trading routes both by sea and inland along navigable rivers such as the Dniepr.  They established prosperous trading centres, both around the Baltic and in their colonies abroad, among the chief of which were Kiev, York and Dublin.   They traded slaves and commodities such as furs and amber for luxury goods, but within their own communities they had craftsmen skilled, not just in metalwork and weaponry, but shipbuilding (obviously) and woodworking of all kinds, not to mention leatherworking, textiles and everything else you might expect in an urban settlement.

    The fearsome reputation they gained from their raiding expeditions was nevertheless justified, and the accounts of their depredations on Anglo-Saxon monasteries are not much, if at all exaggerated.  I took part in an excavation on the site of monastery where the Viking Great Army set up a winter camp and, though the area we examined was only a small part of the whole, there was ample evidence of destruction and looting.  The looted silver and gold would have been divided up among the members of the expedition, probably according to status within the group.  The precious metals in the Viking hoards which have been found consist mostly of objects which have been broken or cut up (‘hacksilver’), or melted into ingots for ease of transport.

    As for what they did with the metal;  as  @janetteb  says, much would have been refashioned into personal ornaments – brooches and arm rings and the like. Such bling was an emblem of wealth and status, but also a form of portable capital.  Some would eventually have been used to purchase land, because where the Vikings wanted to acquire land to settle they did sometimes do it the civilised way, rather than simply massacring or evicting the owners and seizing it by force.

    P.S.  On the subject of garum ;  I have since checked, and people have, indeed, tried making it.  Apparently the finished product tastes pretty good, though a little of it goes a long way 🙂   The factories where it was manufacture were on the coast, necessarily so, since the fish had to be absolutely fresh (Pompeii was a major centre of production), but I get the impression that they were sited well away from and downwind of residential areas.  There have been several sites excavated, with arrays of vats looking rather like miniature salt pans.

    ichabod @ichabod

    @janetteb — Forgot about the spoon!  Looked like ice cream to me (and CapDoc does seem to have a sweet tooth, with all that sugar in his coffee as President).  More likely a call back to custard, just no fish that day.

    Yes, bling was probably a pretty common destination for the stolen gold; still is, for that matter, although the modern rich get to have that *and* extra houses, servants, cars, yachts, and the occasional private submarine.  And yes on the thyroid!  I think women in middle age tend to get these thyroid imbalances — I’m off to see someone later this month about mine, poss. minor surgery with who knows what rebalancing necessities after.  Sorry if I came off as snarky about research — that’s not me at all, as I enjoy research myself and have done quite a lot of it to support some of my fiction.  I meant that since there’s not tons of info on the period in question, you might find that fiction set in that period would sieve out some of it for you that you might have difficulty finding on your own.

    @bluesqueakpip  — Time Heist takeaway, forgot all about that!  And yes, I noticed that little by-play about payment, got a little chuckle out of it.  CapDoc is at least aware of economics, as gods and supermen tend not to bother to be (because they don’t have to).  Maybe the Tardis can print good money if he needs it to pay someone — or he can steal it per sonic, but wouldn’t that make him no better than — ulp — Robin Hood?  At any rate, I like a Doctor to whom payment occurs as an idea — more connection with human life (and probably every other kind, since other life forms will have some sort of economics too).  And it’s nice to see the idea of being aware of money and payment for work presented not as stereotypical Scottish stinginess, but as fairness.

    @barbaralefty  Cucuteni-Trypillian was a culture located, where?  That’s a new one on me, and sounds — odd indeed.  The whole satiety hormone thing is pretty new, isn’t it?  I’ve been coming across mention of research in that area only in recent years.  Hadn’t heard about the gut-weirdness, but no doubt we’ll hear more as time goes on.

    ichabod @ichabod

    @mudlark  They had to have absolutely fresh fish to make totally rotten fish goo — I guess that would be about bacteria spoiling the raw materials before you got to spoiling them your own way . . . so they used it as a condiment, maybe a bit the way we use vinegar, mustard, soy sauce?  Was it a luxury, more valuable than salt, say?

    Nordic countries and hardscrabble life — I *did* get that from historical novels, trying to recall titles — older books, so maybe from a time when that was the theory.  And, yes, I admit it, this was backed up recently by the early episodes of “Vikings” on TV, where there was some talk of poverty at home driving raiding parties, and the substitution of wanting “better” farming soil found in England and so being moved to settle rather than just snatch-and-grab portable booty and enslaving captives (though my reading didn’t suggest slave trading but the acquisition of human property for home use).  But also a hangover from reading Braudel, on the Mediterranean, and his comments on mountain populations.  That’s where the impression came from, but no excuse, since now you mention it, yes, I’ve also come across the far-flung trading network thing.  Eh, lazy and outdated thinking; thanks for the correction.


    Barbara Lefty @barbaralefty

    @ichabod, Romania/ Ukraine, late neolithic, would paste the link but there is a good wiki page.

    ichabod @ichabod


    Mudlark @mudlark

    @ichabod   Re garum; yes, it seems that fish which had begun to decompose in the normal way was no good for the purpose; some sources suggest that for best results the fish had to be still flapping when it was gutted.  The guts, or in some cases whole fish, were layered with various fresh aromatic herbs in the vats, covered in brine and left in the sun to simmer gently for several weeks.  Once the whole mess had deliquesced it was filtered and the liquid bottled in jars.  It was, as you say, used as a condiment, rather like soy sauce, or Worcester sauce with which it shares some features (the basis of Worcester sauce is fermented anchovies plus various spices).  Garum is said to have a milder and more complex flavour than Worcester sauce, though.

    There were many different grades of garum, depending on the type of fish and other ingredients used.  The best quality was very expensive indeed (caviar, anybody?), and one of the houses excavated in Pompeii belonged to a manufacturer and dealer in the commodity who had evidently made a mint out of it.  It was an ingredient in a majority of recorded Roman recipes, and those who couldn’t afford the real stuff  – slaves and the very poor – used the residual sludge as a substitute.


    ichabod @ichabod

    @mudlark  Okay, I was with you until “residual sludge”.  Now I’m lost in a nightmare fantasy of fish gut sludge jarred like mustard, to slather on your fat and offal sausages . . . grrrkkk.  Can’t help but think of Whuzzizname, the sausage seller hawking filth in good old Ankh-Morpork . . .

    lisa @lisa

    Hi – So since everyone is trending towards talking about ancient stuff I thought I might share this

    These are all sorts of new ‘ancient’ discoveries and there is some Roman in Japan and Viking etc.
    Lots of surprises for everyone’s enjoyment – I always liked the historical Who stories and I hope
    we get 1 in season 9!

    Mudlark @mudlark


    Whuzzizname, the sausage seller hawking filth in good old Ankh-Morpork

    The ubiquitous, inevitable C M O T (cut-my-own-throat) Dibbler.  I’m sure the  equivalent of garum residue is available in Ankh-Morpork  to which all roads lead, and it could only improve the flavour of a pie filled with suspicious organs, lethal to all who are not born and bred in that metropolis. 🙂

    Arbutus @arbutus

    Wow, wow, wow. There have been some fabulous ideas put forth on this thread recently. I won’t even try to comment on all of them, just a few more recent ones that have stayed with me.

    @ichabod    What a very eloquent discussion of choice and what it means. Ever since I discovered DW many years ago, I always in my daydreams chose the Blue Box. But if I am honest, I know that I would choose home and loved ones. Every time.This is of course why it is so important that there is Doctor Who (as well as all the other fabulous books and videos). It can transport us into that adventure when it isn’t in us to take the steps ourselves. @janetteb‘s comments clarify for me why the companions are almost always young; because for most of us, that is when we are able to pull up and leave everything behind, with nothing but a backpack and an open ticket.

    As to travelling in time to make those small changes in the past, to me that implies that our past choices were wrong ones. I suppose I see most of my choices as having been right at the time. Again, like Janette, when I was younger I could never have predicted that I would be where I am today and be happy there. Recent personal events have reminded me that all our experiences contribute to who we are, good and bad, and that doesn’t end at a predetermined age!

    Then again, I have just read that scientists have found that a strong lack of anxiety is a genetic mutation (the article compared it to natural marijuana in the brain). So that’s me explained.  🙂

    Arbutus @arbutus

    To add to the meal list for AG episodes, the Ninth Doctor had what looked like a very lovely dinner out with the Slitheen woman in Cardiff. There was wine!

    Eleven definitely viewed the concept of work through a child’s lens– his big concern at UNIT HQ was if he had a desk! (Or was it an office?) And his moment of “I could be a curator” had a bit of a child-like ring to it as well, now that I come to think of it– that moment that young children have when a new career idea occurs to them. “We went to the fire hall today and saw the trucks… I could be a firefighter.”  That sort of thing. Whereas, Twelve is definitely a grownup. (At least, as much as the Doctor ever is!)

    ichabod @ichabod

    @lisa  Yikes!  That brain!  That is an amazing story, but they do come thick and fast these days from what looks like a sort of Golden Age of archaeology.  Well, it had better be, because there are those who are busy trying to either destroy the ancient past as fast as possible, or sell it off piece by piece before the professionals get to it.  The pressure must be immense, at least when you stop cleaning some old fellow’s brain and think about how easily it could have been overlooked or lost or looted or whatever.

    @arbutus  Thanks for the compliment — I re-draft a lot before I post; call it deformation professionelle.  Any eloquence is all in the re-writes . . . on the other than, the re-writes are why I haven’t finished preparing my 2014 tax material yet.  And yes, as some one else said here recently, traveling with the Doctor is like a Gap Year — you can do it because you’re between other strong commitments, the kind that you get into more as part of your maturation process after childhood and formal education.

    Anxiety — “Don’t be lasagna — be marijuana!”  Okay, I’ll try, though it’s a bit late in the day.  Jeez — if I’d just smoked a little weed (like everybody else) back then, I might have been able to run a little cooler?  On the other hand, what with the grass munchies, I probably would have also had to run a lot slower, given that my appetite is already more robust than it should be.  And thanks of the Cardiff dinner — I think I missed that one altogether.  As for twelve, maybe you could say that when he’s being grown up, it’s pretty grown up; he even seems to think of his difficult decision making as his job (for which he does not get paid, but if nobody pays you, you get to decide for yourself what’s your job and what isn’t, which suits a rebel, um, working man).



    lisa @lisa

    @ichabod – That brain is a bit awkward but its the slide show towards the bottom of the page
    that showed me more intriguing discoveries. If I was still teaching I would fit that into a
    lesson plan.
    @scaryb Capaldi plays someone going a little nuts and does a little Missy-ish impression there.
    Also he wears a trench coat in the scene with the fez and I think that 10 Doc’s coat was sort of
    trench-like? Little strange but nice with some really funny bits

    Anonymous @

    @ichabod  -oh, yes, me, eating on the run from one museum to another! I did enjoy the food in Northern France -little villages; quiche and salad for a couple of euros; roast duck etc… but yeah, same in Prague now. It caters to tourists so it’s all stroganoff, schnitzel and dumplings. With cordial -which is actually grossly sweet white wine!

    Anonymous @

    @arbutus hello to you ! welcome back. I’ve been doing a crazy -fast watch of Buffy and Angel and loving it!

    I didn’t think it would be my thing and well, I’m in love with the writing….not always the pouty lead actress, or her twangy nasal voice (that grates my cheese) but the paranormal elements and the demonesque have  vague parallels with Doctor Who.

    Kindest, puro

    Anonymous @


    @mudlark. Thank you the fascinating info on Vikings and archaeology. But the most astounding aside was this:

    “…the basis of Worcester sauce is fermented anchovies plus various spices).  Garum is said to have a milder and more complex flavour than Worcester sauce, though.”

    I consider myself a cook and I know my family despise anchovy and yet love Worcester sauces!

    So this garum stuff is “milder”? Holy moly!

    And I thought there was very little I couldn’t actually stomach -the Czech in me: poached eggs on lentils with a strong dill and cream sauce. Dear God. I hated Fridays.

    @arbutus yes, but did the 9th dr actually eat anything or did it just sit on their plates? They had that ‘spat’ at the table with the Slitheen trying to kill/poison him so I suppose that could ruin appetites.

    Bluesqueakpip @bluesqueakpip

    @arbutus – come to think about it, all the AG Doctors have a real thing about chips. The Tennant Doctor eats them in Last of the Time Lords, the Smith Doctor and the Capaldi Doctor both suggest going out for some.

    I blame Rose, who got the job of introducing the Doctor to chips. I think. Anyone spotted any BG chip-eating?

    WhoHar @whohar

    The Third Doctor ep “Doctor Who and the Macc Lads”

    janetteB @janetteb

    I had written a long post about food in Who then accidentally deleted it. Oh well. Little food features in BG Who beyond the Pertwee years. One of Jo’s major roles appeared to be to serve sandwiches and tea to all and sundry. Earlier Barbara made it clear that she did not consider cooking was her role. Pertwee Doc also expresses a fondness for Gorgonzola and red wine. Merlot? I have forgotten the details. Tom Baker appeared to live entirely on jelly babies. I don’t think any food features until AG Who and Rose with the Chips, at one time the alternative to travel with the Doctor. “Eat chips”. Tennant, Martha and Captain Jack enjoy a feast of chips. Um healthy diet, not. Smith Doc lives on jammy dodgers and fish fingers and custard. Clara attempts to make souffle. CapDoc drinks coffee at last but has added nothing more to the Who party menu thus far.

    @bluesqueakpip I am quite sure that Rose is to blame for the chips.



    Arbutus @arbutus

    I know there is not a lot of love for the Sixth Doctor, but does anyone remember his episode The Two Doctors? It was a multi-Doctor Six-Two combo, and it was all about food. I seem to remember some kind of insane cannibalistic alien chef, running around with the Second Doctor who had somehow lost his mind, and they were talking about food and eating in gourmet restaurants. At the end of the story, I remember Six telling Peri that he thought they would be sticking to a vegetarian diet for awhile!

    Out of all the BG Doctors, I can only imagine Seven going for chips (although I don’t specifically remember him doing it!).

    ichabod @ichabod

    @arbutus — No, I don’t remember that, but it sounds like fun.  And yes on Seven — going for chips, I mean.  That’s what makes Twelve’s line about going for chips, or coffee, or chips and coffee, at the end of Deep Breath both funny and poignant: coffee, yeah, that fits, but chips?  In that outfit?  Eleven was dressed for it, and so were Nine and Ten, but you don’t dress in a power suit to go eat chips and drip grease down your front!  But then again, nobody can think of everything when laying out their wardrobe . . . the jumper with the holes, now, that’s another story . . .

    janetteB @janetteb

    @ichabod  I think Twelve’s chips suggestion was him trying to be “normal” and failing abysmally. Chips and coffee sounds even worse than fish fingers and custard to me. I note that when he does turn up he only has the coffee.  I think food is  a little beneath his notice, too basic and human. If he eats, assuming that time lords do require sustenance then he grabs something on the go, a sandwich. I had forgotten but did have a half squashed manky sandwich in his pocket in Robot of Sherwood, something he had bought at a street stall no doubt and forgotten about.



    ichabod @ichabod

    @janetteb  That does make sense — and the “forgetting to eat” thing is built into the “absent-minded professor” image, the guy (it’s always a guy) who is so busy thinking important abstract thoughts that he forgets about food, or can’t focus his piano-sized mind on a mere plate of steak long enough to notice whether it’s good meat or not . . . but there’s a kind of truth to it, or rather a grounding in reality.  There’s a famous (supposedly true) story about Einstein riding the train between NY and Princeton, and asking the conductor, “Can you tell me where I’m going?”  His destination was printed on his ticket stub, of course, but who can remember to check a ticket stub when E might = Mc2?  Or maybe by that time, he rode without a ticket and was allowed to do so because he was a great man and everybody knew it.

    Come to think of it, though, I did know a guy like this — he was teaching Moby Dick to 9th graders, and notoriously forgot to eat lunch much of the time; looked it, too — skinny guy, all nerves and huge eyes sparky with intellect.  And he was just human (and somebody must have been remembering to feed him, or he’d have been in the hospital).  I imagine being a Time Lord could be even more disconnecting from “mere” cooking (“menial” workaday work) and eating (Drat these bodies, they’re all alike, grumbling away for *food* all the time when there are puzzles to solve and Daleks to fight!).

    janetteB @janetteb


     skinny guy, all nerves and huge eyes sparky with intellect.

    That sounds remarkably like CapDoc to me.



    ichabod @ichabod

    @janetteb  Well, yes, when you add an intense enthusiasm about things (ideas, mostly), plus occasional unintentionally cruel or off-putting remarks made largely out of awkwardness in connecting with others.  Hmmmm; Bill, are you listening?  I expect he’s long since gone now, but he made a very strong impression as a master teacher back in the mid-sixties.

    Bluesqueakpip @bluesqueakpip


    If he eats, assuming that time lords do require sustenance

    That barn had the accoutrements of a working farm even in The Day of the Doctor. Which was what made it so poignant in Day of the Doctor; you could see how the war had utterly destroyed Gallifrey. No beautiful red sky, a lifeless desert, an old farm barn that had been abandoned.

    In Listen the barn’s got hay, plus other farming equipment. Whether the baby Doctor is somehow in foster care or alternatively, Gallifreyan pre-Academy boarding schools all have working farms attached, I dunno. But farming implies eating. Certainly humans only learnt to farm because of the whole eating thing. 😉

    I’d forgotten the sandwich. It actually looked home-made rather than shop-bought – I remember it as a white bread with cheese sarnie, covered in cling-film. Something he stuck in his pocket in case he got hungry later.

    lisa @lisa

    James Cordon previously a companion to SmithDoc for a too short period of time and in
    too few Who episodes. But now he’s the head kahuna of the Late Late Show.
    So just for a laugh here he is in a funny bit with Tom Hanks….. enjoy! 🙂

    lisa @lisa

    The right link -apologies!
    { I have a naughty history on screwing up my links here ) 🙁

    mrpastaguy @mrpastaguy

    Favorite Companion, ok here I go.

    Favorite: Amy Pond.

    (Reason: Because I love her story where she met the Doctor as a little girl and waited for him to come back. It reminded me a lot of Girl in the Fireplace. And her relationship with Rory was genuine (The Girl Who Waited) and (Let’s Kill Hitler) just to name a few. And the main reason why I love her, well she’s just so beautiful and makes my heart rate go fast.) 🙂

    Least favorite: Clara Oswald.

    (Reason: Clara in my opinion is my least favorite companion because she’s just not that interesting. Except for the impossible girl story, I could care less about Clara because of the love story with Danny Pink, I thought it was too forced. And not to mention, she replaced Amy Pond…nuff said.)


    ichabod @ichabod

    @mrpastaguy  Clara is my favorite companion (did I post about this already?  Apologies if I did, cuz here goes).  She grew out of being a plot device and became a willful and passionate individual with her own goals, however imperfect they were (no way could she have settled down with Danny — that ship had sailed already).  She’ll die thinking, “I did it — all of it that I could”, not “Oh no, not yet!”  And she’s not afraid to challenge a Time Lord and go to the mat with him (uh, the Matt?) if she thinks she’s right and he’s wrong or just completely missing the point.  That challenge is exactly what he needs to keep him aware of more than his own busy, spinning brain and inclinations.  I see them as a brilliant pair, their dance a tango (with some aggression on both sides), their doom the same damn doom as everybody else’s — eventually, “Everything changes”.

    mrpastaguy @mrpastaguy

    @ichabod  Haha nice Matt pun. Yeah, Clara has her fans. Maybe it’s just me, but Amy is my companion that I think of the most. lol

    gamergirlavatar @gamergirlavatar

    My favorite companion is Martha Jones . When I first saw her I know she was a intelligent person . She also keeps calm when she is in danger and , she can take care of herself . We see in seasons three and four that she is not always looking to The Doctor for the answer or how to save the world . She spends a lot of time away from The Doctor and she knows what to do when The Doctor is not around . I also have two theories about Martha that I will type later .

    gamergirlavatar @gamergirlavatar

    @ichabod I think Clara is a good companion too . She came into the world by time in the form of a leaf . I think she is a fix point that has a will . She is not afraid to stand up for herself and for The Doctor . She spoke to the Time Lords saying that The Doctor is The Doctor and that is all they needed to know when she knew The Doctor needed help . She is intelligent and always asks questions , so she can find the answer and use the answer , so she can save the world . She is willing to sacrifice herself and every thing she cares about for the universe . She will do any thing for the people she loves and I am glad she is staying for another season .

    gamergirlavatar @gamergirlavatar

    Today is Jenna Colemans birthday . Happy birthday to one of the best Doctor Who companions .

    gamergirlavatar @gamergirlavatar

    Hi , I said I have two theories about Martha Jones and I am going to type one of them today . In Torchwood we learn that Marthe has been exposed to radiation from the Tardis when she was traveling with The Doctor . This radiation has changed her body including making her immune system stronger . Now she has a husband that has also been on the Tardis . If they have a child this child might also have a stronger human body and if that child had a child this new human body can go on for ages . Martha can start a new human race .

    gamergirlavatar @gamergirlavatar

    Hi guys . I want to know your thoughts about my thought about what the next companion should be like . I think the next companion should be a male who is not on the Tardis , because a female companion said he should be there . Micky was there , because of Rose . Rory was a companion , because he married Amy . Even Captain Jack became a companion , because Rose asked The Doctor ” what about Jack ” . I think it’s time for a male to become a companion just , because The Doctor thinks he would be great to travel with .

    WibblyWobbly @wibblywobbly

    I think it’d be fun to have a non-human companion again just to keep things interesting.

    ballen0701 @ballen0701

    ok im sure im not the only one who has went through the entire doctor who series and I mean from series 1 episode one until present. who else finds it curious and kinda awesome that rory Williams/pond is the only companion that is older than the doctor

    Anonymous @

    Argh so much to say!

    Rose obviously is always my favorite simply due to the tremendous palpable chemistry between her and 9 and then of course carried through and fortified with 10.  I think I cried for … Don’t judge me… Um two hours straight starting where she is banging on the wall screaming “take me back take me back” and then of course the beach and the “Rose Tyler I …. ”  Entire box of tissues gone.  Don’t get me wrong I ADORE Amy Pond, love Donna and omg her grandfather (who they should totally have as a companion!!!) and Clara. Martha….? I can sort of live without alright I do love the way she says Austerhagen.   But the thing with the master and 10 in the bird cage and her waking the earth like kung fu….I dunno. Sorta got lost in there. The best was when Rose saw her on the video screen threatening the daleks and says oh I like her and she says who is that and Rose says I’m Rose Tyler and Martha’s face is amazing when she says “oh my god he found you” I’m not sure but I think I’m crying more often than not watching this show.  Sigh.  Yay.  I liked Mickey after he got tough I love Rory and of course of course River.  And Sarah Jane coming back was amazing !!! But it’s always rose for me.  Plus that’s my grandmother’s name so ….

    Anonymous @

    And by the way is Prince Harry really dating Jenna Coleman???

    llanelliboy @llanelliboy

    Favourite companion: Bernice Summerfield, although I only know her from the audio and not the books or comics.  Is there anywhere to read the comics from DWM or do I just have to discover which ones she was in and order back copies?

    Dumpsterland @dumpsterland

    So there I was, rooting through some old pamphlets at my local junk store, when I found a nice old copy of Skaro that I’d never seen. Lovely job, I thought. That’s some nice toilet reading for a couple of nights, and picked it up for a few small of pence.

    But when I gotmit home and opened it up, what should the previous owner have been using as a bookmark but a signed photo of old time companion Frazer Hines while in his role as Jamie McCrimmon! Blimey!

    Now I’ve never been a great fan of Hines – must have been all that Emmerdale business that’s gone on in between, but should anyone happen to want this smashing little artefact, I’ve chucked it up on that selling site for general perusal.

    Many thanks for your attention!


    Missy @missy

    Has anyone noticed, three names? Oswald, Oswin and Osgood?

    Do they have a meaning I wonder?

    I’m going to miss Osgood and her ventilator.



    janetteB @janetteb

    @missy Osgood was named after the scientist in “The Daemons” (John Pertwee) who it turns out was her father. She wears virtually identical glasses. Oswald and Oswin are old Saxon names, as is Osgood. Moffat seems to have a penchant for old British names. The meaning of the names has been discussed many times but I would have no clue now as to where. Oswald and Oswin were both Saxon rulers. Mercia or Northumberland from recollection. I should know as I have researched the era extensively but is very late and my brain has turned into a great grey marshmallow. It probably has no significance to the story whatsoever but if history is your thing then I recommend looking them up.



    amyandrory4dayz @amyandrory4dayz

    I would have to say for me, my favourite Companion from David Tennant’s Doctor has to be Rose hands down. She reminds me of myself but imagine her with a Scottish Accent and glasses. My favourite Matt Smith Companions have to be Amy and Rory. They worked so well with The Doctor’s crazy attitude and mad personality. Coming into the newest Doctor (Peter Capaldi) I have to say that Clara just isn’t ticking boxes for me. Her storyline is just to complicated and she just doesn’t feel like a Doctor Who Companion. This is maybe that she is too new for my liking but I have to say she is one of my least favourite companions. I really want to see your opinions about Clara.

    gamergirlavatar @gamergirlavatar

    I liked Rose but see also had some problems. I didn’t care for her trying to save her farther and putting the whole world in danger. Rose had problems but if a character does something right than I will say so. My favorite Rose moment was when she left in Doomsday, not because she left but how she left. She was willing to fight with death and lose so others wouldn’t have to. She was saved though and Billie gave us a tearful moment when she was beating on the wall, crying and losing her best friend, the one Rose loved. Even though I didn’t care for Rose saving her dad or loving The Doctor, she was still the one that brought us New Who and turned into a great companion thanks to The Doctor.

    Roskowe @roskowe

    I think Clara was modelled after Sara from Tegan and Sara. The 11th Doctor said she’s short, her nose is funny and bossy like Sara from Tegan and Sara. A few episodes ago he said she was bananas about relationships and always writes songs about them. I don’t know. Any thoughts.

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