Website comments (2)
This topic contains 727 replies, has 86 voices, and was last updated by Dentarthurdent 4 months ago.
13 February 2014 at 14:22 #25267
Anonymous @
A new thread for your comments and suggestions as the old one was nearing it’s posting limit.
18 February 2014 at 20:49 #25441Anonymous @
1 March 2014 at 11:00 #25914@craig, @fatmaninabox, @phaseshift and @jimthefish
So, so, so (she says, bouncing up and down excitedly), what are we having for our retrospective? RTD part one, or Gattis? Because today is Quatermass’s last episode.
And the BG Series? It was suggested that we could run both – we did before the 50th.
1 March 2014 at 11:45 #25916Hi – I’m sure I heard you bouncing all the way up here. 😉
I still haven’t caught up on a lot of threads for the past 5 weeks, so I may have missed the RTD part 1 discussion. Is it On the Sofa? No objections to it. It won’t really cover much 11 obviously, but it would take in a lot of episodes we haven’t discussed in depth so far, which is a bonus.
As to the BG Who I had The Time Meddler, and Mind Robber as favourites for one and two, but I don’t know if any other thoughts have come up on BG rewatches. If you can remember any, I’d be obliged if you could summarise. We can start them any time people want. We can leave it till next week after Quatermass, or we could launch them concurrently today if required.
Happily, I can report I’m not going anywhere for a good while now. I’ve told people no significant travelling. I need a chance to recover from a lingering chest infection from January that wasn’t helped by five weeks in damp conditions. So after I’ve caught up on reports my input will be a lot more reliable.
1 March 2014 at 12:18 #25917@phaseshift – the discussion starts here On The Sofa.
To warn you in advance, it also includes a suggestion for Vengeance on Varos from @monochromedimension.
1 March 2014 at 13:24 #25929Thanks for the link. Looking at the schedule, you have Rose down for starting today, so I’ll put it up later if @craig s out for a while. Let’s see how it plays out and whether we go for a part 1 option or continue up to the new series starts.
On BG who we’ll aim to start next week after the end of Quatermass. Are we going in Doctor order 1 – 8 (if we can sort something audio out for him) or do we want any old order? Any feedback welcomed.
1 March 2014 at 15:02 #25936@phaseshift – I would prefer a chronological order; but its not a big deal really… whatever folks want first.
I think ‘The Time Meddler’ and ‘The Mind Robber’ would be perfect for Hartnell and Troughton. Not sure for Pertwee, T. Baker or Davison, but for C. Baker ‘Varos’ is the best bet, everyone seems to agree. For McCoy I originally suggested ‘The Greatest Show in the Galaxy’, but now I think maybe ‘The Curse of Fenric’?
1 March 2014 at 15:12 #25937Thanks – I think Varos was always the choice for Six, and Curse of Fenric was the way out favourite for Seven. The ones where there was less of a consensus were stories for three, four and five. We can finalise those later though.
1 March 2014 at 15:33 #25939@phaseshift – Awesome. I think ‘Curse of Fenric’ would be perfect, brilliant episode to discuss. I’m guessing we’d be watching it as transmitted rather than the movie version?
1 March 2014 at 19:41 #25954@phaseshift For a Fourth Doctor suggestion, may I offer either Genesis of the Daleks or The Seeds of Doom? Both feature Sarah Jane, who would probably go over well; both are really excellent stories. Genesis of course has special interest because of Davros and the Daleks (also has Harry Sullivan), but I really love Seeds as well, it is an interesting, wide-ranging story with lots of excitement. My two cents (or Canadian loonie, as you see fit!)
2 March 2014 at 19:00 #26036@phaseshift @arbutus – I second ‘Genesis of the Daleks’ for Fourth Doctor.
Also a random suggestion, as I mentioned it elsewhere… what about a thread for discussion on the various Doctor Who monsters and villains?
18 March 2014 at 14:27 #26495That’s right, ‘The Mind Robber’ would be perfect. Love it, in fact they only matched them ..
18 March 2014 at 15:46 #26497Anonymous @
@lifaceeek – In case you hadn’t noticed, this is a forum to discuss Doctor Who, not to post random links to Polish surgeries in Tooting or Accountancy firms. This being the case, I’ve removed the links from your posts. Of course, if you can adequately explain the relevance, I’ll reinstate the links.
10 April 2014 at 10:01 #26798Just handing in the absence note from my mum! Sorry not been around much of late, too much RL eating into my Doctor Who time. Hope everyone’s well.
Love the new(?) Troughton home page avatar.
And the Mind Robber is up for the communal viewing
😀 😀 😀
18 April 2014 at 12:54 #26948Just a test comment. Have been upgrading the CMS. Hope it still works.
18 April 2014 at 12:55 #26949I see the comment boxes have a new style. Will fix some of the oddness shortly.
18 April 2014 at 13:01 #26950And the “visual” comment box doesn’t work on the blogs. Grrrr.
Will try to fix.
20 April 2014 at 22:21 #27062Ooh, there’s been some springcleaning and redecorating going on! Nice.
And I’m glad it’s not just me who was having problems with the blog comments – thought I’d forgotten how to work the forum!! 😳
24 April 2014 at 14:08 #27149Sorry for posting this here, -am all new. Looove the site so far.
But how do I create my own ‘Subject’ in the forum?26 April 2014 at 14:29 #27200@whoviandk – Unlike most other forums, on here you can only post in the already created threads. If you think there should be a specific thread that isn’t already on here, you can always suggest it to the admins.
29 May 2014 at 07:29 #27854Hi all,
The site had a minor hack last night and I had to roll it back slightly to best get rid of it. Unfortunately we may have lost some comments if any were made yesterday evening.
Apologies for this if you lost anything.
29 May 2014 at 08:00 #27855For some reason on my last post on the music thread, the video I embedded has now been changed to my favourites playlist. Could somebody remove that post please.
29 May 2014 at 09:15 #27857Anonymous @
@thekrynoidman – ‘Tis done.
Now I just need to remember what I posted last night which may be tricky as I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast 2 hours ago 😕
29 May 2014 at 13:21 #27860@craig, would the “Hack” be responsible for the odd snatches of music that my laptop has been playing to me throughout the day? Maybe part of @thekrynoidman‘s collection?
29 May 2014 at 13:53 #27862Anonymous @
@janetteb – I had that as well. I’d started to think my music files were corrupted!
29 May 2014 at 14:03 #27863@janetteb @thekrynoidman @fatmaninabox I don’t know what the purpose of the hack was I just know some files were changed.
It might be worth running a full virus scan just in case it could have installed some malware on your computers.
Once again, apologies.
29 May 2014 at 14:14 #27864@craig. Will do. No need to apologise. Certainly not your fault. You are doing sterling work on this site.
29 May 2014 at 14:43 #27865I had a trojan blocked by microsoft security last night, about 12 o’clock, either came from here or FB
29 May 2014 at 16:26 #27867I also had something – though Kapersky defined it as adware rather than a trojan – so personally, I’d upgrade ‘might be worth running a full virus check’ to ‘strongly recommend people run a full virus check’. 🙁
29 May 2014 at 18:15 #27868Yes. It now sounds like anyone who was on the site from around 11pm UK time last night until 7am UK time today should do a thorough virus scan.
I’m just glad I found out about it as soon as I got up this morning. I’ve now taken extra security steps to stop it happening again. Unfortunately they get more devious by the day.
29 May 2014 at 20:02 #27870Thanks for the advice. Just finished a full scan. All seemingly ok, which is strange, as I think I was on board during the hours you mentioned. A few weeks ago I abandoned Internet Explorer for Firefox. Not sure if that made any difference. (My knowledge of these technical matters is minimal, to say the least.)
29 May 2014 at 20:46 #2787130 May 2014 at 03:37 #27874I have scanned twice now and both times has come up clean though I was certainly on the forum during those hours. I’m also using Firefox.
30 May 2014 at 21:30 #27875Sorry to hear that. I was on that night, earlier in the evening and may have lost a couple of comments (no great loss to the world, I’m the first to admit).
Didn’t seem to see any unusual activity earlier on, but I was in bed before 11 I think.
7 July 2014 at 16:09 #28800@craig, @phaseshift, @fatmaninabox, @jimthefish
Regarding the leaked scripts for series 8, I have already seen far too much spoiler-laden detail on the web than I wanted to see (and I wasn’t looking for it).
While every regular here is responsible, we are not immune to malicious posts. Besides increased vigilance, is there any other option?
7 July 2014 at 19:31 #28808@blenkinsopthebrave @phaseshift @fatmaninabox @jimthefish and everyone else.
Well the nuclear option, which we’ve used before, is to shut the site to new sign-ups, not only for the 47 days up to first transmission, but the next 5 weeks after that.
It seems a bit drastic. Last time it was because DVDs were sent out early and I don’t think anything was revealed anywhere by anybody. I’ve been searching the net this afternoon since the news broke and so far it still seems a spoiler-free zone, with anyone hinting that they know anything told to go put it in a spoiler thread under threat of total internet suicide. As much as there are bad people out there, there are also a lot of good people, and very passionate people who don’t want spoiled.
I’d rather just be vigilant, and if I see anything from the scripts it will be immediately deleted. But I’m interested in what you all think, and if you want the barricades up I’ll do so.
7 July 2014 at 19:49 #28809Yes, I think you are right. The nuclear option is a bit drastic. I think that, personally, I am becoming more spoiler-averse than I thought I was. I shall more vigilant.
At the risk of sounding like some nostalgic ancient thing, there was something really great back in the pre-internet days of BG Who, when you turned on the TV to watch the show each week and every episode was a complete surprise.
7 July 2014 at 20:32 #28810Anonymous @
I don’t think this calls for battening down all the hatches just yet. Just increased vigilance and deletion of anything gleaned from the scripts. I also had a check round this afternoon and couldn’t really find anything. I daresay bits and pieces will find their way out but nothing that we can’t deal with I think….
7 July 2014 at 20:43 #28811I’m reminded of a great tweet I saw a while ago, something along the lines of
Game of Thrones – proving that the best way to keep a secret from most people is to put it in a book
I have the scripts and I’ll read them tonight. I used to be a script reader for film companies, and the BBC, so am quite happy to do so – it never seemed to spoil my enjoyment of the resulting production. I check in several times a day but will be checking in even more regularly from now on. I’ll know if anything posted is derived from the scripts and will delete it on sight.
I’ll put a message to that effect on the Home page.
7 July 2014 at 22:38 #28814@craig @jimthefish @phaseshift @fatmaninabox @blenkinsopthebrave
If the mods are happy to increase vigilance then I think that would be my preferred option, rather than pulling up the drawbridge etc for the next 3 months. Most people here are generally v good at not posting spoilers in the wrong place, except for the occasional newbie.
I agree with Blenkinsopthebrave about the joys of watching shows in complete ignorance of plot details etc – but the downside of that was no repeat viewings and no internet forums to dive into and share views, bonkers theories and cocktail recipes. (It’s not that it spoils the show completely – eg I’ve no problem rewatching anything, just that surprises are part of the fun of first-viewings)
@craig – “I have the scripts…” That was thrown in very casually! They’ve only just been leaked!! (impressed (and appreciative of your sacrifice for us grovelling minions))
7 July 2014 at 22:52 #28815I bet Ollie Reeder leaked it…
8 July 2014 at 00:20 #28817I’ve been out all day, so missed the who-har-har. SM must be spitting blood and demanding a violent transfusion of blood from whoever did it. Well done to @wolfweed for early reporting though.
I’ll concur about not raising the drawbridge yet though. Let’s play it by ear. At least its early episodes, so I can’t believe there will be massive revelations to do with any arc.
8 July 2014 at 00:42 #28818Anonymous @
@wolfweed that’s a great picture! Poor Ollie (well, not really, he was always invested in Number 1; but then, who wasn’t in that terrific show?) being virtually lifted off the ground by the ferocious finger pointing (what a large ‘pointer finger’ said child of ilion) and snarling of our new Doctor!
As to the all the script leaking: good heavens, the things I miss whilst sleeping; reading and signing hundreds of kiddies reports as part of our school admin process (awful job and not as fun as reading scripts!) during the semester break.
Thanking you @craig for checking those you know whats in advance & being so vigilant. In fact, thanks to all mods @phaseshift @fatmaninabox -and all the others (I’ve missed out) for doing such fine admin work & providing great tid-bits -over the following month it will be quite a trying (and exciting) time, I expect.
Certainly, in peeking at other similar sites, this is without a doubt the best one out there. Anyhoo, I’ll stop the praise otherwise The Man in a Box will require an….eerm… bigger box to accommodate his ever-growing head 🙂 🙂
Kindest, puro.
8 July 2014 at 08:32 #28819@craig – you’ve got the scripts? Colour me impressed. I’ll just have to imagine you in full ‘Emperor’ mode, evil chuckle to the fore, as we spoilerphobes theorise away.
(Whatever colour ‘impressed’ is. Does ‘impressed’ even have a colour?)
Anyway, if you’re willing to stand guard, I’d agree that we don’t need to go into full-scale lockdown mode. This should be the time when we collect our next set of new members.
Welcome to the Doctoriad. You will be assimilated. 🙂
8 July 2014 at 22:23 #28829@bluesqueakpip Yes, I managed to track them down. You know those scenes where the Doctor hacks into a mainframe, or the whole interent, and reprogrammes it all, or sends a sentient virus out into the world? Sometimes I can be a bit like that. The internet is putty in my hands. With the help of Google of course 😉
Have read all five scripts now and am armed against any attempts to spoil it for the rest of you.
All I’m going to say is… absolutely nothing.
9 July 2014 at 00:29 #28831You are a wise and benevolent Emperor.
9 July 2014 at 01:01 #28832@blenkinsopthebrave Many thanks.
As a warning to all, @jimthefish has informed me that the Scottish Sun is posting a story tomorrow containing dialogue from the first episode and they are somehow trying to suggest that it shows Moffat is in the No camp re Scottish independence (I’ve read it and I didn’t see any politics in it at all – it’s Doctor Who! – but why put that in the way of a good story?) It may be front page in Scotland.
While I’m quite happy to delete posts on here left, right and center, I’m not sure I can protect you against the behemoth that is The Sun if they decide to run it in England too. But I’ll try 😉
It’s gonna be a tough six(ish) weeks.
9 July 2014 at 07:48 #288339 July 2014 at 08:28 #28834Anonymous @
@craig – If it does get printed then it will pass by un-noticed. Whovians are far to intelligent to bother with the Sun 😀
It’s quite heartening to see Twitter users standing united against the spoilers. Pretty much every tweet I received yesterday was accompanied by #keepmespoilerfree. Here’s a selection of images that have been re-tweeted since the leak.
9 July 2014 at 09:14 #28835@craig – what, the Sun making a news story out of twisting leaked confidential material? I’m shocked, shocked I tell you! 😈
I think Moffat’s already made his comment on Scottish independence, when he had future-Scotland setting off on its very own spaceship (The Beast Below).
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