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  • #32709
    wcasey5 @replies

    I’m a Capaldi doctor fan! About the doctors remarks to Clara, could be that this doctor has even less of a social filter than the others, BUT he could be seeing something that none of us are seeing yet! da da daaaaaa!

    wcasey5 @replies

    What if the trip back to the Gloucester children’s home WAS about Clara’s past? Like she was there but was too young to remember?

    wcasey5 @replies

    @serahni I agree something is up with Clara’s memory and the teller. I think that the mental block will be a plot point down the road. They may even have to visit the teller to unlock her brain, or Psi. Could have something to do with all the Claricles (there is a slight possibility that Rusty is one in my mind, could be totally wrong).

    So as far as genealogy goes, and this is a total WAG, Clara is the Doctor’s and River’s child, Susan could be Clara’s and Danny Pink’s child (she could have used Foreman like the Doctor uses Smith), and Orson (Awesome) is Susan’s child……  Maybe.

    As far as regeneration’s go, River got her regenerative power  from being conceived on the tardis, Doctor 12 got his new regenerative power given to him through the crack, so it seems to be something associated with being a time lord, but it is an accoutrement for the position rather than a part of being Gallifreyan.

    wcasey5 @replies

    He does the “call me” to both.

    wcasey5 @replies

    What a great episode, Capaldi is making an excellent doctor IMO, and getting better all the time. As far as the paradox goes, it could be like the bill and ted key paradox, but also the Doctor didn’t have his memory restored before he gave his number so that kind of puts him in the clear, paradoxically. Something is going on with Clara’s memory, because the teller could latch on to the others and drain them. It met a block in the doctor and had to work through but couldn’t, or didn’t have enough time, with Clara, so I would suggest that’s why she was in the episode.

    wcasey5 @replies

    @arbutus there is a shred of evidence that nine was new, he looked in the mirror in Rose’s apartment and made a comment about his new ears or something like that, now he didn’t check to see if he was ginger….. If that counts.

    wcasey5 @replies

    Orson wouldn’t have had to pack anything for a time shot into next week. If it took him a week to travel a week, that’s not really time travel is it? All he would have to do is wash the clothes at his residence before he left, then change as soon as he got there in a few seconds. Unless he has a phobia about week old washed clothes. The capsule would disappear then re-appear a week later in the same spot. There is something up with the capsule.

    wcasey5 @replies

    I don’t know how to flesh this out, and I’ve put a grand total of 3 seconds thought into this theory. Clara went into ALL the doctors time streams to save him in “the name of the doctor”. In other words, Clara is like a shadow to all the doctors saving him from death. What if the monster is Clara? What if Ru-dan-son (just made that up) is there to save Clara? Remember the burnt things in “journey to the center of the tardis” when doc-11 said that the thing was Clara and that she died again.

    wcasey5 @replies

    @straax just thought of something. The Doctor keeps talking about Clara’s eye being too far apart. The robots in the “robot of sherwood” has energy beams coming from between their eyes. IDK, just a thought.

    wcasey5 @replies

    @thommck Good point! Maybe the monster wrote it because it can only see at night? IDK, I need more coffee my ideas are drying up!

    wcasey5 @replies

    Why is the writing on the door only visible at night? Because that’s when people go to bed and get scared about things under the bed. So to find out what, who the monster is and stop it you have to go…………. wait for it…………. into darkness!

    wcasey5 @replies

    @nick1235 maybe, but a time line can stretch from the past to the future. The problem is where it starts. Could have been way back. And the tardis doesn’t always take you where you want to go, but sometimes where you need to go. But I like the idea that Rupert, Danny, Orson are the same person. + a monster 🙂

    wcasey5 @replies

    @brewski I was thinking the same thing. What if Danny and Rupert are descendants of Orson, not the other way around? Although I am partial that Rupert, Orson, and Danny are the same people, just changing their names. Maybe from different times, it may go rupert-orson-danny and they are just time displaced. Remember, fear can slow down time! 🙂

    But, how did Orson know what Clara looked like in the restaurant? Was it Orson in the suit in the restaurant, or someone else (like David Tennant! Same space suit).  We don’t know who saved the doctor, or who the mysterious waiter is!

    wcasey5 @replies

    Yeah, I just rewatched the episode and the leg was definitely a kids. With big feet. How about this? Clara told Rupert that fear could slow down time. How about that Rupert, Danny, and Orson (awesome) are the same person that keeps changing his name. His aging and timeline has slowed down because of how fearful he is?

    wcasey5 @replies

    getting transported somewhere else via death beam has been touched on in the past in satellite 5 in series 1 where the daleks death beamed Rose to their ship.  OH! I just thought of something. Rose….Pink……. hmmm. And his blanket was red.

    Also, a big deal was made of Danny crying in front of the student. And the “doctor” (could be couldn’t be) was crying in bed. But most interesting, the leg that Clara grabbed from under the bed was a mature leg, not the leg of a child. Perhaps the person got back in bed to save Clara rather than Clara saving him?

    wcasey5 @replies

    How about the Dalek itself. Could it actually be Clara from “Asylum of the Daleks”? After all it referred to the Doctor and Clara as the Doctor and me. It could have been ejected into space when the planet blew up. They said they found it floating in space.

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