
Home Forums Episodes The Twelfth Doctor Listen

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    idiotsavon @idiotsavon

    Ha ha, I knew I was on thin ice the second I clicked on Wikipedia 🙂

    No Gretchen character in Marlowe then? And no question about Faustus’ ultimate damnation? … Hmmm. Don’t think I’ve got any way out of this. Seems I’m (quite unambiguously) wrong. (Sorry everyone!)

    Still. Onwards and upwards… Could still be a Faust theme going on… If there isn’t, Moffat’s missed a trick in my view…

    Glad you came out of hiding @katharine. Even if it was only to expose my woefully poor knowledge of English literature :)…

    Forgetting Faust for a moment, I’d be fascinated know what literary references you see in Dr Who. (Like, properly informed observations based on actual knowledge, not Wikipedia!) Any thoughts?

    @whisht Hmmm… I suppose that FACTS aren’t all bad 🙂

    Whisht @whisht

    Hi @RickGreen – please don’t take this the wrong way, but PLEASE only post on the Spoiler thread.

    Pretty pretty please.

    even ugly please.

    Maybe mauve please.

    But basically asserting facts on any episode thread that are only known outside the context of the episode is pissing on our chips (or fries).
    That includes “I won’t spoil anything but that character is actually someone else because I saw something/know someone in production” – that in itself is a fact that we really don’t want on the episode threads.
    I know you don’t mean to do anything annoying but please, please just post on the Spoiler thread about anything (even if replying to someone on another thread – if you “@” them they’ll get the email anyway).


    Whisht @whisht

    oh @idiotsavon – and @katharine and basically @everyoneelse, personally I’m really grateful for your input (and others’) as its fascinating (and educating!).

    I don’t care if its an underlying theme from Moffat or not (ie Faust). I am really enjoying learning about Faust!

    I actually think I made a mistake last night with my crossword analogy to what we do. I think it makes it seem that bonkerising is a form of not answering the clues “because we’re not clever enough”.

    As you’re proving (and others before), people here are seriously smart.

    I don’t know if this is a better analogy but perhaps this forum is closer to a response to a ‘dot to dot’ image of episodes, where the numbers are obscured (ie the writers code the numbers).

    Some of us are able to see the actual pattern (based on knowledge of writing for TV, Dr Who, writing in general etc) and ‘intuit’ it, some of us painstakingly link dots together, rub the joins out and do it again and again and again trying to create pictures that suit the theme.
    And some others simply join the dots into elegant and poetic images that suit the theme.

    And some of us do all of the above from time to time. Because its fun.

    What we don’t need is someone saying “those dots are a *******n” as that kills our ability to link those dots in a different (and often more interesting) way.

    Maybe a better analogy?

    We’re not cheating; we’re actually creative (as creative as the writers!)

    idiotsavon @idiotsavon

    @ whisht Crosswords and join-the-dots are both really good analogies, I think. I came across this forum when I was pondering the Impossible Girl mystery and was blown away (have been ever since) by everyone’s ideas and the level of discussion. It doesn’t really matter whose ideas turned out to be right. The conjecture was the fun and interesting part.

    The join-the-dots thing reminds me of A Beautiful Mind, where Russell Crowe/John Nash draws pictures in the stars.

    idiotsavon @idiotsavon

    Right, with 5 mins to go before the next episode, I’m watching out for anything Faustian (If there’s a servant called Wagner I’ll claim my £5.) But also for anything that involves controlling and/or suppressing senses, reflexes or thoughts – which I think is becoming a bit of a theme. (Don’t breath, do breathe, think of your childhood/don’t get distracted (don’t think of a pink elephant) don’t look at it, listen… that sort of thing) Maybe “Don’t listen” this time?

    Oblique @oblique


    I sympathise with your 10 second scene off-put.

    There’s often a lot to cram into a single episode of Dr Who. Personally, I’d like fewer big ideas and a slower pace. There’s almost a machine-gun mentality to cram in as much as possible.

    For me, I like a story to unfold providing a chance to process the information before I’m hit with the next thing, and the next, and the next. Matt’s Doctor was frankly exhausting.

    47minutes, of good storytelling, paced correctly, can still work as these opening stories are beginning to prove.

    Oblique x

    Oblique @oblique

    I’m sorry, did I drift?

    I’m so busy replying to all the negative responses to my comments, I forget who made what.

    Miapatrick @miapatrick

    re-watched earlier today, and- did Orsan say that the Tardis is ‘smaller on the outside?’ like Victorian Clarical?

    The shot of him packing his bags ready to go with the Doctor reminded me of Dalek Clarical as well. Not that a person wouldn’t be packing their bags in such circumstances, just that it isn’t the kind of thing that is usually shown.

    Oblique @oblique

    No, your not wasting your life. You’re just sharing your thoughts about a programme you love with others.

    I laughed at the Mr Small review btw; a lovely juxtaposition. But its based on the facts as the author of the review understood them.

    There isn’t conjecture about Mr Small’s hat being linked to the one worn by Mr Strong, sharing as the same colour as they do, and whether the hat is in fact the very same hat, suggesting perhaps that Space and possibly Time have been manipulated; both Mr Men existing within the parameters of their own stories whilst sharing the same universe



    Oblique @oblique

    Hi Puro.

    I consider myself a fan of what’s now called Classic Doctor Who. Sadly a much maligned term that crept in to cover everything from The Pilot up to the final episode of Survival.  So on to Chris Eccleston… and a whole new look including a budget and CG effects. I like a lot of what I’ve seen of the revamp, and lets face it a big revamp was needed. There are some really good stories, but I haven’t been an avid viewer for some seasons now, so perhaps some of continuity has been lost on me.

    A musician friend once said to me ‘I’m a fan of Doctor Who, that’s why I don’t watch it any more’ Another friend, an ex-flat mate used to regard my interest in Doctor Who as a source of embarrassment, now she and her pals gas about it in office every Monday morning.


    Anonymous @

    @oblique yes, thank you for that. I understand, too, that a big re-vamp was needed; although at the time, and I remember this so vividly, that when I saw, I think, the 5th or so episode, I ran out of the room in disgust!

    My husband, who, during the 60s to 80s was either travelling or studying (and therefore didn’t have the cash for a TV much less a VCR) was actually watching it. Boy, did I abuse him!  A betrayal!  I kept saying Dr Who was supposed to be about crap effects, short 25 mins stories with large arcs and silly monsters. But who was I kidding? Would anyone watch a (by now) decrepit show with no effects and no ‘blowing up shit’ and loads of running?

    By the 2nd season of Tennant, RTD proclaimed “we need more running” and with Tennant I guess it worked. My boy was hooked and I was going a bit ‘meh’ except for the (usual) favourite episodes such as Blink etc.

    Lately, I’ve been re-watching ABC TVs occasional forays back into Pertwee’s time and Troughton’s and I personally love the pace- slow, without dragging and with enough disturbing viewing to entrance the child that I was; I’ve always liked the more disturbing rather than outright terrifying episodes (a fan of say, The Shining rather than Poltergeist!).

    Kindest, puro.


    Davros @davros

    The thing under the blanket could have been another child playing a joke. The banging noises at the door could indeed have had natural/mechanical explanations as The Doctor indicated. Who wrote “Listen”? Maybe The Doctor did and just forgot (he’s getting on in years…), or maybe at some future he comes back and writes it. The episode is consistent with the idea that there really was nothing mysterious…

    Fantastic to see a snippet of The Doctor’s childhood, obviously it is massive that Clara gave him the gunless soldier (did he lose it, does he still have it somewhere) AND his motto. This scene, I suppose, is meant to relate to what the 3rd Doctor was talking about during his little Daisiest Daisy monologue in The Time Monster: I did have an idea for a fan video based around that but this Listen episode rather crunches that.

    Sometimes previously, Time Lord has been synonymous with Gallifreyan, ie it has the whole race, the whole species.</span> Other times, it appears as some special class of Gallifreyan, or even as a profession or title. In Listen, the male says that The Doctor won’t be taken by the academy, that he will never be a Time Lord, implying that it is some kind of title or attainment.


    I’m not the first to point out that 3-4-5-6 resembles 9-10-11-12. The action man, the massively popular one, the very young one, then the older irascible, prickly one: but one trait that 12 does share with 6 is making quite unfair and unkind comments about his companion’s face and body.

    VashtaNerada @vashtanerada

    (Ragged breathing) too… much… paradoxes to contain at once… blurgh (Faints from over-Doctor Who-ey-ness)


    Alright, slightly over dramatic, but still, this episode is awesome! Fairly anticlimactic and a bit higgledy piggledy, but a good episode nonetheless. I loved the ‘why do you need three mirrors’ bit, and I think having Clara influence Rupert/Danny Pink’s future is so adorable/creepy! One quick thought… who brought in the ‘fear is good’ thing? Because the Doctor told Clara, but then Clara went back in time and told young Doctor, so who told who first and where did it originally come from?

    Anonymous @

    @vashtanerada  who brought in the ‘fear is good’ thing?

     That depends on the how many time lines.

    On 1 time line it is a Time Loop, Moffat Loop, Paradox (chicken and the egg). It was Clara who did it all along, but how could she get it from the Doctor first? If he got it from her?

    (Ragged breathing) too… much… paradoxes to contain at once… blurgh (Faints from over-Doctor Who-ey-ness)  😆 😆 😆

    I agree!

    On multiple time lines, the Doctor said it first to Clara. But on the new timeline Clara gave it to the Doctor, so it ends up the same as the 1 timeline explanation.  I explained it in more detail on post 31596. It’s still very timey wimey, but no paradox.

    Anonymous @

    @vashtanerada – there is another 1 time line theory that does not involve a paradox.

    If the Doctor’s entire life is already completed, from start to finish (including regenerations we haven’t seen happen yet), then what we see happen from series to series is just the writers telling us the story of the Doctor’s life.  So, instead of anything happening in real time, it is all past (even the future). 

    That would mean Clara gave the story to the Doctor all along.  We just didn’t know it had already happened until the writers told us about it.  Things don’t ever change in his past (or future), we just don’t know the whole story of the Doctor because the writers haven’t finished giving it to us.

    I like to think we are watching things happen in real time.  So, the Doctor’s future is unwritten and can change based on what happens now. Which is actually true in the off screen world.  So I even prefer paradoxes to the life story theory.

    Anonymous @

    It’s not another kid under the blanket. It’s a Sontaran. Could that flash have been a teleport?  There’s more in the room than just the Sontaran.

    It’s all related to another episode. I know for sure. 100%

    Craig @craig

    @RickGreen If you have a theory then I am quite happy for you to post it here. If you have insider information of some sort then please post it in the Spoilers thread, or don’t post it at all.

    I’ll let this one go as I don’t actually think you are right but, unfortunately, if you keep posting things like the above I will be forced to move all your posts to the Spoilers thread, just in case. This is a ‘non-spoilers’ forum except for that one thread.

    I don’t care about being spoiled and I am intrigued. I would like you to send me a Personal Message via this site or send me an email (address is on the Home page) explaining how you know for sure. Then I can judge the veracity of your posts for myself.

    Thanks in advance.

    Anonymous @

    I reposted in the spoilers thread. I didn’t know at first. I do know I’m right.  I know other things as well but not based on any leaked materials or anything.  Some of it may be slightly incorrect from not recalling everything though.

    Beezilla @beezilla

    @purofilion Hope my “tag” is correct. About Clara experiencing the Doctor’s timeline, I feel so “DUH” after thinking about that now and really appreciate the heads up on what should have been obvious to me.


    As for the Doctor being the same no matter who plays him, I don’t quite agree wholly. As I’ve read through posts here, I’ll admit I’m nothing more than a novice and don’t have the “Whovian” intelligence as I’ve seen demonstrated by so many here. I have never looked for the casual references/easter eggs a lot here see. I basically watch an episode once and wait until the next. My take on DT’s Doctor is he was a “take the horse by the reins” kind of Doctor. Now I did see that behavior in other people playing the Doctor, but it was much more apparent to me with DT’s. I know that each are following a script so that has a lot to do with it, but David IMO played that “balls out” type really well. Christopher Eccleston to me was a “let’s have fun” Doctor and as for Matt Smith(I’m really gonna get it for this one), he appeared to be a bumbling idiot the majority of the time(cringes).


    As for David and Billie’s “soapy romance”, I’d have been a fool to not have noticed it. I think I chose to ignore it for the most part. I saw her as someone who knew an adventure with the Doctor could possibly mean imminent death, but didn’t really care and dove in head first. I can see where her “love” for the Doctor was probably the basis for that type attitude. None the less, they both made the show very exciting for me!


    I hope I’ve not made too many enemies with my “novice” opinions.



    Craig @craig

    @RickGreen Please contact me to tell me how you know you are right if it’s not “based on leaked materials or anything”.

    This may just be a matter of semantics. Saying you know you are right goes against the raison d’être of this forum. This forum is for debate and theories based on what we have seen. There are lots of interesting discussions to be had.

    If someone comes along and says I’m right 100% and you are all wrong, it shuts down that debate. And where’s the fun in that? You might feel vindicated, but no one else will get any pleasure out of it.

    If I know where your info has come from I can give you a guide as to what would and would not be appropriate to say on this forum.

    I read the leaked scripts and knew everything about the first 5 episodes, but it was not appropriate to discuss them here before they aired.

    Beezilla @beezilla

    @serahni Really glad you didn’t want to meet on the battlefield at dawn! I get what you mean by the show “being in constant motion and undergoing constant change and reinvention”, but I feel confident enough in DT’s acting to say he still could have contributed a lot more to the show had he remained the Doctor. He could have kept being “The Doctor” that time and time again stood up to the “threat” and said, “You’ll have to go through me”. I can’t help feeling he mastered the character of the Doctor. Just the right amount of guts and just the right amount of compassion. I’m not an expert and see there’s so much I don’t know. I’m sure it’s been discussed somewhere, but with each regeneration, couldn’t this be considered a glorified version of “multiple personality disorder”?


    My problem for understanding more of the series as a whole probably stems from my self diagnosis of ADHD. No matter how much I like a show/movie, it’s not often I can go back and rewatch them to break them down and look for references that aren’t obvious. I’m jealous of the ones that can do that…and thankful for the info they provide!



    Anonymous @

    @Beezilla- Welcome to the DWForum.   

     If you click on Home, Forum, etc. at the top of the page, you will get an idea of the basic layout of the site.  I know that under forums at the top of the page you will find individual episodes for your favorite Doctor.  This is the thread for the 12th doctor’s Listen episode.  And there is a faces of the Doctor thread on the Home page.  That would have probably been a better thread for your post.  Other than that it is a nice first post. If you want to introduce yourself a good place is On the Sofa (also on home page). 

    You made good analysis to support your opinions so no one will hold them against you.  You even trashed my favorite Doctor 11 and amazingly it didn’t hurt much.  That’s an accomplishment in itself.  🙂

    Not being able to watch the episodes more than once is a challenge, especially with Moffat at the helm.  But you will be able to pick up the details from reading the threads here, and form a new theory or add your ideas to an existing one.  That is where this forum shines and is the most fun.  The more bonkers theorizing the better.



    Anonymous @

    @beezilla – Sorry about that, disregard most of what I just said. Which you will learn to do eventually.   😳

    I should have checked your activity first, but some of it still makes sense though.

    Welcome again

    Beezilla @beezilla

    @barnable Hi and thanks for the kind words! I completely understand about my posts being confusing as to where they belong. As I typed I was thinking about how off topic they seemed to be getting, but I continued since this was where I started. Sorry about the whole “trashing” Matt Smith thing. I’ll admit he did grow on me, but I can’t help that I was never truly satisfied with his character(I’m going to blame it on the writers since I feel he did show promise at times). To clarify a little, I have rewatched some episodes. “The sound of Drums” for example…which I must admit I was saddened to see it thoroughly trashed on here by a few posters. My work is demanding(normally 6 12+ hour days a week) and that can keep me from rewatching as I tend to look for new Scifi/horror(my particular genres of choice). I’ll end my post here with a question…Since I’ve found it so easy to veer off the topic, is there a common practice so as to not insult others? Should I go to a more pertaining thread and tag the person there? I so don’t want to irritate anyone.



    Arbutus @arbutus

    @beezilla    Yes, tagging the person/people on another thread works well. But there is a certain leeway for discussions on the episode threads, as it is hard to have a proper discussion without referencing other episodes, and things lead where they go. If something seems to have permanently moved into a new area, switching threads is sometimes good, but it really depends on the kind of thing.

    I hope nobody on here really trashes anything that someone else might have liked (although the Sixth Doctor does not get much love here, I have noticed). I started posting here, as someone who has never ever posted on any other fan forum, because of the high quality of the posts and the overall civility of the site, both of which are really remarkable.

    There’s been a lot of rambling here over time about the essence of the Doctor, and what makes him always the Doctor despite the different incarnations. What you said here:    My take on DT’s Doctor is he was a “take the horse by the reins” kind of Doctor. Now I did see that behavior in other people playing the Doctor, but it was much more apparent to me with DT’s.    I think this is reincarnation in a nutshell. In certain incarnations, certain qualities come more to the fore, as with this quality that you saw in Ten, being more essential to that version of the Doctor than in others. So when @purofilion says, “The Doctor is always the Doctor”, I think she means that there are certain underlying characteristics that will always be present, if not always as visibly. Hence the discussion in Day of the Doctor about what the name means:  “Never cruel or cowardly”, etc.

    I think that the “change and reinvention” process is generally dictated by the comings and goings of the different actors who have played the Doctor. No question Tennant could have continued in the role had he chosen to do so. I think the arc of his story was taken in a certain direction that suggested the need for renewal because he had decided to leave. And so we got Matt Smith, whose Doctor I personally enjoyed quite a lot. And now we have Peter Capaldi, whose Doctor I think I am enjoying most of all!   🙂



    Seventhwheel @seventhwheel

    What an absolute rubbish episode.
    Third in a row.

    1. Somehow magically we are expected to believe that Clara met the doctor as a child and her grabbing his foot premeditated the myth through the whole of humanity? Even though he’s not human but somehow by osmosis his fear becomes an irrational fear throughout time and space? Weak.

    2. If the fear is nothing at all, what was knocking and pierced the air valve in the future and what was under the sheet? What wrote “Listen”?

    3. How would the doctor (assuming it was him) know what the toy soldier was, where it originated and who to give it to through his 800+ years of travels. How does it get around the rest of the soldier set already being in the boys room and not being a million year old piece of crappy plastic?

    I would have rather had the story about something other than the doctor and his ‘imagination’ and perceived fears.
    It would have been nice to have an aside story where the gallifrean children take time hops into the future and scare people for fun. The hand under the bed is a rite of passage of sorts.
    Or perhaps make the hand under the bed a chameleon creature.
    Or more of the Silence. The hand would be remembered but the sight of them wouldn’t, thus the blanket to hide it’s appearance. A perfect hiding creature.

    The whole barn thing with the ‘wants to be a time lord’ comments? Really?
    If the gallifrean parents have this ‘dad touch’ he wouldn’t be out there in the first place. This is a terrible plot device – hopefully it leads somewhere.

    The Last human in the universe? When the doctors already been to the end of time and met the master and the devolved men?
    End of the earth – nope. He’s been there too.
    The last human? Nope – she’s a skin sketch pad.
    The last plot device to deliver an undecipherable message about fear not being real but then making it real – yep – nail on the head.

    Here’s hoping it improves.


    LordAllons-y @lordallons-y

    Simply put this is my favorite episode of this series so far. I’ll be surprised if it’s beaten for that spot.

    idiotsavon @idiotsavon


    My hugest apologies – I missed your comments upthread. Only just discovered them while having a look back over previous discussions. Glad that we share a dislike of the 10-second scene 🙂

    I’d like fewer big ideas and a slower pace.

    So do you have in mind some episodes, or certain Who eras, that deliver exactly the right balance of pace, excitement, character development, etc. in your opinion? I’m sketchy on BG Who by the way, but here to learn 🙂

    There isn’t conjecture about Mr Small’s hat being linked to the one worn by Mr Strong, sharing as the same colour as they do, and whether the hat is in fact the very same hat, suggesting perhaps that Space and possibly Time have been manipulated; both Mr Men existing within the parameters of their own stories whilst sharing the same universe.

    Now you mention it, it’s obvious!


    Oblique @oblique


    Pace, excitement and character development have changed over the years. What was right then may not work as well now, audience needs are different and we’re all far more sophisticated.

    For all the reasons you mention, why not try…

    The Rescue,The Faceless Ones, Spearhead from Space, The Horror of Fang Rock, The Caves of Androzani, Mindwarp, Ghost Light.


    Oblique x









    Oblique @oblique


    As an adjunct to my last…

    The character arc didn’t really exist, and companions were cipher’s for the delivery of plot exposition. I think Turlough from the Peter Davidson era and Ace from the McCoy era. are examples of more forward thinking writing. Ace is interesting because she’s the forerunner to the post-gap companion. There’s a purpose to the Doctor taking them with him; they have a role to play, or there are things they have yet to discover about themselves and this in turn informs their destiny.

    Oblique X

    Anonymous @

    I really wanted to see what the Doctor looked like as a child in that scene

    plus I was worried that the person in the bed might have been the Master or some enemy luring Clara in.

    But I’m still disappointed that I didn’t see Child Doctor’s face.

    TardisBlueSky @tardisbluesky

    I loved it. But it scared me( not as much as weeping angels though) at the same time. WTF was that under the blanket?

    Davros @davros

    I hope there is some proper explanation for Danny as an adult not remembering meeting The Doctor or Clara as a child.

    ScaryB @scaryb


    That was explained in-episode. When the Doctor does his “dad skills” finger to the forehead thing with young Danny to put him to sleep he mentions to Clara that he’s done a memory wipe as well.  Tho that’s not to say that Danny doesn’t remember anything at all at a subconscious level. His becoming a soldier for example might not have happened if Clara hadn’t used the toy soldiers to guard his bed and given him the example of the soldier who was “so brave he didn’t need a gun”.

    (And who’s to say a traumatic incident – in the next episode or 2 – might not bring his memory back again 😈 Pesky things memories)

    Davros @davros

    Ah yes. Thanks, ScaryB.


    The boy who plays the Doctor is uncredited, I wonder who it was.

    geoffers @geoffers

    @davros – if you can obtain a copy of the leaked black and white (“unfinished”) episodes, in the one for ‘listen’ the digital blurring hasn’t yet been applied, and you can just make out what the boy looks like, as he’s sitting up in the bed. i’ve tried to post pictures before, but don’t know how to make it work (and i’ve got that b&w episode)…

    our benevolent emperor, craig, might have it, too, and maybe could do a screengrab for you? couldn’t hurt to ask…


    ScaryB @scaryb

    @geoffers @davros @craig

    If you do want to post that screengrab of the unblurred young Doctor, can you do it in spoilers please? It’s not something I want to see!


    ScaryB @scaryb

    @davros It was a non speaking role so they don’t have to credit

    Davros @davros

    Not quite a non-speaking role: he says “Hello, who’s there?”

    geoffers @geoffers

    @scaryb – no worries, i would post it in the spoilers thread, if i could. (i put foxes’ “don’t stop me now” in there, because it doesn’t fit anywhere else.) it is surely un-official and spoilery, since the bbc didn’t want it released. but the young man in that scene can’t be made to be quiet forever, can he? even with a non-disclosure type agreement? eventually he will be wanting everyone to know who he is… er, or, Who he Was? LOL

    i volunteered @craig to do the screengrab, because he would know to do the right thing! 🙂

    thommck @thommck

    Just quickly popping back in to let you know my Missy blog post is up on the forum Missy Who?, we can use it as a central place to share our Missy theories before all is revealed!

    CourtK0027 @courtk0027

    There are like a million posts here (well 400 something, but still), so I apologize immensely if this has already been discussed, but…

    OK, ‘time can be re-written’, ‘timey wimey’ blah blah blah, SO…

    At the end, Clara left Danny/ Orson’s toy soldier with the little boy on the bed in the barn.  If the past effects the future:

    1) The Doctor would have recognized the soldier that young Rupert/ Danny Pink had because it was the same toy left with him as a child, crying in his bed by a woman who first terrified him by grabbing his leg from under the bed and then said ‘don’t be scared… this is all just a dream’


    He did recognize it, but pretended not to.


    He didn’t recognize it because the child in the bed wasn’t him… If it wasn’t him, then who was it? And did we just change the future or create it…?

    It could all be nothing, but in the world of Who, hardly anything means nothing…

    Just food for thought 😉

    Anonymous @

    Did anyone find the twist at the end ( that the Doctor is given his moral compass (so to speak) by Clara) really lame and frustrating.

    SonicBilby @sonicbilby

    Listen is an instruction but to whom?

    The audience to Listen to ehat is said

    Clara to Listen to the many characters she interacts with

    The Doctor to Listen to his previous selves who are talking to him so much that all throughout the series he’s saying ‘shut up’ to each of them.

    If you rewatch the episodes before this one the Doctor has moments when his speech and manner changes to reflect previous regenerations. Listen is when he seems to be getting control of it

    elevenisrad @elevenisrad

    Extremely fascinating episode–almost as timey-wimey as Blink. Just question though: in the finale of season 3 for the showdown between The Master and Ten, when The Master used his crazy laser screwdriver thing to turn back the doctor in time, why is it that the older he gets, the less he looks like a human? Why didn’t he turn back into his former selves? Also, if he’s turning the Doctor back to the beginning, why didn’t Ten appear young, as a boy?

    SandShoes @sandshoes

    Just gave this a rewatch, a few quotes stood out, I’m sure at one point Clara says to Danny ‘Say something nice’. Not sure what the relevance of that was / is?  Surely not just a coincidence given its Missys line?


    The Doctor waking up from being knocked out and saying a Sontaran is peversing the course of history. Could that mean Strax is under the blanket?


    The Doctor also says during the end of the universe ‘ Silence at the End of Time’. Is this a clue to how The Master/Missy escaped Galifrey? Did the silence help for some reason?  Would explain why Orson needed to remind himself to not open the door…

    Anonymous @

    Just wondering, if Clara and Danny DO have a child, does that mean Clara’s pregnant right now???

    Anonymous @


    Did you watch this stuff first?

    I kid. 🙂 It’s a good question.

    I think she’s not pregnant. Based on the evidence we see in show. We assume Orson will make some kind of entrance, again. But not necessarily. Could that be a future that never happens? Time can be re-written was always a Moffatism since the 11th Doctor before and on Trenzalore.

    Anonymous @

    @purofilion thanks for replying 😀 and i guess we might find out what happened with Orson, Danny, and Clara. Maybe that would be the reason that Clara leaves? To have a family or something?? idk i’m just guessing :/

    davey25777 @davey25777

    This is my favorite one of series 8 . capaldi is a fine and belivable actor , i hope he makes many more !

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