• blenkinsopthebrave replied to the topic The Winchester

    @janetteb, @winston

    That is very sad news about @ichabod. She had wonderful posts on the site. I confess to being completely unaware of her background, but will definitely search out her published work.

    Vale @ichabod

  • Missy replied to the topic Part 6 – The Vanquishers


    Link worked beautifully.

    Interesting interview – as is usually the case when Mr. M takes the stage. *grins*

    I must say that the facial hair suits him.

    Now to watch Mark Gatiss – lovely man. His “Goodbye darling.” when Una Stubbs died, brought tears to my eyes.


  • @ichabod    Actually, that Q&A that you linked to (featuring the Moff with a minimalist beard) was,  from the context, recorded after the return of Russel  Davies had been announced.   So, quite recently.

  • @ichabod    Yes, the link worked!

    There’s a couple of other Q&A’s with the Moff, one at Oxford Union

    and one with Mark Gatiss at the Cambridge Union

    so I guess I now know where this evening will have gone   🙂

  • Missy replied to the topic Part 6 – The Vanquishers


    I figure if I can hold out for another couple of years, there might actually be something worth watching again called “Doctor Who”.  But I hear that about half the fans seem to be happy with this current stuff, so . . . who knows?  Maybe I’m just too old for this now, never mind for it a couple of years on.

    If only! You are not too o…[Read more]

  • Whisht replied to the topic Part 6 – The Vanquishers

    Well, it’s been a week or so since I saw it and I’ve nothing to add.

    Which is ironic, as it didn’t stop Chibnell adding everything even if it wasn’t that relevant.


    @ichabod – I agree. You said it better than I and have left me smiling ;¬)
    @blenkinsopthebrave – oh, do write a blog if you want, I’ll read it!
    @juniperfish – agree with e…[Read more]

  • @ichabod – your characterisation and frustration did make me smile 🙂

    I do appreciate feeling slightly crazed (as above) by the kitchen-sinkyness of it all. Some of the mystery I liked, however, because the universe is mysterious, after all.

    I mean yes, totally, what was The Grand Serpent’s motivation? He seems to have been a dictator on…[Read more]

  • @ichabod    I do hope you’re wrong.   Part of that video is just the young presenter’s speculation on the news.   Admittedly Sony is a bit ominous, (as would be Disney) – any of these big-bucks US networks wanting to maximise their investment by spreading the ideas thin and substituting CGI flash-crash-bang for any real character-driven action…[Read more]

  • janetteB replied to the topic The Faces of the Doctor (2)

    @Dentarthurdent, @winston and @ichabod. Same problem. We moved here in 1995. (have just finished paying mortgage and now finally own the house outright..). We did have to pack up and move out for a year. That was interesting. The packers had to call in reinforcements. They had never seen so much stuff. We are a family of hoarders, and now we have…[Read more]

  • @ichabod – (I don’t know why but I’m having trouble postuing this. It seems to sink without a trace) – what a coincidence. I’m a born hoarder (I still have a couple of cartons somewhere in a dark cupboard that haven’t been unpacked since we moved in in 1984). Just recently I’ve been making desperate but futile attempts to reclaim some floor space…[Read more]

  • winston replied to the topic The Faces of the Doctor (2)

    @ichabod I am imagining that if my house was bigger on the inside that I would have room for 41 years of stuff. It is not! Maybe the Tardis has a giant storage room and plenty of closet and cupboard space to hide all the things that have accumulated over so many years.  I do not! I can easily imagine how much stuff you have to clear out as I have…[Read more]

  • Missy replied to the topic The Faces of the Doctor (2)


    Only by a year – my dear. *grins*  No, I am single minded  ( or bloody minded) about this, the next Doctor must be a male.

    Always has been and should stay that way. To hell with regeneration excuses.


    From the odd glimpse I’ve had of the Tardis, I couldn’t agree more.  MS and PC had the best Tardis.



  • @ichabod  (I wrote a reply and it sank without trace, try again)    I never did iTunes, but Youtube is marvellous for rediscovering 60s – 80s bands that I could never keep up with before.   For example I just discovered a ton of Mark Knopfler post-Dire Straits.  (Mention of a ‘surfeit’ – I decided to find the best version of his ‘Piper to the En…[Read more]

  • @ichabod

    But, We have already had the best female Doctor ever! With all the aforementioned qualities you just stated.

    It’s Joanna Lumley! She even had the best Sonic Screwdriver ever made by any Gallifreyan.

  • @ichabod    We’ll make a pact then – we’ll survive to see RTD’s new Doctor.    And anyone who breaks it – will never see the next Doctor.   How’s that for an incentive?   😉

    Meanwhile, I can’t help feeling that modern times (particularly with the Internet) are far kinder to lovers of fiction than our young days.   If I miss something the Doctor…[Read more]

  • Wow, this thread is full of – old people! Yet you all seem perfectly normal to me. 🙂 Gives me hope for the future. In case anyone was wondering, I’m 74 and I’ve got used to being prehistoric compared with most people I meet. I can remember steam railway engines that weren’t actually preserved.

    @ichabod, I do agree with you about the Doctor.…[Read more]

  • Missy replied to the topic The Faces of the Doctor (2)


    Hello stranger. Your word ‘wreckage’ is far better than mine.

    Gods, I miss #12 . . . Wit; sorrow; rage; clever quips; and joy.  I refuse to give up without seeing what the promised fresh start will bring, a couple of years (argh!) from now.  Meanwhile, I’m off doing streaming — lotsa good stuff.

    Oh how I agree with you.  By the way, H…[Read more]

  • Mudlark replied to the topic The Faces of the Doctor (2)


    Welcome to the forum, the home of bonkers theories.

    I like your suggestion that the reason the name of a Timelord is not normally revealed is that it can be used to gain access to secret information.  It is reminiscent of the old belief in some cultures that to know a person’s real name was to gain power over them, so that everyone…[Read more]

  • @ichabod A very belated but well deserved wishes on passing your 82nd. May the god above bless you with more and better years to come…

    We all miss 12th. However, you forgot the best stuff about him: attack brows! 😉

  • @ichabod It is great to see you again! Don’t give up. I totally agree with you about the sound. My initial assumption is that my hearing is declining, but then I realize it if there is a problem, it is not mine.

    As for the show, I like to think of it in context. When Troughton took over from Hartnell (I am 69!) my response was “that’s not right!”…[Read more]

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