General Music thread 3

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    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord

    So, I was thinking about Witch songs and, unsurprisingly perhaps, the thought of young women dancing about without their draws on seems somewhat more appealing to musicians than magicians.

    We can’t have seen the last of Missy this Season can we? No. Nay, nay and thrice nay! This is….. the season of the witch!

    (It was laboured intros like this that got me banned from student radio as a DJ you know?)

    …and have a bit of Goth for good measure

    Anonymous @


    Last week I posted some Mompou for your sister. I hope she is indeed improving. I always loved this song. 100s of covers and even Elvis didn’t sing it quite like Willie Nelson.

    I always think of this song when I think of the Whoniverse.

    Kindest, puro

    Meisiluosi @meisiluosi

    <span class=”useratname”>@phaseshift
    Faith No More! Thanks for that vid, good to be reminded of that song. </span>

    Love that track!
    I like old music traditions, both folk and elite ones – and I really enjoy it when they fuse with rock (and metal). I’m especially drawn towards Inner and East Asian, Celtic, and Slavic music.
    You might have heard about Yat-Kha – a Tuvan band that mixes Tuvan traditional instruments and khoomei with rock, metal, punk, funky, jazz – or whatever tickles Albert Kuvezin’s chakras the most at the moment…

    One more recommendation… Dawanggang, Chinese folk fusion band. Formed by a former punker after he’d spent several years travelling around China, learning stuff, getting inspiration & growing wiser.

    As far as China’s concerned, the underground scene there has always been quite strongly connected to the folk and traditional music. PRC only has about 30 years worth of rock/metal, it only began in mid/late-80s there, with guys/bands like Cui Jian and Hei Bao… I might be remembering it wrong but I think that the roots of it all, kind of a “proto-rock” from which the Chinese rock and metal scene has grown, was the ‘northwest wind’ wave – which was very deeply rooted in the folk music of the regions along middle reaches of the Yellow River (mainly Shaanxi, I think…. makes sense; I mean, the Shaanxi variety of Chinese opera is basically metal)…

    The Krynoid Man @thekrynoidman

    With the newest Bond theme having been released (and slated), I felt this was a good opportunity to post a few of my favourites

    Whisht @whisht

    ok – its now too late to post stuff and must listen to some tracks posted (ffs – “witch” is far too sumptuous a temptation!) but may be days before I can post again.

    So just a very quick personal thank you to @meisiluosi for some gorgeous tunes.
    I know nohing about Chinese music but loved what I heard. As you rightly guessed, I love blends of music as they are 1) easier to initially listen to and 2) somehow make me listen to the unblended musics afresh.


    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord

    With dear ol Shirley Bassey getting a callout in Under the lake I suppose I should go for her, but I’ll leave it to someone more familiar with her work.

    I’ve mentioned Bowie on other threads tonight, and have been reading details from the latest Mars analysis. Flowing water and methane spikes in the atmosphere. Could it be..

    The Krynoid Man @thekrynoidman

    @phaseshift love David Bowie

    Whisht @whisht

    So I wrote a brilliantly eloquent, tender, insightful blah blah blah*… post on Dame Shirley Bassey.

    and was actually logged out and lost it all.

    So – now will have to be shorter, less fun and a bit pants to be honest.

    I don’t know much about Bassey apart from the obvious – belting out Bond themes.
    If an actor chews scenery, does a singer chew scores??

    Now, she definitely is a belter of songs, and has been from the start even when being attacked by a Dalek.

    But actually I hadn’t realised what a chanteuse she was – she really tells a story, alternating between belting and caressing.

    I’ll embed this one as its a bit more tender and possibly a closer interpretation to a song rather than (just) Bassey herself enjoying the delivery. Yes, it is that too, but on first listen it did seem she was singing something a little more vulnerable (and what a very final note).

    *actually it was none of those things but you’ll never know how far from that it was.

    Anonymous @


    I agree: I love Ms Bassey.

    She is every bit the chanteuse.

    That ‘tender telling of the story’ blended with booming chest voice and back to light, high, head voice.

    Awesome choice Whisht. The brilliant orchestral twist is in contrary motion when she’s singing the middle eight (technically not a middle 8..but) ..I miss orchestral support in songs these days: the violins here and then the brass in mid to high register….Gorgeous. The minor 2nd drop in the 4th to last bar? Perfect. And bloody hard to do. I take my hat off to her.

    Write it all again. Do it.  Remember that awesome blog last year you did on the development of music thru the ages?


    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord


    Great track. Bowie produced some incredible material in the 70s and early 80s. I’m one of those people who thought he became a little less interesting as he retreated from characters in music and took up acting (which appeared to fill that need thereafter).

    I don’t think we heard back from you on the showing of Tommy you were going to? I was genuinely envious. I think I’ve explained in the past that I love a bit of pinball. I love the showmanship of Elton John in the movie:

    But I still love this version of it by Pete Townsend. Recorded in an appearance at Amnesty’s Secret Policeman’s Ball. A great purchase if you like that eras comedy and music.

    Some great performances on those recordings. It’s worth seeking out. Joan Armatrading solo doing Call Me Names, for instance, I can’t find on YouTube, but it is blistering!

    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord

    @whisht @purofilion

    Dame Shirley is mentioned. In a who episode. We discuss the past to unlock the potential future?

    Well, it’s all a little bit of history repeating…..

    The Krynoid Man @thekrynoidman

    @phaseshift Oh yes the Tommy screening. Obviously the film itself was great (actually seeing it on a big screen made me love it as I had been on the fence about it before) The Q and A with Daltry afterward was also good, he told some interesting stories. Apparently he is absolutely useless at pinball in real life.

    I agree about Bowie also, although I think The Man who Fell to Earth is a brilliant film.

    Anonymous @


    Thank you for that link -This is the perfect example of Bassey’s striking chest voice balanced out with her head voice. Whilst she’s known as a “belter” as @whisht said, in this rendition and in other songs, I actually prefer her “tender,” quieter, high head voice. She had a great range in those early days but mostly her choice, and that of her managers no doubt , was to “belt” away rather than “ballade.”

    What a hoot, the “new” DJs supporting the trend against “the aging corpse of music.” 🙂

    @thekrynoidman  – always love your musical offerings.

    I was talking elsewhere with @jimmythetulip about my love of David Bowie and I agree with @phaseshift that Bowie’s earlier days were amongst his best: “characters in music,” indeed. He was superlative at that. I recall an interview with Parkinson about 9 years ago wherein he described going to a concert where the Rolling Stones were performing and one “old guy” yelled at Jagger, “why don’t you cut your hair?” At which point Jagger responded with a: “What? And look like you?”

    He mimicked Jagger perfectly. His ability to play characters in his glamour rock days was extraordinary.  I remember creeping downstairs one night to the second television ready to turn on the show “Rage” because Bowie was the ‘headline act.’ I inched into the room, turned the volume down on the old telly, gently pressed the ‘on’ button and then suddenly, all the lights came on, and my dad’s voice boomed from behind the door, “bloody well get back to bed, I KNEW you were going to watch this bloody idiot homosexual dressed in girl’s clothes with his stupid dyed hair and makeup!”

    I was forbidden from listening to Bowie until I was about 16! Though I had my ways….


    The Krynoid Man @thekrynoidman

    A very rock-like live version of this overlooked ABBA track.

    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord

    Tracks for Before the Flood? Well, we’re back in the 80s in the episode, and I’m an old goth so I’m going to go to The Sisters of Mercy’s Floodland album and Flood II. It is possibly one of my favourite albums of the late 80s as Andrew ‘I can make my shopping list sound scary’ Eldritch produces something strangely uplifting.

    The Krynoid Man @thekrynoidman

    I think this track has a soothing and yet rather haunting quality, that suits the film it is from

    Whisht @whisht

    Apologies for being absent – no excuses (lets face it – we’re all busy).

    Great choons to listen to (hadn’t heard “history repeating” in decades!) and had thought of this Doctor as ‘The Thin White Doctor’.

    As for Under the lake/ After the flood

    Ghosts by Japan is I guess so obvious no one bothered.

    There again I came up with nothing better so, although this has absolutely nothing to do with the episode at all – apart from a mention of “ghost” (yep – iTunes search) – its kinda lovely.

    and yes, for After the Flood, I struggled to find a tune to sum up “rubbish monster and I’m vaguely dissatisfied”.

    ScaryB @scaryb


    Thanks for the Radiohead link, nice.

    I was browsing through YouTube (as you do 🙂 ) and this jumped out at me –  Scottish indie band Deer Lake, now sadly defunct (or at least “parked”!).  Song’s called Like Ghosts (which seemed at least thematically relevant, and a good excuse to post)


    Whisht @whisht

    So – how about another occasional series of “Music for Monsters”?

    Not a major villain [yep I did that] but here’s one for the Sontarans:

    (though if you want an even bigger nostalgia gulp, here’s a weird video for it from the time)

    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord

    I can’t believe I glossed over the Ghosts idea for the last couple of weeks @whisht and @scaryb

    Love this track. And I’ll give some serious drinking thinking time to the monsters idea @whisht.

    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord

    I really struggled with ideas for this week. Beer helped, because this is a fun romp, and I could tie up this and next week with musical comedy courtesy of the rather excellent Horrible Histories.

    So first we have an exploration of the Vikings..literally!

    And, after a short sketch on Newgate, we go all Adam and the Ants with a look at a rather famous Highwayman. Highly recommended

    ScaryB @scaryb

    As referenced by that very cool baby in The Girl Who Died –

    Stevie Ray Vaughan with Elmore James’ The Sky is Crying (great guitar licks 😉 )

    ScaryB @scaryb

    And thanks to @whisht for the Shirley Bassey round-up. Nothing wrong with a great chanteuse 🙂

    Anonymous @

    I know that the actual words “across the universe” were used in the first episode this season but for other reasons -it being a great song – and that it represents for me Who in general, it deserves a play.


    Anonymous @


    I do love the British way of saying “newgit”? A bit like “Norferk” which Mantel made fun of -or one of her main characters does in Wolf Hall.

    Here, it’s Norfolk-well, OK, the way it’s written with some pronouncing the ‘L’ -this is an odd Brisbane thing. Many years ago, first arriving in this “hell hole” (even Dad, on the promotion trail said “why did I ever accept this job? Everyone’s farkin’ Irish!”) I heard “filim” for ‘film”; “umberrella” for “umbrella” and “chiminey” for “chimney” and of course, ‘port’ for bag which, obviously, is easy to understand/translate.

    So “newgate” would be pronounced as written, “new -gate” -with equal em-farsis on both syllables.

    We love Horrible Histories. Tired teachers everywhere generally stick on a video of some random episode 🙂



    Arbutus @arbutus

    Goodness, there’s a lot for me to get caught up with here! I think a long listening session for me tomorrow, going back several weeks from the look of it.  🙂

    But right now, @purofilion, here’s a track for Boy Ilion. My son was inspired by it after his first round of volleyball tryouts went very poorly, and he told me that he was considering simply not coming back as he didn’t think he would make the team anyway. Then, on his run home, this song came on his iPod, and he said that he decided the song was right and he would try again and simply accept whatever the result was. (Coincidentally, it comes from the EA FIFA 2015 game; my son has a whole playlist of “FIFA music”!) Doesn’t music just make such a big difference in our lives?


    Anonymous @

    @arbutus and Junior Arbutus

    that’s awesome! I shall pass it on to young Ilion directly. Really appreciate those kind words. Really I do. Still, we have after tonight, another 3 weeks to go I think. So it will go on and on.


    Anonymous @


    Naw, I won’t give it to Thane, this is my song now! (4 times now. Whoa!) 🙂

    ichabod @ichabod

    @arbutus  Oh, wonderful!  Thanks!

    Whisht @whisht

    So @Purofilion asked me what I thought of The Doors in relation to Fire in the Water as a lyric.

    Which confused me a bit as I didn’t recognise it as a Doors lyric.
    So – a quick google later and it turns out that it is a lyric by a band called Feist.
    Apparently used in Breaking Dawn, about vampires and immortality and stuff.

    Its new to me (for some reason I’ve not bothered listening to her stuff before):

    For what its worth I was really into the Doors age 18-21 but since then… not so much.
    Not sure why. I guess the tracks I might listen to would be the straight up blues/R&B like LA Woman or Maggie Mcill rather than the more sprawling When the Music’s over or The (ponderous) End.

    Arbutus @arbutus

    Loved all the great retro stuff that has been put up here lately, ghosts, witches, and villains. @purofilion, I loved your story about sneaking in a bit of Bowie (or trying to) and your dad lying in wait for you behind the door!

    @whisht    I am compelled to point out that Feist is not the name of a band, but a person, a Canadian singer-songwriter, Leslie Feist, who usually goes by her last name. I don’t know all her music by a long shot, but she has a lovely haunting voice, I think. I first heard her some years ago at the Folk Festival here, and she has done very well for herself since then.

    And special kudos to @phaseshift for actually finding a Viking song. I’ve seen the Horrible Histories books, but never the video version. Brilliant.  🙂

    Anonymous @


    good grief: I’m silly today: Smoke on the Water -Deep Purple. Where the heck did The Doors come from? And yes, the Twilight vampirey stuff -I looked that up too!

    Smoke =Fire =Purple (the Doctor) The Deep

    That’s my excuse! I shall stick to it.

    Anonymous @


    Arvo Part can bring some settling comfort. I hope it goes some way.

    Kindest and wishes,


    gamergirlavatar @gamergirlavatar

    Most modern music today, I don’t like. Some of it is fine but I really love music from the 80’s and 90’s. I prefer bands such as Dio and Iron Maiden. Classic rock and heavy medal are the best. However, I do listen to anything that John Barrowman sings.

    The Krynoid Man @thekrynoidman

    As it’s Back to the Future day

    Anonymous @


    Anonymous @

    @ichabod the above song to you from me on your birthday. It’s performed a lot -but I think that’s because it’s so poignant, beautifully sung, and very gentle too.

    Warm wishes our dear ichi


    ichabod @ichabod

    @purofilion  Ah, wonderful music!  Thanks again.

    Whisht @whisht

    It seems this is the 12″ version – but it was the best audio version I could find.

    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord

    As ZZ Top got a name check in The Girl Who Died, and did a cameo in Back to the Future 3 (along with the theme song, Doubleback) a song from them.

    No matter how much alien tech they contained, the sonic sunglasses are surely a boon to the cosplayer because they look like…

    The Krynoid Man @thekrynoidman

    Now those of you here that are a similar age to myself (if there are any) will probably remember this from their childhood.

    You can just tell the video was made 11 years ago can’t you?

    Whisht @whisht

    Got a few tracks still to listen to (and gonna enjoy Cheap Sunglasses again!).

    Here’s a song for a companion one for Ashildr:

    (not saying its a totally right fit for her, but the the idea of “bad luck” and some electric geetar… seemed like fun!)

    Whisht @whisht

    @purofilion – here’s a curio:

    The Parting Glass sung by Ronnie Drew (Dubliners) from…. the hangman’s platform!

    Nice bit of gallows humour too!


    Anonymous @



    (an Oz word) awesome, thanks muchly

    Anonymous @

    @whisht @phaseshift @thekrynoidman @meisiluosi

    I have to thank you for all these fantastic toons. Particularly the Chinese rock and metal knowledge Mr Meis which I never knew anything about -at all! So thanks for that.

    Back to the music. Cheers!


    Arbutus @arbutus

    Some great music up here as always! Thanks to all for the mainstream, the quirky, the familiar, and the new!

    @thekrynoidman     If you’d played me that Drake Bell song without the video and told me it was recorded in around 1979, I would have believed you. A very classic pop sound.

    Here’s my favourite song today!

    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    As you fortunate people in the UK have the opportunity to view the latest 007 movie, I thought it appropriate to listen to the very best James Bond soundtrack (albeit, in the the movie with the most rubbish Bond). Here is a brilliant orchestral cover version

    Anonymous @


    thank you! Absolutely brilliant. Without showing off too much, in Oz we had access to this score (don’t ask us how much it cost to purchase and even obtain the rights to perform it -but it was free to watch therefore the perfomanace rights were less). And it was fantastic. We had not one but two rows of ripping brass and the percussion section -some of it at least, had to be up top in the choir stalls with the organ manager holding the chairs upright so the marimbas and glocks could stand up without being tossed over the edge -it was as thrilling as a Bond film. But yes, the crappest Bond (but then I do like my Bond and the latest with young Freddie (from The Hour) playing q)

    Anonymous @


    Q played by Ben Whishaw who I think did a great job (in his PJs) as the new and curly haired Q -great job for him with years to go, hopefully. Not as if he’s on screen that much -and that’s kind of a shame. I remember a time when the odds were on Whishaw as Doctor Who -about 2 months before the formal announcement. Whilst a remarkable young actor, people cringed because it was a time for an older Doctor again. And of course, they picked a wonderful wise actor. A Who fan himself.

    Whisht @whisht

    oops – nearly forgot it was halloween!

    So we need some scary music!

    I found this version of a song I’m sure we’ve done before, and I think that its from the same TV show that gives us the second choon which is…… barmy.


    so this isn’t necessarily scary but…… its Bongwater

    Its a really dull interview with Sanborn for 2 mins and then… Screaming Jay Hawkins!!!
    and then Bongwater!!

    Honestly you should listen to and wade through the boring interview to ‘get’ how weird the music following it is – it makes Jools Holand tame.


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