On the sofa

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This topic contains 1,040 replies, has 63 voices, and was last updated by  g33kboi 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    Juniperfish @juniperfish

    @Blenkindopthebrave <waves> How nice to “see” you – on another “drink the Quantas club lounge dry” world tour eh?

    @bluesqueakpip has performed some very nice numerology over on The Guardian for @scaryb linking 25th November 1974 , the date mentioned in this week’s episode, to the Kennedy assassination by explaining that this is Clara’s fourth outing with the Doctor and 22nd November 1974 (four days earlier) is eleven years after the Kennedy assassination. Good huh?

    Did I get that right @bluesqueakpip ?

    It also suggests a close link between Clara and the Doctor too, whether that be Clara-as-future-Doctor or Clara-as-grand-daughter or great-grandaughter etc. !

    So, chin up, your Kennedy theory could still be a winner…

    Juniperfish @juniperfish

    @chickenelly what do you mean, still “clinging on” to the bow-ties theory 🙂 <glares glassily out of fishy dalekising eye-stalk>


    chickenelly @chickenelly


    what do you mean, still “clinging on” to the bow-ties theory :-) <glares glassily out of fishy dalekising eye-stalk>

    Well it has been three series now… *ducks down and hides behind sofa*

    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord

    Morning all. Welcome @branfish (I knew we’d get you eventually). Great to see our “international man of mystery” @blenkinsopthebrave back as well! @whohar will be pleased. He’s looking to boost the overnight shift if you have the time in your schedule. Enjoy the free drinks!

    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord

    I can’t help but think that Dan is being delightfully playful with his innocent “what’s all this about then” on the front page to allow us to post more links.

    I took the opportunity to post on his reply to my first page post:

    @Daniel Martin –

    Yes Dan, a small start-up forum that some of your devotees started after “The Snowmen” blog ended to continue the conversation and resist the nesting consciousness.

    A friendly place for the genuine Doctor Who Enthusiast to gather. The Doctor Who Forum operates a “Bring your own bottle and bonkers theory to the party” Policy.

    That’s The Doctor Who Forum. Your one-stop shop to fulfil all your requirements for Bonkers Who theories.

    I’d just like to apologise to @bluesqueakpip for not attributing the “nesting consciousness” joke to him in that post (I did mean to add it but forgot before pressing submit), and thank @danmartin (if indeed, it is he) for allowing me time for some shameless promotion.

    Juniperfish @juniperfish

    @phaseshift well done 🙂 I really do like the idea of our site and Dan’s blog as mirror universes with a watery portal in between. Seems timey-wimeily [magically even – to continue a debate :-)] appropriate. The Who text bleeding out into the Whoniverse and seeding new little mirror universes as it goes…

    @blenkinsopthebrave there was a typo in your name in my post upstream and I wanted to make sure you got an e-mail alert so you’d see there is numerological hope for your Kennedy fourth wall theory still!

    ScaryB @scaryb


    our site and Dan’s blog as mirror universes with a watery portal in between


    Hmm… just struck me though – watery portal – is it all a big fishy conspiracy…?!


    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord

    Owwwwhhh! Our counter has reached 100 members (sorry only a virtual “Well Done” as prize for our 100th member). Welcome new people. I recognised @galactus from the blogs of course and saw @arkleseizure who I recognise not only from the new Who blogs but also Dan’s retrospectives. Just jump in when you are comfortable.

    @juniperfish – a very good way of putting it. 😉

    Anonymous @

    ‘Watery portal’ – I’m pondering here.

    It’s springtime (barely) and narcissi i.e. daffodils are slowly making their way out of their green shoots.  These flowers are named for the god who loved looking at himself, and usually are found on river banks drooping over the water.

    Not ‘fishy’ then;  just a natural human instinct to look at oneself in any reflective surface.  Of course, the Doctor isn’t human, but it’s been well-established that he is quite vain.  And watery portals to other worlds are well-established not just in the Whoniverse but obviously in humankind as well.

    And that daffodil flower can look, at the right angle, suspiciously like a Dalek eye-stalk …  🙂

    wolfweed @wolfweed


    Nice that you’ve returned from the Bubble Universe. We kept you a place on the sofa with a card marked ‘reserved’ in Gallifreyan.

    Juniperfish @juniperfish

    OMG @Shazzbot – I am just about to go out for an evening stroll and now you have made me frightened of daffodils 🙂

    Arkleseizure @arkleseizure

    Hi everyone, it’s good to be here! The cropping on the avatar was something I couldn’t quite get right so there’s a bit less of the Little Green Man here than at the Grauniad. Anyway, I will share my barking mad ideas with you just as soon as I have any.

    Juniperfish @juniperfish

    @scaryb you bad, bad person – you have given me serious attack of the Sunday giggles via your post over on The Guardian – fish biscuits indeed – you know whereof I speak 🙂

    @arkleseizure Welcome to the sofa!

    ScaryB @scaryb

    @juniperfish – My pleasure (heh-heh-heh).  Feel free to pass them round 😉 (And watch out for the daffies – remember the Autons)

    Anonymous @

    @Arkleseizure – Hello!  I’m sadly lacking in bonkers theories myself but remain thoroughly entertained and intrigued by said theories on this site.

    I used to be frustrated by the depth of knowledge about the classic series shown by almost everyone and used to wonder ‘can I ever enjoy this programme without the vast database of facts / past episodes that everyone else has?’  The answer is unequivocably, YES!  That shiver of delight that others get when seeing a reflection of Doctor Who history in a current episode is something I don’t immediately feel upon initial viewing, but a dip into the waters here gives me an echo of that same shiver.

    As a committed bonkers-theory afficianado, I beg you, please bring yours on!

    Miapatrick @miapatrick

    Hi everyone- and welcome to all the new members, it’s lovely to see this forum take off like this.

    Been trying not to spend too much time here and on the thread because I have an exam this afternoon. (Shame one of the topics isn’t DW…) But I have been dipping in on, ahem, ‘breaks’.

    (Wish I had a time machine right know, though it would be what my father used to call a horrendous abuse of technology.)

    badwolf99 @badwolf99

    ok I felt forced after all these theories to add this. Central theme,imo, is Clara herself and her rather subtle, yet amazing ablity, to write history as she wonts to. In each episode (except 1 I think) she has done something immensely powerfull that the doctor has witnessed. Tap into the Daleks programming and rewrite, check, cause a being of immense power to fill up on her future possibilities, check , sing a song to quell the bloodlust of the icewarriors ( and save the earth) check, fly the tardis into a pocket universe (when the doctor said it couldnt be done) check, cry tears that defeats the Great I, check. She did these things with no effort, immense power.

    When the Doctor says, (Im the doctor and Im afraid) hes talking about Clara. He senses she is taking action yet again. The monster/sideshow was likely a test to see her power again. He fears her power to simply decide the outcome of time/events something he doesnt even have. How can a human do this? Of course she could be an immense crafted weapen. She could decide he shouldnt exist. She seems to be able to create any outcome she wonts. She also seems to slowly becoming aware (but not yet) of her abilities. The doctor is trying to guide her, make her aware of the importance and implications of these choices and decisions and at the same time he really wonts to find out where this power is coming from. He also fears her full awareness (lets say growing up). Thus the cat-and-mouse games, he has to be very carefull not to anger but at the same time get infomation and be carefull what he reveals to her. Remember this validation she seeks, and how eager to please, and he had to say (You did great). She is getting an education, quickly, and the Doctor is afraid of her growing abilities and what she might become. There are few, maybe none he has encountered that has that much power, Amy had a instance of it (because of the crack in time) Clara is a walking time-writing typewriter as it were and the Doctor doesnt know how to stop it, so in effect he is keeping her busy and trying to see what she does with it

    badwolf99 @badwolf99

    I will add that I think maybe, because she has this unique ability, that the ability itself brings her back into existence,  its like a ongoing  paradox,  where as,   because she changes and shapes time , its impossible for the universe to not to have her around to change and shape time because they depend on each other, but that is more of a guess.

    badwolf99 @badwolf99

    Maybe, If so she is a very unique paradox. Im thinking of Capt. Jack being a fixed point in time, and so, he couldnt die. She may be many fixed points (a nexus as it were) with the added ability that she can determine the outcome of each timeline, which she has, often in a way that ignores normal limits of time and space, seemingly like magic. The doctor thinks, paradoxes usually fix themselves, but hes never seen a (blackhole) type like this one. Each time she appears she alters/rewrites time, understandably the tardis would be afraid of containing that :) And even her traveling in the tardis will create problems. Well this is guessing at this point but her abililties to create outcomes beyond normal reality is real and proven several times :)

    Added as a reply on another thread of interest here also.

    thommck @thommck

    Just popped in to share my excitement that I won Doctor Who Series 7 Part 2 (on Blu-Ray) with FREE Exclusive Art Cards from http://www.doctorwhonews.net/ it even includes the Christmas special. So if we need any HD screenshots after may I’m your man 🙂

    @craig I’ll remove the link if you don’t like it

    Lula @lula

    Didn’t know where to put this, so it’s going on the sofa–it is sofa-y speculating, if you will.

    Last night my daughter was watching The Big Bang on our DVR, and it was apparently recorded back in the fall, when BBC America ran endless promos for the first part of S7.  Each of the promos* began with a voice over (the announcer for BBC America is much loved by Americans, but I think his accent sounds totally fake!) which declared, “Every story has a beginning, a middle, and an end…but not always in that order.”

    I wasn’t paying too much attention to the episode as my daughter watched, but when the Doctor tells Amy, “If something can be remembered, it can be brought back,” I started watching along with her, because it immediately made me think of Clara’s, “Run you clever boy, and remember…”

    In The Big Bang, the Tardis is exploding–and the Tardis seals off the control room and puts River in a time loop to keep her safe–the Doctor says, “River is at the heart of the explosion.”  In the final moments of the episode, the Doctor tells Rory and Amy, “The Tardis exploded for a reason…” He also mentions the Silence at this point.  Correct me if I’m wrong, but we’ve never been given a reason for the Tardis’ explosion.


    *”If something can be remembered, it can be brought back.”–The Doctor

    *”Run you clever boy, and remember…”–Clara

    Every story has a beginning, a middle, and an end, but not always in that order.  Maybe that wasn’t meant to describe the Ponds’ story.  Maybe it’s the Doctor’s entire arc these past 3 series.  And also–Clara’s–because I’m convinced we’re seeing her story out of order. (As Emma says in Hide, she’s a normal girl.  That’s current Clara.  Obviously, Victorian and Dalek Clara are something else entirely.)  There’s also been the theme of memories, love, and “blood calling out to blood,” this season.  I won’t even go down the rabbit hole of speculating about Clara being related to the Doctor (and possibly River, too), but these are things that stuck out to me last night while watching an episode of Who that’s almost 3 years old.

    We know that River is the “child of the Tardis,” and those two have a special relationship, for lack of a better description.  We also know that River, like the Doctor, lies–she’s a secret keeper.  I won’t even begin to guess what secret(s) she’ll reveal in The Name of the Doctor, but it’s likely something big.  And it may very well have to do with the identity of Clara and with her (River) time in an exploding Tardis.

    Just some random musings I’m having today.  This show is so much fun!


    * Here’s said promo, for those interested:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNHEEZ_I74U

    elwingt @elwingt

    Hello. I’ve been lurking around the Guardian blog comments since the last series and just wanted to pop in and say hi!

    You guys are not only really dedicated fans, but take so much joy in the show that it’s just a lot of fun to read.

    I haven’t seen any Classic Who, so my perspective is all Nu-Who, but I do love it so!

    Anyway hi from Atlanta, GA! I’ll be lurking here too, and hopefully speaking up a bit now and then. Especially to declare my undying love for Rory and my fascination with Clara.



    Anonymous @

    @elwingt – Hello to another of our US contingent!  I’m the same as you – I know only nu-Who; but so many on this site are amazingly knowledgeable about Classic Who so there is much to learn.

    But honestly, Rory?  I know there’s a huge fanbase out there for that character, but I felt a large helping of contempt for him.  His puppy-dog eyes following Amy (eeurrgh), his submissiveness to all of her put-downs, his Kenny-ish dying in every other episode.  I had such a girl-crush on the Amy character in her first 3 episodes but her nastiness toward Rory – and his unquestioning acceptance of all of it – curdled any good feeling toward her character or his.

    There’s being massively in love with someone in the romatic-books model of such love, and then there’s Rory.  Honestly, I wanted him to call a hotline for abused partners.

    Juniperfish @juniperfish

    @craig Welcome back! “Novels to read” Lol

    @lula Yes I am convinced Moffat has written an arc which spans all the seasons since he started as showrunner.

    For a start the Big Bang happens in the middle of the run of episodes from Eleventh Hour to the Wedding of River Song – a TARDIS which looks as if it might explode at the start, a TARDIS which does explode in the middle but which the Doc reboots to create the universe anew, and a collapsing universe at the “end” (thanks to River’s attempt to avoid the “fixed point” of the Doctor’s birth). What if the Doctor’s unstable TARDIS in the Eleventh Hour is the result of a collision with the TARDIS from the Big Bang time-point? 

    Then  we have a universe expanding out from the big bang explosion into the story in some directions and a universe contracting as time collapses in the other, which means the red and blue bow-ties really can be seen to symbolise red and blue shifts – a cycle of death and re-birth which is now being repeated on a yet grander scale it would seem in terms of the Doctor and his origins and, I think, the origins of the Time Lords too. 

    @craig – Maybe we need the General Season 7 speculation thread open again? This feels a bit hardcore for the sofa!

    @elwingt Welcome – I like the cats-eye avatar. Whovians across several continents reside here. Yes I grew very fond of Rory – Arthur really imbued him with charming character. Join in!

    Bluesqueakpip @bluesqueakpip

    That’s weird. They’ve just closed the Guardian blog – when people were still talking.

    Craig @craig

    @juniperfish I agree. The sofa was not planned as a place for speculation, it’s a place for general chat. I like that each episode provokes new theories but I think it’d be best to keep discussions in as few places as possible (although I’m open to challenge on that). I’d rather people post their theories in the episode threads rather than On The Sofa, which I hoped would be for more general non-Doctor chat.

    I would have thought that “General Season 7 speculation” could take place on the episode threads. I can’t see a reason, now episodes have started, for splitting things between episodes and seasons. Each new Season 7 episode begets new Season 7 theories.

    I don’t mean to be belligerent, and I really don’t want to offend anyone posting speculation here. I liked The Guardian threads where each episode would provoke new ideas, and we have kind-of got the same vibe here. New episode, everyone moves to the new thread.

    It’s a balancing act. @blenkinsopthebrave seemed to be getting fed up that we had too many threads (I actually thought we’d scared him off, so good to have him back), other people wanted more threads. It’s hard to please everybody!

    So I’m reluctant to add more threads at the mo, but am open to argument.

    Craig @craig

    @bluesqueakpip On Tuesday? Somebody say something?

    Juniperfish @juniperfish

    Hey @craig – No that’s cool – let’s just gently direct general speculation on Season 7 direction to the current episode thread in that case, to leave more room for tea and toasted crumpets here!

    By all means move @lula ‘s post and my reply to the Hide thread…

    @bluesqueakpip That is odd – perhaps the point of the nesting consciousness is to reduce the number of posts on The Graun? Doesn’t make sense in terms of advertising hit rates tho’, so who knows. Shame, as I kinda like having the portal open between the two universes. Is it Saturday yet? 🙂

    Lula @lula

    @Craig–sorry, I started the speculation here.  But it’s not a spoiler, and not directly related to a previously aired episode from the second half of S7, so…I took a guess at where to post.  I also have never commented on The Guardian because some of those people (none of whom I’ve seen here, let me be add) frighten me. There. I said it.

    Again, I apologize.

    Anonymous @

    @craig – it’s the age-old problem of the database-inclined (or for the accountants out there, the spreadsheet-inclined) – how to organise your data?  In your case, how to organise your commenters and their comments.

    I’ve posted things on the ‘Hide’ thread that really should have been placed elsewhere as my comments’ topics bore no relation to the latest episode – but, they followed on from previous people’s comments on that thread (even though rambling far off-topic).

    I even thought whilst I was doing that, that I should really be posting in a general blog and anyone else could follow by seeing the ‘Recent Posts’ column, and of course, by responding to messages they’d received when @’d.

    Maybe that’s the solution?  Encourage use of the ‘Recent Posts’ column as opposed to bookmarking a particular thread?  But where is the line crossed – a ‘Hide’ theory might branch out into other non-episode-specific areas, which might then loop back timily-wimily to ‘Hide’ or indeed to previous episodes.

    Organising human conversation is beyond herding cats.  It’s the ultimate fail, because it’s more impossible than learning the Doctor’s name.

    Anonymous @

    It’s definitely a balancing act and I don’t think anyone should get too upset if they post in slightly the wrong place but I think @craig‘s probably right in that the current episode thread is the best place to continue any S7 speculation — it’s all part of the same thing now, after all. I think re-activating the general s7 thread might fragment lines of thought a bit too much…

    elwingt @elwingt

    @Shazzbot – It’s always great to find fellow US fans! I’ve been learning quite a bit about Classic Who through just reading these guy’s comments on the Guardian blog and some trips to the TARDIS wiki.

    About Rory, I think I have a case of mixing my Arthur/Rory feelings a bit. I like the character’s basic qualities of loyalty and doggedness. And he can be bad-ass too! I think I felt a twinge of pain each time he died! Even though I knew it was almost definitely temporary.

    I do think he takes a lot of crap from Amy, but her crap is mostly superficial and I think the show did a pretty good job of letting us know how deep the feelings really run on both sides (I like the whole joshing, snarky vibe a bit better than a lovey-dovey vibe anyway). Also, have you seen running Rory!!? Those flailing arms are precious!

    @juniperfish– That’s my cat in the avatar! Her name is Bo. And she owns me. Btw, just wanted to mention that your bowtie theory is my favorite! I really wish Moffat actually would let something that clever and complex play out. It’s a pleasure to cogitate on such theories!

    Juniperfish @juniperfish

    @craig and everyone else – basically it’s brilliant here, and any paradoxes will work themselves out eventually 🙂

    Right – feet up and a drinkie on here – over to the Hide thread for speculation

    @lula awww that it was scary over on The Graun. We are all cuddly here 🙂

    Bluesqueakpip @bluesqueakpip

    Yes, on reflection I suppose our speculation about S7 is bound to change and alter as the episodes progress. For example, the mad speculation on the meaning of the leaf had a solution in the very next episode.

    So keeping our speculation in each episode forum is probably the right way to keep it in historical context, as it were. After all, most of us have come here from the Guardian episode blog, so as long as we all keep in mind that the place for current speculation is the current episode – it should be fine.

    Craig @craig

    @juniperfish @lula @Shazzbot etc. I want to run this forum kinda freefrom, just to see how it goes. And no one needs to apologise for posting in the wrong place (there’s no such thing). I’ve said before, this is YOUR forum not mine. One of the badwolfs double-posted on Monday in both this forum and the Hide forum and I couldn’t be bothered to delete his/her duplicate posts (haven’t deleted anybody’s yet except for obvious spammers posting links to Beats by Dre – what is it about those headphones?).

    I’m not even that bothered about moving posts. The one thing I’m not keen on doing is starting too many forums. It may just be a foible of mine, but I think/hope that conversation will be better when it’s concentrated on a few forums that everyone can concentrate on.

    But I’m willing to be argued with 😀

    Anonymous @

    @Shazzbot and @elwingt — I don’t think Amy was abusive. She was just Scottish. By and large that is who we woo each other…

    Juniperfish @juniperfish

    Just nice to have our webmaster back @craig ! See you in the DJ-ing corner when you’re in the mood again. That old skool snare drum dance track really got me smiling over some old times. Right – I actually have to go do some work – boo!

    chickenelly @chickenelly

    Re: early closure of the Grauniad thread

    That is odd, as @phaseshift posted over there on another Who thread, the commenting periods are getting shorter and shorter.  It’s almost as if we’ve got a mole working there who closes down stuff early in order to boost numbers here…

    If you’ve got the Google Chrome fix and arrange the thread by timestamp, the penultimate comment is from @juniperfish giving a link to our lovely new home *he he*.

    Juniperfish @juniperfish

    Oh and @elwingt All devotees of the multiplying bow-tie theories gratifyingly welcome 🙂 Spotty bow-tie, spotty Doctor being the current one I’m inordinately pleased with Oh, errr hang on, you’re a cat. This is all a cunning plan to get me to rise to the surface of the pond and foolishly bask isn’t it…

    @chickenelly 🙂

    elwingt @elwingt

    @jimthefish  and @Shazzbot – I  think I know what you mean. My community from India is well known for expressing love by stringing together insults that are thinly veiled endearments. I think the Scots and us have that in common.

    elwingt @elwingt

    @juniperfish – Damn! Foiled! 🙂


    Anonymous @

    @elwingt – sorry, I’m not in the US.  I’m a paid-up British citizen now (or, ‘subject’;  ooh, let’s start THAT old argument again 😉 ).

    But @craig ‘s lovely site has commandeered followers from the US, the Antipodes, and beyond, so I’m happy to see people from all over this planet congregating here to discuss one of the most interesting, complex, detailed, pop-culture and self-history referencing, and just plain Entertaining programmes ever!

    But now that we’re cosily esconsed on the sofa here (and can I get you a cup of tea?  Milk not lemon, natch!), can I express my sorrow at the human condition which reverts to “stringing together insults that are thinly veiled endearments” ? When I was a child – besides needing therapy to get over that ghostly hand-holding in Shirley Jackson’s book (see the ‘Hide’ thread for more on that) – I longed to be an adult so I wouldn’t have to punch someone in the arm or come up with a seethingly cutting remark to show them that I liked them.

    Now that I am an adult, I find myself in a so-called first-world democracy the government of which brays at each other in Parliament like baboons (sorry for the insult to baboons), and in a so-called adult world where people think making cutting remarks is a sign of affection.  {sigh}

    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord

    Goog Evening/Morning/Afternoon/Elevenses/Tiffin (Gosh – the demands of an international group :-))

    @thommck – Congratulations on your prize!

    @elwingt – welcome. Could I ask you or @lula something if you watch on BBC America?

    I was led to believe the Amy years saw a short spoken intro by Amy to each episode (once upon a time I had an imaginary friend, etc). Have they replaced that with something similar for Clara? I meant to ask a while ago, but forgot.

    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord

    @bluesqueakpip, @chickenelly & @craig

    Yes, that’s weird. So glad we did this (all thanks really to @craig). I don’t think the G is a particularly happy ship since the redundancies (at Christmas – I ask you). The opening times for articles are all over the place.

    But I can’t help thinking @danmartin was very helpful on that last blog with his questions about “the other place”. Maybe he knew something? I don’t know. Many thanks to him though.

    I can still remember the frustration when the end of series blog finished early, and a lot of us ended invading the Red Dwarf thread! 🙂 At least we don’t have to resort to that kind of thing in the future.

    ScaryB @scaryb

    <Jumps on the sofa with a bottle of red. Anyone…?>

    @craig – haha – it’s your forum too, no getting out of it that easily! I’d tend to agree re letting series 7 speculation evolve on the current episode thread.  It’s surprising where it springs off to sometimes, but it usually curves back, and it’s handy being able ot scroll up. Otherwise it’s like nesting but in different trees.

    Graun closed? They did that a week or 2 back with the Daleks one (I think, one of the old ones anyway) @phaseshift complained and got  apology and promise to reopen from a mod, but I don’t think they did. The classic Who threads tend to be more peaceful, but quieter, on the whole (interesting). I think An Unearthly Child is still open, but don’t think any posts on it for ages.  They need to rethink the format if they want to keep one open, as people naturally gravitate to the new one. Maybe they should check out ours  🙂


    ScaryB @scaryb

    Meows to @elwingt

    Just keep your eyes off the fishes 😉

    Whisht @whisht

    enjoying this!


    and agree as to following the bonkersness in as few places as possible (I use the Recent Posts on the right but have missed stuff when we’ve been particularly active on multiple threads!)

    oh, and @craig, you’re absolutely right to [cough] desire lines [cough] start delineating paths when you see them.


    ScaryB @scaryb


    I can still remember the frustration when the end of series blog finished early, and a lot of us ended invading the Red Dwarf thread!

    Mwahahahahaha! I missed that. Bet that caused a few ructions.

    <rolls off the sofa, laughing. Oops>

    ScaryB @scaryb

    @jimthefish @lula

    Good job the Moff’s Scottish or he might be accused of being racist rather than realist! Amy’s courting techniques and Palmer’s emotional entropy – if they’re typical, it’s no wonder the women are so determined – they have to be! 😉 Rory had a (honorary) Scottish soul and understood!  (And he was plastic for 2,000 years which makes him technically older than the Dr, so nae messin wi Mr Pond, right?!!)

    PhaseShift @phaseshift
    Time Lord

    @scaryb – We were really polite! Honest!!

    Well, except for all the complaining about the blog closing early. 😳

    I shall see you all tomorrow – sorry for the flying visit.

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