Website comments (2)

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This topic contains 727 replies, has 86 voices, and was last updated by  Dentarthurdent 4 months ago.

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  • #71789
    Dentarthurdent @dentarthurdent

    @janetteb  @craig    … and he’s spammed garbage and links all over the site.   On the Sofa, for starters, but a whole lot of others too.   Craig, please can you nuke him from orbit, terminate him with extreme prejudice, yadda yadda.   I don’t know if you have an easy way to track every post he’s made, if not I’ll volunteer to trawl the site and list every forum he’s dumped in for your convenience, just say the word.

    Dentarthurdent @dentarthurdent

    @craig   Also,  Quatermass and the Pit Part 1 – the last post is a big spam.   Hope us users aren’t nagging you too much   🙂

    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    @craig, @phaseshift, @jimthefish Am contacting you all in your respective capacities as Emperor and Time Lords of the site about the current spammer who is flooding the site.

    As the spammer’s posts are still on the site, it occurred to me that @craig might not be around at the moment. Hence this call to the collective powers of our resident Time Lords.


    syzygy @thane16


    I tried to contact Craig couple weeks ago via email about passwords etc aaand no reply.

    point is, I hope he’s OK.

    So, Forum be rocking! 😉


    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave


    Hi Puro, yes I too was wondering about Craig.

    I have to ask…surely Thane can’t still be 16…

    syzygy @thane16

    Indeed in the timey world he be 16…

    In the chronological, non inverted anti-entropy world, he’s 19

    syzygy @thane16

    The inverted concept comes from a film on Netflix, a Christopher Nolan movie, Tenet, which was pretty awful.

    I love timey whimey worlds,  cleverness and complexity as much as the next person, but if the characters seem cold and …dead, I can’t relate.😁

    janetteB @janetteb

    @thane16 Hi. Lovely to hear from you again.  I have been worried about you too. Hope all is well with you.

    I am also concerned about Craig. Hopefully he is just caught up with R.L



    Dentarthurdent @dentarthurdent

    @craig    Minor website matter – in Dr Who News on 24th June, ‘osdffdsfg’ or somesuch posted a mountain of rubbish with several commercial links in it.   May I suggest respectfully nuking it from orbit?  And maybe banning Mr alphabet soup.

    Craig @craig

    Hi all,

    I’m very sorry I have been AFK (away from keyboard) for a while. You know, life stuff…

    But I just wanted to let you know that I will be back on Sunday for the start of the new season. I have a busy weekend but I hope to be back at keyboard around 5:00pm. Which should give me plenty of time to get a thread opened.

    Later. I will also delete all the spam that’s been posted while I was gone and also create a new pub. And anything else I spot that needs doing.

    Thanks for your patience and thanks for sticking with the site.

    Love to you all.

    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    @craig, Welcome back! Was starting to think you had been abducted and imprisoned by the Judoon. (Maybe you had, but managed to escape!)

    janetteB @janetteb

    @craig welcome back. Hope all is well with you.



    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave

    @craig There is a new post on the BBC spoilers page which I think should be moved to the actual Spoilers page.


    nerys @nerys

    Cleanup in Aisle 9 … er, Faces of the Doctor (2):



    buying “something or other” online

    Devilishrobby @devilishrobby

    @craig I think we may have a bigoted troll posting  calling him/herself anonymous posted on 3/1/22 at 01:10 on the Eve of the daleks thread the comment is both racist and homophobic in nature and under the sites rules needs to be removed and the poster possibly banned

    blenkinsopthebrave @blenkinsopthebrave


    Just supporting what @devilishrobby said.

    Miapatrick @miapatrick

    @devilishrobby though I’ve noticed they seem to have changed their comment to the more innocuous but deeply ironic given the nature of their original complaint ‘role on Russel’. A switch so provocative it definitely seems to confirm troll.

    Devilishrobby @devilishrobby

    @craig are we allowed to “sell” stuff on this site if not need to report entry on who news 4

    Craig @craig

    @devilishrobby I’m kinda thinking I’ll let it go, just cos the way it was phrased. I mean, it might be something people might be interested in.

    If people start commercial advertising on the site then that will be a different matter as I have always promised there will be no advertising on this site.

    But thank you for for letting me know. I’ve been a bit too busy to keep an eye on the site recently.

    Bean-Powered @bean-powered

    A present Doctor should run into Adric.

    Matthew Waterhouse.

    Tegan and Nyssa.

    Borrowed the TARDIS.

    Saved Adric.

    Dropped him off on Earth.


    Bean-Powered @bean-powered

    Is there a bathroom in the TARDIS?

    If not maybe introduce it.

    User stuck in it for a whole episode?

    Anonymous @

    There could be a bathroom in the TARDIS.


    Dentarthurdent @dentarthurdent

    Almost certainly a bathroom.   The Tardis creates rooms as necessary, after all.

    If you want an explicit text reference, there’s  ‘Clara and the Tardis’, a bonus ‘minisode’ on the Season 8(?) DVD box set:

    Clara:  I know what just happened. I went to the bathroom…thank you for the hologram leopard, by the way, an unexpected pleasure…and my bedroom was completely missing!


    CedarBranchTardis @cedarbranchtardis

    I believe the TARDIS is just like Snoopy’s doghouse, it has an indoor pool, right?

    Missy @missy

    Yes there is a bathroom.

    If you watch The Pilot, Bill needs the toilet and Nadole suggests that she  waits a bit.


    Bean-Powered @bean-powered

    The Doctor and his companion(s)

    are at the comsole-

    The song-

    “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree

    With Anyone Else But Me” starts

    Playing. The Apples in the TARDIS Orchard are


    TIME to abduct Martha Stewart.

    Get her to make some Apple Pies?



    Craig @craig

    @bean-powered @missy @cedarbranchtardis @dentarthurdent @albert

    Can I just remind you and everyone else that this topic is just for comments about the website, if you spot any problems. And to alert me to spammers etc. It is not for Doctor Who chat.

    If you have random Doctor Who chat please post On The Sofa.


    nerys @nerys

    Thank you for the reminder, @craig. I received a couple of spammy messages, but those were easily deleted and have not recurred. Whether that is due to action on your part or inattentiveness from the spammer, I don’t know, but either way it’s resolved.

    I also want to echo the sentiments @blenkinsopthebrave posted in the latest episode thread. Craig, I am grateful to you for keeping this site up and running, even with diminished interest. I feel hopeful about the future of Doctor Who, and I love being able to come here and engage in witty, heartfelt, intelligent, insightful discourse about all things Whovian, and also the general state of the world. This site has been a safe haven in what seems to be an increasingly insane and chaotic world. Thank you, Craig!

    Bean-Powered @bean-powered

    The Doctor and his companion(s) often leave the door open.

    Get Sadie Miller in the TARDIS.

    Trapped exploring it’s Wonders.

    (Elizabeth Sladen’s daughter)

    Drop her off in Dallas, Texas.

    Not realizing she’s in the Past-

    She asks directions to where President Kennedy was assassinated.

    No assassination….

    The puppet masters have to

    expose themselves to complete the assassination.

    Devilishrobby @devilishrobby

    @craig @nerys same sentiments here hopefully once RTD has retaken the reins and we see the results interest and participation will pick up again. BTW I think I’ve had the same spammer leaving me messages.and @bean-powered please  post in the right room we’re not that scary are we

    janetteB @janetteb

    @devilishrobby and @nerys and @craig

    Same sentiments here too. I have not been inspired by the more recent episodes but my love of Dr Who has not diminished, (Watching The Rebel Flesh right now) and am hoping for better days ahead with the return of RTD and a huge thank you to Craig for maintaining this site.

    My S.O read the message from the spammer the other night and there was much laughter so at least they provide amusement occasionally.



    johnnybear @johnnybear

    I have doubts that even RTD can save the show not that I’ve watched it since 2017 although I finished a run of fifty episodes recently from the Classic Pertwee series 7 & 8! RTD did some great endings to series I’ll admit but his early episodes weren’t too good and for some unknown reason had to add a comment or scene about gay people!!! Yet I liked his David Tennant final stories with the Time Lords sitting in the ruins of the Capitol and plotting harsh reprisals against not only the Daleks but also against the Earth as well just in order for them to survive as spirit forms! Let’s hope he can equal this style and at least vanquish the last five years by saying it was a crossover with another reality that he had become immersed in…


    Craig @craig


    Once again, can I just remind you and everyone else that this topic is just for comments about the website, if you spot any problems. And to alert me to spammers etc. It is not for Doctor Who chat.

    If you have Doctor Who chat please post elsewhere e.g. On The Sofa.


    johnnybear @johnnybear

    Ooops! Sorry…


    Oochillyo @oochillyo

    hey everyone 🙂 how are you all 🙂

    I was just reading previous comments in this section and now a bit worried, I know I talk way too much and I dont know bit nervous now that I could be for the chop you know.

    I just wanted to suggest something nice, I understand if 1 its not something you feel is important and 2 if its technically difficult to add now onto the site cause soo many people and its all coding ect

    I just had an idea like how can we make the site more appealing little things 🙂 and if it’s possible could we have like a little square or something you can hover over near a person’s profile image/name (if it’s not written underneath people’s names) that highlights what their favorite Episode is and maybe least fav.

    With the little info near or under the profile image/name think it would be nice personal touch and maybe help start conversations, could even have an option where you can write (ofcourse within reason) what your fav show or something is for example if you like Robin it will say well Robin or a small image of him in a square, maybe could tell your fav food ect ect just a little touch think it could be sweet wonder if anyone else likes this idea ?

    Thank you for constant running and hard work on the site Craige 🙂

    Take care everyone hugs 🙂

    Regards – Declan Sargent

    Oochillyo @oochillyo

    hey everyone 🙂 how are you all 🙂

    Once again I laughed to myself that I am the last post here

    Its like I was gone I was no where but I am everywhere

    Suggestions – maybe like a party type thing we could participate in or such on the site – like for other Doctor Who things last year people near where I was were going to a Halloween party for the show and I guess other shows but is there something we could do on this site like a celebration event from time to time. A way to share traditions and like times we love in the year events for shows films music ect many of the topics on the site and maybe quizzes/polls if ever possible I don’t know how it will work here but does anyone else think its nice or a suggestion which improves upon this

    Make the site our home 🙂

    Thank you for listening 🙂

    Take care everyone stay positive hugs 🙂

    Regards – Declan Sargent

    johnnybear @johnnybear

    The scammers are active again. This time it’s Monica Williams calling me dear and that’s a definite warning. Can anyone deal with this piece of filth?


    ps1l0v3y0u @ps1l0v3y0u

    Yes. Monica may be a problem, I’m afraid.

    Dentarthurdent @dentarthurdent

    I got eight messages from Monica Williams.   Eight!

    Did you get a message from her too?

    I’m devastated, I thought it must be my magnetic personality.  (sob)

    ps1l0v3y0u @ps1l0v3y0u


    I wondered if she was RTD’s PA threatening to send me a cease and desist letter. She certainly didn’t call me ‘dear’!

    Oochillyo @oochillyo

    hey everyone 🙂 how are you all 🙂

    Happend to me also , 3 messages 17 hours ago and I haven’t been active much for months so yeah bit strange

    Take care everyone stay positive hugs 🙂

    Regards – Declan Sargent

    janetteB @janetteb

    Funny I didn’t get any messages. I put it down to sexism. …

    Hi @oochillyo hope life is treating you well.



    Oochillyo @oochillyo

    hey everyone 🙂 how are you all 🙂

    Awe thank you @janetteb 🙂 its like a little home I’ve returned to 🙂

    Take care everyone stay positive hugs 🙂

    Regards – Declan Sargent

    Devilishrobby @devilishrobby


    Erm I think Finnigan above may be either some kind of bot or spammer he/she seems to have posted nonsense posts in all categories


    Dentarthurdent @dentarthurdent

    @devilishrobby  Oh yes, the ‘Recent forum posts’ are all this bloody Finnegan pest.   @craig, I think your attention is required, if you would be so kind?   Along with banning this ‘Monica Williams’

    If it helps I’ll volunteer to look at every forum on this site and list all those polluted by this ‘Finnegan’ for your convenience, let me know.   He seems to be spamming links to online stores for football jerseys.   If only I was a hacker I’d bring their sites down.


    Craig @craig

    Hi all, now I’m back for a bit I was thinking about a bit of an upgrade. I’m Scottish and I may be a bit like Tennant and I would kinda like a new TARDIS (I like the new one).

    This site is over 10 years old and needs a new coat of paint (and a code upgrade for the 2020s).

    I’m not gonna do it before Christmas, because I don’t want to break anything now.

    But all comments and ideas are welcome, if you like that kind of thing. My problem is that I do. 🙂

    Dentarthurdent @dentarthurdent

    @craig    Yes, one suggestion.   Is it possible to make the list of ‘Recent Forum Posts’ on the homepage longer than 5, or maybe set it so it lists the 5 different forums most recently used?    Currently, with a little bit of chitchat between two people on, say, On the Sofa, they all point to the same forum and a post someone made yesterday somewhere else gets swiftly buried.

    Having fiddled with a bit of coding in the past, I’m aware ‘simple’ suggestions often aren’t simple at all, so please don’t bother if it gets complicated.

    winston @winston

    @craig  I have no suggestions except to keep it easy for computer illiterates like me to use. I think you did such a good job in the first place that I have nothing to say. Maybe what @dentarthurdent said would be good so no comments are overlooked. I am sure I will like whatever you decide to do.

    stay safe

    Juniperfish @juniperfish

    @craig  – I know absolutely nothing about back-end web design, but please let us know if we can help e.g. a crowdfunder if funds are needed? Sounds like a good idea to do it in the fallow period between the specials and before the start of Ncuti’s run proper.

    I suppose I’d say – keep the archived threads of old, if possible, and keep the tag line “theories even more insane than what’s actually happening…”

    Thankyou 🙂



    janetteB @janetteb

    @craig I would just add to @juniperfish (and welcome back too) request to keep the old threads, to ensure that the episode discussion threads especially remain accessible for future comments. Another site I visit recently did a big upgrade and now all the older posts are locked which is a great shame.



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