• Whisht replied to the topic The Winchester

    @scaryb @jimthefish @craig @phaseshift

    just to add my thoughts on the sad loss of Ian Gibson.
    And to echo Jim’s plea that we put Mick McMahon into some sort of protective space.

    (but not an iso cube)

    Gibson’s flowing lyrical lines were so powerful for me when I saw them in 2000AD.
    It created an environment and characterisation that couldn’t…[Read more]

  • JimTheFish replied to the topic The Star Beast


    Great post and really interesting to get some of the Marvel background too. Hadn’t realised just how impactful and widely disseminated Star Beast actually was. Certainly I’d say that I’d consider those early Who strips (of which I think this is the best, closely followed by the later Tides of Time) had more of an impact on me than…[Read more]

  • Juniperfish replied to the topic The Star Beast

    @Phaseshift – Oh that’s lovely background on the comic story of the Star Beast (I’ve never read it).

    The new version of Doctor Who Confidential is called Doctor Who Unleashed, available on IPlayer, one episode of “behind the scenes” for each of the specials. In The Star Beast associated one, David Tennant meets Dave Gibbons and Pat Mills on set…[Read more]

  • WhoHar replied to the topic The Star Beast


    That’s a really interesting, informative, and well written piece. Thanks.

    Lots of gems of info in there; the Jasper Carrott – Doctor Who link seems like it should be an obscure pub quiz question (or perhaps a Q in T’Other place’s Thursday Quiz – run, if you weren’t aware, by the G’s #1 Doctor Who fan Martin Belam.)

    The point you…[Read more]

  • PhaseShift replied to the topic The Giggle


    The Toymaster did go full Prince Ludwig from Blackadder @ps1l0v3y0u, @phaseshift. But showed his sinister side with that “sunnier climes” comment. With the excellent “I was born in Cheltenham” as the response.

    I thought that was particularly well handled myself, and although RTD went for it in the behind the scenes stuff I think he shou…[Read more]

  • ScaryB replied to the topic The Winchester

    Not quite sure where to post this – @Craig, @JimtheFish, @Phaseshift feel free to relocate it.

    I know there are a good few Ballad of Halo Jones and 2000 AD fans in our little group, and I just wanted to mark the sad news today of the passing of artist Ian Gibson, after a long battle with cancer. Pat Mills tweeted it out earlier, but it’s now been…[Read more]

  • WhoHar replied to the topic The Giggle

    A bit late to this party, due to Timey-zone, Wimey-zone stuff. I only watched this Sunday morning (my time) and was then out at the theatre in the evening, so didn’t get the chance to post before now.

    And I’ve not read any other comments, so apologies for any repetition. And apologies for any repetition.
    First off – I really enjoyed this. From my…[Read more]

  • ScaryB replied to the topic The Giggle

    Couple of thoughts – if all the Doctors have bi-regenerated (bi-generated?) is that RTD doing a call back to The Curator in The Day of the Doctor? (And as I think @Phaseshift mentioned, it explains how they can come back looking older in The TARDIS Tales, or indeed any cameo appearances from now on).  The more I think about it the more impressed…[Read more]

  • Juniperfish replied to the topic The Giggle

    @ps1l0v3y0u Red was the Rani’s signature colour; she was given to wearing red gloves as I recall, to go with the rest of her red sparkly outfit. But as @PhaseShift and @Mudlark point out, the red nails might be a reference to the more recent “Cult of Saxon” which recalls RTD1 era’s John Simm Master.

    I rather hope we’re not getting a retro-rei…[Read more]

  • ScaryB replied to the topic The Giggle

    Great comments as always, thanks everyone.

    A “pet Tennant” 😀 Who wouldn’t want one of those?!

    That’s interesting @Phaseshift about the bi-generation reverberating back through all the incarnations. I think Ncuti-Doc says something about he can only go on unencumbered by the PTSD if Tennant-Doc takes his retirement/rehabilitation seriously, so…[Read more]

  • Mudlark replied to the topic The Giggle

    @devilishrobby  @phaseshift

    Thanks .  Lord Voldemort’s Book of Resurrection Spells it is, then – that is, if I can find it on my double-stacked book shelves. 😉

  • Craig replied to the topic The Giggle

    @phaseshift I almost spat out my gin and tonic at “pet Tennant” 🙂

  • Juniperfish replied to the topic Wild Blue Yonder


    … there’s an entire comment of yours on this thread I should link to as I want to hug it.

    Awww shucks 🙂  I’ve been enjoying having you and @ScaryB back in the DJing box, and actually some of the lyrics to that Tom Waits song you posted, Who Are You, combined with @Phaseshift ‘s musing on the “Celestial” element of the Celestial T…[Read more]

  • PhaseShift replied to the topic Wild Blue Yonder


    And @phaseshift, I suspect RTD2 may continue to refer to him as the Celestial Toymaker, in keeping with the dictionary definition of being from the heavens or the stars.

    It would be nice to think he had the choice. I don’t want you to think that I buy the criticism is any way, but it has been fashionable for the past decade…[Read more]

  • JimTheFish replied to the topic Wild Blue Yonder

    Well, if these last couple of forums have proved anything is that one of Chibs’ major failings was the ability to inspire any kind of significant speculation. Have to say I’ve missed this level of bonkerising.


    Interesting convergences you mention there. If entities in this story were proto-Eternals and the Toymaker is definitely one…[Read more]

  • blenkinsopthebrave replied to the topic Wild Blue Yonder

    @jimthefish When you catch up with the final episode of the Hartnell era “Celestial Toymaker” be prepared for the fact that the first 15 minutes or so are pretty feeble, but it is the last 10 minutes that makes one think about what might potentially happen on Saturday, when the Toymaker returns.

    And @Phaseshift, I suspect RTD2 may continue to…[Read more]

  • Juniperfish replied to the topic Wild Blue Yonder

    @ScaryB – lovely to see you and @Whisht back in the DJ box!

    I’d missed the detail that it was the TARDIS that clocked Clone-Donna’s long arm at the last – clever old thing.  And yes, definitely a play on AI and its current weirdnesses with the human body. AI is terrifying frankly, so a very modern form of body horror.

    I had forgotten ARSE – I’m…[Read more]

  • Mudlark replied to the topic Wild Blue Yonder


    I’m actually finding myself weirdly disconnected from the episodes to the extent that I’m wondering what they are for exactly.

    This question set me pondering in the early hours. I came to the tentative conclusion that, because these three episodes are intended to mark the 60th anniversary, the return of a generally popular Doctor and c…[Read more]

  • ScaryB replied to the topic Wild Blue Yonder

    Ah, sorry so late to the discussion, had to be out of town on Sat, Sun and just caught up. Lots of interesting discussion above which I’ll get back to (and great to see everyone including @WhoHar @thane16 @miapatrick @phaseshift again)

    The episode – WOW! I really loved it. But then I’ve loved weird Who since way back to Edge of Destruction! Not…[Read more]

  • WhoHar replied to the topic Wild Blue Yonder


    the Toymaker is just the kind of guy who finds adopting foreign stereotypes hilarious.

    Well, he is the “villain”. It reminded me of this from Blackadder II:

    Oh, yes. We are proud of our comic serving-wench voice, aren’t we? Just because we can say ‘Zur’ instead of ‘Sir,’ it seems at all social gatherings the tedious little…[Read more]

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