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  • #41360
    Barbara Lefty @replies

    I know loads of people will have done it already but…



    I have loads of pics of a very very happy Wee Lefty but they all have other peoples’ kids in them so instead –  what she did when she went to out of school club today! That there is a Hamma bead TARDIS, ladies and gents.

    I am a very happy momma today 🙂

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    @scaryb thanks for the tip, left it too late to call today – not sure if its too late full stop!!! Will try again tomorrow unless someone puts me out of my misery and says it’s sold out…

    Anyway, we had a FAB weekend… to the sofa!

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Cheers @purofilion @jimthefish et al, and howdy. Good to see the bonkerising continues. Glad you enjoy Sandifer @arbutus 🙂

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    @ichabod, whoo-hoo, woop woop (as my twenty-something colleagues say), hi five, etc. Are you doing this freeze-frame? 😉 But absolutely compelling stuff.

    @summersmith, lovely name, lovely avatar, you seem like a lovely person. You should fit right in here 🙂 welcome!!

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    sorry, @DroneX1, with @purofilion on this. To suggest the ‘ not your boyfriend ‘ speech was demeaning is to suggest there is no other role for a female but to be a girlfriend, where this series has explicitly allowed and explored those other roles and forced a redefining of the Doctor / Companion dynamic. They are friends, who love each other and have each other’s backs.

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    was drawn in by @ichabod , @purofilion, commenting on women’s versus men’s pain, and the qualities considered admirable in men but not women. I love the current Clara arc, but that whole double standard is one reason I would love to see a female Doctor, and explore the various qualities which have been considered admirable or at least acceptable in a man, such as ‘hard decision making,’ (although I think Clara is on point there) arrogance, the ‘mystery’ of past misdeeds and even genocide, and how they might not be considered ‘attractive’ qualities in a woman. Go on, tell the lady Doctor what’s ‘attractive’ while she eviscerates a Dalek… 😉

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Bleble? BLEBLE? What?! The good ship Off-topic has drifted into hazardous waters, indeed! I think  see wreckers rocks ahead! Funny vids, you people kill me.


    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Evening again, preparing for another week by finishing the dregs of that bottle. My tablet died so I’ve been restricted to my phone, which feels like eating soup through a straw, or possibly seeing and encountering the world through @ichabod‘s metaphorical memory straw. I’ve stolen some time on Mr Lefty’s laptop so I can see the breadth and rise of the landscape, high and wide as ever.

    @pedant, what a beautiful video, an eloquent diary of a place clearly loved and filled with happiness. I wish I had done something like that when we moved my parents out of their house of 45 years, in which we found buried pictures my Dad had painted when at Art School and designs for my Mum’s engagement ring (it was bought instead – always better at designs than execution, my Dad.) It all happened with undue haste, but we moved them healthy and well. Things:

    *Friends never mind anything like as much as you think they will

    *You will be looking back on this from comfort before too much time has passed, and it will seem like it was hard but not too hard

    Love McCall Smith, in particular Mma Ramotswe, which I was addicted to a few years back. Looking forward to remembrances from @craig.

    @tenthdoctorftw, (and also @schmitty918) always good to see new people who are interested in what this site, specifically, and I think uniquely, offers. We’re a bit different, people who don’t mind defending our opinions but are mutually respectful, so welcome.

    Also, note for teacher, dog ate homework (very badly need to catch up with BG Daemons and Capaldi retro). Currently watching Key to Time arc off the Horror channel , as far as Pirate Planet, written of course by yet another great departed favourite. They go too soon.



    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Yeah, @whisht, @bluesqueakpip, think it got real there o_O

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    groan! I mean, excellent @arbutus!! 😛 Who’ll do 4 dimensions? 😉

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    ha @bluesqueakpip! I feel I have acquitted myself here and someone else come up with the 3D one. I’m having a ball, but I fear if I keep going it’ll all go pear shaped …

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    I know it will have been done but …

    One dimensional man, musing on his existence thinks, “What’s the point?”

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    just wanted to pop in, on this Friday night, to raise a glass to the beautiful minds here, to @purofilion and her voracious wit, to @ichabod, in sadness and remembrance, to @bluesqueakpip and timey wimey par excellence, to @lisa and tardigrades , to @scaryb and @janetteb and @arbutus, to our mods and their dedication, @krynoidman and delightful nuggets of info, to everyone I’ve missed but not forgotten. Here’s to us, to what unites us, and here’s to now. Have a wonderful weekend, you wonderful people. Much love

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    @bluesqueakpip, I think that was at least part of what I was driving at previously 😉

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Cheers peeps (@Arbutus, @lisa, @scaryb). I’m pretty sure it owned something to D Adams, but can’t think what exactly. I guess, science-wise, I’ve been through the lovely speculating, theorising, part and I’ve been through the doing some experiments but mainly being puzzled by why things don’t work, and now my day consists of being within limits of 98.0-102.0%, rounded to the nearest 30 seconds, reproducible within 0.1%. That’s my science. Creativity is useful for troubleshooting and experimental design but otherwise  it is the enemy in the drive to limit or quantify (we can never eliminate) baseline noise. We need that science, but frankly, you couldn’t pay me to watch it.

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    @schamster, genius! Just not arrived yet! 😀

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    OK maybe not literally anything, but anything age appropriate

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Howdy. Lots of interesting stuff. I always loved KtM. Confession – I think one of the things which put me off DW for so long was that without a small person to give me the excuse to watch it in the first place, I was worried I wouldn’t be able to thole the pseudoscience. Of course, having actually watched it, I know that is largely (if not always) a backdrop for the excellent writing, acting, directing and storytelling general, oh well, my loss, making up for it now.

    Which is why I sooo don’t get the ‘it’s not scientific’ bleating about KtM.

    Of course its not! It’s about possibility and consequence, and fun stuff like that, which the vast majority of ‘science fiction’ has acknowledged or just run with. But you all know this. I just do not get it when you know you’ve got a show in which you can do literally anything, then you randomly apply what you think is science at one specific instance when wilfully ignoring it being overextended, played with, objectified at other points is just … weird.

    To me DW puts science in a very short dress, takes it out on a date, gets it drunk, says, “Hey, Science, gosh you look sexy tonight, could I just get you to jump this shark or three and I’ll take pictures.” So long as we’re all having fun, it’s all good with me. Better Science than Crime or Corsets, they get taken out all the time.

    I read an article by Philip Sandifer, who raises bonkerising to scholarship and I gather not everyone likes, but I liked the article so… Anyway, his view was that when all the ladees put the decision to earth, we the audience may feel invested in the in-programme audience’s (ie, the People of Earth’s) decision, very subtly breaking the fourth wall. The when we realise they are making the wrong decision we get a bit panicked, and are then relieved when Clara and Courtney make it right for us, but also horrified to note that probably people would have voted to kill it if this were really real, because as the writer says

    the star whale has literally lost that vote every time it has ever come up in human history

    Wine count – 1 glass.

    Also linky?:

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    @ichabod, Romania/ Ukraine, late neolithic, would paste the link but there is a good wiki page.

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Message from monicaweah4u etc. Usual drill, don’t reply.


    Oh, you all got one already. Behind the times here

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Very good! But yes, bit confused by Kent’s appearance. Did they not do lampshading in the olden days?

    Salamander played as such a git, ambling after the wounded Kent. Props to Troughton.

    But could Astrid not have just have sent all the other shelter dwellers who weren’t seeking a dramatic confrontation up the tunnel? They didn’t really get an onscreen resolution, so their peril was all a bit unnecessary.

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Food (and hello all) – I thought the reaction to the turkey leg in Last Christmas indicated an aversion to at least some forms of consumption, but perhaps he was just feeling a little queasy at the time.

    Metabolism. Mr Lefty insists I mention people have different responses to satiety hormones which can lead to them feeling fuller sooner, but which doesn’t address the “dustbin” type of individual, and that we are finding all sorts of weird stuff about intestinal floral which is going to take a while to figure out completely given its complexity and leads to interesting potential directions for treatment which are probably not for discussion before breakfast/the current meal in your timezone. Which forum am I on again here?!

    Travel – Cucuteni-Trypillian culture for me, to see if they really didn’t fight, and if/why they burnt their houses every … however often it was, generation, perhaps? And how you get a town of 15000 ( could be over by an order of magnitude there but if I check wiki I’ll lose my comment) without specialising functions. I mean, did they have drainage works?

    And just to get back on topic. Donna! Donna, Donna, Donna. I even find (since for some reason we watched Donna prior to Rose) I like Tennant less without Donna.

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Was planning to watch the Daemons anyway. Think some of you guys recommended it.

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    @ichabod, I really like the narrow aperture theory of memory (which I recall cropping up somewhere else in my reading recently!) It seems like a useful tool for the temporally afflicted.

    I thought Deep Breath dealt well with the sense of chaos that might precede the narrowing, a deep breath, drowning for a while, then, by the “I’m not your boyfriend,” speech, surfacing into bright air so crisp and sharp a person might cut themselves on it. Time does seem to be rounding the edges somewhat.

    Gosh that was a nice Sauv Blanc!

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Hey @purofilion et all. I’m still confused, but that’s not hard!

    Guessing I’m missing a chunk of Smithy timeline. I thought he was convinced he was a goner in the event of Trenzalore, suggesting he knows about reaching the limit. When did he find that out? Post Day of but pre Time of? (In the event of Trenzalore, break universe)

    This is a rule I guess, you forget stuff in which you cross your timeline, which is, I can see, a very useful device. But what then? Do you only forget till the most recent version of you involved participates, or forever?  I apologise, there is doubtless a FAQ, or a buzzfeed article, but you all know so much!

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Wow! Looks like I missed class! Fortunately this is the modern sort of course where the notes are all online 😛

    Thank you @bluesqueakpip for further illumination

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    @scaryb, yes I must remember these BG episodes have been hand picked by experts for awesome! @juniperfish, I love the little Troughton I have seen, he might even be my favourite (other than 4 and 12), for his incredibly deft touch, but I especially liked Seeds of Death and he was delightfully quixotic in the Three Doctors.

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    @craig, @jimthefish, was fascinating to watch, the work and integrity of Forsyth and the faith of Puttnam is apparent. Was an interesting point about the women, Stella and Marina, Sky and sea. In a way it did reduce them to symbols, over idealised, but Forsyth plainly believed it to be the case that women were often just different. I was thinking about this as a counter point to our (read Whovians) debate over the realism of certain female characters. There have always been characters which are symbols in storytelling, just as there are people who fulfill role for us in our lives I suppose. Which is a rambly way of saying, in this instance, I don’t mind. They were interesting and rounded enough.

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    @pedant. 🙂

    I guess that major timeline reworks in the approach to anniversaries aside, 12 can never interact with any of the previous regenerations then.

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Too tired @bluesqueakpip. It’s a given that …Smithy did complete! Dammit. I see now, he had to complete as he didn’t know of any future incarnatio

    Ah well. As a way of resolving that plot and requiring the finding of Gallifrey this regeneration, I quite liked it 😉

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Oh dear, it is far too early in the evening to be this much in need of bed :/

    So inevitably, a thing pops into my addled head.

    So you do 1 really important thing 13 times in your 13  different selves, because you need do it 13 times in order to make sure you get the really hard sums really right, and you are doing the really hard sums right up to the very second you need to be doing the really important thing, so hard are those sums. And you remember everything about it because it is really important, and really importantly, it means you are not utterly irredeemable.

    You have definitely done it 13 times. Or was it 12?  It feels like you must have done it, because you remember seeing yourself doing it and well, otherwise, why would you be trying to find Gallifrey again, rather than waiting for the situation to resolve itself? And why are you having to look so hard for the entire planet you hid?

    Unless … you’ve not actually completed that part of the calculation yet.

    So you can’t find it until you complete the calculations. Or you can’t complete the calculations until … you find it? In all of time and space.

    And of course, you cannot participate in the hiding of it until you know where you are putting it. Because if you can’t find it, you can’t have put it there, surely?

    But you know it had to be you that crossed the ts, because no-one after you turned up. So it has to be this you. Better get on it.

    Tick tock.

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Yay! Astrid exposes the shortcomings of the security guys!

    Boo! Benik might give Salamander a run for his money in the horrid git stakes, with a higher pulling the wings off flies quotient.

    Yay! Bruce may be a terrible security boss, but he might be a good egg!

    It’s all unravelling pretty fast. Can’t wait for next week’s thrilling instalment!

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    @juniperfish, I seem to recall a touch of eyebrow related local politics in Deep Breath 😉 I agree and I think the approach of the story being driven away from the big issue towards the nitty gritty of interpersonal politics and human motivation like this does means you are absolved from having to fix say, climate change, in an episode so can write an episode which doesn’t feel forced to cop out and have a poor resolution. Maybe?

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Dum dum dum! Who’s shoes are those then? I have a suspicion what way this is going, but I think someone may have clocked that in the previous ep.

    Also, the underground city! Salamander clearly just likes toying with people.

    “I ‘ave returned, and I bring … weirdly pattern fabrics!”

    “Oh. Well, we’ve already got some of that, Salamander ..”

    Also, yes, @bluesqueakpip. Visited a big shiny, dirty place half built below the ground to see Lion King and Natural History Museum.

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Agree with @bluesqueakpip, Troughton really showing his quality, Salamander is a scary dude. Again impressed with Doctor Who dealing with meaty issues, presenting well rounded minor characters like Griff the chef and particularly Fariah. Victoria is wet, but sweet, and Astrid and Fariah offset her silliness just fine.

    The thing that strike me constantly about the classic stories is the room for story telling the multiple episode format gives. The single episodes these days are really slick, beautifully and economically written, but I have a sense that sometimes a little more set up would reduce my slight giddiness at the speed with which one is required to hurdle sharks, and lead to me missing slightly less. Perhaps a few more multiple episodes … Just realised what I said there could be considered slightly spoilery, so have edited.

    To episode 4. Do keep up, Lefty!

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Terrifying, Craig. Thank God no orgy scene, although Piggy as Willow is inspired casting, but nightmare fuel, right enough.

    I think Local Hero was one of the first pieces of film I remember seeing which portrayed a Scotland I recognised at all, although there were obviously others, like the afore mentioned Gregory’s Girl. It also impressed on me that one doesn’t need to be scrupulously honest when telling the stories which tell us about ourselves 😉 Anyway, special for me.

    Had totally forgotten Capaldi was Danny. Lovely wee role.

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Do love it. Haven’t seen it since our VCR died years ago. Will have to remedy with a DVD. It is cutesy, but the delightfully venal villagers avert the cute.

    Something about it struck me as recalling Greenvoe by George Mackay Brown, only with humour and where everyone ends up poor but happy, rather than miserable and dispossessed. We’ve done that, culturally speaking, so I appreciate the light touch.

    Also no one gets burnt in a giant Wooden effigy.

    So good all round really.




    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Deep breath @ichabod 😛

    Saw the chimp story, cue jokes about Scottish Chimps preferring a deep fried Mars bar!

    Have seen that gang, they are quite socially … robust, when it comes to who gets what at feeding time. Afterwards, all sweetness and mutual grooming. Possibly by way of apology?!

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Oh @lisa there has literally never been anything better than that. There is so much goodness I can’t make up my mind which of the good is best!

    @ichabod love surprisingly sweary Doctor.. Oh, hang about..

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    A magpie could do worse than hang out here and pick up shinys.

    @ichabod, how did I miss a parapsychology series set in Glasgow?!? Off to find it, Lovely Bones (the film), @craig, Man in High Castle looks great.

    Cucumber, banana.  I sort of see your point @juniperfish, and I guess it echoes what Julie Walters was saying about a preponderance of Middle Class, (or middle aged) TV, however I guess it comes down to the characters and how he writes them. Def with @scaryb that it has shaped up in ep2 of both. Without giving too much away, although the situation of someone too long in a loveless relationship awakened by a chance encounter was a bit clichéd, there was a scene between two very different characters, very touching, very human, that I just loved. Enjoying the meshing of the two main plots. And to be honest I quite like the mobile conversations. You always know where you are picking up and with whom! Lazy me!

    Also Scotty works for H C Clements. Which means this is totes in-Whoniverse!!! 😛

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    I’m with @craig on the end, although they say it’s a single continuous take. I don’t care tho! It’s awesome!

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    The very same, and very obliging of you @craig! One wonders how they’ll top it, but they always do 😀

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    @juniperfish, maybe, maybe. Could do with a few extra teaspoons.. Loch Tay lovely, is that the one with the Crannog centre?

    Drone filming, can’t paste the link cos upstairs on tablet, not downstairs on MrLefty’s laptop (never found an emulator which worked) and also not in the music thread, but the OK Go video I won’t let you down with the 2000 brollies. Quite something! That Danny Macaskill video is something else! He is clearly a bit crazy.

    @jimthefish periodic table, seconded, thirded or wherever we are! Have wasted many an idle hour on TV tropes, spotted another fave fandom of mine in the table!

    Politics, holding breath for next 3 months.

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Dear @phaseshift, that was one of the kindest, most thoughtfully mentorish things I have seen on this site and that’s saying something. Thank you for that demonstration of writing to inform, not offend. I shall certainly try to take a leaf out of your book in future.

    I have been through a bit of a process regarding fanfic since my original post, probably something to do with feeling like I had to be “serious” about writing, particularly to get through the “hard parts” like criticism, but heaven save us from taking ourselves too seriously. A tonic, much needed.

    Ahem, anyway, getting away from the awkward self-discovery, it did strike me (the utterly uninitiated) that Big Finish and the books are truly democratic, almost an expression of love for an idea which was too good to die. What would the Whoniverse look like, or indeed would there be a series now, without them? As usual, without more background info I tend to see things in rather black and white terms, but I will be attempting to remedy this with the only answer to any shortcoming – more information!

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    @ichabod. Not a pub but a cocktail..

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    No @ichabod h  I don’t suppose he treats his editors and secretarial staff any better than he does anyone else! Band sounds very interesting, so long as they never meet in pubs called the Cloven Hoof or venture into Puccini, otherwise we would need to excuse ourselves, unless you happen to have an elephant gun on your person…

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Dear @ichabod, so lovely to “meet” you, feel rather honoured. Got pleasantly lost in the “Vampire Tapestry.”

    Now that I am committed to playing in other people sandpits, a chance phrase, paraphrased from articles on the mysterious Denisovans and Red Deer Cave People made me wonder if, collected, Weyland’s publications should be titled, “Contributions from an unknown Hominid.” Or not 🙂

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Well that’s been an interesting morning catch up! 😀

    Everything, literary…

    @ichabod, @lisaB, engineer (or architect as GRR Martin puts it) v gardener, bit of both. Like the stock cards, mobile idea, tried doing that for my post-grad, couldn’t make it work, might be better suited to four/five act tv than science. Just need to keep an eye on structure, I guess.

    @pedant, I do see what you are saying, but I think it basically comes down to, “eventually you have to show that you can get out of the sandpit,” which clearly many of the self-identified fan-fic writers here (@juniperfish, @bluesqueakpip) have done, and to suggest none of their “sandpits” have exposed them to criticism worthy of the name is surely at least erroneous. If they are communities like this is, then I doubt that very much. 😉 But apologies if I misunderstood or missed your point.

    So, to state the bleedin’ obvious, writing is a whole heap of skills, a small part of which is committing word to paper (analogue), some of which need to be gained in the “real” world, but plenty of which can be honed on a fan-fic forum.

    @ichabod etc (can’t honestly remember all who, apologies for non/mis-attribution), I love the idea of others playing in a writers sandpit. The only issue I get, and it is a fragment of an issue really, is when the writers aren’t afforded the same luxury by the more strident fans, but assuming they show keeps running, it is a bit of a high end problem, and really those fans are only hurting themselves.

    Anyway, what fun. Love you all 😀 away to browse the shelves at Waterstones





    Barbara Lefty @replies

    @juniperfish, I believe it was yourself. If ever a comment was guaranteed to make me come down on the side of fanfic tho it was @arbutus comparison with Indy music. Also, while I wasn’t making a direct comparison with Sherlock, but acknowledging others, namely @jumiperfish and Mr Lefty making the point, I’m quite willing now to go with it.

    I’ll apologise if necessary, but I am least opened to the idea, if not chastened.

    Barbara Lefty @replies

    Unrelated, at breakfast, discussing the nature of God with a seven year old, as you do, she says, “I don’t think he could’ve done the Big Bang because nothing existed. Unless, he did it with the power of his will. Y’know, like Omega..”

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