• Charlie Cook replied to the topic Joy to the World

    @whohar if they did explain how joy got the bomb, then I missed it as well…

  • Charlie Cook replied to the topic Joy to the World

    I enjoyed it… mostly.
    I lost my wife in the tailend of COVID, so I was actually able to be with her at the end, but none of the rest of her family were, so I found that part a bit heartwrenching.
    Other than that, I thought it was fun. Im afraid that I guessed the punchline as soon as he opened the briefcase. Not sure how the managed to exist in t…[Read more]

  • Charlie Cook replied to the topic Empire of Death


  • Charlie Cook replied to the topic Empire of Death

    @miapatrick flood shouldnt be susan, but must be linked to time lords in some way, because the first time she appeared she didn’t recognise the Tardis when she first sees it (“who dumped that in the middle of the street”) but recognises it as a Tardis when it dematerialises. By the same argument, she shouldn’t be the Master or Rani.

  • Charlie Cook replied to the topic Empire of Death

    Hmm… very emotional, but the unwinding of time seemed a bit ‘how the hell we going to undo this, oh well, lets just do it’.

  • Really loved this episode, and the wild comments. Keep them coming.

    seems to me that all the clues were there in relatively plain sight for once (i must reread the tom baker episodes) – a bit of a change for RTD, and far more satisfying than the ‘how were we supposed to know that’ solutions.
    mind you, still another 50 minutes to go…

  • Charlie Cook replied to the topic Rogue

    Not sure what I thought of this. Fun but silly. Didnt waste much money on CGI – Villains were a return to ‘man/woman in a mask’ .
    Interesting that the Doctor again cried – this, like Susan Twist, is becoming a regular event.
    Note that Emily appeared to be a heroine and turned into a villain – discussion point, have all the episodes had either a h…[Read more]

  • Charlie Cook replied to the topic Dot and Bubble

    @ubik But are these inmates of Finetime Space Babies grown up

    yes, I wondered if there was a connection?

  • Charlie Cook replied to the topic Dot and Bubble

    @miapatrick I like the ‘bug’ suggestion. Very clever 😀

  • Charlie Cook replied to the topic Dot and Bubble

    @juniperfish re mrs flood being Ruby, someone mentioned a few weeks ago, that mrs Flood didn’t recognise the Tardis when it appeared, but realised it was a type of tardis when it dematerialised.

  • Charlie Cook replied to the topic Dot and Bubble

    Another amazing episode. Really played with your emotions as Lindy turned – actually made me very sad. As mentioned above, Ricky’s character was so against expectations.
    re the series arc, I don’t think there was anything new (apart from another appearance by Ms Twist). I wonder if this is another episode filmed whilst Ncuti was filming Sex Edu…[Read more]

  • Charlie Cook replied to the topic 73 Yards

    An interesting comment made by a friend. Why didn’t Milly go find Tennant Dr Who? 😀 Kate Lethbridge ought to know where he was…

  • Charlie Cook replied to the topic 73 Yards

    That has to be one of the best episodes for a long time – almost had me hiding behind the sofa.

    loving the comments –  re susan twist, as someone said, she was the face of the ambulance, but I dont think anyone has mentioned she was also in one the crew videos in Space Babies, so Ruby has seen her at least twice.
    Wasn’t sure if I missed so…[Read more]

  • Charlie Cook replied to the topic Boom

    Brilliant episode! A good dig at holy wars – interesting comment about almost all wars have been about religion.

    Quick scan of the comments, nobody seems to have latched onto inability to identify the next of kin. last line of the show was from a poem by philip larkin.

  • Charlie Cook replied to the topic Space Babies

    Sorry, too much toilet humour, and not enough story.

  • Charlie Cook replied to the topic The Devil’s Chord

    I’m afraid I’m not too impressed with the two episodes so far


    in particular this episode. As someone pointed out the anachronisms should have started from 1925, so the Beatles would never have formed, having been influenced by Buddy Holly – perhaps that’s why they didn’t look anything like ‘our’ Beatles 😀

    I am more intrigued by all the eas…[Read more]

  • “… Some characters should not be messed with ( James Bond, Captain Kirk, Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Who and so on).”


    Just being mischievous here, but Captain Kirk WAS a woman in one episode (although to be fair it wasn’t that great!) 🙂

  • I am disappointed, but only because I was hoping it was going to be Pearl

  • Charlie Cook replied to the topic World Enough and Time

    With reference to the earlier reference to Bobby in the shower, I shall be very dusappointed if that is the answer – especially as they have already had a ‘it didn’t really happen’ moment earlier, in the Monks episodes.

  • Charlie Cook replied to the topic The Eaters of Light

    @nick having just looked it up, my set was a Dalek tin not Tardis (that must be some other episodes), and the full series IS available on DVD

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