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  • #64827
    Hiker @replies


    I’m interpreting/hoping that you think this episode is a difficult, if worthy, topic and it makes people uncomfortable to realize that the USA was so blatantly, no-doubt-about-it racist.  Hard viewing, but also inspirational and emotional.

    If you come to Doctor Who for more science- fantasy escapism, (yes, I do too) you are hoping from that viewpoint that not every episode will be this weighty. FWIW, I think a similar story could have been told with aliens, but it does hit harder when it’s based on our world, our reality. And if it inspires some children to look deeper into this bit of history, that’s a win.

    I’m not sure what you meant by cost-effective. You mean the the show’s budget? I don’t think the bus cost that much and generally, who cares?



    Hiker @replies

    So, the Doctor has a coat expertly repaired by Rosa Parks!




    Hiker @replies

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>You’re surely not alone!</p>
    I’m late to the The Who Party myself; only started to watch at the end of Tennant’s run.

    I’ve enjoyed Tennant and Smith, but Capaldi’s run is as if they decided to do Who just for me.

    Love his story arc, love his hair arc, love Clara (who I think belongs with him more than 11), love Bill ( just a great companion).

    Even the lame episodes…

    Sigh. Heart on my sleeve.



    Hiker @replies



    Strangest post ever. I thought I wrote it! 🙂

    Right with you on the PCAP love.



    Hiker @replies



    That’s ok, thanks for the info.

    Originally, I just wanted to be sure it wasn’t just me.

    Hiker @replies





    The login issue: me too.

    Hiker @replies

    More than Mt Dew has been imbibed…

    Hiker @replies


    And with that pic, you win Wednesday!

    I don’t think we fully understand yet what this regeneration means to girls.

    Mind, blown.



    Hiker @replies

    @wolfweed. Nice pic!

    You win Tuesday!



    Hiker @replies

    Splendid, awesome and all that! Liking that Pertwee version!



    Hiker @replies

    @count scarlioni

    A last comment on Clara: Is she the the only character besides the Doctor to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow??  I can’t think of another one.

    Sadly, my Doctor Who knowledge is puddle-deep. No idea if anyone ever did it before, or even who said it first.



    Hiker @replies


    As long as we’re watching videos! Can’t get too much PCap.


    Hiker @replies

    Hope that link works. Some Youtubers have a great touch for these.


    So, I read all the comments so far (really) and now it’s my turn in the mix. Bullet-pointy I think:

    – I’m not a crier, but I teared up a bunch reading the comments. For the special it was the Christmas truce and the final speech that choked me up. The truce made it a proper Christmas special, I think. And Capaldi is just genius at bringing the Doctor to life. Or letting him go.

    – My initial watch was a horror. 12:40 am on BBC America with at least as many commercials as actual story. Rewatched the next day, A little better, but was unexpectedly able to see it in a theatre on the 28th!  No interruptions.  Finally got a feel for the episode. Wore my PCap t-shirt, hoody and Docs. Felt pretty good about myself! (No, I don’t cosplay, this was nuts for me, but shows the lengths I’ll go to.)

    – Satisfied to see some companions return. I would’ve enjoyed real Bill. I do agree with “hot lesbo sex traveling with Heather until she died” makes good sense. (and if they’d like to drop by the house…). I wish something to that effect would have been said outright, but my head-canon is strong.

    – I did think Clara would be shown somehow. I’m happy since it would have been odd to leave out reference to the companion with which he shared the most time and was so unique to his story. Missy said “You’d go to Hell, if she asked. And she would “. Also, I’m glad to settle the ‘memories’ question (was he lying to Clara in the diner?) and well-pleased he has those memories back now. He paid plenty for them.

    – Agreeing with all on the too much ’60’s era Doc 1 jokes. Funny the first time or 2, then tiresome. I just got Britbox, so I watched the first Doc 1 episode last night. He doesn’t seem sexist, just rude and self-absorbed. I don’t know how you all watch these old episodes. So looonnggg….

    -@ countscarlioni – Nice Clara wrap-up.

    -@ Ichabod – Also in the mood for clearing out junk. I have an elderly Mom and there is soon to be a lifetime of objects to inspect and assign to new lives. I don’t relish this task.

    Wrapping up for now, I am fine with this episode. You always fear that they’ll screw up the really big ones, but I think despite some niggles, this was a  great goodbye and I’ll like it even more as time goes by. And despite how much I love 12 and will always do so, I think 13 has a chance to be awesome! Good stories, good dialogue, please!


    For anyone interested, Silva Screen Records will release the Season 9 soundtrack sometime early 2018.



    Hiker @replies



    Thanks for posting that!

    Merry Christmas!



    Hiker @replies

    18 hours…

    I’ve never spent a Christmas Eve less focused on Christmas and more on Doctor Who.

    I guess Capaldi really is my Doctor. (Sorry Tennant, I just can’t help it).


    @miss Rodri,

    I also hope the reason to regenerate is interesting/compelling. Maybe even mentions that he’s beyond the usual 12 and what effect that might have. (In my dreams).


    Hiker @replies



    Now we know your superpower!



    Hiker @replies

    Merry Christmas right back at ‘ya!

    2 more days…


    Hiker @replies

    Does anyone have a list of Titan comics that covers the 12 x Clara stories?

    I have been researching some, but I’m getting turned around with the numbering convention.

    Whats the best way to buy these?



    Hiker @replies


    Hiker @replies

    The countdown is killing me! Just do it already, rip my heart out!

    I’m looking forward to the Christmas episode, I’m fine with Whittaker, but, no more PCap!


    (Yes, I know, this post in neither helpful nor enlightening. The fan-girl struggle is real.)



    Hiker @replies

    Assuming you want the season 8 coat with the red lining, it’s a Crombie coat, a bit pricey.


    Also this:

    Not sure if that link works, but Tardis Builders has a great thread on  ‘Evolution of the Capaldi Costume’.




    Hiker @replies

    Hey @nerys!

    You’re definitely not alone. Remember more than 1/2 the voters didn’t vote for Trump. Doubt they are all thinking they should have voted for him afterall! Also feel very strongly that many who did vote for him thinking “anything but Hillary” are deeply regretting that move.

    As for the ‘kind’ part, thanks for that. It’s aspirational really. Once in a while I catch myself doing something spontaneously good and think, yeah, that’s who I want to be. Then I revert to form.  I’m still the Season 8 version of me. 🙂

    Hiker @replies

    Hey @missrori!

    USA Midwest? What state? (unless you’d rather not say).

    Our president (and by that I mean not “ours” but the current 45), is a giant (insert here worst thing you can imagine).  I’ve read in some papers he seems to have forgotten Puerto Ricans are Americans. I think he’s forgotten they are human beings. We can only hope for impeachment as 4 years of this is unsustainable.

    I’ve read all the advice that people are so kindly trying to give. I’m pretty crap at advice, but it seems you can come here to get at least a bit of relief. I’m glad you volunteered that your dad is a nice guy. At least you have that. 🙂


    Hiker @replies


    Sigh. Even if you had the same views as your loved ones, this would be a challenge. I gripe with my friends, but unfortunately we don’t feel any better when we’re done. Aside from some early postcard wrting/emails to our representatives, I think we feel that we can’t do much. We contribute to the organizations we feel need the  extra support and could something. (eg. NRDC who actually bring court cases to slow down/stop the insane environmental proposals we’ve been seeing.)

    Aslo, I find following Dan Rather on FB helps just a bit, as I hope others in the USA feel as he does.

    And yep, I shut down the real world in countless rewatches of the Capaldi era.

    Maybe I can learn to be kind.






    Hiker @replies

    Nice countdown clock to Christmas.

    I love it because it’s more Capaldi.

    I hate it because no more Capladi after.

    Hiker @replies


    Your name is too long. 🙂

    Otherwise, I took it as ‘I won’t change again, I want to stay as I am or die.’

    I think he’s burnt out with the effort it takes to get rolling again in a new form. I think also, Bill being turned into a Cyberman, and Missy dissappointing him was all a bit much to an already fatally injured Doctor.

    I have high hopes for the Christmas special. I’ll miss Capaldi. I hope he hits it out of the park!







    Hiker @replies


    So, a funny thing happened on the way through this 8/9/10 rewatch…I fell in love with PC’s Doctor .

    How awkward to fall like a brick at the end of a Doctor’s timeline! And I really don’t have time for this. Game of Thrones is almost half over! I should be all about Brienne and Arya, but here I am instead, trapped in a shipper’s pocket universe.

    By way of explanation, I think it’s a by-product of watching the series one after the other and seeing certain things fall into place. You stop griping about specific episodes as you tend to do when all your attention is on that one weekly event, and you start to focus on through lines.  And the one that struck me was PC Doc and Clara.

    ‘They’ (wisdom of the internet) say she had too large a role, too much Clara’s story at the expense of the usual ‘Brilliant Doctor defeats awesome monster and saves the day’. Yeah, they may be right, but Clara was specifically put in the Doctor’s path by Missy, calculated to have max appeal as a companion and destined to push him to (and beyond) his limits. Perfect Missy: gives you an ideal partner meant to cause you eventual boatloads of pain.

    But it’s that ‘too much focus on the companion’ thing that contributes so much to this Doctor’s arc . We saw what happens when he’s matched with a companion so close that he literally cannot imagine his life without her in it. He breaks all his own rules (a bit of gun play included). I don’t know that we’ve seen a Doctor so desperate, so angry, as we do in Hell Bent! I do believe the return to Gallifrey got short-sheeted, but loved the way it played out. I hope we return there, but sparingly.

    I intended (as befits this thread topic heading) to provide some comments about Capaldi’s era, how I felt Capaldi was perhaps the best of the nu Who Doctors. (I’d say all, but can’t since I’m not a proper Who wonk with instant recall or even pleasant hazy memories of all prior Doctors.) By now many of you have posted on his acting ability, his love of the material, and just how watchable he is. And I’m mostly with you for favorite episodes: the moving speech in the Zygon episode, Season’s 10 ‘The Doctor Falls’. Yes ‘Listen’ is great, and so is ‘World Enough and Time’ but,…

    The ‘Fall of the Raven’, ‘Heaven Sent’ and ‘Hell Bent’ trio of episodes are basically where I got stuck and turned into a …shipper. Everything up to now has been put in place defining their relationship and now we get to see Missy’s plan played out. I’m past trying to determine what kind of love PC and Clara share, except that it’s clear they do love each other, and the outcome, having his memories erased, is a fine and moving ending. He does know Clara exists, which is more than we can say for Donna, and knowledge of that feeling is enough to prevent him from doing the same to Bill.

    (As an aside, I think not having Clara die in Raven, never to appear again, isn’t a problem for me. This is Scifi/Fantasy after all, and major characters should have more inventive ends than ‘Poof, you’re dead’. If I want people to stay dead, I’ll just live my own life, thanks.)

    Even though I could go on, I’m hoping this post suffices to ‘cap’ (groan) my current fixation.


    Thank you for your indulgence.



    Ooh woo, I’m a rebel just for kicks, now
    I been feeling it since 1966, now
    Might be over now, but I feel it still  – PTM

    Hiker @replies

    @drben and MissRori:

    Regarding the Doctor’s present state of mind (and I’m sure I’m not the only one to say it), couldn’t this have something to do with the number of regenerations he’s had? Maybe there is a good reason for a max number of 12 (or was it 13?). Maybe living that number of lives (and they are different people in my opoinion or regeneration wouldn’t be so traumatic) is just as much strain as a Timelord can take!

    Ten didn’t want to stop being his cute, fun self, but Capaldi is just tired of the restart process. He’s had a tough time of it, getting back to what passes for stable.  Then he loses Clara, loses Missy, loses Bill!

    But he still has his hair, so theres’ that. 🙂

    Love the Christmas trailer. It’ll be interestng to see how he comes around to accepting the change, which I asume he will. Can’t see him leaving kicking and screaming.


    Apologies in advance for typos. Reading my own posts is making me gag. Spell Check, wherefore art thou?





    Hiker @replies

    That Christmas trailer. That HAIR!


    Hiker @replies

    Hi All!

    To further wrap my mind around the 12th Doctor I’m doing a…rewatch! How original.

    Now that Capaldi’s reign is over, I find I’m watching these episodes more intently than I did at first. Each episode provides so much FUN regardless of plot issues. Each episode advances the Clara /Doctor relationship (and I’m realizing now that’s what I’m here for, not necessarily in a full-blown Whouffaldi way, but the interaction between the two is a primary attraction for me.).

    I am experiencing again that surprise at his callousness, not saving others, and in fact, lying or misleading them into thinking he was helping them when he was only using them to gather data. He’s insulting and cruel. I’m not sure that would have carried me through multiple seasons, but it was great in these first few episodes, differentiating him from his prior incarnations.

    ( I should provide a disclaimer: I’m NuWho so if he acted like this in the past (Collin Baker?) I’m unencumbered by that baggage.)

    So, I’m just up to the ‘Mummy on the Orient Express’, but I’m lapping up every Capaldi lifted eyebrow, twist of the lip, roll of the eye, sigh etc.

    @ DrBen Capaldi’s Doctor, for me, gets the best character arc out of the modern Doctors.  He begins surly and confused, spends some time being angry and superior, and ultimately re-learns how to have compassion and empathy in a way that allows him to connect with others again.

    Yes, thank you, I’m also running down that road. He has a real arc. He starts out seemly unable to remember anything he learned previously about human interaction, and builds his way back to a real relationship with both Clara and Bill, not to mention Missy.

    Off to watch Flatline.


    Hiker @replies

    @ wolfweed:

    Yes! I aslo think Season 8 Calpaldi had that whiff of Malcolm Tucker about him.

    Also, I “Follow the Hair”:

    Short and severe in Season 8, longer (and my favorite) in Season 9 to go with his more laidback look and approachable demeanor, and full-blown Super Pertwee in Season 1o, indicative of…I’m not sure what.

    Maybe his focus on reclaiming/reforming Missy, then dealing with his ineveitable regeneration make hair a lesser priority, or maybe he’s just chanelling a characteristic of a prior self that he enjoyed (comfort hair?)

    Hiker @replies

    @Thane15 – Nicely said.

    Image result for thumbs up emoji

    Hiker @replies

    Just a quick post; I too just joined this forum to indulge in a little 13th Doctor support-speak, but after reading through this string of posts, I have to say you guys are brilliant, or, in American, awesome.

    Lots of thoughtful commentary. Lost of attempting to engage rather than the trolling I’ve been reading lately.

    For my part, I’m very pleased, hoping Chibnall does a good job so we can enjoy the new season. “Tardis Full of Bras” is fun, but not a whole season of it, please. Still want it to be an episode title.


    (And FWIW, I too, am a woman. Tennant is my Doctor, but I’m all in on Capaldi. Will miss him. )



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